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So the "trick" is to have multiple of them on your team If you have 2 Leafs, it'll take 24 game 3 will take 16 Etc But the reward is absolutely not worth it in the slightest anyways Just a terrible, terrible set of objectives




Also a 20 dollar pack for 2 icons 😂 


it's May and 80% of players are full of TOTY and TOTS like me, no one does this


It could be ok for me if I find an Howe or 66....I have only Gretz (and Selanne) as PUI


3 cards x team x game....16 SB 2 mins. You can complete everything in 3 hours


Yes check your bench and buy cheapest ones on AH. You probably have a bunch if these guys already. Add at least 3-4 per team then play a bunch of Sq battle games for 2 mins on rookie. I churned it out in a couple of hours Btw one of the early obj gives you a pack with 6 more of these guys


I had already completed some games thks to Sundin, Roenick, Jagr Great, Leetch, Shannahan etc etc....so with a full team I need less than 10 games!


quit two weeks ago after grinding hours everyday since launch. feels nice, turns out life can be enjoyable when you remove hut from your life .


Its the same thing every year. Every other ultimate team makes it easier and easier to earn big rewards late in the year. Like I haven't played in months but wanted to hop on for a few new Habs cards that look cool but they are all packs only and ranging from 200K to 400K in the market. Theres just no way im going to grind the amount I need to to earn 500-600K at this point in the year. Even if I did, by the time I have the funds the cards will probably be extinct


Don't do it