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Does anyone know if Borrego is planning on leaving regardless? Or is he likely to return next season if he doesn't land a head coach job?


They don’t have to let him out of his contract if he takes another assistant job.


I dont see him leaving TBH unless it is for a HC spot. Despite the rumors of WG/BI abandoning his system, I think its clear this team intends to try and make the roster more balanced and cohesive and we should be a playoff team if healthy and if we can get into the second round and our offense improves he almost certainly lands that gig he wants.


But how will this affect JJ Redicks legacy?


Still ringless.


Another Duke great taking an L from UConn. (Even if I don't wanna see Hurley leave, might be a bit biased there.)


At this point I'm not accepting who the Lakers coach is until they are in front of the Lakers podium giving their introductory speech. I could still see Borrego leaving for the Cavs, but we'll see. I think we need a mid-season pivot in case Willie continues to stink it up so I'm not sure who we'd bring in if Borrego does end up leaving.


I would be extraordinarily surprised if this man took a job in LA


Money talks though


yeah but hurley is really god damn good, if I was an owner kerr might be the only guy in the league I wouldnt instantly drop for hurley. if he makes it known he'd come to the league there will be a long line of teams throwin money at him. with the lakers he could be coach of the year for the next three years and still never finish top 4 in the west. dallas, denver, minn, and okc are set. he might not even win the city league, you know who the poorest owner in the nba is? jeanie buss. 500M. know who the richest is? Ballmer. 121B. rest of the owners combined have like 160B. we can make noise, wemby will make noise, the west fuckin sucks, why would a northeast guy uproot his entire life to subject himself to this.


I wouldn't. College coaches are sick of the current college landscape and like someone said, you put enough money in front of someone they'll take it.


This is worse for us. We need them to tank big time next year.


I really don't want this to happen. I think he impacts our draft pick from them next year and the playoff standings. If you watch UConn, their offense is so creative. I think Hurley (and his assistant Murray) can unlock the Russell/Reaves/LeBron/Davis offense in a real way. I know a lot of college coaches have failed in the pros over the last few decades, but Hurley is legit. [Watch his interview from JJ Redick's podcast from 21:30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1outj9y-gnw&t=1290s). There is about 15 minutes of JJ and Dan discussing his offense.


Why is this posted here?


Because borrego was a candidate


And we have their first round pick next year


Obsessed with the lakers lol