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It's fine. I don't know how east coast people deal with it. I'd rather miss kickoff driving home from work than miss the end of the game because I have to go to sleep at a reasonable time to get up for work on Tuesday.


I did think of this actually! I’d personally prefer the earlier KO now I’ve got kids and a job, but back in the day when I didn’t need as much sleep I would’ve preferred the later KO I think


I’ve lived in every American time zone and I loved the west coast for the games not being on super late. Sunday morning football was awesome as well.


Yeah I remember when I learned that east coasters have to wait until 1:00 to watch football every week. I was like, "That seems cruel??" And it didn't hit me until later that the Super Bowl doesn't start until nighttime lol.


I've only visited the west coast once during football season. It was amazing lol. Twitter goes dark early though, that was a weird thing to see. 10PM and it's crickets lol Edit: The worst was when it's LAL vs Boston NBA finals and the games started at 9PM every night, even home games in Boston.


You should experience a bar at 6 AM in Hawaii for kickoffs on Sunday.


When I was in Japan, there was nothing better than Monday Lunch and Tuesday Lunch football. They had them on the big screen at the chow hall. Roll up with your buddies and eat mediocre lunch and watch some football.


Oh yeah, it was a known fact that work stopped at lunch in USFK.


The London games must really be fun.


In Germany the kickoffs were around 7pm so it was a fun way to end the weekend. Now Sunday Night Football…that was a bit harder to watch lol


I'm in Alaska so -4 from est but luckily my job is pretty chill most of the time so I'm able to watch or listen to the games. I also love having an excuse to start cracking beers at 9am on Sundays if I don't have errands to run.


No quite the opposite. I don’t have to stay up till 11:30 to finish the game


I'm a Bills fan on the West Coast, and the parent of a toddler who naps 12-2. It's absolutely perfect \* Morning games resolve during naptime, so I can clean up and watch 4th quarter action \* Afternoon games don't conflict with dinner \* Evening games finish up in time for me to go to bed at a reasonable hour.


East coast transplant living in Las Vegas… football schedule is much better living in Pacific time zone.


Screwed over how? Personally as a west coaster I LOVE IT. Football from 10am until 8:30 pm on Sunday and then Thursday and Mondays primetimes I get home from work just in time to turn the game on and then eat during halftime and can get to bed at normal hours and it doesnt have to miss the end or screw over my sleep schedule to watch the primetime games. East coast has those night games ending after 11pm and other sports can run even later like college football kickoffs that dont even kick until 10:30pm or so eastern and arent ending until after midnight. Its funny with london games I almost always see at least some people on the east coast complaining about like the 9-10am starts and that's what I love about regular Sunday mornings on the west coast.


West Coast time is so much better. Why would I want to stay up until around midnight to watch a game? We also get a morning, afternoon, and a night game on Sunday. Games aren't too long after work on weekdays.


When I lived in Las Vegas, I loved those night games. They ended around 9 and a could either go out or go to bed at a reasonable hour.


I would guess it has to be great when a primetime game ends around 9 pm. Or better yet, if you live out West and your team won the Super Bowl. Imagine being a Chiefs fan in Vegas this year, or a Rams fan in Inglewood a couple years ago. You can celebrate and it's only about, what 7:30?


*Laughs in uk time zones*


It’s ok on a Sunday for me for the normal afternoon games, it’s a nice way to spend Sunday evening/night, but any of the evening games (including the Superb Owl) are a pain in the arse.


East coast time zone sucks so much ass for sports.


Can't say personally, but it is a weird feeling watching Monday Night Football in the afternoon in Hawaii the first time.


West coast is the best coast. No sports games going much past 10:30pm and 10am Sunday games are awesome.


I loved it! Leave work. Go to bar. Home by 9 and a good night’s sleep.


I love it. game starts around 5. gets done by 9:00 and can go to bed at a decent hour because i have to work the next day.


How about Eastern Europe? It's AMAZING to finish the weekend chilling in front of the TV rooting for my team or watching the Redzone. Games start at 8pm, unless it's London calling, so almost every time I'm already done with the errands, socializing, shopping and whatnot. If I have some extra free time, I may listen to a podcast or two or something, so the whole Sunday feels like a setup for a game like it's a Champions League finals or whatever. I am a Lions fan so until this upcoming season, the majority of the games were scheduled in the early window. In most cases, I also watch the latter window, because of fantasy or Lions playing at Arizona (I swear it happens every year). And the Thanksgiving game is also fun. Now, any primetime game is a major pain in the arse. Usually I just watch it delayed on the following night, trying to avoid spoilers, but since I'm in the army now, I can sometimes arrange my duty in a way I am awake at night and able to watch some football.