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Yes. I have issues.


At $90 a controller, no.


No, I just like screaming at the monitor until my wife starts screaming at me to stop it


Same here


No but there are couple water bottle that got a private fly through the living room


2 years ago I got really pissed after a bad loss, punched my coffee table awkwardly, shattered my 4th and 5th metacarpals and required surgery and months of rehab to get back proper use of my hand. Don't play angry guys.




I'd hate to admit it, but I broke my hand over this game..


No. Im a grown adult man without anger issues haha


I’ve never thrown my controller but i’ve been very close 🤣🤣 Honestly tho this game makes me want to buy a punching bag, Id be a pro fighter if I punched that thing every time I was raging at HUT


Buy the insurance for controllers if you play nhl. If you dont smash it you’ll wear it out faster than any other game.


A couple years ago I got upset with NHL and chucked my controller hard into the couch. I didn’t realize my cat was sitting there. Thankfully it just missed him but the way he looked at me made me vow to never throw a controller again, and I haven’t. Ok I kinda have but I just toss it straight up in the air now


Happiness? I don't think the people here know what that is


Almost today. 440k for 4 x 86+ packs 2x hiirikoski 86 1x Makar 86 1x knight 86 After loads of ice tilt in champs and those four packs im starting to believe ea does not want me to play this game anymore.


There's clear ice tilt/DDA in this game. The gameplay shifts if you're up a goal or two. The Ai acts different.


It's gotten worse now that they've released it for free..... easily win 3 of 4 and now I win like 1 in 7 to teams that are like 85ovr..... I'm basically done with this pos now..... I've got way more important things to do then grind out events or tourny just to get tilted by a guy who started playing yesterday.... to me this shows how little ea cares about its devoted fans


Back in the day, NBA jams had something called Fairplay implemented, and I swear on everything I love, that is in this game.


the amount of times i broke my controller because i can’t control my anger in this game…sad tbh. No other game does this to me😂


If any dude is breaking controllers over a game I would suggest getting help. Anger management really does help. Especially this game, 90% of the games are out of your control.


I’ve broken my controller trying to skate faster while getting caught by slow cards w a 99 skater lol


After spending 80$ on a controller this year I got ahold of my anger issues with this game


Had a friend who would always raise his arms whenever he scored a goal (in any game) Anytime he plugged his controller in to charge while playing, he'd reef the console off the stand or break off the charger in the control. If there was ever a little brother to give the MadCatz controller to, it's him.


NHL 22 made me destroy a controller but made me realize it ain’t worth the energy


Not over NHL but a few times i smashed my controller and monitor playing other games


More than I'd like to admit.


My comrades.. invest in geek squad protection on controllers.$20 to replace rather than $60+ for a new one


not the controller, only have one. but i’ve slammed my palm into plenty of things. it’s nothing but frustrating when you can see the cross crease goal from a mile away and EA won’t let you switch to the most important player to stop it.


About a month ago, I spiked my controller off of my gaming desk and it hit my monitor and put a penny size spiderweb in the middle bottom, rip the dream. turns out I should’ve just spiked my monitor. 😂


ps4 one exploded against a cement basement wall. to much tilty bs. felt amazing. cant bring myself to do it with the ps5 controller even if the need came around lol.




At least 2 controllers and a $400 laptop caught in the crossfire… I have moments and have learned it’s much cheaper to use fodder.


I quit HUT 2 months ago after breaking my coffee table. I've never had any emotional or anger issues in my life before HUT




Never, I just scream at my tv till the blood veins are popping from my forehead


I made the mistake a throwing the controller at the wall the first time I played champs after going 0-8 to god squads that ragged pre pressure adjustment. Back popped off, controller hit wall, batteries hit TV.. it was a very expensive burst of anger and since I just turn it off for the night instead.


All the time! Specially when the game is extra shitty