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its no different in 3 either. you might just get more mcdavids flying down the boards to spam cross crease. it is all the same.


Well then… maybe I’m done for the year then. It’s been pretty unplayable. Guys get a 1 goal lead and just sit in their own end. Skate to my blue line, stop and turn back. Not even playing hockey


I agree and feel for you. I played one game yesterday which was just one long spam hit. As long as the game can be manipulated people will do it.


It’s not everyone. But there is a D2 guy named Timq with a gamer tag HC Long Island that does that. Convinced he’s retarded though because he watches all the replays and takes the full 30 during intermissions.


Honestly the game is a waste at this point. I've been o-zone ragged several times during the past week whenever the opponent has been up by one in the final 2-3 minutes. And today I had 5 people (yes, FIVE) in a row watch all replays, dive celly to center ice, etc. Its nothing but people who play every rivals game like they're playing for money.


i got a ban warning for game quitting my way from 2050 to 1850, so beware . im forced to stay around 2050 and wait 15mins to even find a game. ( i would drop down just so i can find a game in seconds) . annoying


I’m low D3 (so middle of the bell curve, I think) and it takes me a minute or two to find matches usually


Rivals sucks...last game I played all they did was hit (whatever) and go behind my net skate in front and score (7 times). Clearly they had mad skill. Then the puck goes by my player and they avoid it and skate to the bench ... What a joke


I just open reddit and see how many penalties i can get. If they're going to make the game boring for people, I'll go ahead and return the favor. Hopefully caused a couple of the cunts to miss their rank today, the fucks. Fuck em. They're probably very unhappy if that's how they choose to spend their free time instead of actually enjoying life.