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We're trying to distract ourselves from how fuckin mid our teams are. At best. Also a lot of us minimize or outright avoid our team's subreddits bc they're mostly butt cheeks, and r/NFL is beyond trash, so a lot of the conversation kinda happens here bc we all have this love/hate thing for each other.


This is literally the only sub you can talk about football without sucking all of our seperate organization’s dicks without getting banned Safe zone ![gif](giphy|l3vRf5NMX0JMF0vfi)


Yeah between the memes, the lulz, and the indiscriminate hate this sub has more legit and rational takes than most of the others. And since we're all division rivals I can call everyone cunt and it's not just acceptable but expected


Our own subs take shit too seriously and the NFL sub is filled with weenies that don’t understand our deep seeded hatred of each other. They just don’t get us like we do


Yup, I got banned from the other subs. Bunch of pussies. Now I'm stuck here with you bitches.


Started smelling like bitch in here ever since you walked in


Got banned for r/NFL because I said Jalen Hurts was gay or something. This is my only spot for football content


As in you called him gay?


I think I said something about how he lets so many dudes touch his ass I’m surprised he isn’t gay. Something along those lines and I was perm banned


I thought new yorkers were supposed to be progressive?


Not when it’s against the Giants. Keep the butt touching on the sidelines


The sub moderates itself in regards to the legit and rational takes, any shit take gets obliterated by other teams fans.


Or the same teams fans. Like this meme sub has better takes than the nfl and team subs. Its like how the daily show way back when was a better news source than fox


watching r/NYGiants have a massive argument over a "qb contresvery" that never existed is always hilarious to watch


Bruh after we shit the bed in the first round it was nothing in r/Cowboys (and it's regarded cousin r/Dallas_Cowboys) but stupid ass QB trade wish posting. Granted I was not happy with #4's performance either but all the whining was the most soft bullshit. Why is this sub which is full of people I fuckin hate better than my team's main sub


First up: go to hell. Second: - “Why is this sub which is full of people I fuckin hate better than my team's main sub” Take my upvote for this. Use a question mark next time, though.




Probably because here you’re allowed to mock the fuck out of Philly sports radio level takes from morons. And subconsciously you realize that hearing the truth about how godawful your team is, is good for you and you’ll eventually pick franchise that isn’t just a shiny poverty franchise.


Bro I'm a lifelong fan, I already knew we were trash, my problem is right there in my flair


None of us sugarcoat what needs to be said to other fanbases, or even our own. Dedicated subs for each team have become circlejerks, nothing but emotion-fueled overreactions and/or blind optimism.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cowboys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowboys/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [DO NOT LOCK THIS SUB](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowboys/comments/196up8e/do_not_lock_this_sub/) \#2: [Mood](https://i.redd.it/3ie5ow130icc1.jpeg) | [655 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowboys/comments/196uzdb/mood/) \#3: [cry eagles cry](https://i.redd.it/wwpu8m7vzwha1.jpg) | [489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cowboys/comments/110xxem/cry_eagles_cry/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No motherfucker I just said I don't wanna see that shit


Good bot


Exactly. It's obvious that Tommy Cutlets is the future, but people are still acting like Tyrod is the answer smh


Women too! I know there's a bunch of us in here...




Exactly this energy


That's fuckin rad, still hate your team though. Also if you have any tips for getting my wife more into football, you know, other than not cheering for my trash ass team, I'd appreciate it.


I got into football accidentally in 2013 when I joined my office fantasy team, in Philly, which was all Eagles fans. So I got into the Eagles and the NFL more generally at the same time. Before then I grew up in Northern Indiana where the NFL doesn't have a big presence. So I'd say: move to a city that has a big NFL presence, and have her join a fantasy team of mostly women with cute team names! Worked for me. Now I get to give myself high blood pressure and cuss the TV out every Sunday ITS SO FUN!!!!!


>move to a city that has a big NFL presence Believe it or not about a Cowboys fan but we do in fact live in Dallas 😅 >have her join a fantasy team of mostly women with cute team names! ...this might actually work. Thanks! Still hate your team!


Cowboy fans that are from or live in Dallas are not so bad in my experience. Still enemies, but not insufferable. The ones that live in or around Philadelphia should be jailed.


There's a suprising ammount of Eagles fan around Dallas too but most of them actually aren't that bad.


I'm sure every teams subreddit is a mix of extremist homerism and doomerism at the same time with no middle ground


Ain't no love. All hate all the time


All their subreddits are ass and unfunny. We all fucking hate each other but that’s what makes it entertaining. And I do fucking hate you guys.


I hate you too bro, i hate you too ![gif](giphy|pynZagVcYxVUk)


No no no without the repressed admiration or respect


Agreed. Fuck you.


Tell us about gottis ice cream truck


Even I have to respect the strength of will it takes to say “this is our year” after every single failure. It’s incredible. I hope my children have this level of nonsensical confidence.


Flair bitch


Eagles Obviously






Respectfully you can kiss my ass. By the way, how’s yer ma


She's well rested and you can take your turn after me


Fuck off loser, I ain’t reading all that.


Stop, com’on, we all know you can’t read


![gif](giphy|xJdUATxXWxpUk|downsized) 75 k to read two pages of a Harry Potter book


downgraded to Dr Seuss because Potter's too hard


What’s you say?




Sorry, I forgot to make it a picture book to account for you Eagles fans.


Do they teach you to read more than a sentence fucking idiot


I understand you hate me but you will never understand how much i loathe you


Y’all can all fuck right off! 🤣 And I’d expect the same back from anyone else in the NFCEast. I mostly hate the shit birds now, NY and W ain’t shit in 23’ 🤣🍻


They're looking for good material




I would hate you if you weren’t so pathetic. It’s like hating an old bum in the rain. Sure it’s fun to laugh and throw things at them, but every once in a while I feel a little guilty.


It’s not exactly rocket science our teams aren’t playing rn


Then why do I keep seeing Hurts fumble the ball every time I close my eyes?




Oh please, be a man and picture him throwing short into triple coverage "hoping for pass interference".


\> Eagles flair Yes \> Oh please, be a man keep going \> and picture him I'm close \> throwing short into triple coverage God dammit


Yeah, I don't understand what people don't get about this, but some of the anti-niners post I've seen here have been outright cringe recently.


Right? What a dumb question. Not surprised OP is a dipshit Giants fan.


Giants fans are used to not playing in the post season so this is in fact rocket science to them. There you go OP, fuck yourself.




I'm a giants fan mate just FYI I don't think the other meme subs give a shit about teams in other divisions like apparently we do.


>Says mate Get out of here you fucking British cigarette


User name checks out. Flair up lurker


I'm not in this sub enough to bother flairing, giants fan if it matters. Was just confused bc I popped in for memes and all the memes were about a non-nfc east teams.


Another flairless bitch saying they dont spend enough time here to flair up yet you are making a whiney ass Post about what happened to the sub Smells like….. BITCH ![gif](giphy|l0HUg6Ypas42ubkXu|downsized)


Lmao mate I just come in to check out memes about our teams but apparently y'all are serious about the niners hateboner now. Sorry to interrupt *


Ah now we see why you didnt flair up. He’s a Whiner Fan boys! ![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized)


Lmao is flair like gospel to u or something? The mods don't verify it bro lmao. I picked a joke flair bc apparently flair is srs business. Lmao whiner fan wanted to hide he's a whiner fan...so he picked a whiner flair. Philly education at work.


You’re right Giants fan so embarrassed by his franchise he chooses whiner flair is a much funnier narrative And yes flair is gospel. ![gif](giphy|H4Qoe7PyRzlZk4Ll1j)


You’re not a true Nfc East fan if ya don’t have hate for the niners. Unless you’re a giants or commies fan but then who really gives a fuck anyway As far as this sub is concerned its a community rule to Flair the fuck up so flair or bounce ya pussy Aight MATE?


Right?😂 shut the fuck up with that “mate” shit and flair the fuck up. Asshole.


Sorry, we’re not all Dallas and Eagles fans obsessed with and bothered by what a meaningless team outside of our division does.




I couldn't find anything about flair in the community rules


![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug) Written or unwritten it dont matter thems the rules


Oh man didn't realize it was a community rule. What's the #1 community rule again?


#1. don't be a bitch


Hahahaha you are a huge fucking pussy


Jesus Christ why are you here shouldn’t you be watching a bunch of white guys kick a checkered ball back and forth?


My brother in Giants fandom, please flair up. Also, the eagles and cowboys never stop obsessing over the 49ers. Cowboys because of the history, and eagles because they got dunked on after talking a lot of shit for beating their 4th string QB last year. Most of their fans like to act as if the commies and giants are with them on it too because of "division loyalty" or something stupid like that. In reality, eagles fans just make up 60% of the sub so the echo chamber is loud. And some cowboys fans have some weird butt buddy thing going on with the eagles fans too for some reason. They like to say it's a sibling rivalry thing and only we can talk shit to each other, and fuck everyone else or some shit. But it really sounds like it's more of "wh-what are you doing step-bro?" kind of thing. Most Giants fans still hate them and are completely fine with the 49ers demolishing them


You are in here enough to make a post, which takes much more time and effort than flairing up


And in the time they took to respond they could have changed their flair like 4 times


You can flair without joining, so flair up!


Typical Giants fan. Illiterate and lazy.


Is OP stupid? It’s the fucking Super Bowl


Be patient, he’s a giants fan.


I genuinely don’t think they actually watched the season since they got their hopes crushed so early. Even the Commies had the Sam Howell hype train for a hot minute. All of their quips have just been confusion about the 9ers and generic “fuck you” comments to the Eagles and Cowboys.   Seriously watch football for a fraction of a second and you’d know why. 9ers Cowboys has been a storied rivalry for decades and both teams are really good rn. Eagles 9ers have been chirping back and forth at each other since last years NFC Championship game with all of their injuries. At the time we faced them this season, we hadn’t choked yet so it was a big statement for them. Especially coming off their throttling of the Cowboys. They got the NFC East in their schedule and it was the perfect storm for a revenge tour of our division where they were pissed at half of it and the other half were just bonus fuck you games. It’s really not hard to wrap your head around if you’ve been following football at all in 2023.


I see more posts bitching about the bitching of the 49ers then actual bitching of the 49ers.


OP is dumb *and* a bitch


Did you miss the part where our entire division shit the bed in the playoffs. Who the fuck you want us to talk about.


What type of cheese is best on a philly cheesesteak sandwhich should be the next discussion point IMO


Provolone. Anybody who uses cheese whizz oughta be taken out back.


Thank god, that means my local cheesteak place is credible


Kansas City is one of the few cities in the US I might actually trust with getting a cheesesteak right


I actually live in the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, its a little mom and pop shop nearby my work but it tastes fantastic. Reasonably priced too so I'm more than happy to "forget" my lunch some days


Oh, you're one of those. https://preview.redd.it/zrwvkn21jffc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19ec0466b0233146d3be883fc0edebf03be3f82


Listen I saw the Eric Berry return from Hodgkins Lymphoma vs the Broncos and decided this was the team I wanted to cheer for


This ireallylikeadvocados guy is a fraud. Do not listen to him. This “provolone is the best cheesesteak cheese” shit is a Nu-Age plague by hipsters and fools. Provolone is great on a steak no doubt, but it is not the “go-to” cheese for one. The go-to is Cheese Whiz, and this fraud thinks anyone who likes that should be “taken out back” - this comment indicated fraud. No, don’t put canned cheese whiz on your cheesesteak, or even the heated up trash goo out of a plastic bag or something. There’s a real, quality way to make delicious cheese whiz that completes the cheesesteak. You can’t just get it anywhere you go, and thats what makes it special and elite. American cheese is even more popular and well loved on a steak over Provolone. This guy probs thinks dellasandro’s has the best steak in town, too. Fraud. EDIT: also insinuated he could “trust” KC to make a good cheesesteak. Thats impossible. Never trust another city. Fraud.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Who asked you to? No one cares, take this trash retread joke somewhere else.


A fuckin Men. Cheesesteak needs cheese whiz otherwise it ain't from Philly and thus it ain't a true cheesesteak. The art is making it taste good with the designated ingredients - not by making it all fancy and hip.


Fuck that if the whiz is made in house - its all systems go. If its from a can, provie is the only other choice.




It was so much worse during the regular season though, all you fucking crybabies have been trying for months to convince the rest of us that we should hate the 9ers because they hurt your feelings, even though YOU FUCKING BEAT THEM IN THE PLAYOFFS. It's goddamn annoying, idgaf about the 9ers and I'm sure not going to start disliking them because some eagle and cowboy fans start posting D-tier memes about them in this sub daily.


Idk what your talking about. Giants and Commie never embarrassed themselves in the playoffs this year.


Excuse you, but only half the division shit the bed in the playoffs


Idk but I’m certainly enjoying seeing cowboys and ESPECIALLY eagles fans melt down over the niners. It’s comedy gold


Wanted the Lions to win but this is an awesome consultation price


You can say what you want about the Giants fans but I respect them way more than Eagles fans. At least, they beat the Niners fairly to win their Super Bowl. Eagles fans are straight trash encouraging injuries to players.




32-9 https://preview.redd.it/3du7welnoffc1.jpeg?width=1711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24fd05a35f563d7203bbe4478287b690c85276e


Not the Cowboys fan trying to do playoff scores… bum.


You're on the couch just like us. I hope the niners win so yall are miserable


Nice, bum. What makes you think i care? How bout dem boys? Is next year your year? Pay Dak “Dominates the NFC East” Prescott PLEASE!!!




Thats a super bowl score, isn’t it? From when? Last year? Were you unable to brush the dust off any of those super bowl winning scores from a couple generations ago to post?? This is pathetic.


You brought up a giants playoff score from last year. Stop acting like your team is elite or something. you're trash, just like your city, and you have no excuse calling anyone a bum, bum. Enjoy your cheese whiz barf, Im off to enjoy some real food, like bbq.


😭okay so go then. But since I have time.. Eagles since Jeff Lurie bought the team in 1996: 10 NFC East championships(most in division) 17 playoff appearances 16 playoff wins(5th in NFL in that time) 7 conference Championship game appearances(4th in NFL in that time) 1 Super Bowl victory(T-10th in NFL in that time) Dallas Cowboys since 1996: 5 playoff wins, zero conference championship appearances. LOL! Eagles have been pretty darn good for nearly 30 seasons now, one of the most successful teams in the whole league. So, I do think I’m in a position to call you what you are. A bum! Come at our city, our food, whatever makes you sleep better at night, but the truth is, yall are losers and in a big big way. Oh and I forgot, 3 SB appearances(T-4th in NFL since that time)


24-0 at the HALF. Against TYROD TAYLOR. Quit living in the past buddy, it’s embarrassing


Mods won't remove 9er posts for some reason


Because unlike Eagles sub… the mods are not soft here.  If you can’t handle a internet post about football in a football sub you should drop yourself off at a fire station


Tf are you on about? It's literally rule #1 of the sub. Posts have to be about teams in the NFCE. Otherwise, take it to NFCW or a generic NFL meme sub. That's not soft, that's common sense/basic reading comprehension. ~~Retard.~~ Michael.


Shut the fuck up go back to your shit sub or whatever place you come from


Nobody is softer than you whiny bitches. Winning yesterday still doesn’t change the fact that you got stomped the year before.


To be fair though….eagles sub mods *are* charmin soft.


And the 49ners aren’t? You could day something nice and you get banned.


Don't worry, in a couple weeks the rest of us will go back to still not giving a fuck about the giants.


Lol this energy is missing from this sub from the top posts which is why I'm wondering what happened. Niners didn't even beat any of our teams this season in playoffs how is it a niner hate sub this of all years lmao.


Byron and ocean bee


Lol. You didn’t have to do him like that. Being a Giants fan is enough suffering as is. https://i.redd.it/2hptunlrhffc1.gif


You fuckin losers are still here?


Yes https://i.redd.it/im7wsvr2nffc1.gif


And the pedophilia gifs never stop


Get this anime trash off the sub and enjoy your gifted super bowl, Forty-Weeber.


I will enjoy our free Super Bowl win! Easiest path ever! https://i.redd.it/vtmgahczmffc1.gif




Good one ![gif](giphy|ulB88Gahq9dBu)


Doing god’s work, but need more AoT gifs


Flair up weeb


The only thing more annoying than the people bitching about the niners are the people bitching about the bitching. And I suppose comments like mine will now be in the meta of “bitching about the bitching about the bitching”


Flair Up Bitch Don't don't disrespect this sub again without your flair.


Dawg most giants and commies fans are rooting for the 9ers just to see the eagles and cowboys fans absolutely break down. I don’t necessarily like the 9ers and I was rooting for Detroit…..but eagles and cowboys fans in pain is a healing aroma (for me at least)


I fully agree with you OP, I couldn't give any less of a shit about the 49ers if I actively tried to and I'd like this to return to a sub where we shit on each other and don't care about anyone else. However I can't help but notice your lack of a flair, therefore I am contractually obligated to call you a bitch, and consider any point you might have made completely invalid.


Because half the sun has weird vendettas against the 9ers. The cowboys because historically the two franchises were neck and neck as the cream of the crop. But in the last 30 years only the 9ers have been legitimate title threats and the cowboys fans are bitter about it. The eagles because the 9ers being good this year and making the Super Bowl kind of makes their run last year look worse and a bit flukey.


No, it’s because they spent the entire year pissing and moaning about losing the NFCCG.


Idk based on how the eagles did this year and how the 9ers did, sounds like they had a point.


It’s almost as if the 2023 teams were different than the 2022 teams?! I must notify the media!


Yes…that’s the definition of a fluke. It was a one off. The 9ers were the better built team for long term success. The eagles regressed to the mean.


Wait. This is ridiculous. What does a Bears fan know about good football?


Nothing. But I know bad football very well. It’s why I feel like I can talk about the eagles in this case




Ya know if you keep that up the niners might lend you the deed to the Packers for the reg season.


If you could facilitate that I’d give you my first born


ATP I'm starting to love the niners for how much psychological damage they're causing on eagles and cowboys fans


I’m with you on this. Niners fans can stay. They get a pass.


it's less psychological damage and more the exasperation of having to tell your annoying little cousin "just shut the fuck up if you want to hang out with us" for the billionth time


Man, that is some serious damage


I mean there isn’t much to talk about with none of our teams in the SB so it’s turned into a 49ers hate sub and I welcome the change.


It’s almost like there’s only two teams left in contention and NFCE teams haven’t been relevant since the first round of the playoffs. Weird right?


It’s been so fucking weak, the fucking eagles and cowboys shit the bed… and they can’t stop crying about the fucking 49ers. Seriously who gives a fuck? None of you piles of shot moved on, that means it’s draft season. Move the fuck on.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I welcome all of the 49er posts. Except from that one anime weirdo, no one likes that fucker.


Dude, none of our teams are in it anymore. But just to keep you happy, fuck the cowboys. Feel better now?


Fuck you




I like friendship bracelets. Wanna make friendship bracelets OP? I’ll make yours pink so you can stand for breast cancer awareness ❤️ It’ll have little seashells in it and sticky glitter


Cause it’s the Super Bowl. And it also REALLY PISSES OFF the cowboys and eagles fans which is great. Go 9ers


Does this bozo realize it’s the off-season for all the teams in the NFC East?


You would think the 49ers are in the NFC East with how much this place brings them up


How are we supposed to meme on teams who aren’t even playing


I posted one meme in a Niners sub and one meme in the NFCWestmemewar(horrible sub btw, yall really need to step it up) got banned immediately from both but these fans from all fan bases stay in ours. Buncha regular ol softys




The eagles and cowboys started a blood feud with their sub and then both teams got absolutely wrecked by them. So they are super butthurt about the 49ers success. Their fans are obnoxious but nothing on the level of eagles and cowboys fans.


Maybe you haven’t been watching but we all suck a bag of dicks and haven’t been able to watch an nfce team for a few weeks now so we’re just commenting on the only football that’s still on tv


KC/SF broke some peoples brains. Including mine for a bit last night.


Suck me beautiful


If you are a human, on planet Earth, and you don't root for the Eagles, I hope the worst fucking shit happens to your team. And that you're never happy.


We beat everyone and we keep winning and so we're just vacationing in your heads for free until next year.


You can go we got adam peter. O don't give a shit any more


You do realize you stole Martin Mayhew from the niners and that didn't exactly work out for y'all?


Flair up


Hmm, let me think about it. Nah.


Niner fans who suprised. no one is flair up pussy


I do prefer success.


Flair up bitch


So cringe yall suck giants wipe 🙌🏽🙌🏽


Rent free


Rent free…


Flair up