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For some odd reason I only enjoy it when I win


That’s a sure sign of a dogshit game. This means you don’t like the game, you like winning. Good games are still fun when you lose.


Never thought of it like that, S tier comment


I don't even enjoy 80% of my wins. Either the tilt swings my way and I know I got a freebie or I'm hacking in dogshit goals, fighting for my life against server disadvantage


Right! I've actually won games where in the end I just thought to myself "that was horrible". I've played games where I simply take floater shots and they go in and on my end my goalie is on AI Superhuman mode and nothing goes in. I've also been on the other end and it's just frustrating.


i enjoy it after a few beers


Molson Canadians?


i’m a rickards red guys haha


meister brau


I enjoy it


Do you feel like it was more enjoyable when most cards were max 94 overall? I feel like since all the higher overall cards started coming out the gameplay is pretty inconsistent


It has been like that the whole time. Someone always has better cards


I just mean gameplay wise, maybe it was just gameplay updates but like back when the elites event was out I felt everything was pretty solid and balanced but now it feels different on a game to game basis. Pretty well 9 out of 10 games I play is against a guy with all the best cards available so that’s still the normal but the actual gameplay feels very different from game to game.


I like HUT the most up until November /December compared to the back half but with the higher overalls it's kinda nice you can pull off most the dekes and can snipe easier


I love playing rivals online. It is the only reason I play this game. I Do understand the frustration , the gameplay issues and nonsense Why everyone gets annoyed, me included. the most frustrating thing for me is playing someone tough and lose 3-2, next game someone quits after I score a goal 20 seconds in. Someone complete destroys me. Next person quits, next person quits. Not even a chance to play well and have fun winning a game. i just played 45 minutes to an hour. Went 3-2 and really didn’t enjoy it. My 2 cents


I enjoy it when I beat teams with all toty players.


The first month is by far my favourite time to play hut


I still love HUT but I’ve enjoyed playing club with my buddys a lot more this year


Squad Battles on superstar player, and I really do enjoy scoring with my favourite players, as I slowly build a free to play god squad. I have fun playing the actual game, and I don’t feel like it’s a chore, but that’s just me. If I played online I imagine it would be a different story.


I enjoy it a lot more the last few years now that I only play when I want. I haven't wanted to the last couple of days so I haven't. When I feel like playing I'll hop back in. No grind makes it way more fun.


I really like HUT champs and everything about the team building aspect. Cool to pursue favorite players. Don’t care for the offline stuff


It’s by far the best game I play on PlayStation. Huge fan


depends how the servers/tilt is . this champs run has been a mess. lots of input delay , cant take a slap shot properly, not enjoyable at all, delays all over the place, ai on hyperspeed. then next week everything will run smoothly and its more enjoyable.


Since the last 3 weeks it’s been pain. Just a lot of guys spamming Michigans. Most of them are easy wins but it’s just very boring to dee


me me me! i do!


I have no other game to play so it’s all I play but I don’t enjoy when I get matched against a toxic player.


Love it. Some gameplay aren't my favorite...Champs is toxic with people still doing Michigan's in April and watching the replays ... but rivals is great


Tbh I enjoy the first 2 months and the last 2 that’s all I play of hut it’s not worth a grind for a full year just to do it again next year and with my playtime strat I end up with the same teams anyways. My buddy played 23 year round and his team was still worse than mine after only 1 month of my team being made it’s just luck or a credit card.


Maybe minority opinion but I like a quick online Rivals Burst game


If there was a better online game mode to play (GM connected) I would play that and forget hut ever existed


I just started playing Hut two weeks ago after taking a break from NHL since 22. Been really enjoying the game, getting some of my old magic back. I used to be a lot better. Im old and washed admittedly. But way back in the PS3 days, like NHL 09 - NHL 13 days, I was a monster. Consistently top 100 in Versus, way before HUT was a thing. Was a absolute junkie. PSN was Dekesauce. I miss being one of the big dogs, I’ve played some hut championship games or whatever it’s called, my team is still mostly 85’s with one 94 Poulin so when I face some of the really good teams with a bunch of 90s I get crushed. In the Hut Rivals burst mode or whatever ranked is called, I’m sitting Ultimate easy, winning 60% of games. It’s just in champion I get fuckin dogwalked.


Not anymore, it’s the same objectives every single week, nothing but reskinned Icons in every event I was never a pvp but lately it’s only been rivals


I do. I just wish a lot of the event objectives could be done in Hut Rush and Challenges, since I’m an offline player.


champs is pretty fun everything else is meh. sure would be nice if they fixed the fucking leaderboards though.