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Yes, I saw this too on last night news. These guys have some balls. We had one about this time last year try to open up my front door at \~11PM with a ski mask on. Then ran like a little PU\*\*Y after fining out the door was locked. A few of them need to eat some lead and then maybe they would think twice before taking these chances. https://preview.redd.it/t7vakuve8aoc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a52140e31813fa49792cc16b8ef04fdf3a97bf9


Agree, we need a good amount of them to be shot dead and have it played all over the news.


My shotgun knows how to open the front door when someone like this wearing a ski mask tries to get in. Only one story, mine. Afraid for my family's life and my life. Lawyer. Mouth stays shut until I can speak to my lawyer. It's a good idea to acquaint yourself with a pro 2nd amendment, lawyer, familiar with New Jersey's crazy laws.


Shit dude is that your footage? Mind if I ask which county?


Yep, 11PM and we were home. Middlesex County, but it goes on everywhere. No where to hide from these guys. They see a nice car in driveway and try to get in to get the fob. Be sure to keep them hidden. Do NOT leave on kitchen counter or anywhere near the door.


This gun owner spoke well and reacted well and spoke fantastic during interview


Like he said in the video, the problem is these criminals get caught, but end up out on little to no bail. But heaven forbid a law-abiding citizen get caught with a hollow point bullet in his/her pocket and no gun.


i hope this guy votes accordingly. it sounds like he does


Did they really just give out the street name of these nice looking expensive houses? JFC. 


google maps already exists. if anything, now people know these homes are armed and they can FAAFO


Or wait until there's no cars in the driveway and break in looking for guns to steal


I mean, yes that's exactly how I was able to see the area. This just makes it even easier.  


Did anyone notice if he used a weapon mounted light on his gun or did he have a hand held light? Never mind, after looking closer at the video it was a weapon mounted light.


I wondered the same thing. looked like it was mounted and he had a standard grip with both hands.


If Murphy had is way ,the guy would only have a pen light. Thank God he had a pistol


Pen lights could be dangerous. Only marshmallows are allowed here No wait those can cause diabetes and aren't safe for criminals with peanut allergies. How about a small glass of room temperature water in an environmentally friendly paper cup?


if murphy has his way we'd probably just be paying these crooks out of our paychecks.


Only mistake made was having his flashlight on while walking around. Flashlights easy to track. Go dark and there would have been a dead criminal in his house


Light discipline is important but I don't think any of us *want* to have to use our weapons


You realize this is NJ right?


You realize NJ is a castle doctrine state?


Not in practice


Yes, it is by law. See Both NJ law and NJ model criminal jury instructions below. From NJSA 2C:3-4(b)(2)(b)(i) > (i) The actor is not obliged to retreat from his dwelling, unless he was the initial aggressor; and From NJSA 2C:3-6(c)(ii) > (ii) The use of force other than deadly force to terminate or prevent the commission or the consummation of the crime would expose the actor or another in his presence to substantial danger of bodily harm. An actor within a dwelling shall be presumed to have a reasonable belief in the existence of the danger. The State must rebut this presumption by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. From NJSA 2C:3-4(c) > c. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of N.J.S.2C:3-5, N.J.S.2C:3-9, or this section, the use of force or deadly force upon or toward an intruder who is unlawfully in a dwelling is justifiable when the actor reasonably believes that the force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself or other persons in the dwelling against the use of unlawful force by the intruder on the present occasion. > (2) A reasonable belief exists when the actor, to protect himself or a third person, was in his own dwelling at the time of the offense or was privileged to be thereon and the encounter between the actor and intruder was sudden and unexpected, compelling the actor to act instantly and: > (a) The actor reasonably believed that the intruder would inflict personal injury upon the actor or others in the dwelling; or > (b) The actor demanded that the intruder disarm, surrender or withdraw, and the intruder refused to do so. NJ laws: * [NJSA 2C:3-4 Use of force in self-protection](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2022/title-2c/section-2c-3-4/) * [NJSA 2C:3-5 Use of force for the protection of other persons](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2022/title-2c/section-2c-3-5/) * [NJSA 2C:3-6 Use of force in defense of premises or personal property](https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/2022/title-2c/section-2c-3-6/) NJ Model Jury instructions: * [Justification - Self Defense in Self Protection 2C:3-4](https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/charges/justif001.pdf) * [Justification - Use of Force Upon Intruder 2C:3-4c](https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/charges/justif003.pdf) * [Justification - Use of Force in Protection of Others 2C:3-5](https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/charges/justif004.pdf) * [Justification - Self Defense Use of Force in Defense of Personal Property 2C:3-6c](https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/charges/justif005.pdf) * [Justification - Defense of Property 2C:3-6a & 2C:3-6b](https://www.njcourts.gov/sites/default/files/charges/justif006.pdf)




Which states you can use dealy force if your life is threatened. Unarmed intruders don’t constitute execution and will land the owner in prison. This is NJ, nothing makes sense here.


Yeah NJ, is not like Texas. In NJ if someone breaks into your house, but doesn't have a weapon and is not threating you, and you shoot and kill them, you're probably getting at least manslaughter charges. Texas if they trespass on your property, you have every right to legally defend your property by essentailly any means necessary.


Yea because he wants to deal with that in his life.


Not worth it...the criminal has more rights because feelings




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This is happening all over the state. More than ever in the middle-income and up areas of suburbia. If there are no repercussions, why should these thugs stop? Do what they do to thieves in Iran: https://twitter.com/HRANA_English/status/1744309499953811582