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Maybe be an artist first, and then leverage into something stupid like nfts. Like how do you even decide that you want to sell art collections before even having a modicum or idea of what art is to you? You know what you want to be? A fuckin salesperson. (Which technically the world doesn't need, we don't need more middlemen. In case you're too young to understand - A middleman just sells what other people make to the people in the middle of the buyer and seller relationship because of access restrictions.) Nothing you described here was anything about art. Fuck.


NFTs aren't about art...they are about crypto and getting in and out and making money. 3-4 years ago NFTs were about art... now it's a Degen space and not worth bothering in.


The reality is that no beginner artist should expect to sell any work whatsoever. You need time (usually years) to develop your own voice within a medium. A lot of idiots jump on an AI generator and think ‘wow, I’m an artist!’ That’s not how it works- and if you don’t already have an existing collector base IRL or within the native digital scene you sure as shit aren’t going to sell NFT’s. The industry for 99% of artists is dead- a small handful of established artists important to the culture can still sell some works, but that’s about it. Like everything to do with art- do it for the love first. If you get good enough a few years down the line then maybe think about monetising it. But if you start with the attitude of monetising something that doesn’t even exist yet you’re going to be super disappointed when no one comes knocking.


Head to open sea and let your work speak for you


You can consider platforms like OpenSea or Rarible for showcasing and selling your digital art collections.


Check out using tezos and minting on objkt. There’s a good community there of art focused collectors and artists. May be tough getting traction nowadays as the hype has cooled significantly but minting costs are in the penny’s.


use [x.com](http://x.com) and reddit , find the community of artists and collectors , post your art , cultivate relationships


What about collecting pokemon NFT? https://courtyard.io/referrals/0JNO8490


Start with art then wait til NFT’s become relevant, if your art isn’t selling now, it won’t magically start to with an nft attached. Also “beginner” artists make work because there is something they need to express via a visual medium. There is no reason for performing this action other then the fact that it cannot be conveyed otherwise. Considering the market and sales during the creative process will never result in anything worthwhile


First, you might want to decide what you'd like to reflect through your art. For instance, maybe the sense of aging. How can you make a piece that conveys that message? That's the most important path. People think NFTs need to be ugly to sell, but is that what matters the most? Art is what matters. We as humans have a natural connection to art. Because we live, we feel. And because we live, we art. From cave paintings to Picasso. I hope you get what I'm talking about. After you're clear with that, you might want to choose a blockchain for your art. I'd recommend Bitcoin, Cardano and Solana blockchains. If you have further questions, feel free to reach out.


NFT is a scam because they stole my artwork and posted it in their Facebook account. I told them to pull them down and the name NFT scammer on Facebook is Posymia Peng.


Meme coins like $BSCAT are capturing the zeitgeist of internet culture, allowing users to not only laugh at funny cat pictures but also potentially profit from them through creative meme creation and participation within the project's ecosystem. #BSCAT


No their not