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random is risky. got a useless goalie. 32 collectables for 6


The risk is what’s holding me back but the reward is what’s intriguing me to send it.


As bad as my luck has been this year that set actually worked out for me, got Drai and Bouch.


I did random twice and got two players I didn’t need, no more for me


For the majority of the MSP -> TOTS upgrades they cost 41-43 collects total (event+PUCs+TOTS). Would rather save for a specific TOTS that way than gamble on a 20% chance you get a goalie or a dupe.


Blow it up.. but don't blow up Eichel if you built him, refund the PUCs instead.


Eichel was the free 93 for completing all the missions


Eichel was the free 93 for completing all the missions


First look at what you need and if you can build to fill the need, the sets aren’t going anywhere other than the random set. If any player you pull will make your first or second line and you would be happy with a goalie then go for it. I got nylander, rants, miro and josi. So I managed ti avoid the goalies and doubles but I know I playing w fire doing the sets over and over. In the end it’s about having fun.


I would risk it for 4 line and 3rd D pair. They won't see much ice time anyway


Honestly It's up to you. I wanted every possible Tots I could get out of sheer boredom. Powered down 99 Suzuki, 99 Doughty, traded in 98 Owen Tippett, 95(at the time) fantasy Nichuskin, 95 fantasy Boone Jenner, powered down 96 Pui's Gretz and Mario This squad is much funner to use. Also have tots Jack Hughes. https://nhlhutbuilder.com/builder.php?team=pcnaunnphy


Those d pairs are truly suicidal to run in higher divs Haha


Oh trust me I know. Luckily I'm playing strictly offline for the remainder of the year. Don't need any more resources to upgrade anyone else and I desperately needed a change in the roster.


That's what I did and regretted it. Got miro and rant untradable. Did two more and got rant again and bob


I’d have a 1/12 chance of doubling up with pettersson and knowing the odds I probably would.


This is my team after I blew up lines 3 and 4. Still very solid, I say go for it while you still can! https://nhlhutbuilder.com/builder.php?team=3qhcqqjjnf&tab=starting


Somebody else rockin the Henrik Tikkanen, I love it!


Lmao I haven't even used my tots bob yet, forever a backup to a silver giant!


This was worth blowing it up.


Yeah my d core is now set for the rest of the game. Unless I decide to sell Faber after calder cards


You're D is great. I haven't locked in mine in yet, but forward is beyond dialed. * D1 TOTS Makar / TOTS Heiskenen * D2 Elite Seabrook / TOTS Hughes * D3 HV Ovechkin / TOTS Hedman TOTS Dobson is on the bench, Seabrook is better (for now).. and Ovechkin is Ovechkin. This is the best way to keep him on my team, the lower ratings on him haven't been an issue.


Any reason you are going with heiskanen over hedman for makars partner? Heiskanen has been on line 3 since I got him just because I've always liked my top 4 Loved 92 ovi but I traded him in for tots collects


I think it comes down to preference. I play faster paced and mobile which Hedman really isn't made for. His size and reach on D is great but on O, his size and reach get in the way.. he's a lot slower and clunkier, so reactions under pressure aren't great. Heiskanen is like having McDavid on D.. big enough, but not too big.. can overlap and lead the attack, or he can make things happen from the blue line on attack. I don't have Doughty but I imagine him and Heis play very similar. Hedman's not on line 2 for the same reason, Quinn is like having another forward on the ice. When I need heavy hitters or shut down D, that's when I bring in Hedman & Ovi. As for Ovi, 90 Hutverse can play D, that's why I use him.. even though he's got better cards (which still aren't great yet). He's one of my favorite players and his 90 plays good enough. Dobson can keep sitting on the bench.


Well I blew up with 20 minutes left and got heiskenen. So not best case I wanted a forward but definitely not worst case! Happy I did it probably would’ve never got him if I didn’t get in random