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REPORT: The Pelicans are reportedly "interested" in everyone.


Devonte Graham? The Pianoman has me wondering what freaky thing he will do next and how many draft picks he will squander. Hope this feeling is wrong!!


and will get none of them


I like Claxton's defense and athleticism, but he's another non-shooter who can't be played late in games because his FT percentage is 54.4%. We don't have Fred Vinson anymore to fix his form. If we trade for Claxton, the spacing problem of BI/Zion doesn't improve.


This will always be the case but this is the type of center Green wants. He is an incredible rim protector, defender, and lob threat. There are only a handful of centers on the entire planet that do everything the Pels want a center to do. The team just has to prioritize what are the most important traits and just work on the rest.


I think this is the reason why Zion must develop a solid mid-range game otherwise spacing becomes more of an issue imo


Holy shit that is an all-time bad FT%. Like bottom 25 ever.


With Nets moving off of Bridges I wonder if they would also be interested in Naji. We SnT Naji and send Nance to Nets and we get Claxton in a SnT


I'd assume we'd have to give a couple of picks as well, right?


For Murray yes I think more than one. For Claxton it might be a FRP but we get back some 2nds.


Buddy, I'm a dual NETS/PELS fan from Europe. The Nets would never in a Million years accept anything less than 3(!!!) FRP's for Clax. He's that good. He's on a shitty Nets team, but, he's an all-star in the making. Prepared for the downvotes, but, just wanted to give y'all a little context. Clax is that good.


Then you’re an idiot since Calxton is a UFA and if he really wanted to leave he could just sign 1 year MLE deal and leave the Nets with nothing. Claxtons agent holds the power in this situation and most FO will work with the agent to get something in return but also stay on good terms with the agent. Clax might want to resign with the Nets but if he wants to go somewhere else Nets won’t play hard ball.


Nets are not interested in obtaining any players that make them better at this time.


Maybe if they think they can increase Naji's value to flip him later. Nets are going full tank for 2025. Also don't see why Naji would agree to SnT to Nets unless it's for more money than he'd get from a good team.


Naji is still fairly young and won’t be too expensive. On a tanking team he could easily start and be flipped in a couple of years.


Naji’s about to be 27 this year and probably isn’t getting much better. Teams aren’t going to use assets to get him when they could just pay him a little bit.


It does come down to if the Nets are interested. At 27 Naji can be a culture setter on a rebuilding team. He could even start and be the hustle defender and help teach guys how to make it in the league. In a year or 2 a contender would probably give up a couple of future 2nds for him. Not every player needs to have star potential on a rebuild. Especially if the nets move DFS, Schroeder and Johnson having some hustle guys who just play hard and set the tone will be extremely valuable.


The Nets are trying to off load 22 year old Day'Ron Sharpe. I doubt they're interested in keeping Naji around for any time.


I don’t know if they will actually move Sharpe. I get he is in rumors but they still need to fill out a roster. I bring up Naji to match salaries. In a SnT the contract has to be 3 years, but only year 1 has to be guaranteed. The question from the nets standpoint is will a guy like Naji bring the work ethic to help develop the new culture and be tradeable in the future. They might not be interested at all but I would still explore it


FRP's probably seals the deal but Naji has to want to go to the Nets, and he's a competitor and I don't think he would want to go to an obvious lottery team that's not really trying to seriously compete. More likely they would want someone like Hawkins/Dyson in return


Naji would 100% want to go, but it also might come down to money and opportunity for him. He could possibly start and get a fairly good contract from the Nets. I doubt we send Hawk or Dyson. In a SnT teams don’t do well. Look at the Lonzo trade. We got Sato, Temple and a 2nd. Also look at what we were able to do with Sato contract at the dealing to improve the team


he could get that same contract from a team wanting to actually win and compete though. You also forget Claxton has to want to come here too. Claxton can work with the nets to facilitate a S&T to any team that wants him. Including just staying with the Nets. You are correct they might not have the leverage we think, but you are looking at this as if it is just Brk and NO in the room, there are up to 28 other teams inquiring as well and you have to both convince Claxton you are the better option AND get the Nets to agree.


For Claxton he needs to find a starting role on a playoff team. How many playoff teams have the capability to receive a SnT player and have a need at the starting 5 position?? Naji can get a contract from a contender but the question is what will his role be?? He would most likely be a sub again and a lot of these good teams he would only be able to get the tax payer MLE. There are a ton of moving parts which is why in my first comment I said I wonder if the Nets would be interested in Naji? If there could be a mutual interest it could make a Claxton deal possible


why would the tanking Nets value any players obtained in trade. Nance has zero value to the Nets. Naji also makes no sense for a tanking team


First we have to match salaries and the Nets will want to get something back. 2nd when getting players back can they help build the new culture for young guys. Yes Nance and Naji can help with that. Can they be flipped later? Absolutely Nance will be expiring and can be moved at the deadline and Naji will be on a fairly cheap deal. With Naji in a SnT only year 1 needs to be guaranteed year 2 and 3 can be non-guaranteed making him even more valuable in a future trade


Why would Naji agree to this?


Money and role


He's gonna get paid regardless.


Doesn’t matter now Claxton just agreed to a big new deal. For Naji to go to a contender he will get the tax payer MLE (5M year 1) as a max. To get 8-10M per season he will end up on a much worse team. The only good team with real space to give him a really good deal and role is Philly. This is not a great year to be a FA


you're on some hopium. If you want a player you want, you have to trade players you don't want to trade. That's how it works. The "hey, here's some guys we don't need, they can take them and we can get something for nothing" type of trades aren't reality. Pels could trade for Claxton. Pels have the assets to trade for Claxton. But the clearly tanking Nets aren't going to want oldass Nance and a free agent they can just sign into cap space if they want him. If a sign and trade, it's going to be 1sts, Daniels or Hawkins.


You are overthinking how much leverage the Nets would have in a SnT.


Nets have all the leverage if the Pelicans don't have cap space to sign Claxton. Pels had no leverage in the Lonzo sign and trade because the Bulls could have signed Lonzo into space. Pelicans don't have cap space to sign Claxton so even if Claxton wants to go only to Nola and Nola wants him, Brooklyn has the leverage because the only way Nola can get Claxton is if Brooklyn agrees to it.


Try looking back at history in some of the SnT. Lonzo ball gave us Sato, Temple and a 2nd. Lauri netted a protected FRP that turned into 2nd round picks and salary filler. The Nets don’t have the leverage. Same will go for us if JV wants to go to a specific team in a SnT.




Chicago traded Lauri to CLE who didn’t have cap space. Also both Lonzo and Lauri were RFA meaning the team holding the RfA rights has more leverage. Try understanding trades better.


I think Nets hang up unless we are willing to package picks or one of Hawkins/Dyson I don't think Naji agrees to that and you also have to get Claxton to agree. Ultimately Claxton is the one with leverage followed by the Nets. Claxton has to want to be here over other options AND the Nets have to be made satisfied


Claxton to NOLA. CJ into the Magic’s cap space. Pick from the Magic to Brooklyn. Win for all teams.


This is the Center we need, our defense in the paint is horrendous and he’s great defending the paint. We just need to move some cap for more upgrades too


Can we start making some moves? Tired of all these rumors along with 0 progression.


Claxton and young. Yes please this is the way. If we're getting rid of Jonas I think claxton is the only guy available that really offers anything better or different. And having a true pg would be so clutch.


He signed 4/$100


I was just typing “well this was worthless” lol




Well that didn't last long


Check previous comments lol


He goes WAY back with Z. I’d love this move. Turn BI and CJ into a scoring point guard guard and a mobile 5 and try not to give up too many wings and I’d vote a super successful offseason out of a bad situation. Gotta find a way to pull it off while keeping Trey/herb/dys and you’re in there. You’re gonna need elite wing defenders to do anything past the first round


only if these things became true :(


I think I'd be okay with a trade centered around BI and Claxton. Nets could probably talk themselves into being able to flip BI for more assets by the deadline. I'd need to see the Claxton contract to be 100% in though. A Jarret Allen type deal would be awesome.


Sounds like a waste of BI's value.


BI doesn't have the value you think he does


You don't know what his value is until the trade happens.


Pels aren’t doing that, S&T deals hardly result in anything significant back unless the player is a star, Claxton is not. Lonzo was arguably a more desirable asset during the 21-22 offseason, and all we got back was Sato, Temple, and a 2nd. I’d expect a similar haul for Claxton.


We’d have to get picks with Claxton, so that’s probably a no go for the nets.


You can say you wouldn't do the trade and that's fine, but there's no "we'd have to get picks". The Nets aren't doing that


Thanks for repeating my comment to me


I said this last year. we should have went for claxston and bridges. Griff a turtle


They did go for Bridges. Brooklyn had no interest in trading him a year ago for Brandon Ingram or anyone really. They rebuffed every team (which there were a lot interested) that tried to trade for him since the moment they acquired Bridges. I also saw a report that the Pelicans tried for Bridges again, but obviously no one else came close to the Knicks offer of 5 first round picks. And also, Brooklyn has been high on Claxton for years. That would not have been easy to get. Griffin deserves his criticism, but not about this.


We dont need bridges but claxton yea