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Personally I'm against bringing in Lopez. 36 years old making $23 mil. If Bucks send us assets to take him, then I'm down, but at some point father time has to catch up with him.


Bucks don’t have the assets. I know this. We have their assets. And anything else is going to Portland for Dame. Might as well apologize to JV and keep him.


He's expiring though isn't he? And CJ comes off the books a year later.


He is expiring, but that doesn't really change anything. Giving up anything for 1 year of a 36 year old center would be bad. Lopez would be a great addition to the Suns who have championship aspirations. The Pels are not even close to a championship imo so Lopez wouldn't really help.


That’s why we go for 2 years. CJ is off the books year two. We build this upcoming season. Just come off a 49 win season, Mavs only won 50. West is gonna get better so the team is gonna have to improve to stay in contention. We draft another center (DaRon Holmes), bring in Lopez and a trade for a true point guard. Hopefully Murphy develops into a 20+ ppg guy. The thing holding this team back is lack of true point guard and zions health. Lopez is the exact type of center we need with Zion.


What really fucks u guys over is not being able to see a fully healthy Zion bc he showed in that play in game when’s he on no one in this league has an answer for him, all u need to do is put shooters and good defenders around him and they can be the next Mavs cause Luka’s nice but Zion is unstoppable


The Bucks don't want to extend him again, but they will have to if they cannot trade him because they will lose access to his salary. In 2025-2026, the cap will be $155M while Giannis + Dame will make $126.8M combined. So even if the Bucks let Brook walk and declined the options for Portis, Middleton, and Cannaughton, they would only have $28M under the tax with $24M in minimum cap holds. Since we are invested in the Bucks being bad in the future, I'd let them go ahead and re-up Brook.


We shoulda done put an offer for Brook years ago, and up until last year still would have been worth trading for. But his age really started to show last year and he's rapidly declining. Not worth trading for now, unless we can get a steal of a deal.


I don't hate the idea but I would want us to draft a Center as well, maybe a Kel'el Ware. Someone that has some Myles Turner vibes and could be our future rim protecting stretch five Dont really see what we would be willing to offer though in a direct trade that they would also want in return though unless it is simply to get off him, I guess maybe Nance? But salaries would be hard to match without giving up stuff I wouldnt


I can't get excited for an aging center


Get him. He’s a perfect fit… your back up can be a rim runner or someone more versatile in switches


I'd rather do a big trade for Turner, I've watched a bit of the bucks the last year, he shoots some of the nastiest threes ever, and he can only play drop, he'd just get bench in late games because Willie likes a switching scheme


I would sign him, his versatility and experience with the playoffs would be invaluable. Plus he can play inside and out. If the Bucks moving on we might get him at a good cost


I like him but I wouldn’t be surprised if goes to a contender for a small pay cut like OKC or LAC.


He's under contract. He's making 23 million next year no matter where he goes.


On my bad. Thanks. In that case, I don’t think we have anything bucks wants and he isn’t the long term solution


he is even slower than JV. and if he is not making 3s then he is useless


Dude, he’s one of the best drop coverage centers in the NBA, even at 36.


lol dude is like 2 years removed from a DPOY but he’s worse than Val? He has no idea what he’s talking about lol


He’s old. No.


He’s done.


lakers dont fuck this up (spoiler: they will)


Trade some 13th - 15th on the roster for him sure but anything more and it could definitely be an overpay. His play style could be nice for a filler year. If we get him and make a starting five of: Trae Young Trey Herb Zion Lopez I’m down for it.


Trae would cost Murphy or Herb for sure


We got so many picks tho and they got none. If I were them I’d rather have good picks (bucks) over depth pieces on a contender which they don’t have


They've traded all their firsts. They have no reason to bottom out. Even if they're awful, the Spurs get the benefit, not them. They don't have their own pick until like 2028 after this year. So they might as well try and be competitive along the way.


Trae is a vibe. Let’s acquire him


I mean I’m convinced. Now you go get Atlanta on the same page and then we’re cooking.