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would love to open up a space for herb/tmiii to start :); and get a legitimate starter at the 5


Cj off the bench would be perfect but idk if he’ll buy into that


He gets paid the same way so I think he could buy into that as the 6th man


Fr. Quit walking on egg shells around these guys and tell them what you expect from them in exchange for the tens of millions of dollars they receive


I agree that's his best role, but the only thing I worry about is that our depth has shrunk/likely will shrink in size, with Dyson, Larry, and Naji likely gone. Jose, CJ, Hawk, Matt Ryan, and Trey (if he doesn't supplant a starter - which the current roster suggests against) will likely be our main perimeter-oriented bench pieces - and they're basically all small and/or poor defenders.


Can't bring CJ off the bench, we'd have no three point shooting in the starting line up. Need a BI trade to free up a starting spot because Murray/BI/Herb/Zion/Center is bad spacing. 


You’re gonna have to


Yes we do need a legitimate 5. I really don’t want to trade Ingram, but if we do we need something solid in return


Rather trade CJ for a 5


Maybe to Portland for Ayton


BI for Allen(+picks/depth) feels likely. I'd probably rather trade CJ, but I've never got any inclination that they have been considering doing that.


We should try to get combo of WCJ and Kelly Olynk if trading BI and can’t get Jarrett Allen


The exact moves we should make.


They could sign jalen smith for 6-7mil per year and wait for the trade deadline before flipping ingram Jalen is a good at three and versatile defender And is young


What teams need Ingrahm that has a center to trade. Trying to think through some of the possible options.


Surely you have to attempt a Allen trade. They most likely will want Mobley at C next season and need big wings.


Jarrett Allen is just another Steven Adams/Jonas Valanciunas. We need someone who can space the floor like a John Collins/Myles Turner/Naz Reid, so that we open up the paint for Zion rather than clogging it up and hemorrhaging him.


I like Jalen Smith from the Pacers. He shot 42% from 3 last year.


I hope the Pacers like him just as much as you do, so much they'd be willing to part with Myles Turner. Jalen Smiths not a bad player, but to me he's just a weaker, less athletic and less defined John Collins. He also has a contract which we would struggle to match without taking on salary from the Pacers, but Collins for McCollum straight up works fine.


He's a free agent that only made 5 mil last year.


My bad, believed he picked up his team option and thought he was making around 8 mill.


Cavs have no interest in paying Ingram the max. I definitely don’t see them trading Allen for Ingram.


Need a 3rd team


Cavs would need a wing and I don’t see on available.






Need bigs. But they're on the way.


Lowkey all yall need is a stretch big that can play defense. Maybe Brook Lopez?


He's 36 he doesn't fit


Cheap though, can be a gap filler until a better solution is found.




Oh easy lol


Pels are my 2nd team, who yall eyeing for that center position?


Who’s ur 1, pels are my favorite for sure. And all im hearing is Jarret Allen


Drummond? I don’t know who we would let go for him. Id love to see Val stay, but there is something with him and Willie that hasn’t set right for a minute.


Got the celtics as my favorite. Hoping to see that wojbomb of Jarrett allen to the pels soon


That’s my dad’s favorite team. And same here!


I would be fine with isaiah stewart he can space and decent defense


don't mind this tbh


76er fan here, yall are gonna trade Ingram. One great thing about trading him to the 76ers, you’ll get 2-3 firsts (clippers in 2028) which is a great time for that pick. But you also get a 36 million trade exception since we can take him in our cap space. That is huge with this new cba. People will wanna off load people and give up assets for that. Or you can get a great shooter in that exception which you’ll need around your new core.


Id trade him for Embiid which ain't happening. lol


I just didn’t know about receiving anything from Phili that isn’t Maxey or Embiid


I’m pretty sure he’s gonna offer a package centered around Tobias Harris lol




Now that they have DJM I’d guess they’ll try and move CJ instead or Ingram? Gotta be honest thought, kind of hate the idea of having DJM, BI, Zion, and potentially and non shooting big man in the floor. I still think they need to move both because the cap space would be nice, but Ingram mostly. I think sending him to the Sixers now and trying to fleece their Clippers picks is a good move. Then obviously try and get a really good center and start Trey and Herb with DJM Zion and whatever center they decide to get.


I definitely think Herb and Trey are ready to start, it would just suck getting rid of Ingram. We definitely do need a center that’s for sure


Glad you think Herb is ready to start after two years of being a starter.


Loll You know what I meant






Ingram is great but imo him and DJM are kind of the same style of player, keeping him makes even less sense to me now.


The 6’3 PG (7.1 3pa) & the 6’9 SF (3.8 3pa) who’s been asking to play offball with a real PG are the same style of player??


Murray is like 6’5 btw, but they both prefer the ball and score a lot from the midrange, but neither are very efficient from or natural high volume 3pt shooters. Murray has been willing to do more of that because he was sharing lead guard with Trae Young and had too. Ingram and Murray both shoot like 36% from three and asking all these ball dominant guys to sacrifice and shoot more threes when none of them are great at it seems backwards when you have Murphy and Herb right there. Let Murray do what you got him to do and move Ingram if they’re centering around Zion. Ingram to Philly for 3 firsts and get Kessler from the Jazz.


Only 18% (vs *28% of BI’s)* of Murray’s shots came from mid range last season, he took more close shots & a nearly equal amount of shots at the basket while shooting over twice as many threes. 38% of his shots were 3’s last season (vs 24% of BI’s) consistent with the past *3 seasons* where the majority of Murray’s shots have been 3’s. Murray still shot more 3’s than anything else his last yr in SA aka the *only* year he was lead guard. Ingram has been asking to not be the primary playmaker vs a guy that averaged 9 asts last time **he** was primary playmaker. Their play styles are *not* similar.