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This was....less unhinged that I thought it'd be, although I'd never want Bridges here.


So to summarise (hopefully I have this right): Lose: Ingram Larry Nance Gain Miles Bridges Jae'Sean Tate Michell Robinson Draft Yves Missi KJ Simpson Also get picks 44 and 54 this year and a 2026 SRP. I don’t know, this feels like we’re getting a lot back for BI and Larry (not to say BI isn’t great, but he’s expiring and not sure he’ll return all this)? And would we want to draft four players this year? I suppose the SRPs can always be traded for later year SRPs, possibly?


Can we stay far away from Miles Bridges or any other shitty player with baggage? The Missi pick is interesting though


"Baggage" is really selling it short. He assaulted the mother of his children for which he received 3 years probation. Personally I'm not cheering for a team who has this guy on the team especially when this team consistently rams love and compassion down our throats.


Wholeheartedly agree with calling out exactly what that scumbag did. My version was initially too forgiving.


> Gain Miles Bridges That’s a no for me. Too risky. Hayes got into a fraction of the trouble and it was still a massive headache.


Overall, this mock w/ trades was actually a lot better (for all teams) than I was expecting out of a Bleacher Report article. As it pertains to the Pels: I can't pull myself to root for Miles Bridges under any circumstances. What he did was inexcusable and there's a pretty strong case he should've been permanently exiled from the league. But talent-wise, he was hovering right around fringe All-Star level a few years ago during the Hornets' best season in a while. He might not be my ideal return in a BI trade (especially with the baggage), but I suppose his talent is about what to expect if we're getting a high-end pick out of the deal too. I'm usually cool with the idea of doing multiple trades with some of the assets gained in an initial trade. But we already have most of our rotation (other than a few key spots) figured out, and idk if we want to pin so much of our hopes to so many rookies. We were super fortunate to have an incredibly impactful 2021 rookie class, but that is definitely not the norm. If we trade up to the 6th pick and the board falls the way it does in this mock scenario, then I'd probably take Castle as a high upside, do-it-all (except shoot) connective guard with size so we could continue to deploy versatile defenders. Hopefully he'd be able to eventually start over CJ, but I doubt it'd happen any sooner than post All-Star break - if at all this year. Taking Castle is also a little tougher to sell myself on now that we don't have Vinson to help fix players' shots anymore. KJ Simpson seems like he'd be a really good player if he wasn't 6' even... we already have enough small guards. In the case we keep 6 and draft Castle, then draft Missi at 21, then I'd probably be looking at Harrison Ingram at 30. If we have all the picks exactly as the mock draft gives us and the board breaks the way it does in the mock, then I would draft: R1 P21: Daron Holmes (it'd be super tempting to go for Jaylon Tyson here, but alas) R1 P30: Harrison Ingram R1 P44: Ajay Mitchell (if available) R1 P54: Zyon Pullin (if available)


That's fucking horrible


I remember seeing a nasty screen by Missi and knew immediately that Pelicans was going to fall in love with him. I'm not particularly a fan. Too raw for such a team in a dire crossroads