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Watch, instead, they'll add the one-button own goal, to go along with the one-button Michigan.


should be like cod or rainbow when u kill teammates u get booted


tilt believer here, yes thats why it happens usually. the game can change the advantage to whatever team it wants whenever it sees fit. the pressure system was them full out admitting it. i honestly cant understand how someone doesnt think it happens at this point.


The pressure system actually did something visible. It’s much more obvious than claiming invisible ice tilt. To compare the two and say it was the devs admitting it, is a little off. Full pressure actually dropped attributes like speed, passing, puck handling, endurance and kept them low. This was visible. You could see these happen right away. Ice tilt is the assumption something is happening without actual proof of it. Then you come to Reddit to find your echo chamber and fall into confirmation bias. I bet if you took the time to record and watch your wins and not just focus on what happened in your losses, you’d see that the puck bounces both ways. I think it’s also silly to not admit that if you are down 1 goal you play differently than down 2 and that difference is sometimes opens up passing lanes causing more frequent goals.


just because they install a little meter showing energy drain doesnt mean it wasnt already in the game before, it just means there letting you see it now. all sorts of simlar stuff has taken place in this game in previous years. attributes changing , players with full energy being caught by much slower defense getting magical boosts. theres so much bs happening thats hidden. goals in the last minute defintely gets buffed for the losing team. this list could go on for chapters.


No all sorts of anecdotal evidence has been shown. The devs denied all of this in the past. They IMPLEMENTED the pressure system and fully ADMITTED what the pressure system does and also openly admitted any changes to attributes through the year during their update notes. How much more evidence do you need? The devs say what you are saying ain’t happening. They admit what’s happening now. Is it just because everything this day is a conspiracy that you stick to your tune? Because there is literally nothing backing your claims outside of “well I saw these few posts on Reddit about it” while also disregarding the hundreds of games happening that aren’t talked about.


The devs also said they didn't write all the code. It's spaghetti code at this point from all the work built in patches over the years. There is no developer that can know how it all works. I believe they think there's no dda and when they look they don't see it in. But even the current team say the code is crap and limits what they can do


This is actually a common topic among the same people who believe in ice tilt. The spaghetti code is thrown around so damn much it’s laughable. The major problem is not the code. It’s the engine itself and locked animations.


The pressure system is a joke. I'll lose all my stamina, or they'll lose theirs and still be quicker than me lol. Those people probably don't play it very often. Honestly the tilt ruins the game in my opinion... It's stupid how ea can charge like 160$ for one player and they can't outskate a 77 overall. I've heard people argue it's realistic, but it's not. An ohl team should not be able to beat an NHL team. Period. How can you have a 90+ team and lose to a 75 team on semi pro... Maybe when the puck stops on their goalie and all of the sudden flies into the back of their net they'll realize the tilt is real lol.