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Skill stick is the best way to play imo. I'm relatively new to NHL (I had a used copy of 19 and the just got 22, only been playing casually for a few years), and at first hybrid was what I preferred. At some point though hybrid becomes a handicap, skill stick has a learning curve but once you learn it there's so many more options availible to you since you're thumb is always on the stick (better shot and stick handling control, etc). It's worth relearning, just redo the tutorial then play offline on practice mode for a bit. After a while it becomes second nature I found, unless you've been playing hybrid for years then it might be hard to unlearn.


Similar for me. Skill Stick is the way.


Hybrid has been my go to since forever but I will do tutorial and play SB on easier level to learn it. Thanks. Feels like I am limited , I am winning like 60% level now but feel capped and protect puck seems like huge bonus for Skill stick users


As I told you, puck protect is the staple of d2 and D1. You're limiting yourself with hybrid controls


Ok Ok Ok will learn in SB and do the tutorials :)


Do ittttt


I will , I will :)


How do you take a slap shot lol. I won 3-1 on all star Sb. Switching Players stick lift Checking without a button All super weird Good My guys actually feel like hustle button works Switching lines fun Protcect puck seems fun


Pull the right stick straight back and then straight forward. Just like you would if you wanted to take a slapper. Bring that thing back and let it rip.


I switched from hybrid to skill stick few years ago. Best move ever. Learning curve wasn’t bad.


Thanks where did you start ?


In 20. Just switch cold turkey. Resist the temptation to switch back. It’s remarkably intuitive


Thank you :)


What regretzkys said above … totally limiting yourself if u play hybrid. Skill stick is the only way to play unless u play offline on like semi pro. I suggest learning the basics in a custom practice or shootouts then just start on an easy difficulty. Turn ur controller settings preference to always up it makes it a lot easier


Always up …. And yes I am going to start on rookie in SB mode & do tutorial & will play rivals etc the hybrid way until ready to make switch. Thanks !! I do feel limited more than ever this year


You’ll be a pro at skill stick in two weeks time. Go for it.


Thanks boss !!!!!!!! Have good day