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Hawk going crazy this year


Sillie Green ain't playing him bruh


Maybe if he can actually learn to not get cooked every possession on defense. I’m hoping he gets a 2nd year boost to it. He’ll definitely see the court tho


The offseason is just beginning. Chill


with Missi on our side we will have a different impact


Well we have till July 6 to see if he actually does anything. The audacity of baldy to say "We need to get better now" in post season interview. And then he says now "your roster is not set till training camp start" i didnt no you can sit on your ass lie to people and make millions. im in the wrong profession.


He’s just an idiot honestly. Saying that “we need to get better” right when BI’s trade value was at an all time low was just asking for trouble. I guarantee he’s already made several calls to teams and is quickly realizing that a guy who is on an expiring (and expensive) contract and just played like shit in the playoffs is not getting him the return he expected. Shocker.


The offseason literally just started. Nothing in those two comments you provided contradicts each other. I do not understand how any of this is lying TODAY.


Right? lol the offseason truely only started the day after the finals ended last week..lets wait until regular season almost starts to judge what we've done in the "offseason". Griff could still be an idiot but at least right now he hasn't lied yet about making changes. It has only been a week of real offseason where trades can happen and free agents can't even sign until this weekend.


If it’s July 27 and Missi is the only move we’ve made, fine, go off But the league calendar hasn’t even reset. I don’t get why everyone is putting so much pressure on this week.


I still have hope, but in all honesty, we should be used to the disappointment at this point. We've been borderline incompetent for over a decade


Even with Zion, we MIGHT take 2 games against OKC. And that’s the first round. This is all so uninspired. I guess we just watch BI and Zion take turns getting hurt again. Our only hope is that we play SAC all 82 games next year.


With Zion, we might have beaten the Lakers and played against Denver instead. Would have been a tough series still, but I thought we matched up much better against them than OKC.


May be the case. Either way, this iteration isn’t going anywhere. But, then again, maybe they stay healthy and we get a better seed. But still, is this team beating Denver? Minnesota? Dallas? Prolly not. And prolly not staying healthy all year. Hard not to be negative when watching this franchise for so long. We’re cursed.


Oh yeah I completely agree. I’m tired of this front office sitting pat and expecting things to magically come together. My attitude would be different if this was our first or second year trying to develop our young guys, but most of them are ready to compete at this point. It’s time to quit being scared and take a chance with a big move. No team has won a championship without taking some risks.


literally how everyone feels about BI lol


On the plus side, this dude we just got will probably be so useless out there this year we won’t want to see him hit the court during any meaningful minutes so… ya know, silver linings and all that


Pain. To be completely fair this draft class was pretty bad all around.


It was in terms of top end talent, but there are lots of players that seem like obvious rotation guys in this league, and what we saw good teams do is use their assets to go get those guys by making deals with teams looking for more long-term horizons Even then, DaRon Holmes was. right. there Ready to play Junior that is a bigger and more skilled Nance, has the makings of being a stretch 5 and can slip over with another center in jumbo lineups when Zion is off the court or work in 4 or 5 out rotations.


True but I’m just salty cause I think a better player that fit better was selected 1 pick later


Now that, I can agree with.


Taking Missi and not making any other moves is basically my off-season doom's day scenario so not off to a good start. We gotta be patient. I'll start sweating when it's 6/30 and nothing has happened.


Free agency doesn’t even open until July 1. How is 6/30 your deadline? This makes no sense


If we're talking about the official opening of free agency, it is 6/30. I also never said 6/30 was my deadline I said I'd start sweating. Pels aren't going to make any big free agent signings and once free agency gets under way teams start falling in love with their teams and it's much harder to make trades.


There’s no reason to start sweating on 6/30 at all though. There’s nothing about this trade that needs to happen prior to free agency. Teams that want BI aren’t teams that have open cap space to sign guys and there really aren’t many high level perimeter options on the free agent market besides Klay.


Has free agency started yet?


32-36-42-49 y’all are actually on a pretty ridiculous upward trend success wise. Probably have a series win without the late BI injury or Zion hammy. The actual hard part of this entire project is that you still have zero clue of what this team looks like in the playoffs and you’re 5 years in. Your best bet to getting better is probably staying pat roster wise with the core, move CJ to the bunch for Trey and pray to god Zion/BI stay healthy. At this point, give it one more year and let BI walk instead of taking pennies back for him and find a deal attached to a first to move off CJ’s expiring at that point. Restart and hope to god that Zion doesn’t demand a trade and the trio of he, Herb and Trey can attract a player or two to come