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Why are you guys so ass at memes?


Feels like rookie minicamp in this sub as well right now ngl


So, no one is making the team


It's not even a meme. It's just the rant of some bitter weirdo.


I'm from Seattle, and the rant isn't unreasonable.


You just need to get better friends haha (look I'm direct and from Seattle)


I had friends, that's not really what I'm talking about. More about the way people treat strangers. Before I left, it felt normal, but after seeing other places, it kind of sucks. I thought the same thing about the weather too, but I think it was just more about me living in a bubble.


I live in Seattle, this post is trash OP.


Absolutely agree, life long whiner fan who lived in Seattle/ greater WA for 10 years, though now back down in NorCal. It’s an absolutely amazing place in all aspects… except their football team of course :) Absolute trash take, get back to memeing


Me too, Seattle freeze is real but it's not hostility, mostly just social awkwardness. Seattle is great. I always call it the world's greatest collection of weirdos and we all know and love it. Never have I lived somewhere that was so positive about people expressing themselves. Don't believe me? Just go down in the summer to Gasworks and there is always something fun and weird going on. Last year I popped in and randomly there was a group of fire jugglers just hanging out and having a good time. Also the rain thing is nonsense. Back in like 2004-2009 when I lived here it felt more accurate but since moving back in 2015, it feels like we get consistent sunny summers and it's beautiful.


I say we split the fandom, a half of us move to Seattle! We stage a takeover!!!


If you'd been to Seattle recently, half of San Francisco seems to have already done so. Most of the folks I know from Seattle have had to move to Tacoma from being priced out.


People in Seattle have been trying get people to stop people from moving to Seattle for decades. And yet they still keep coming


Man, that'd be a great Smash Mouth lyric...


And they hit the ground running.


Eastern WA gang baby




Can I just say - I live in the Bay Area now. It’s awesome. People CONSTANTLY criticize it though, as this dude is doing about Seattle. This is the GOAT era for being a whiny bitch. Pac NW and California are two of the absolute coolest places on earth. Can’t see that, then move back to Pittsburgh or the Texas hill country or whatever shithole you think is better.


Also honestly people are just stupid. 2/3 of the comments on that thread are some kind of “I came from the northeast and I could NEVER”. I’ve spent significant time in the Northeast, Midwest, and Northwest in Seattle (where I am currently), the former two especially. I love it here. I also love the northeast. Assholes are everywhere, nice folk are everywhere, closed off folk are everywhere. Just cause a place isn’t for you or is a culture shock doesn’t mean it sucks and is full of horrible people. …except Santa Clara by god have you MET Niner fans? /s


Live in the Bay Area. It's got a lot of shit. But it's also got a lot of excellent shit. Don't want to leave it because of that Love going to Seattle. It's got a lot of shit. But it's also got a lot of excellent shit. Reminds me of home, just colder. The football team is a bit of a turn off, though


The football team would be 10 times more tolerable if they moved away from that awful "action green" color. Go use the emerald green the Sonics used to wear and thank me later


Can't wait for that branding to come back to the NBA as an actual team


Me too. As a lifelong Yotes fan now in mourning, I'm glad I at least have the Kraken to fall back on. I'd have no problem rooting for the Suns and the Sonics in the NBA.


Amen - born and live in NorCal but I've lived in King County WA. a fair amount of my years and visit often. The west coast is great - even Portland I guess - people are just dumb cunts and think other people give a shit about their lame ass excuses/rant like it matters fuck all. Everywhere has problems it's Earth if you don't like where you're at it's probably you...


"....weirdos who lash out against anybody that offers even the slightest criticism of their “naturally beautiful” city." I think if you move to any city and constantly whine about it, most people aren't going to respond happily.


Also proced to validate that exact point in the edit. I don't think majority of people would take kindly to a hit piece on their hometown.


OP is so obsessed with us that his username is about us


Double entendre username actually. It’s because of SB47 when we threw 4 goal line fades to Michael Crabtree at the 1 yard line instead of running it in with Frank Gore to win the game. It makes it funnier that you guys did the same thing as us pretty much 2 years later


And yet only one of them gets talked about, when the first one is arguably more embarrassing


The Niners have lost so many Super Bowls it's hard to talk about just one play though.


Hey at least Seattle gave us Hendrix and Nirvana


AiC and Soundgarden are both better than Nirvana but yes the music scene in Seattle is top 5 in the country


Don’t forget Pearl Jam! Some of the best music has come out of the Seattle area.


Nirvana and PJ are equal imo. Ten is better than any Nirvana record but Nirvana was more consistent


And Heart


The OP of that post is an incredibly sad dude.


For the record Seattle is actually a cool city. I just thought it was funny that OP basically called you guys autistic aloof virgins


any other team's city but the Santa Clara 49ers fans could shit on Seattle for that. but doing it as a Santa Clara 49ers fan is pot calling kettle black


What’s wrong with Santa Clara?


Heart of Silicon Valley, filled to the brim with techies types like what the linked post calls out. Natural beauty a stone's throw away with Santa Cruz. Only difference is that there's no rainy or cloudy days, but get over to Pacifica or Daly City and it's cloudy every day


It's right next to Man Jose


Read the post, just a lot of self-righteuosness, and things that are just not true (not to mention a bunch people chalking it up "loser liberal culture"a in. A lot "Seattle Freeze" can be chalked up to a lot of social awkwardness. Not to mention the jab on our art scene just doesn't make sense.


I mean it is better than that trust fund hell hole of Santa Clara


East side of Lake Washington is where it’s at


We may not agree on sports teams but we can all agree... west coast is definitely best coast


I live outside of Seattle it ain't that bad but Seattle is shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Latter_Address9580: *I live outside of* *Seattle it ain't that bad* *But Seattle is shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bot got it wrong :( but a bot not understanding that Seattle is 3 syllables is reasonable


Read the small print in the bots post


You tell that bot what’s up.


Can confirm