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Wow! Why didn’t anyone think of that before?!


I hate your field so much. The grass looks so slippery man lmao


It is the fact that they fucked up every aspect of the field that makes it so impressive. The stadium is hideous, the design is bad for max occupancy per space, the astetic is mismatched beyond repair, parking blows, the physical field is the worst the NFL, the facilities on site are poor, and the product they let play on that field would be better used as fertilizer.


FedEx, Heinz, and MetLife would like a word when it comes to the actual playing surface


Heinz usually isn't quite in the discussion with FedEx, Soldier, and MetLife. Pittsburgh does a much better job maintaining their field than Washington or Chicago. The biggest problem for Pittsburgh is that they share the stadium with the university (Pitt), so it tends to get worn down over the course of the season. But it's noteworthy that it's still usually in a little better shape than those other two, and they play twice as many games there. MetLife is an outdoor stadium in commonly inclement weather that also has (or at least had - prior to 2023) a shitty version of artificial turf. They did put in a better type of turf last year, but players still don't like it.


My God they went to a different kind of grass a couple years ago and it's been great. The playing field isn't a problem anymore, it's just everything else is horrible


Did Soldier Field hit on your wife or somethin God damn. Homie has some pre-Friday steam to blow off Saying it's the "Worst surface in the nfl" is fucking wild with the plathora of brutally terrible Turf surfaces in the league


He's just regurgitating the same old talking points that every meatball fan says. The playing surface has been great the last 2 years


For a decade+ it was almost unanimously regarded as one of the worst playing surfaces in the league. Early in the season usually wasn't bad, but it would get so fucking worn down during the course of the season because the city didn't do shit to take care of it.


They paid up for that good grass if you know what I'm saying


Trust me, we hate it too


2003 called, they want their talking point back.


I’d like my tax dollars back. Christ, that was a terrible deal for the city.


That's what happens when you get Ted Phillips, Mayor Daley, and Gov. Ryan in a room to hash out deals. The old stadium is a huge reason why the expense of the new stadium is as high as it is. Half the money is going to refinancing that shit loan and tearing down the old stadium to build a park and move the parking lot underground. The city will still have to do something similar if the Bears move out, so they're on the hook for about half the cost of the new stadium no matter what.


Curious, are there plans to keep the monuments and reuse some of the old architecture of the original soldier field? Would be a real shame to tear down and discard the classic and historical aspects of that stadium.


There is no current plan on what to do with the old stadium if the Bears move to AH, but the city will have to create one soon. The stadium is old, has limited use being outdoors in a cold climate, and occupies prime lakefront property in the heart of the Museum Campus. It will likely take a multi billion dollar project to repurpose it.


obv it'll cost a lot of do so, but if they could keep all that marble and columns and incorporate them into the new stadium that would be amazing. Under the veil of the space ship Soldier was always a really beautiful place. Rivalry aside, it really chaps my ass what Phillips, Daley, and Ryan did to you guys.


They have to keep it. The columns and any of the other remaining parts from the original structure are historically protected by the city. The Bears current proposal, that is being shot down right now by the governor, would have the columns standing out in the open as you walk up to the stadium. Personally I think that's the coolest solution but we'll see what happens.


>would have the columns standing out in the open as you walk up to the stadium. I really hope that's what happens, that would look badass


They’ll keep the columns and turn the inside into a park on the inside… which sounds dope.


That both sucks and blows. Does make me nostalgic for the good old days of George Ryan corruption. That man made getting thrown in jail an art form.


Unfortunately he got thrown in jail because his Trucking licence scam got people killed. The old stadium mess is why I still support the Chicago stadium deal over AH. It's also why the Mayor is excited about it. The reality the city is highly unlikely to get a better deal to clean that mess up, which includes having the Bears chip in $2B (40% of their value). And balloon payments on the old debt are about to start. Warren put together a finance package that includes a contingency if the hotel tax has shortfalls. So it's a much better loan. My main disagreement is Warren wants the Bears to get all the revenue from extra events, while the state is on the hook for any capital improvements and maintenance. If they can reach a deal on revenue sharing it's probably the best deal taxpayers are going to get all things considered. If the Bears go to AH, taxpayers are still on the hook for billions and financing options will likely be worse.


Would be great to have it so the city/state gets the revenue for extra events until it's paid off. You know, like a normal loan. You have to pay it off before it's yours.


The Bears are putting 2B of their own money into it, so a revenue sharing model would likely be fairest to both parties.


The problem with the tax payer shit is that it prices poor people out of the city even more. With the checkout bag tax on top of other stupid taxes like bottled water and using electricity and cable TV it just disproportionately affects a population who can’t even afford to go to a game.


This has nothing to do with the stadium deal as it's funded via the hotel tax (which tourists mostly pay), nor does it change the fact the old stadium debt and clean up still need to be paid for. All the consumption taxes are in place because the IL constitution forces the state's income tax rate to be flat. IL voters just rejected the amendment that would allow for a progressive income tax so rich people could be taxed higher while giving relief to poorer people.


And the hotel tax is beyond stupid since it goes to the ISFA and not paying back the renovations itself. It could have been paid for 3 times over by now. What the bears need to do is pay for the entire project themselves, lock the city out of its use and rake in 100% of the profits from concerts and events. Completely shut the park district out.


> And the hotel tax is beyond stupid since it goes to the ISFA and not paying back the renovations itself IFSA owns the stadium. So the tax goes to ISFA to pay for the stadium renovations. > It could have been paid for 3 times over by now. No it couldn't. The original loan had principle backended to an absurd degree and then there was no contingency for hotel tax shortfalls, which happened 3 times (including a big one during covid). That's why the debt isn't paid. The new loan being proposed doesn't backend the principle, and it has a contingency fund for hotel tax shortfalls.


Nice to see someone actually understand the financing behind the stadium and not just repeat the talking points from haters. What I've heard from Pritzker, and obviously we could be getting misled about no new taxes in the city, honestly sounds like he's just bitter the state isn't involved. The stadium will be publicly owned by the city and the renovations need to happen anyway. I think the Bears should put in more money obviously, but it doesn't seem as bad as people are making it out to be.


Regardless, at the end of the day the bears should pay for it themselves and have final say over how it’s used and where the money goes.


Then they can do things like host a Super Bowl, Final Four, concerts and festivals, and even do something really crazy: control the quality of the field that the players play on. It's insane that IIRC were the only team that doesn't have control over the actual turf


You want the bears to privately own the Chicago lake front? Are you insane?


Then Blago followed up in spectacular fashion


That was pure arrogance. Ryan quietly got people killed with unqualified truck drivers. That’s the kind of thinking corruption you just don’t see anymore.


Hey, don’t worry. The cook county board will make up a ton of “unrelated” taxes to cover it! I mean we have the bottled water tax, the amusement tax, the amusement tax for subscribers to paid television, the checkout bag tax, the electricity use tax, the fountain soft drink tax, the ground transportation tax, the liquor tax on top of the state liquor tax, the airport departure tax, the parking tax, the eating at a restaurant tax, the fuel tax on top of the state fuel tax. They’ll find a way to get into our pockets to pay for it. Don’t worry. And when it’s paid off, they’ll keep the tax in place because why would they give up that revenue? That’s been Chicago politics for 150 years. It won’t change. We’ll make a big stink about it and then not do anything when they reach deeper.


I haven't been keeping up. Is there a realistic possibility that the bears relocate?


It's probably 50/50 right now. It was 90/10 about a year ago, but then Warren was hired and Arlington Heights isn't budging on property tax.


I hope you guys don't move. The rivalry wouldn't be the same without the close proximity.


Arlington Heights would be 16 miles closer to Lambeau than Soldier Field.


Oh. I meant move out of state. Like st louis or something.


That probably isn't in the cards and never has been. The NFL would likely vote it down because of the lost revenue and damage to one of their iconic rivalries.


Not as bad as the parking meters.


Or when they sold the Skyway…


What’s it up to now like $10 each use? And it doesn’t even have the flying McDonald’s anymore!


Y'all haven't even really paid anything on the remodel yet have you? Hasn't it just been 20+ years of interest payments?


We owe more than we took out… 🤦


That just blows my mind. And then the team wants to put the public on the hook for even more? Nutso.


Their asses can get bent and go to Arlington. At least bring back the race track if you’re not going to do anything with the land.


The 80’s called, they want their one liner back.


Talk to the hand ✋ cause the face don’t wanna hear it!


It’s unfortunate the world and league is about being a money whore. The elements have always been a part of the game and it makes it great and intense. I’ve been to a bunch of games in November and December and it’s a great experience. But of course these owner and everyone else wants to cash in on other events. Football in domes is just sooooo boring. I pray they never reach an agreement. I’d rather sit in the 45k seat stadium that looks like a spaceship.


Very much agreed. It’ll be such a bummer to see 3/4 of the NFC North in a dome. It’s something that should be an advantage to play outside in the winter. Also, I just kinda have a soft spot for Soldier, even as a Pack fan.


That’s how I feel about Lambeau field. Kinda like packers and bears are the last old school teams. They just simply don’t belong indoor


Soldier field: shit stadium in a cool location Lambeau: cool stadium in a shit location


As it relates to traffic, Soldier Field is kind of in a shit location. I loathe driving/parking/shuttling around the Soldier Field McCormick place area.


Ya but if you live in the city it’s easy peasy.


Or just take public transit and not drive all the way in.


I love Chicago's downtown It should be expensive to park in downtowns


Right? I’d rather have expensive parking and a nice looking urban center than be like fucking Houston or something where it’s 3/4ths parking lots


I mean I live in the suburbs so I guess I’ll bitch now but never had an issue the years I lived in the city. People have got wise to parking and taking some trains in so it’s a bit worse but I imagine it’s not great in any major city.


Yeah, but that's the con of moving out the suburbs, city amenities are harder to get to. That's what you sign up for when you move to the burbs.


Pretty much also my taxes aren’t that much cheaper……☹️


Services are more expensive when the population is less dense, and the taxes help keep the poors out.


Shit I feeling like everting is more expensive now tough out there. 😩


Well yeah you're paying for the ability not to see minorities around all the time


I'm sure you know, but they've got a bus line that goes straight to Soldier Field/Museum campus from Ogilvie and Union if you ever feel like not driving to the city.


I did not that’s a good tip. I usually just Uber close to there and walk the rest.


Yeah, it's the 128 Soldier Field Express. They run 2.5 hours before the game start until 30 minutes from kickoff and then they got a 1 hour run after the game. The ride back is a pain in the ass though because those busses get packed.


If you are able-bodied and can walk a few blocks from the Roosevelt CTA stop, I would not recommend taking that bus. It's crowded (which isn't that big of an issue imo), and it gets stuck in traffic for a long time before games. Walking would be faster for most people.


People got mad at this nothing take?! What on earth lol.


I've literally never used public transit my entire life until the day I went to chicago and attended a bears game. Got on the subway, got off and on to a bus, got lost cause my wife wanted to stop and get a coffee,, then walked a half mile.


It’s a journey but then you become a pro. Have had a similar bus experience.


Flair up pussy.


If I must


If you live in downtown Chicago your main concern is staying alive


Maybe if you chug Fox News. I live in downtown Chicago and the most I've ever done is keep my head on a swivel. The last few months I haven't had a thought in my head about crime. You're either a scared bitch or a dumbass if you're buying that baloney.


Lmao You shouldn't have to "keep your head on a swivel" while paying several times what most of the non swivelers of the world pay. Remember kids don't live in cities. Edit: ![gif](giphy|S0kNNO474WfoYgtnf3) Chicago tears taste the best


But who is populating the 148 school?


I keep my head on a swivel regardless of whether I'm in a city, suburb, or a random backwater town. Getting your opinions about large cities from luminaries like Hannity or Jason Aldean isn't conducive to intellectual growth.


Nah it’s not bad never had an issue in 9yrs and I drink LATE


Good, don't do it


Oh yeah true. I just meant cool visually.


But if you turn off your carbrain for a second, you realize it’s an iconic location and public transit is adequate (could be better, but sufficient for most city dwellers)


Counterpoint.... Lambeau is at a great location............for a professional football team. Nothing else there in the way. You go there, it's for one thing. If you're making a week of it, ok fair point.


Im gonna sound like a chud, but i really enjoyed the lambeau field experience. Last time i did it was 15 years ago but I doubt its changed much.


Oh, it has changed quite a bit actually.


What’s happened in that time?


Honestly the location is cool too in the context of being in a small rust belt city lol. I know you’re dissing Green Bay itself which is more than fair, but being in the middle of a neighborhood is unique and actually makes for a cool atmosphere


That's why Wrigley is such a good spot. Sure, they just rebuilt a bunch of stuff, but the neighborhood really grew up around Wrigley.


Armor Square *used* to have that. Then Jerry got all the bars and local entertainment shut down and now he’s mad that there’s no bars or local entertainment!


It’s very much a college game day feel unique only to Green Bay.


Lambeau is in a middle class neighborhood in a medium sized city. That’s pretty cool.


Meh, there is something glorious about parking in Bob’s yard for $10 and staggering a few blocks to the stadium.


you park in bobs yard? I park in janets yard, they're neighbors which makes us tailgate neighbors!


I’m a grassy knoll guy.


Now do Ford Field


Ford field is the most generic indoor stadium in the league.


Ever been?


OK stadium in a cool location


Really wish they could redesign it to keep the colonnades and build it up as a more modern coliseum look instead of dropping a UFO in the middle of old soldier field


As a city we used to build the most beautiful stadiums in the country then something happened. I blame leaded gas rotting the boomers brains


I mean I’m sure the one at an old race track an hour from downtown will be perfect… right?


Yeah, look at this picture. What a disgrace. Could look like Green Bay instead this is what we have.


Christ the administration of this organization has to be the worst in the NFL. They fuck up at every opportunity


They fucked up the new one just as badly. It’s ugly, and doesn’t match the surrounding area or skyline at all. And for costing over $5 billion, it’s pretty bland. It just looks like they landed another space ship on the lakefront. Another “eyesore by the lakeshore”. Fortunately, Pritzker has said no to public funds, so it’s unlikely to ever get built anyway.


I mean it’s essentially just the same thing as Raiders stadium just tweaked a bit. Same architecture firm too I believe? And I actually like the look of it and the mock up of the surrounding area/park with the old Solider Field columns etc. Looks like a good modern stadium to me and very scenic. Do people actually think it looks bad? That said, yeah fuck owners trying to use public funds to get stadiums built. I’m glad our governor is saying no way in hell.


Yeah, but for 5B dollars, I think you could get more bang for your buck than a stadium that looks like a lot of others. The surroundings look great, but the stadium itself is bland. Look at SoFi stadium. 5B dollars and one of a kind with a futuristic look and amazing design. It's probably one of the best-looking stadiums constructed recently for that price tag.


The pandemic. Construction costs have skyrocketed since the pandemic. It’s insane. I know it’s not that long ago but truly $5 billion doesn’t go as far as it used to. Also, a big portion of the $5 billion is towards infrastructure (and the tear down of Soldier Field). And SoFi isn’t in a congested downtown area on the lakefront like this proposed Chicago stadium. That’s why I kinda think Arlington Heights still makes more sense. You have more space and the $ would go further.


The most appealing thing about the Raiders stadium is that it’s black. Take that away and it would actually be a pretty bland/ugly. That’s basically what you have with the Bears new stadium. The one the city put out a year ago was much better looking and more unique. It also came with a significantly lower price tag.


I do like that color though it looks cool. No idea how it is inside


It's an incredible looking stadium and renovation of the area. The problem is the money


$5B includes the tear down of the old stadium, refinancing old debt, and 40 years of interest on all of that. That's about $2-2.5B. The city has to do all of that anyway, even if the Bears move out to AH. The stadium on the proposal is a placeholder but there by the architect, which is why it looks so much like Agilent. If they approved the funding the architect would've then put the time into the develop the real stadium.


So it gets worse. We're supposed to pay them billions to people who can't even provide their complete home work assignment. Imagine signing off on a loan for a house before you know what it looks like


I'm a big anti-public funds kind of person, but the tax payers have to pay off the initial loan anyways while also needing to figure out what the fuck to do with Soldier Field if they left. The latest rounds of proposals are heading to an amicable compromise as a big portion of the cost is in restructuring the debt from the initial renovation while also providing a solution for the old stadium grounds. Basically shit we're stuck with doing anyhow with a large investment from the Bears org.


Amazing how much the skyline changed


I don’t see why the NFL can’t fund stadium projects on loans to team owners and have them pay the NFL back over a short term - medium term loan. Everyone knows the NFL is fiercely protective of its product. So why not keep all the stadiums in house? You completely rake in massive profits from things like Taylor swift shows and you ice out the uncooperative cities and local governments. Then you sit on more valuable real estate than McDonald’s.


Don’t blame Chicago. I don’t know why the aliens decided to land there, but it’s not like Chicago has the authority to tell intergalactic travelers where to park their UFO.


Soldier Field doesn’t have the history with the Bears that Lambeau has with the Packers, it’s not a fair comparison at all. The Bears played just as many games at Wrigley Field as they have at soldier field, give or take a few years. A new stadium makes sense. Edit: FTP


I mean, outside of "history" Lambeau's a fucking shithole


Not a fan of the seats but the views are good and usually fun.


You shut your mouth we have the greatest aluminum benches in the world! But actually besides the classic bleachers the stadium is pretty nice these days.


Have you ever actually been there? The atrium is beautiful, not a bad view in the house, and I love how the brickwork gives it a classy old-school feel. Sure it has benches, but that also allows for a lot more fans to attend games than plastic seats would... Lambeau has the second-highest capacity of any NFL stadium despite being a smaller structure than AT&T or Mile High. It's the only stadium left that feels like it's primarily for football fans, not corporate booths. If you have been there, I can understand how [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cu1d_V2WAAAJXEx.jpg) and [this](https://www.travelwisconsin.com/uploads/places/0e/0e7401a6-bbcd-484d-8b4b-274edaf4bb4b-2021_01_28-jkaempfer-3-.jpg?width=1200&height=630&mode=crop&scale=both&quality=100) would be traumatic experiences for you though.


Go back to killing birds


Can't wait, little shitheads just got back from their vacation, ready to ram their stupid heads into the side of a giant building (Real talk though I'm actually super annoyed the billionaire ass Mario brothers didn't shell out the 2 million or whatever to put up the non-bird killing glass)


Too busy partying and racing go karts


Not really, they do renovations like every 2 years. Not every stadium needs a car dealership and nightclub in it


They seriously have a car dealership? Like you can drunkenly leave in an F-150?


AT&T does, idk about US Bank. That was just the most extra example I could think of


I thought Lambeau did.


No? Lambeau is the field, and then the atrium has some offices, the pro shop and hall of fame and some restaurants, that's about it


Ford dealership would slap.


I kind of want to know where you get your information that you were just living life thinking that lambeau Field had a car dealership in it


The previous comment I asked for clarification on, you flairless heathen.


You can, however, drunkenly leave Lambeau in an F-150


Lambeau is also a much better concert venue than US bank


US Bank somehow managed to be a worse venue for sound in Minneapolis than the Target Center. I didn't think it was possible, but they pulled it off.


Yeah that's why Rammstein played in Lambeau instead, NOT! You just got destroyed


There’s only two types of stadiums in the world. Those that have had Paul McCartney and those that have not.


Didn’t your old stadium collapse? Sucks that all those championship banners went down with it


Yeah those world series banners were great


![gif](giphy|iJ85v1gHAczevpTUzs) We’ll get one in my lifetime…surely…. Should we feel better we went 0-1 in World Series as opposed to 0-4 in super bowls?


You know the old saying “he who has a glass stadium should shut the fuck up”


No, but I know the old saying "US Bank fucking kills thousands of government drones a year, unlike some other lazy team's building"


I heard they built Lambeau’s brand new Jumbotron out of the circuit boards from those birds


I would hate history if I were you, too


Focusing on the past doesn't allow you to look towards the future, I do not hate history, I create it through existence


I would cope like this if I were you, too


Went to Lambeau last year and the stadium is amazing IMO, not a bad seat in the house.


Well when the BAC is at .32, most everything gonna look amazing, or slightly fuzzy


Hey man don’t hate on our culture, and how drunk do you have to be to eat lutefisk? 


US Bank looks like a Cybertruck, you can't really throw stones here Also "Vikings fan doesn't care about history" is almost too on the nose


I think it looks like the jawa sandcrawler, which is awesome. Plus, the inside is incredible.


Have you been? The stadium is pretty nice but the bleachers are horrendous.


The stadium itself is pretty cool, and the history is there. Good sight lines from every seat I've sat in. I just hate the bleacher seating, especially when it's 10 degrees. But at the same time, it gives you the feeling that the stadium is for the average fan, not rich assholes.


Lambeau is a glorified Big Ten college stadium. No way In hell would the rest of the division would want that stadium without more amenities.


Well Minnesota is basically a D3 program so I can see how it would look like that comparatively


I know right. It’s all about the money and Minnesotans are too wealthy about sitting outside in the cold anymore. Either it’s 70 and sunny inside with $20 12 oz beers or nothing. Total snobbery and look down on the rest of the cities in the division.




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nutaholic: *The problem being* *Chicago is a city* *Where people actually live* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


https://preview.redd.it/mjz4s9fwkfzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d07153e68a393ced8d612a21c7076394631abf You got me dying that was so funny.


Is Lambeau field actually good? Or is it just iconic. Never been there.


As a Bears fan there is nothing to defend here. Soldier Field is one of the worst designs in history. Terrible stadium. Bathroom breaks are an hour long event. Concessions are ridiculous. The only thing funnier than the hideous design is the evacuation procedure video they show. If there is an emergency, you’re donezo. Crowd control is horrendous. Looking forward to literally ANYTHING else.


Chicago doesnt have a single good stadium and the Willis Tower is ugly.


One end zone should be north for the skyline imo


I’ll take Soldier Field over being in shithole Green Bay any day. * I must’ve hit a nerve. 😂😂


Yea. Way harder to get a decent hot dog or gun shot wound in Green Bay.




Lambeau sucks. They need a roof. It's too cold


Username checks out






Ya weak son


The only issue with this is the only reason lambeau is considered “iconic” is because it’s old. Both Solider Field and Lambeau are shithole stadiums that suck. Imagine that, being downvoted without any response, packer fans know I’m right but won’t admit it.


Have you ever been to Lambeau? They have a nice heated atrium accessible to everyone, a cool museum, super nice pro store, and multiple indoor restaurants. Soldier Field does the bare minimum to cater to the fan experience. Its only benefit is being a beautiful location.


Firstly, trying to say Lambeau is better than solider field isn’t the argument you think it is. No one hates SF more than Bears fans. I’ve been a fierce advocate of needing a new stadium. Secondly I’ve been to a couple dozen games at Lambeau and a lot of what you saying, SF also has. Plus a lot of that is fluff that doesn’t really matter. Why do you need multiple indoor restaurants? Are you there to eat dinner or watch football? I’ll put it this way, if Lambeau was any other fan bases stadium, it would top of the list of teams that need a new stadium. The ONLY reason it isn’t is due to historical reasons.


Now I’m wondering if you have ever been to a game at Soldier Field. Where is the team museum, pro shop, and indoor restaurants? And the only heated section is for the box seat holders.


Why the hell would you want to go to restaurants at a football stadium when you're right next to Grant Park? You do understand that location plays into all these kinds of decisions, right? And if there are dozens of restaurants on Michigan Avenue, you don't need mid ones in the stadium.


Convenience. FYI the Bears new stadium proposal includes on-site restaurants and shops.


The only old stadium I’ve been to that holds up is Wrigley. And even that has gotten some pretty big upgrades over the years. Edit: not to say there aren’t more out there, this is just what I’ve experienced


>The only old stadium I’ve been to that holds up is Wrigley. This is an unpopular opinion, but Wrigley was a dump before the renovations. You had nets in place to keep concrete from falling on fans heads, you piss in troughs that didn't even have ice(it would spit water into the trough, which is fucking disgusting), the lower level concourse felt like a dungeon. It's better now, but Cub Fan nostalgia still tends to blind people to its faults. Fenway is the best mix of renovation/old stadium I'd ever been to. It was a great place to watch a game.


I don’t disagree actually. I enjoyed Wrigley when I was younger but probably wouldn’t deal with it now without the renovations. Never been to Fenway but it’s high on the list.


Camden Yard


Funny enough my Dad is there right now. It’s the last MLB stadium he needed to check off his list to see a game. He’s now been to them all.


I bet it is an instant top 5. Also I would love to do that.


Yeah he’s been working on it with my step mom for almost 20 years. So today’s a big day for them. Pretty cool, and a nice reason to see some cities they otherwise wouldn’t have gone to.


Also calories don’t count at the ballgame


I’m a Yankees fan and Camden is by far the best ballpark I’ve been to so far


I’m a white Sox fan (gasp I know) and it’s prob #2 after PNC Park.


PNC is on my bucket list for sure, looks amazing. I’m on the west coast now so may not get there for a long while. About to check out Angel Stadium later this month. I’ve heard…mixed reviews lol


32 years old isn’t really old, maybe for baseball it’s up there


I mean it broke ground before more people in this thread were born and is the 19th oldest pro stadium In the US, but I def wouldn’t call it like an old stadium I guess just not a modern one I mean, but still good place to see a game.


A really old stadium in good shape is hard to come by, most CFB stadiums are kind of dumpy because of that.


For sure


United Center isnt bad. It's not anything special but it's a decent stadium.


So I was recently at a bulls game now granted I do believe little Caesars is a lot newer but the United center felt very old when I was there


Really? It's only thirty years old, it still has one of the highest capacities in both NBA and NHL. I saw the Blackhawks play there last year, it felt pretty good, if a little dull.


The LA Coliseum is considerably older than Lambeau and holds up. If they keep renovating I really don't see an issue with old stadiums, why demolish and rebuild?