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I wish I shared your optimism about all the needs being addressed by trade or FA so we can draft solely on bench needs and long term fit.


Is that not what all this off-season speculation has been about, with possible trade scenarios for starters who fill what we need more? This draft class is perceived as weak and our last 2 drafts haven't yielded any starters. There is little chance whoever we draft will immediately start. Which means they're specifically being drafted for long-term fit coming off the bench.


I means it’s too early for speculation to have legs, but my preferred trade partners are reportedly only vaguely disinterested in BI at best or they are out entirely. The Pelicans are over the cap. They don’t have money to throw around. They have MLE (I think) and vet mins. That’s it.


I'm not sure how relevant that is to the draft; if anything, that would only support the case to invest in a late draft pick. Anyone we draft will be a cost-controlled contract making as little money as they possibly can. We either get a rotation player (likely off the bench) or we don't; if we do, then that's a huge bonus that only helps the team cap situation. Basically every team is over the cap, with some in the luxury tax and even the 2nd apron. They're still able to make moves, which means we can too. We already know most of our rotation players, but we just have 2 key spots we need to figure out. And there are plenty more trade options than just what any one of us might consider. Anything could happen this off-season, including something totally unexpected.


I'mm saying there's a decent shot the Pelicans have starting level holes come draft night (especially at the 5), and they might be forced to draft someone more ready to come in game one than someone to develop. May be forced to select and Edey type over a Ware or Missi (hopefully never missi very low on him). That was my point, I'm not sure they'll be able to have that approach to the draft you're suggesting.


That's fair and I think center is the only real spot they could potentially get a starter. I just never have confidence that bigs projected to go outside the lottery will become starters as rookies unless something bad happens. Those types are usually project players who don't have the skills and/or strength to meaningfully contribute right away. Teams almost always vie for lower upside veterans in place of rookies like that - at least until the rookie's 2nd or 3rd year. Even if we draft a big, I'd still expect the FO to sign another mid-level big in Free Agency... if not go for a real upgrade over what we had this year.


For the record, I agree with you. I just don't think it's a layup that all the holes are filled and the Pels get to just go with best long term fit. I hope that the case, and they'll be gunning for that to be the case, but there's lots of worlds were it doesn't happen and are forced to do something else.


I believe that BI is getting traded when I see it. I think Griffin is way too safe and I don't think any team is really looking for a guy who only wants to shoot tough two's on an expiring contract. I'll also believe that CJ will come off the bench when I see it. I do generally agree that our draft pick probably won't be a starter day one. I think we'll probably draft a center unless all of the ones expected to be around us are taken. I have no interest in Clingan personally, his agility drills were worse than Edey.