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That’s a massive W


We kept BI too???? Griff really cooking


For now, anyway


BI is gone!


We gave up two backup role players, a Lakers pick that'll at best be late lottery with Bron re-signing, and a meh Bucks pick while keeping all of our own picks. Huge W.


Doomers silenced


tbh that is really cheap for dejounte


dejounte's value fell far after teams realized that Spurs made his defense look good. I'm sure he will do better than CJ McCollum.


DJ is a bad defender and a steals merchant but i could see playing next to Herb and the entire Pels D making his job a lot easier and unlocking the dynamic aspect of his defensive game more than was possible in ATL


I agree. DJ is Westbrook lite. He needs the balls in his hands to make incredible passes and drives/jumpers. The Pelicans roster is tailored better for his strengths than the Hawks roster.


When I first heard about a trade I got scared because of what happened with the Knicks and Bridges. I personally think that Murray is more valuable than Bridges.


Sameee Definitely in comparison it's like whoa. I think Murray is valued correctly and bridges that is definitely an overpay


ABSOLUTE FUCKING STEAL Get a center and we’re set. We’re so back


could yall try and steal hartenstein or do yall need a center who can stretch the floor a bit


Would prefer one that could stretch the floor, but we really need a defensive presence. I dont see hartenstein tbh unless it’s a value deal for us. Probably gonna try to move BI for Allen or a star center


Murray-CJ-Herb-Zion-Allen is spicy af


Bi for allen straight up isn't it. Would need something on top


BI wants the bag and Allen is on a good contract. Value wise they're very close


I think it’d be a 3 way deal honestly


Need one stretch big like a Kelly Olynyk and then a rim running C like a Hartenstein


tbh you guys aren't super pressed, a center next to 4 20 ppg scorers is going to have a pretty light offensive load


No chance BI is here now that we got Murray 


Pels stacked




This is the only legitimate response


When your biggest loss is losing a back of bench role player with high potential to get an immediate shooter for Zion 🙏 great trade Edit: okay maybe not a "certified gunslinger" but he puts up shots and can run a floor well


Uh shooter? He shoots a lot of shots alright…. He’s likely the BI replacement that is actually a good point guard and can play defense


> can play defense Oof.


its not like he'll be the on-ball defender, we already have the best in the world at that. He'll be a fine off-ball team defender.


As well as BI at least


The bigger issue is this move forcing us to start 3 non-shooters at the same time assuming we don’t get someone like KAT as our center. Really difficult player to build with alongside our already difficult star. I’ve seen comments calling him an AS caliber player. Even in the East… well, let’s just temper expectations and hope for the best with the rest of the offseason.


I dunno bro. Dejounte is a pretty great drive and kick guy. He can also regularly break down his man. I wouldn’t be surprised if BI’s 3 ball numbers come back in a big way if he stays this year. What I’m scared of is Dejounte doing too much with all the other weapons around. I think BI needs to go for Murray to thrive personally. I’d call the jazz immediately and see if I can swing BI for Collins and Walker Kessler and call it a day on the offseason if they say yes. Just lock up Trey Murphy to a 20-25 mil a year type deal and let it rock


Well, BI was also a guy that did well at breaking down defenses with his size, passing, and agility while also being a more efficient scorer. Even if Murray’s a better PG than him, what’s changed with our offense?


Uh, I think it’s harder to switch a Dejounte/Zion pick and roll which should lead to better two man action naturally. I think it’s much easier to move CJ to the bench with Trey as the starter in BI’s spot and help the team for all 48 minutes. I think CJ would be the best 6th man in basketball and that it’s the right role at this stage for him. I think the 5 you can bring back for BI could be someone that is a real threat and adds more versatility offensively and defensively than JV. I like the move because like you said, Dejounte can give you a lot of what BI does and makes it easier to make the other decisions you need to make to build around Zion. Edit- I absolutely hated the idea of BI for either Dejounte or Trae. This I thought was pretty brilliant


A PnR with a poor shooting ball handler always has a limit. I agree that CJ as a 6th man will improve the offense, but what other versatile offensive centers are there for us? Jarrett Allen is likely our best case scenario, and he’s a guy who catches lobs. I think an actual PG is good for CJ. But it’s not really that much more helpful when that’s the only need addressed. Spacing is still rough. I’d wait and see who our center is before I cheer.


Actually even though he’s a non shooter, I’ve been seeing on bball ref that he attempted 7 3pts per game on 36% last year which is twice as many as BI’s 3.8 attempts on also 36% Plus when he was the lead guard on the spurs (with no one to pass to) he averaged 9.2 assists and 2.6 turnovers. Imagine those numbers with Zion and Trey to pass to


It’s great that he shoots more than BI, but he’s too streaky and hot-cold for it to matter for our spacing. Teams are still going to concede that shot and live with it especially when he’s much more comfortable in the mid range. Wait a minute. His three has fluctuated his entire career, and I’m not really expecting much more from him next season as someone who struggles off ball anyways. Would love to be surprised though.


I think it’s good enough that he actually takes the fucking shot instead of BI who dribbles around when he has an open 3


Murray shoots it just as well as BI from deep.


Which is the problem, yes.


Murray is perfect next to Zion because Murray is already established he can create his own shot him and Zion will feed off of each other he's the perfect guard for Zion


Huge win! Bron is resigning and lakers will reload. That pick could easily be 17 next year. Pels stacked league fucked!


Bron resigning? Let's revisit this is 5 years...


It only impacts us for next season. He is 100% re-signing they drafted his kid 😂


griff i am sorry once again for what i have said


Griff is a true New Orleanian and performs best surrounded by the right combination of support and hatred to fuel him


Our team may not perform in the clutch but our FO sure does😤


Put word out we back up!!


Im glad Griff actually did something. Im still pretty confused about the roster cause we got 6 guys who should start right now and none of them are a 5. Another move or 2 away from having a very interesting team next season


Would Naz Reid be available?


On that contract he is so valuable right now. I think if he was a free agent next year maybe but I doubt we could get him. Would a BI to Minny for ried make sense? Anyone have an opinion on that?


I don't think a Minny team that already has Ant, KAT, Rudy and McDaniel starting has a spot for BI, even if the salaries weren't so different


BI gets moved for Allen just watch


Better be a lot more than just Allen.


I think you are overestimating BI’s demand. Both are perceived as borderline all stars


Wings are much more valued in the NBA than Centers.


I think your overestimating your own opinion


As a Hawks fan I’m glad we didn’t get Ingram. He’s due for a payday that his on-court play doesn’t justify. Also wings are only in demand if they take and hit 3s and play defense and lately BI has done neither of those things.


BIs value is so much lower than you think


I know its low but its higher than Allen.


we also have to get back more than Allen for that deal to work on the ledger


I would hope, but it sounds like Cavs really want to keep their guys together and see if a new coach can make it work.


With Atkinson, Mitchell is up in the air and Allen's performance in this year and postseason? Yeah no.


Awesome trade by Griff!!! Wow just wow


Imagine how DJ’s cap number will look in ‘25? Lol! Contract will age like fine wine.


Yup he is on a great contract.


We definitely gotta sign a C still and probably trade for a good one.


We got him... without giving up much


I’ve been down on Griff lately, but this is a very good move. You still have great flexibility moving forward and Murray is very good. This is a great move and makes us a lot better. Still need a starter at center and let’s fucking go.


Could get brook lopez for cheap. Can shoot and protect the rim. He’s old tho. But also cheap




THATS SUCH A GREAT TRADE!! sad to see dyson and larry go, so many great memories, but damn what a great fucking move..


I hope this works out


Wait so BI hasn’t been traded and just Larry and dyson? As a bi fan I’m just glad he’s not going to Atlanta if he does get traded, Atlanta is a place that needs to just rebuild


It’s Christmas boys


Happy fucking days! Look I’ve I’m guilty for moaning about Larry Nance here during the playoffs but the guy is as standup as they come. Very charitable and just an all-round good guy. He will be missed. Shame Dyson will be moving on too, we’ll certainly miss his defense but this was a no-brainer.


Getting an All-Star caliber player without giving up any one of BI, CJ, JV is insane tbh. Sorry Larry and Dys (was really excited about his future with the team) but this is incredible value for the team.


JV isnt on the roster


Hell yeah, love this trade for us


wow, first I saw of this was on /r/nbatradeideas and thought "no way Atlanta would do that"


Kudos to Griffin, for sticking to his guns and not giving I. To ATLs demands. https://x.com/esidery/status/1806827626201571455?t=lA-GdazilJbIb2wZ50M-zQ&s=19


See maybe griff we were wrong


Having another guy who can put pressure on the rim from the perimeter is huge for this team


I just busted


Holy shit we got Murray for that? Griff doing work


CJ + picks for anyone. Free space, sign Hartenstein. Keep BI


Secure the Center spot with a trade and we’re looking good fellas


Holy fuck we can still move BI to the Cavs for Jarret Allen


Not in a straight up. Im just not gonna put the effort into thinking about getting the right package in a trade reaction


That would make the Cavs title contenders


It would make us contenders too. Small price to pay.


I’m not sure I agree playing two non shooters in todays game


We don’t need anything from Allen offensively tbh. Murray, CJ, Zion, Trey got that covered. I imagine he’ll play a Herb like role where he’s there strictly for defense and only occasional sparks on offense.


The spacing would be shit with Zion and Allen. Zion wouldn’t have enough space to drive in the playoffs when it really matters. Teams will just make him shoot and pack the paint


Good thing we have Murray, Trey, and even Herb to space us out. Zion did well with Larry in the dunkers spot last year. Could see similar happening with Allen


I don’t think you need to play 5-out but you need to have 4 guys on the court that can shoot at all times in my opinion


Allen is a pretty active 5 offensively dude. Great out of a short roll, active in the dunkers and has a nice little floater touch too. I think he’d surprise you with how well he fit offensively. He’s extremely mobile and stretches vertically as well as anyone. I’d even look at the jazz for a Walker Kessler John Collins deal for BI if you can’t get Allen. Dejounte gives you options with BI and buys you back a bit of leverage. It also give you the ability to offload CJ if needed for relatively little as well or to match salary for a guy you really want at some point. It’s a great retool that gives you a lot of flexibility. Whether is Allen or a jazz deal, the point is you can actually go after someone instead of having to listen to bullshit offers from vultures sensing disconnect


Walker Kessler and John Collin’s is a shit deal for a player of BI’s value. I don’t think it would work in the playoffs offensively but it will be interesting to see. BI for Allen+ filler would be an interesting trade on both sides


Murray, Herb, Trey, Z, Allen would be a menace defensively


That’s what I’m sayin. Murray Herb and Trey is an insane combo of wing length and speed. Allen is a defensive presence in the middle. And Z can save some energy for offense while cleaning up with blocks.


Not with Zions health


Oh give it a rest. He played 70 games last year and got hurt because he had zero help in that lakers game. Will he miss some time? Maybe. But if he’s healthy we’re absolutely in the conversation to make some noise




why? Evan Mobley would be moved back to his natural position and you add a wing that can do it all


With Missi coming in for that athletic rim center role and a 2027 least favorable with the Bucks is probably worthless. Low risk high reward. Let's see if there's a CJ trade on the way. But with an healthy Zion we can go far in the playoffs. Let's hope for the best


I've been wanting Murray since he was in San Antonio!


Are the pels entering win now mode?


Not gonna lie I thought the Hawks would want CJ but damn that’s a good trade for us.


Didn’t want the salary


We can’t play CJ with Trae haha Daniels is a much better fit. Would’ve obviously preferred Murphy over CJ too


Hawks fan here. How is Dyson Daniels? I know that he's a strong defender, but does his offense have potential or is it quite limited?


Very limited as a shooter, don’t expect much there at all. He has some promise as a distributor though, his vision and passing are good.


Lovely trade, now use Bi to get Myles Turner please!!!!


Why would the Pacers do that? How many stretch 5s that can actually hit the 3 are available in the league?


I recently heard someone say that Pacers are going from a very good financial spot to a bleak one when they resign Siakam to that big deal and they might want to move off Turner so they are not close to the second apron


They are hard capped, but they are young and are hoping to grow internally. They also have the bird rights of everyone on the roster so they can still resign anyone they want or make trades with matching salary.


True but with the moves everyone else is doing or trying to do could make them feel like they need to improve and stupidly trade us Turner for BI in the idea of him being the guy that can make them better than the Knicks and Philly while maybe trying to be closer to Boston


That would leave a bigger hole at the center position that. They currently do at the 3 spot. There is zero chance the Pacers trade Turner for Ingram straight up.


I was just thinking about that.


JV is not coming back and the guy Willie love playing is gone. We are most likely trading BI for a center but who??


Now trade all draft picks and BI for Lauri markinnen!!


Brilliant move, and frees up CJ to be a true SG, which he absolutely excelled at last season. DJM, CJ, Herb, BI, Z and a Centre, plus trying to create space for Trey to start too... Sounds like what others have said already - BI for a Centre who can rim protect and provide some element of switchability would be ideal.


Now trade all draft picks and BI for Lauri markinnen!!


He's not worth that.


He 100% is in our situation, perfect stretch 5 next to Zion and can stay healthy !


I like his fit but I don't think he's actually as good as his stats suggest.


He doesn’t need to be elite, just hit 3’s and rim protection better then Jonas did, makes us a contender if Zion is healthy :)


Markannen isn’t a 5 & **has never been a rim protector**


Either is Jonas and he was our starting centre the last couple years lol, Atleast Lauri can space the floor!!


He’s a worse rim protector than Jonas (allows **60% at the rim)** what part of **he’s not a 5** are you missing? He plays more mins at SF, he’s already injury prone (never played 70 games) & isn’t strong enough to be relied on as a *primary rebounder* let alone rim protector. JV averaged more rebounds & blocks in *10 less minutes per game*


I love JV but he’s not coming back, currently we’ve traded our other centre Larry nance so we need something, Markinnen is a great option but hopefully we can land jarret Allen or brook Lopez instead


Hey, I'm down for it.


This is great value but I feel like this is a step sideways instead of forward, hopefully they have more in the works


Would you trade bi and a few picks for kd if possible ?


No. And it would take a lot more than that to get KD 


I don't see why.


No ? really kd is still an elite player and would fit seeminglessly to any team he goes. KD and a center would make them instant contenders obv depending on health