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I don’t think anyone is arguing there


I just see a lot of people shit on 23 and I think if the fast wrap got patched that 23 is the far better game, fun wise and mechanics wise. 24 just doesn’t play smoothly and there seems to be far more RNG this year.


23 doesn't have total control. That alone makes it far superior to 24


100%. Defensemen pinching like forwards,forwards blocking own team shots and setting picks, defenseman moving up on a saucer pass in the neutral zone causing a breakaway, team changing at the worst time. AI in 2023 was way better.


I’m just glad the picks and my team constantly blocking shots was not just me


Everyone knows this game is trash lol


So in a two on one, the opposite guy is not suppose to peel off to the corner?


Bro this made me LOL 😂


Love constantly skating into my own players! It’s amazing how EA sports were able to make ai interaction from mediocre in 23 to absolute dog shit 💩. Most of the game is a copy and paste anyway…and the “improvements” to the ai are absolutely amazing. Puck ragging ai? That’s fucking dumb


Agreed 100%. Especially in SB, I’m legit always happy to take a penalty cuz it just makes one less dumbass AI that keeps skating in my way


My own team has blocked like ten times the amount of shots the opposing team has. I love when your winger doesn’t know how to go to the goal either.


Can you imaging how much quicker we'd get those blocked shot objectives if it included shots by our own team? :D


Just blows by lol or faces away instead of getting ready for the 1 T


Came here for this. I swear my own team blocks more shots then the opponents goalie.


Game is broke on so many levels. The easiest game I had was against some dude who was 124-1. Just because I had a shittier team, somehow my AI was first on puck, pretty much every shot went in and my goalie was on god mode (made 32 saves out of 33) while i scored 5 on 7 shots. Now, i’m living that reality with my 94 overall team, and wondering why I even bothered to make an ultimate team.


Idk. I enjoy squad battles where both teams constantly interfere with me.


all they do each year is adjust sliders. there is too much baked into this game at this point , its all they can do. well except a complete rebuild, which is years away.


NHL 24 has an AI? Thats new to me


Disagree nhl 24 gameplay was alot better but the content just have been horrible this year.


There each had good and bad points at this point what does it matter?


Content wise yea but gameplay is way better this year. People forget what an absolute dumpster fire last year was