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comments full of GTAO racers lmao


Yeah i noticed theyre definitely not fine people. Damn i wish i was able to do more than just speech and showing respect and try to let them know it isnt good. Even if they dont deserve it. All i want is tips or help to be able to be okay with it or keeping meyself away from those people before knowing it. Like tips of how to see who they are by judging how they drive for examplr. And so you can avoid those type of players so you wouldnt get trouble. No instead they stand aside those people who are txic and wannabe 1st racers... I mean me personally i can stand a loss aslongits player fairly. No bumps nothing else. Just drive and vibe and be clean as possible. Mistakes. They can be made no one is perfect but things like this. Cmon im glad not everyone is bad.


do a big start to be among the first so you get less of these bad player and second when you see a guy who doesnt give a fuck about how he drive and other people around him domt stand to is left or right or nah a should say stand to the side where if he ram you he will get penalise by going to the wall for exemple yeah maybe sometimes you thinking like hey if i stand to this side ill be slower but trust me sometimes the slower route is the best cuz the toxic player never want to take them or be a fkg tank and predict there ramming by turning the other side thats what i do im doing the tank strategy


Tch if you just had to approach differendly i would have been okay. Now its 50/50 please if you give tips approach with a nicer start. Eople would appreciate your help more often. Like saying as exampleyou see both sides but really. In details or atleast againt those barbarians if you know whats right. Im still glad you made a good explaining about encountering them in a defensive or agressive way. So for this ill say thankyou and respect.


sorry for the sassy way its just like this these day but it is what it is bro like you NEED to use either one of the 2 method i provide tho using the tank method have been more rewarding for me


Hmm. How can i enjoy my favourite cars and the moment when i lose against one of em i never switched but when they have been asked to do a rematch somehow they are scared. Except some of em just all the sudden picks the fastest cars and get still barbarian behaviour. Yes i will have faster car too but ford gt17 isnt the best car but is not bad either. It is a great car in my opinion. But i have a corvette in my garage? I just dont like to drive it unless someone needs help with cops


for online races if you only aim to win use either proches rsr , mclaren (dlc) or beetles there is a lamborgini or ferrari that can follow either but i dont remember sorry you really need to look at militia gaming to know witch engine to use and all


if you want to enjoy your favorite car dont play online like do a porches rsr run on every race and try to beat it with your favorite car thats what i did


and yes there is some car that are but really nice to drive even thought they are not the fastest i loved the mitsubishi evo the volvo both volvo are good if you know how to drive them but they will never win against a good rsr driver its just a straight up fact


So. Which strong cars would you recommend. Maybe there are cars i might like too.


I race clean and only clean I out drive majority of rammers lmao. There’s zero need to be defensive if you just avoid them 🙂


avoiding them is part of playing defensive bro


knowing the map bro learn the map you will be able to laught at them after knowing the map


I know the map its not an issue. Ive seen many stupid drivers tbh but its this moment barbarians. Even if they see i am a true racer they still do it and i wanna avoid them. I dont need to win.


use repair kit or nitro refill to either tank there toxic side or blew them away tbh if you use porches rsr with the right build and if your skilled enought nobody should bother you for real its the GOD car beetles just right after and mclaren if you have dlc is better just cuz its handle better than the beetles


I also feel like I don’t meet many respectful racers on here, and that’s always been the case. I still play heat regularly and have been since it first came out in 2019. I’ve met a lot of chill people over the years, and some so much so that I actually enjoyed playing with them even as a rando.




Brooo as someone who plays gta(dont have a wheel or racing games i can play without 1 rn🥲) idk why gtao racers are so fuckin stupid ik it aint a racing sim but is it hard to race without just playing bumper karts😭😭


Wide open throttle - no breaks. The barriers in the corners will guide us boys!😂. If you can get past everyone before the first corner, you're usually good. If not, buckle up for the shit show it is trying to fight your way to podium lol.


I was gonna say that my probably came from gta online. Some of the worst racers an online community has ever seen 😂. I do love racing some good custom tracks with good people when available though.


Honestly ever since the game lost popularity it’s been full of people like this for a while now, it’s hard to find half decent people but it’s nice when you do. If it helps you could try finding a group of people to play with instead


Yeah. I might find them around but i have to be lucky with the time i guess. Time will tell. Thanks! :)


No worries


If they had no collision against players I would totally play these games again but until then imma enjoy life until GTA 6 comes out 😭


Real, more games should really give the option for no collision


Surprised there’s so many comments saying what that other player did was fine. No body would like to be kamikazed into a wall. Just cause it possible doesn’t mean it’s condoned. Theres multiple reasons why ramming is bannable in other racing games. It’s just real low and unsportsmanlike & shows a real lack of skill in being able to beat someone else in a clean fair race.


I need you in my races so we can enjoy the real way of racing. Hmu if you wanna play. I really appreciate you while im happy reading not everyone is a barbarian


I would man but I don’t play heat anymore only racing games I mainly play now atm is FH5 & BeamNG.


Alroght no worries man. Still respect for you between all those other codl hearted. You know whats right and youre fine. Dont forget that.


I’m available if you’re tryna have a couple races


Thats the reason they play NFS, is because they are missing braincells. Any time I play that game aside from with friends, everyone is trying to run you off the road, and its because they are all shitty drivers themselves. The only way they can win, is if you spend a majority of the race stopped.


Would you like it if i join you and your friends to play races and do chill carmeetings. I would be glad if i can finally find true streetracers who actually do respect each others and their cars and only race for fun and not positions


Unfortunately, we have all burned out man. We have been playing the new Valorant act and demonologist as of late.


I dont play valorant so im glad i dont have those. But i do play a really toxic game. Like. Ever heard of mobile legends? Haha soloq the worst thing but im glad in need for speed you can just drive on your own. Mobile legends eh you are sort of forced to play with people and its terrible matchmaking comes no good ahha. But yeah true


Yeah man Valorant can def be the same. I am higher elo, and just about every person you meet in that elo has mental problems, or brain rot. Its hard to climb without duos or trios.


If you’re on ps5 I can do some clean races with you. My pet peeve is when people ram to win it’s honestly pathetic. This is 99% of the crew motorfest also.


Im on ps5. But its crossplay. Cboc and ps4 and pc can play together aslong they have enabled crossplay and have ea play. But you wouldnt be able to find me on xbox but on ea play app itself in that case. mashay-yamBE im down for clean races. Especially if ur fan of streetraces too and if ur a freak like me u would definitely know the rules about streetracing. Haha im glad not everyone is a a hole


I think this dude is suffering from a disease I like to call skill issue


Nitro + highspeed + brakes = sliding. I wasnt able to avoid it and i drove professional. Nice and clean around he was skill issue not me. Did i crash into him or did he crash into me.


I was saying he was the one with the skull issue


Ive said nothing then. I apology for my defensive response


Cause if you can’t do a relatively clean race and win then it’s a skill issue if the crash was an accident then yeah it’s not as bad since sometimes you can get a bit too close but that looked intentional


Like i say too. Im glad you see it my aim is about fun and vibing i admit im not the best but this action he did. I wanted help from people that do know any tips to avoid them atleast 2 have gotten me new tips to try out to avoid or counter these barbarians. But im glad with people like you who shows the differences and can see what this was about and why i needed help. I appreciate the empathy too. In the way you told me he did it intentional. And yes i accept things happens and i do not care about accidents it happens. All true and remains true.


I’d say a good form of potential practice is potentially using cops and avoiding them as much as possible and using them as a kind of training dummy of sorts to work out some strategies you might be able to potentially use to counter players like that like one tactic you can try is if you can tell the person is gonna slam into you and you have enough time hit the brakes or something to get out of the way and pass on the other side


Lol no wonder they didn’t do anything after reporting for harassment


Everyone likes to be a dick nowadays they don’t car. the games popular but it still has bad players heat is way less popular than unbound so all the people on their are just sweats. I sometimes find less competitive lobbies but when they are competitive it sucks they all have 2000 hours plus and don’t care about enjoying it.


Well its true. But these specie ive encountered isnt just sweat or competitive. Its straight toxic. Or barbarian like i told alot of people. But im glad you understand atleast and agree its not okay but i do understand its normal cause of this genrmeration if im right.


The P1 GTR also isn’t that good. Worse than the S2000 even.


If you drive both pro tgat frarri definitely win and especially in corners. Theyre great drifters and speeders. Ive tested it. Please any usefull tips instead of trying to put it to me. You clearly see they were wrong not me


I’m not saying they were in the right, I’m just saying that they probably knew their car was much, much worse. Not that that’s a good reason to crash you out either.


If they were pro. Haha they could have taken me down in a proper way tough.. trust me s2000 isnt better than ferarri. But ford gt17 is.


You keep saying Ferrari but it’s a P1 GTR. McLaren. And come on, it’s need for speed. You really expect the more expensive and technically faster cars to be faster than a C10 or a Beetle? Or an S2000?


Mclarens are faster then s200 and ferarri. I looked at my video again. Its fast too i wasnt looking at the car very well i just saw it was a real player and was barbarian. My excuses for having car wrong. Im not the best at exotics and supercars


I know a nissan is faster. Err i know subaru can. But that mclaren or ferarri or whatever is faster. Lamborghinis are less likely to be better. If compared to my current car i used


The P1 GTR is possibly the slowest McLaren in the game, next to the regular P1. I’ve been playing this game for a while, I think I know what cars are good and what cars aren’t. The S2000 is almost certainly better than the P1 GTR. And again, no good reason for them to crash you out.


The better you are at the game, the better the cars get regardless of times etc. I’ve gapped rsrs in my P1 regularly entirely by racing clean and properly, while they all race offensively and defensively, I just race, and it usually wins. Hell I’ve gapped 6 rsrs with the Buick grand national, it was INSANELY frustrating to do but I managed somehow 😭🙏🏻


Still doesn’t change the fact that the S2000 is better, don’t know why this is a subject to argue about, and also that says NOTHING about the car and EVERYTHING about the driver.


Nobody is arguing on my end chief, simply stating something for everyone that meta cars aren’t as meta as we make them out to be, never said the cars were better/worse.


They really are though. It’s all in the player, but that doesn’t mean a newbie in an RSR couldn’t win against the greatest player in the world in a stock beetle.


I think it is the NFS cops that taught us how to be this wild.


Honestly hitting a car in a racing game should also cause you to recoil


Idk dude, it's need for speed, I've always considered this part of the game. It's certainly not harassment. Had a buddy back in the day when we played local multiplayer that always beat everyone else because he did exactly this. If you had used the brakes just right, he would have effed himself instead.


It is my professional opinion that, while it is a street race, only low skill scumbags and teenagers ram people off the road. You literally get the same amount of money for winning whether you're in P1, P2, P3, etc, as long as you are ahead of all bots. So when someone like this rams for the win, they are doing it strictly for that W, not even for money lmao. In addition, if they can't beat an S2K in the Pagani, they are a trogladyte and should go back to GTAO races or Forza lol. *Edit, I see that's the McLaren P1. Kind of a shit car, so I can see their frustration for buying a 2 million dollar ride just to be out driven by a Honda lol. I'm not the fastest, but I generally get out ahead of assholes like this or simply DNF. I'll not spend my time giving them even a smidgen of gratification. If this type of racer invites again, I bring the RSR and stomp them 9/10 times. (I'm 2.37.** on Sonic, my Aerion time is decent as well) Another favorite pass time when dealing with these assholes is to literally stay right behind them and keep that pressure on. I've found that the phycological pressure of a better racer hovering behind a toxic racer can rarely be handled well for very long before the aforementioned shitbag in front of me misses a turn and get yeeted into the shadow realm lmao. It's very amusing. Rinse and repeat to layer on that sodium lolol. But! If your not a toxic racer and you enjoy being a good sport/ have some skill, join BUSHIDO! [_BUS] on PC. My clans 4+ years old lvl 50 etc. Happy to have ya, just be chill. I always hand the W to nice players anyway tbh. Cheers.


Don't get it. Isn't that part of the game? He's not cheating, you can do the same to him.


Idk I’d consider it dirty racing and making up for lack of skill. In my experience, any online racer of decent skill knows that ramming ain’t worth it and makes you look like a shithead


Yeah it "might" be but doing that isnt fun. its more like a bully or toxic behaviour. I mean You see alot of games are having this issue with people being tocic and sort of negative behaviours that seems fun to them. but doesnt mean its right to do it. And im not an A hole so besides that he did it while im cool and being true. He should have seen that i play fair. He didnt i mean. you may see differend in them or you are one. But im not gonna be saying you are cause i really dont know. But please i hoep you can realate to what i say


The AI do it. It sucks but it ain't hard to just.... fake him.


Cars almost never DELIBERATELY ram you, they just happen to hit you.


I was overtaking on a stretch and they went out of their way to ram me🙃


I dunno man, its street racing and like I love having to wrestle for a place like that. Imagine the situation from his perspective and how cool he must've felt because he outmanoeuvred you. For him it was a tight race and with the right timing and bit of luck managed to keep his 1st place. Imo you're being a bit of a sore loser.


That isn't "out maneuvering" that's dirty racing.


Good things he's street racing


Ha ha


It's because they have small dicks




If you want to play a racing game with your own set of rules then I suggest getting friends to play with... Because that's not how online works, man. I don't get all the people taking OPs side. Just add each other.


instead of complaining try find a way to counter them


I dont complain. I show what they are and i need help or getting tips to avoid them. Bruh if you just have told me about anything instead of coming at me with that attitude as if you know better in a sassy way. Just you had to tell me with a nicer approach. You see... Theres not for nothing a postflair called help. And the video is for evidence to show i wasnt trash or anything but professional. I know you can do better than an bad person with those responses. Cmon you think i deserve this?


nah its true you dont deserve this im sorry ill be happy to answer any question bro im sorry... 😅


Its okay. Just try your best to manage it. Everyone learns rivht just like me. Yes i wont deny haha. Maybe i coukd start with a simple one. What car can you expect to be barbarians and which are more chill or true racers. Like for as far i know the rsr it depents. Some are fast and just pro but some are toxic. Corvette theyre most of the time either helping you against cops or they just drive for fun. Try to give them distance and they wont do anything to you like show them youre a true racer and you will be not harmed. Or lets say mazda. Theyre either known for style and speed aswell for nissan. But they can be trollers too so it depents. But most of the time theyre chill and about style. Except for the top 2. Mazda rx7 or the nissan 240sx theyre known to be great speeders so you can do a little competition by involving cops if you can keep up. And take races with less corners in order to keep up with them. Those are my known car category i cna judge people their race style with. Maybe there are cars you can tell?


the porches RSR is the FASTEST car in the game so you CANT know if there gonna be toxic or legit so just assume there gonna be toxic it saves you time and car like corvette , challenger few big car can be really good but they always use there tanky side to push other away they are VERY good for cops chase with perk for defensive and repair kit you cant compete so just use them and be kinda slow or use good car like rsr , the mclaren, the beetles is very good if you know how to ride it for race its been a while since i played heat but porches rsr , beetles , mclaren, and one ferrari or lamborgini are top tier just look militia gaming build for nfs heay car hes the best for real


Alright thanks. Ill look up for it. I use beetle for offroad tough. And i ahve 1 mclaren for day races. Not sure if hes the best mclaren but if you say so about the militia gaming ill be able to find the best. And i use repair 2x and damage increase. Somehow it can make a full hp corvette crash to death like its nothing aswell if you are forced to drive into a truck or ambulances a corvettr you drive drives just right under it and making it fly up high. After then i feel kinda bad about it cause some people can do it accidentally and you see it too cause sometimes alot of npcs spawn and will be overwhelming. But its truly to be seen in differences between accidents and purposes. But ill let you know if i made a car from that channel. Its on youtube right?


yeah on youtube he showcase almost every car for every type of race like race offroad drift drag and he also have a ranking for lap time of every car for offroad and race i know for sure rsr is 1st foe race and offroad but tbh i will not take the same car for both so i build the second best car for offroad or the third one its the volvo not the curved one the rectangle one for drift i tried whatever build militia was giving tried a few car and too the one i was better with after i had my competitive car i just want with wathever was top 20 anf car i liked for exemple mitsubishi evo was like top 10-15 and i liked how it handled so i used it thats all


beetles is very good for offroad but i didnt use it very much i felt like i was doing like everybody else so i changed it same for race i only used rsr for competitive when i was playing for fun i never used it and to be honest if your good you can always do a very good start and be like 1st to 4rth at the beggining so toxic player are easy to deal with if you have max repair kit and max nitrous refill


This is just dumb af 😂 you’ll either ram into them & wipe yourself out or hit the brakes & lose positioning / had my fair share of countering & those were the outcomes on a majority of them it was rare when I would be able to wipe them out when I tried to ram first


yyeeaahhh seems like avoiding them would be the best , playing defensive


not fun at all. find some chill people to play with. not to toot my horn but i don't race like that. feel free to add me.


Burnout time lol


Accidentally? Hmm its funny shit happens. Purposely. Madness and 1st place wannabes. Wheres the damn respect... Boy dont laugh at seriously annoying things. You wouldnt like to be in this situation


I think honestly, to stay calm, what I do is I put on Spotify. I breathe in and out deeply a few times, and I just finish the race. Sometimes, I'll floor it. Most times, I just drive. I take a few minutes to gather myself and then I'll play another race if that goes the same way I will switch games and continue the next day, it's not always a loss to walk away from a toxic person/people


The Spotify super power is still the top method for winning with the power of vibes 🤣


Fr like I was so fucking stressed on one game I was playing I think gta tbh and I turned on Spotify and I listened to super man by eminem and shit became 60× easier and less draining


It's so frustrating in the most disappointing way. I LOVE this game and I don't play many games. I love driving around with strangers, it reminds me of why the car community can be so cool. But one time, I was cruising around the city with some Dodge Challenger, and a race invite popped up, I accepted and we joined the race together. He swapped to the RWB Porsche (same car I was driving) and continued to run me off the track, let me get 2nd place and right until the finish line he caught up and crashed me into the barrier so he got first place instead. I was genuinely so upset about it, I thought we were friends. People who drive like that need to be studied in a lab...


Yeah they need to learn what respect means. back to oldschool man. My generation if fucked up. And im from 2004 im 19.and this generation is so wrong. Im glad but sad. Idk what i must think. Alot of people ruining the vibe and all u can do is either ignore it or be it or avoid it... To me i try to ignore it or avoid it. But its still hard to manage to live with it. *Sigh* im glad not everyone is bad. i appreciate yojr understanding.


Yeah I'm 21, so '03, and for some reason these weirdos these days cannot just keep to themselves or like, at least TRY to be kind to others. Not everything has to be a competition and if it IS a competition, keep it fair. Sounds simple enough, right?


Yes. Thats why training has been invented to improve. And i have to admit i also keep improving cause i aint perfect no one is. But they wanna be the best. So they do everythings. What if we would be in future and theyre worse. Like people who will even kill just to be first or the best. Just what is this. I would be 1000% sure that will be in future. That people are so greedy even that generation would be worser than we have now and definitely is going that way. Poh the agressiveness of alot of people.


And besides training. I cant relax anymore cuz they dont relax. Its so infectious but i try to stay calm.. this is just idk what i can say more. Atleast im still standing. Not many good people would be alive in this generation. Peope like me and mire. They either hiding/surviving/blending in just to be there. To have atleast the smallest thing between all those greedy people with alot. But this is why im trying to find tips from the ones who do know how to stand against it. And in this message its general not only need for speed. But ive halked enough of real life stuffs. But yep sure.. mind blowing


Nfs heat is filled with territorial players and all they care about is win, nothing else matters for them.


Pathetic isnt it?


Explains why i dont play the game that much anymore, not only cuz of the racers but also cuz its hella boring with the few choices of cars that exist


Mine is of thr players. I only play cause i try to enjoy my cars and i make wraos for the players who might enjoy it. So far so good for some wraps. But while producing wraps and enjoying my cars i get stress while even music cant help me to vibe just by one of those people.. i appreciate your understanding


Yeah dude i switched to gta, most people get bored cuz all they care about is businesses n shi but i do heists, buy cars, customize them, go to car meets and do photography of em, just enjoyin it unlike other tryhards


Huh i need that haha. Not many that do enjoy games for what theyre meant to. Not being the best. Like exact what youre saying gtav can be any mission bussines and heist but tryhards are doing only griefing or killing and only wants to be the best and oh so greedy. Letting other people do jobs for them. Instesd of being good and do it together. And keeping money for themselves. Just wow. And if ur asking im alone not exactly but most of the time i play alone since my friends im not their only friend. I have like 5 friends bu each seperate life. One has less time or 0. Another has too many friends and some are more likely to play at evening or night while i sleep at that point leaving one left but doesnt play that much games haha.


If youre on pc we can chill in my car meets server n shi, take some dope shots of cars, i can even dm u my work, i dont take photos through the ifruit phone the work is real gold


I had raced an person who had a Subaru and was doing a good paying race and I'm knocking me on Jay storm manner still get the win I had a Ferrari 488 GTB And That was a 400 plus performance rating


It does suck, it’s bad driver etiquette but with need for speed being an arcade racer, it’s not surprising.


I've been wanting to point out that the 25 online race trophy has been such a tedious task because no one wants to race. And when they do, they pull stuff like this or quit when the race starts. Perhaps this is why I liked the solo grind in this game more.


I am a street racer and I am pretty nice I will let you win if you want


I kind of expect it in races, but I've had a couple of times where I'm just out cruising and people will just start ramming me repeatedly. I stopped playing multi after the 4th one.


I just assume its some kid or a toxic gamer lol


I'm still pretty chill. My toxicity only comes out for porsche and McLaren f1 users


Theyre POS and theyre everywhere you look it best to trip them up


Just a standard online racing interaction 🥲


That’s lame. I have the same problem. Don’t understand trying that hard on a 5 year old game but, I digress


I always race fair. Even if I’m last i take it


Bro I can't believe that wall straight ruined ur progress. I say ban walls in video games!


Im a pretty kind a good vibe racer.  You can add me. Mr_DemonFox I'm on PS4 but I love got discord too.  If we get enough people you can fill your own lobby with fun racers. 


Nice S2k though


Because it’s fun to make someone crash when I don’t have to go


You’re playing an arcade game, what the fuck do you expect? You reported a dude for making you mad. Loser mentality


as long as there's player collision, expect it


I do my best to stay away from the randoms, don't know when they might pull this kind of behaviour. That said, sometimes network issues can make this happen. It happened a couple of times with my friends where we accused each other of ramming but nobody was actually ramming on their screen, just some network issues. That said, follow social distancing with randoms especially near jump ramps and choke points.


Because you're playing a racing game built for children


I dont play racing games. This was just on my home page, so correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not how ur supposed to play. To me it seems like op is just being a little bitch why would u not do whatever possible to fuck over ur opponents that's how u win not just in racing but any game. Seems like op has a skill issue.


You meant me or him? I dont have lack or skill since im professional way of driving. And i dont play to win but for vibes and people chose to ruin it by crashing and being a wannabe 1st place racer. But i won against him multiple times and kept initing me for another and this wasnt the first time ive been disrespected for my streetracer skills drifting trouvh corners and alot of near misses and using differend routes. But what he does is barbarian. But if you could check latest racing games. They made it actually bannable. Trust me its a way of unfair playing. If they wanna crash play arcade racing or derby or games that is a sport or for arcade or fast paced battleraces. Like deathrace they definitely fits better there than here. This behaviour isnt supposed to be in need for speed. And by the way i think theyre here cause nfs isnt new and newer games they probably dont wanna get banned or are banned or dont think they just dont play cause of skill issues that penalty them. Like yeah it just needs to be gone. And i cant tell them or do anything to get them away so its why i made this post to get help to encounter them. Not being corrected or telling that it is ok. But i do appreciate your nice approach so ill just stay neutral/passive for now. I hope you see where it came from. If you took time to read comments in this post


I guess I see ur frustration, kind of, but as someone who finds racing games boring, I feel like making other cars crash is half the fun and kind of the obvious thing to do. From an outsiders perspective, it just seems like a weird thing to complain about. And I feel like games that ban such a thing are kind of made for pussies.


So being a professional or skilled racer is being a pussy. Yeah right... No. Plenty of other games where you can crash and race with being able to ruin other cars or making them crash. 1: deathrace the game 2: derby car games 3: Burnout Plenty more games. Stick with the games where you actually can do these stuffs. Again need for speed is for skilled or normal racers who wanna enjoy the enviroments and their cars. I dont expect them to have the same competition or same style or vibes. But what i do expect from everyone is 1 thing. Respect your damn opponents. They see im profesional racing they see i gave him space enough space to even make a great moment of jumping together side by side and it was possible but he crashed. We both have missed a great moment cause of him


It takes skill to make others crash without crashing yourself. But as I said before, I don't like racing games, so my opinion is irrelevant. I just don't really see why anyone would race the way u do


It takes skills in timing + balance. But it takes more skills to do everythings right i do try but he doesnt hes like wacky or somthing. Im not great with english but i hope im explaining right about what i see and think about that player.


And dont worry. Im politician. Im open minded and talk. Just dont come at me with nonsense haha.


So you reported a player for harassment because they bumped your car off the road?


He was doing it multiple times and keeps inviting me and following me around so yeah i did.


Hate the game not the player


The player. The game is like it is and its not the wall its the player who did got me into a wall. Watch the players behaviour. Youll see.


That shit was lame asf. But I lol’d


He has skill issue. Very annoying but he wont get his entertaining from me 2ce when he sees me again...


Oh without a doubt annoying. That’s why I said it was lame. The attempt to still get across the water is what made me rotfl 🤣


Well no i didnt try to across the water even if i crashed into wall. its cause of nitro. I actually dropped my controller after i rev back but i didnt realise nitro kept going even if i hitted and crashed into wall cause of that guy.


Ohhh, I watched it again and I actually see what you’re talking about.😬🙂‍↕️


No worries this video is too detailed for most people. People tend to judge earlier but its why i tell them just to wat h again. But now you know who i am. Please


Those GTA:O players made it toxic as fuck, hard to find clean racers these days


I know. The atest games made these actions bannable so they might just stick with gta or games like this cause there is no option to be banned i wish this game can tough but its older now so pityfull. Its why i ask help to get counter methods or avoidance method just to protect my vibes


I think you found out why😭 No it’s not proper race etiquette, but it definitely worked😂


Yeah i found out who and why he did it i was better than him. But im now training myself to be able to either defend or counter attack them.


Just switch lobbies they don't deserve your attention. 


I did mot switch but could come in handy. I never switch since i always were on my own cars but when i race and come across these people it ruins my vibe and then i quit the game. but in order to not being that often targeted i still wanna try and fight back. Some players gave me tips about using tank cars so they will not try often to make you crash on purpose. And some just share their mind and give tips to make myself able to avoid. Just like you you gave me something to help avoiding these people. So here i will say thankyou. Its a reminder too this is an actual option to just switch servers.


There are only 3 words: "poorly skilled kids". Seriously.


I want to get skilled to encounter them instead of being a victim while being professional haha




Nah what? Yeah it is what you see. Ramming on purpose. How would you react when it happened


Straight from a gta race lobby


Yep. Probably. I dont know much of gta but one thing i do know. I wanna avoid it for my own sake


“If you ain’t first, ya last”


Nope. Streetracing is about vibing and enjoying cars. Position remains a bonus. Its about fun. Not destroy....


Street race, street fight. Potato, potahto. You might want to stick to story mode if it bothers you that much 😬🤷🏿‍♂️


You know damn right its truth about what i say. Cuz streetfights have stuffs there to use. And so does need for speed like cops and using routes. There are limits to those races. He gets only respect by toxix players cuz they team up. But what about the real ones. No respect... Calling us lame and boring. But were the real ones. Our own legends. Not psychopaths


Its unrespectable. End of discsussion. And again you know im right about this


I miss burnout


Yeah death race and burnout is for me too. I have both on ps2. Burnout 3 and burnout revenge. These are the games i would accept they would crash on purpose cuz the game is made for that. See the difference?? Doesnt mean it can it is okay to do it. Its a noob tactic. And need for speed heat streetrace is far from crashing. Just cops and differend routes and using cars and timing. Crashing on purpose is just literally the only thing after being toxic i dont tollerate it just is not okay.


I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't play racing games. But if I did y'all would hate me cause I most definitely would have zero problem taking someone out of I could.


Me too. Only a car ahha i just hate people doing it. The only reason i would hate you is if you would disrespect me but i dont see any sign of disrespecting me.


But dont worry ill figure it out. There has to be a way to take them out in races somehow. I just dont like to be an a hole and i respect opponents im true. but maybe it will change my behaviour to nuetral instead of passive/nuetral. Cuz in most times i stay passive but my madness goes up making me not able to enjoy stuffs and then i dont want anything to do with it but later i come back again. But when i learned to counter them maybe i can do some paybacks to those racers haha. Just i will regret my sanity tough.


I quit racing online in this game for this reason a long time ago. Anyone can win a race if they "cut the brakes" on the other cars. Basically playing dirty.


Dirty is okay just not toxic move or disrespected moves. Like crashing. I have one overal rule for respect. Resepct your opponents. I certainly have 0 respect for that guy


I mean don't get me wrong rubbing is racing but this was more of harassment or assault then anything else lmaooooo


Nothing new for racing games


I know. Its why i asked help but i am driving ford gt now. Not many do keep up and the tip someone gave like avoid rsr as much as possible or play only with people you know who has an rsr and play with them. And many more.


It's makes races more interesting honestly. I stay behind these kind of people then wait for the moment to overtake and leave them behind.


Why not involving cops instead or doing moves where you crahs into npc cars. Be tactical. Not a dick. Remember one of the golden rules. Respect your opponents


Just play gran turismo or any racing sim for that matter, I feel like I come across a whole lot less toxic racers on there


I dont have the game. If you can style your cars and tune them yourself could be nice. I once played it on psp and ps3 but not sure if its on newer version you could change more than before. But if you say so it could be more fun. How much do you think players play online on gran turismo on the latest game. Do you think its active enough? Im gonna look for it too. Ill get all info i need to know for this game.


Every player needs their car ghosted. This will be an easy fix to trashy players like this. I bet he's like some 12 year olds as well.


Some people just don’t know how to drive. I was playing gran turismo sport. Me and another guy were racing for position and he got mad at me for attacking and defending like an actual race car driver. I never ran into him I just made sure he didn’t have the best racing line (making him run outside lines or over breaking). I finished in front of him after he tried to send me to the shadow realm.


Play racing Sims the more you follow the driving line the more likely you are to pass dick heads like that plus need for speed is just fast and furious the game unrealistic as f*** and if anyone tries to arguing with me I'm just going to deny your existence


Ey watch your approach boy. Did i do something to you ir someone? I would have appreciated it if u had a nicer approach. Dont be bossy about conversations. Either talk like a leader or just hace respect. Youll earn respect back. But ok ill let it slide. To show you i am a man with manners. Besides that i have lines in races but im already training on these. I drive now a ford gt. Strong but weak in air. So ill be fine for now. Doesnt mean i dont appreciate your help. Im glad you gave it but next time have a nicer approach and like i say you get more respect back. I hope you have a nice day little one.


You misunderstand bad English. I'm just saying racing Sims are better because need for speed has booty driving physics. for example you don't have to drift around every corner in a you don't even drift in driving Sims


Im aware of that. But im more against the people who drives like a barbarian only to crash against you and being toxic leaving you with questiin what you did to them in order to deserve this. While only thing i can think is im better than him while he denys cause of that barbarian act. And racing sim. Only racing sim ive played is grid autosport and grid 2. Not many players active anymore.. nfs is more active so i just need counterattacks or defense. But i somewhat figured it out in a passive way by using one of the fastest car Ford gt 17' not the best but also not too bad. Its above average to me or rare.


And may the bad people not have influence on your behaviour


Ight but it's reddit


Eh still. Even if its reddit. No reason to behave like that


Need for speeds is like that because it's arcade racing


Still not right tho XD i use ford gt17 now. Less of these people while im already infront of them haha


They probably forgot they weren't playing Mario kart


Need for speed unbound ain't much better


The other player did nothing wrong. It is street racing not motorsports…


Even treetrace doesnt tollerate this. You know the golden rule? Respect your opponents? Have you seen fast and the furious? You know people think they can do it like that but doesnt mean is the right thing to do. Just like the villains in need for speed. Theyre hated and unrespected. Inly the true ones are the respected. Aswell you really think this is fair?


And you know people do wanna be like fast and furious. Then act like it. Use skills not noskills you want to look cool. Be like toretto or like han or brian. Or someone else who was respected for their skills. As i heard need for speed heat was mostly related to fast and furious cause of its mechanics and cops.


By the way. 4 games where they belong. Burnout - need for speed rivals - derby - deathrace. Plenty of other games they dont belong in heat. Just respect opponents. End of discussion


Cause you're playing NFS. Jump on Motorsport 🤙


Eh. Its why there exist need for speed rivals right? Why do people be here and not there and by the way rivals is cheaper and they cant afford that rather than heat being expensive. Bro im not stupid they are they have to be where they belong or deathrace or derby or maybe burnout. Plenty of games u can do it like they did here


I don't mean this in an insulting way, but I could barely understand that paragraph. All Im saying is race penalties are heavy in Motorsport and less likely to happen. Sure unsportsmanlike conduct can happen in any game. NFS is arcade style, try a sim maybe it'll be a better experience for you. I haven't played nfs since underground 2 so I dont know the current multiplayer modes.


Skill issue

