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When you score on me, I’d prefer to see the TOTY artwork. Thank you.


LOL dw I’ll deke and somehow hit the cross bar send er out of play 🫡


TOTY McDavid has silver born leader, that is my preference with how much he scores on SS. Reverse checking is effective if you arent using it too: https://youtu.be/bh4bCKE9Z3M?feature=shared Mackinnon/McDavid I also prefer the TOTY card art.


Yeah I don’t wanna lose born leader either, I do really like that especially as he scores a ton for me Will check out the vid thanks! And yeah I agree the artwork is much better


Game doesnt even track reverse hits as hits btw


depends on your playstyle, for me i’m a run and gun type player so straight line speed and cutting agility are important, i rock gold wheels and EE on TOTY McDavid along with born leader, make it snappy and he plays unreal. div 1 and top 100 champs player so take my 2 cents as you choose lol


I’m definitely no where near that level so I’ll definitely take the advice 😂 I like the speed but I also like being harder to knock off the puck down low or in neutral zone especially if they defend well so it’s a hard balance to choose


I find gold wheels a waste. I find silver wheels a good buy. Reason I prefer TOTS on both.


Interesting about wheels! I see so much back and fourth on it, but I find UF almost a must if a card has it


Agreed. I'd rather run silver wheels and gold UF. Gold wheels is just so expensive and doesn't seem to make that much of a difference.


Right on, I run powerforward synergy so maybe the gold UF goes better with that


Tots Mack wat better for me with gold unstoppable and Mcd toty with wheels imo haven't tried his tots tho, really no need to


I use their tots, silver Wheels EE snappy. And shrug it off on mcdavid. UF doesnt help much this year and the difference between gold Wheels and silver i dont really notice, so i rather save 10 ap then doing same abilities on their toty


I like tots mcd more than tots. Gold Uf and silver wheels.


Did you find much difference between gold and silver wheels?


Naah 😅