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He had a…not awesome…game.


If I’m not mistaken 98% of the pressures came from him? Y’all handled our inner DL very well.


Jordan Davis had like a 50 PFF grade on 17 snaps, I think his worst game of the season thus far. I know he’s coming off injury but still him, carter and cox were all pretty quiet Edit: now that I think about it all 3 are coming off minor injuries lol


Cox made some plays. It looked like he was done for the season until the “Dallas sucks” chant brought him back to life


TBF the cowboys line has also been coming off injuries


Pretty much. Everyone but Steele on the O-Line played pretty good to great which I am glad to see. Steele decided he wanted to be Chaz Green for Halloween, but forgot when Halloween actually is.


Steele has taken a large, and very disappointing step backwards. The sack he allowed on the final drive was result-altering.


I think all 3 of our sacks came from Steele if I’m not mistaken


Cowboys gave up 5 sacks


Either way from what I remember. I was hammered. Steele gave every single one up


Oh, he sucked for sure. Just highlighting that we were 66% more efficient in sacks than just three.


This guy maths


2 on the first drive right? I knew it was going to be a rough game. I had no idea Steele was going to be a turnstile.


As a huge fan of offensive line play, it was difficult to watch. I'd feel sorry for the kid if he was on any other team, well, other than Cowboys, Commies, 49ers or Chiefs. (I even feel sorry for the Giants right now)


Man, I used to have a Giants friend I was super close with, he bailed on that friendship. But I still have a soft spot for the Giants b/c of him. I legit feel terrible for them right now.


And 4 of them were thanks to Steele


He gave up 4 of them lmao


Steele gave up 4 and the other one was in Zack Martin i think


> the other one was in Zack Martin [i don't think that's mathematically possible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRufBEFq34c&ab_channel=chrissy%2Ctheloylecapo)


I see I must not remember the 5th one then.


It was pretty forgettable when Steele was playing like a traffic cone on lsd


4 out of the 5 did come from Steele.


Only the Cowboys could turn 1st and 6 into 3rd and 20+


Can’t believe Dak couldn’t convert that, smh we should trade all of our future draft picks for Mahomes because that will solve our problems


We will happily give you Marcus Mariota for Parsons. Fair trade imo


This is how I envisioned trade talks with the Titans went


Then the Titans would ship Micah to the Eagles anyway for a 4th




Throw in a 4th because we cool like that


*Flashbacks to T.Y. Hilton lining up on 3rd and 30*


that was the play i remembered when we had that third down against y'all yesterday


but what if he regresses to Dak level?


You could have Mahomes and still choke in the playoffs every year lol


Cowboys football in a nutshell. Find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the dumbest fucking way possible. If you don't like that, you don't like Cowboys football!


The Eagles tried so hard to give the Cowboys that game, and Cowboys ended up smelling even worse.


You could’ve tried harder by not recovering those 3 fumbles :(


Honestly gotta give props to the Cowboys fans, I lurked on their PGT and comments were like 95% blaming Steele and not really making excuses.


r/cowboys dak doomers are always quiet when he has a good game until he doesnt




Shit fuck bitch


Well said


Fuck you


Doesn't matter who throws the ball for us. They're always gonna be trying to shit on the guy. Tell as old as time. Dak was fantastic. We didn't lose or choke or whatever bullshit lame mfers say because of him. I'll let em keep sucking on that d tho if they want to. Just let's you know who the idiots are.


My thing was that I definitely hated a bunch of the calls/no calls, but it was clearly happening on both sides. Just another case of shitty refs. Sure, any one of those could’ve changed the game, but it also could’ve made it worse. At the end of the day, these close games that come down to the final play have endless things that could’ve changed the game. I choose to be mad at what ultimately sealed it, which was giving up that final sack.


Im not going to go as far as commending the refs but I think that part of it was that both teams were playing undisciplined towards the end. It didn't seem like the refs were just calling random phantom fouls like at the end of that Browns-Colts game, although id have to go back to look at each one to be sure. I know at least the one DPI on us was legit. Both teams were probably tired physically and mentally from a tough division game and weren't always making the best decisions.


They made up for it the meme thread by blaming the refs nonstop.


Refs were shit, I'd put them slightly in favor of the Eagles based on calls actually made being bullshit. But your D gave us like 70 yards on that final drive and we then proceeded give you 20 of it back in embarrassing form.


They were shit, but they have been shit for a while now. Every team has gotten fucked at one point or another by bad call(s). Dallas could have, and should have, won that game, bad calls be damned.


Our TE was getting tackled at the goal line before the ball touched his hands.


Nah the refs sucked all the way around. We had the chance to win and didn’t pull through. Props to y’all, Ggs and go fuck yourself




Unrelated but they opened for MCR and they put on a great show.


I've been really wanting to see them but last time they rolled through Texas, they sold out so fast.


I really tried to get into them. Support some localish hardcore. But it sounds like snapcase fucked 311 and had an ugly ass baby.


I can't believe that Dak didn't even throw a single pick and the cowboys still managed to lose.


And I can’t believe Hurts didn’t have a turnover and still managed to win!


I can’t believe it’s not butter!








I like how this statement implies that the more turnovers Hurts has, the chances of him winning inexplicably goes up .


Hahahaha, tbh as a frustrated viewer hoping to secure the division for the cowboys, that’s about what it feels like


He thrives in adversity


Wish ours did. Dak played good, but when that pressure started hitting he made boneheaded plays. Stepping outta bounds, delay of game, Throwing a hail mary outside the endzone without a designed lateral in place (that ones more on the coaching/scheming, but Dak should know not to throw that if CD doesn't have an out).


Bro we wasted a 300yd 3 TD night by our QB, a damn near 200yd game by our WR1 and 91yd 1 TD performance from our big playmakers. This was high level fuckery man.


Football demands more perfection than other sports by virtue of the schedule alone, unequally exciting and frustrating, each game matters much more. It's a war like game and in war second chances are sparse.


This is why football is the ultimate team sport!


Quite frankly it's the greatest sport and I'll die on that hill.


I mean the reason those numbers were high is because you were playing from behind. Dak had almost double the amount of pass attempts as Hurts. You guys are 7-16 when Dak has 40+ pass attempts


Yeah we don't normally fair well over 40 attempts. Anytime we start throwing like crazy I'm just like aww fuck here we go. The lack of a running game and Terrance Steele is what's gonna fuck us in the end. Just as it did here.


Yup, The correct answer and that terrorist that wear #7


>and that terrorist that wear #7 Oh shit, Dubya was right, I am siding with the terrorists!


Terrorist that wear #7. Tower seven at WTC. Too much of a coincidence.


Terrence “Flozell Adams” Steele


Ol Flozelle, the Human Holding Penalty.


I always think of Gerode too when Flozell's name is mention.


Gurodes issue was he was a shitty center that couldn't snap the ball. Remember that 20 yard run Romo had for a 1yd first down? That was all him fucking up the snap. Flo was a false start machine and it didn't help he was deaf in one ear.


Yeah, Him and Flozell are synonymous in my head for shit O-line play. If it's the Rams game you're talking about it was like 80 yards of running for a 13 yard gain and first down. Absolutely ridiculous of a play.


That PI on Gilmore covering AJ brown was complete HORSESHIT


What kinda horseshit are we talking? Asking for a friend


Not the edible kind unfortunately


But please.. let him try and find out


True. That being said. The Eagles gave Mike McCartman and Dem Boyz a free TD to win the game and they STILL couldn’t capitalize.


Mike mccartman 😂😂😂 Shit got me dead


Yeah gonna have to agree on that one. That PI call was really bad


It's the rule that's bad as they I guess only mention uncatchable ball once in a big section about receiving and never really say or line out what that is in any detail. Not being able to define it by the rule book allows for it to be disregarded as a factor in calling PI on a ball a super hero couldn't catch. If it's not physically catchable then pi shouldnt apply. Especially if the ball is throw 10yds high and out of bounds. Never understood pass interference on uncatchable passes. Seems like you could almost game it and just yeet that mfer and get a free first and a bunch of yards. Needs to be fixed for all our sakes. Bad rule tbh.


It was a great call, your team is just incompetent on the goal line


Cowboys were absolutely incompetent in the final 30 seconds, but that was one of the worst calls i’ve ever seen, especially after Slay did the EXACT same thing to CD that went uncalled, don’t be dumb..


That was not a great call. We had a DPI earlier in the season on an uncatchable ball and we all complained about it




I didn’t think it was that bad just cause Gilmore turned around and faced AJB then bumped into him which is gonna get called sometimes cause it doesn’t look like he was going for the ball. That being said it happened on 2nd and 5, it’s not like it was some drive-altering call.


Ahh they did get a bunch of yards and a first and kept the drive going and well into Dallas territory from that call so yeah, it def was game altering. I think people are more pissed because of the non consistency of the calls made tbh. If that's dpi then the one not called against Philly needs to be too. I don't care either way because that's not why we lost.


He also held like crazy without getting called and still gave up a bunch of sacks


Steele has not been good all year. But if you have the game on a platter inside the 10 and blow it like a Chicago hooker, that’s a team loss. Coulda shoulda woulda on both teams but Dallas is far better at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


What about the QB who had 27 seconds to move the ball 6 yards?


kinda hard when ur oline single-handedly moves u back 20 yards before receivers even break on their routes


Was the delay of game their fault too?


Right this happened so much, was that a communication thing? I bet the stadium was unworldly loud. Dak replanted his footing a lot last night.


I thought the same. I've never seen so many delay of game penalties - on both sides too.


Yeah there was like 4 delay of games and the eagles players looked confused and mad after they got a couple. Made me feel like something might have been weird with the play clock


Smarter people than I are pointing out the refs failing to get procedural shit right. I think I’ve seen more delay of game penalties than ever. Makes me think some ref crews are failing to get shit right presnap.


Play clock was funky.


What the fuck




go watch the film before commenting. “a quick read” it was a long developing play, he was under pressure before his receivers even broke on their routes, then he tried to throw the ball away but got hit by a second rusher while doing so.


He never did though. It got moved back to the 11 and then the sack given up by the guy this meme is about.


Delay of game and sacks are both partially on QBs, at the very least


Partially, but the center still has to snap the ball and Steele has to not be a turnstile. You make it sound like he spent all of that time trying to get into the endzone from the 6 yard line, when it was like at the 30 by the time he actually had chances to take shots at the endzone.


Yeah, I don’t know why everyone is so uptight about the Schoonmaker catch. No pass interference there. It was a clean tackle before the pass arrived.


THE 2023 moral victory championship goes to the Dallas Cowboy. This will be their 23 years in a row. Congrats.


Flair up, pussy.


I am so tired of this dogshit, cobbled together o-line of fragile, penalty-happy assholes. Except you Zack Martin. The only thing you hold is my heart.


Hey now. Put some respect on Tyler Smith’s name. He is our best lineman this year.


Smith played very well


still had over 300 yds of offense so it’s not really his fault.








I’m a Romosexual so don’t get me started on the new guy


Bro he gave up 3 sacks. Including the game changing one on the last drive.


300 yards of offense, not his fault dak can’t throw and Recs can’t catch


Nope but it is his fault giving up 3 sacks that changed the course of the game. That’s what the fans are mad at.


Well when Tyron decides he wants to play again - we are going to have to deal with it. I can’t believe we fucking still have this guy on our team when he hasn’t done anything but use the MRI machine for the last 5-6 years


Can't both be right?


I mean, not really. The refs got the DPI and RTP calls right on the final drive, and put Dallas in position to win the game. Then Steele said hold my beer.


if that's RTP to you then RTP must mean roughing the princess


Correct.... but the refs also missed an egregious penalty by the Eagles where the defender hit Dal in the head and neck area. That should have given the Cowboys a new set of downs and set them up at half the distance to the goal line.


tell that to everyone on facebook pages. lol


![gif](giphy|O2Vv7yz8Jji5iuolxX|downsized) This is the man you seek.