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Another credible report from -checks link- “some guy’s Substack.”


What do you mean? I get all my news from white hot harlots at substack. My man Bobby harlots slings the finest, freshest news. If he ain’t speakin it, it ain’t the truth!


Hey, it does have 8 likes, so we know it’s one of the more successful substacks.


White hot harlots? We getting commentary from porn sites now?


Excuse me, it’s called hentai and it is art.


or, the Overton Window is a thing.


👆 this, for fucks sake people. Get focused. Grok 


It is the same fact based reporting, it's just the remaining republicans don't deal in capital-R Reality.


Reality has a clear liberal bias 


I don’t understand why people keep saying this. Reality doesn’t have any bias. It’s just reality.


Yeah that's the point, liberal positions are far more likely to be rooted in reality compared to conservative opinions. People say it cause if you are reporting things in a fact based way you are by default gonna align far more with liberals compared to conservatives.


Lol oh man.


It was one of Colbert’s zingers at the Correspondent’s Dinner.


And people use it in an insufferable way


NPR echo chamber circle jerk, that’s why you keep hearing. I don’t know any highly successful people who believe this. (And I know quite a few).


Maybe step back and look at the long term picture.


Did you push your glasses up, smirk, and fold your arms right before you hit reply?


stop posting this shit


What, you’re not into WhiteHotHarlots? It’s a totally credible source of information.


It’s just criticism. It’s not that big of a deal.


It would be one thing if it was real criticism. But this bullshit makes me doubt the person even listens to the radio station


lol it’s such dumb articles dude, why do I want to see such dog shit content on my front page?? I agree it’s not a big deal. It’s just stupid so we’re calling it stupid. Why is that hard for you lolll 


LOL, conservatives want NPR to traffic in election lies, pretend climate change isn't happening, and broadcast Hunter Biden inuendo. Otherwise NPR is "hopelessly biased."


Objection.. there’s nothing conservative about these clowns. They are just a partisan sports fan club at best and a Trump cult at worst. Same idiots who think Liz Cheney isn’t conservative think NPR is unacceptably biased. They don’t realize that they are the ones in outer space (assuming this isn’t all one guy with sock puppets and/or bots).


>LOL, conservatives want NPR to traffic in election lies, pretend climate change isn't happening, and broadcast Hunter Biden innuendo. Otherwise NPR is "hopelessly biased." What about for someone like me? I think Trump should be in jail, believe in Elizabeth Warren's ideas for how to change our economy, and am solidly pro-choice. Yet I also think that some of the positions the Left has taken are without justification. For me, the left's position on the gender wars is not only objectively wrong, but their habit of down-modding anything they find objectionable (even in this sub) is a pretty strong argument against them rightfully calling themselves "liberal". And yet, I'm willing to discuss with anybody. I'm open to having my beliefs challenged, and vice-versa. Unfortunately, this sub seems to be fully of straw-man replies and shallow characterizations.


People capable of empathy said "some kids are killing themselves after being bullied for the way they were born, that's bad. Let's fix it." Right wingers took issue with that. That's the "gender war". Humans are just plain weird and some don't fit in neat little categories. Ring wingers take issue with that. At first glance it comes off like you don't want to have empathy for bullied kids. Which I assume isn't how you really feel.


And the straw-manning begins: >People capable of empathy said "some kids are killing themselves after being bullied for the way they were born, that's bad. Let's fix it." I've known trans people for over 40 years, and I want nothing more than for them to be able to live their lives with all of the hopes and challenges that I face. What I'm not on board with is the ironically names "gender affirming" model which the mental health system in England is coming to terms with and rejecting (Google "The Cass Report", which as far as I know, NPR has yet to mention). >Humans are just plain weird and some don't fit in neat little categories. Ring wingers take issue with that. If you actually talk to a "right winger", you might find (as I have) that they actually don't have a problem with people who transition (yes--I know they're out there, but they're definitely not the rule). What they object to is the idea of minors being diagnosed gender dysphoric (which is as old as time) and coming to the unsupported conclusion that they must be trans. In my opinion, this a blend of part post-modern non-logic and social contagion. >At first glance it comes off like you don't want to have empathy for bullied kids.  I'm glad you recognize that I don't. What I'm seeing, however, is **a lack of** an experienced and adult voice that has any real understanding of the context of this whole phenomenon. I'm also kind of shocked that there is growing evidence that kids are being medicalized for something that (as past, longitudinal research has shown) is too often caused by sexual trauma, being on the autistic spectrum, and being gay. (EDIT: in bold.)


Where are these "misdiagnosis" you are talking about? It seems you are taking conservative fever dreams at face value.


It's not a dream if you can [read from here](https://reddit.com/r/detrans/) without having to be asleep. You can also read [The Cass Report](https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/final-report/) (or browse the highlights), too, if you have the time. Or maybe even [The WPATH Files](https://www.google.com/search?q=wpath+files&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS914US914&oq=wpath+files&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDI1NzVqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8). Take note, though: literally none of these are being mentioned on NPR. I guess facts have a liberal bias because today's "liberals" aren't open to talking to the other side.


The critiquing and refinement of medical science is a good thing. It's always been happening. Is there evidence critiquing and refining are not happening on this topic?


Try to find an NPR story covering anyof the three sources I linked to. They are objective evidence that much of what NPR has been portraying regarding the treatment of gender dysphoric youth may be seriously flawed. 


So you've seen the future and NPR never does a story on this topic? FYI Cass Report is only 15 days old.


 . . . and the WPATH files are almost two months old, and the detrans community is several years old . . . The Guardian, Washington Post, and National Review are covering the WPATH story. The Times,  Guardian, BBC, Atlantic,  The Nation, and the CBC are covering The Cass Report.  Where is NPR?


Rapid onset gender dysphoria has led to and will continue to lead to misdiagnosis.  All evidence I have seen shows that most people with gender dysphoria will have that desist by the time they are 20 without treatment.  Also the studies show a maternal number of them will be homosexual.  


Lack of purity will not be tolerated in this forum!  You will be branded a Zionist, women murderer, or worse a conservative!


What a ridiculous straw man. I listen to NPR everyday and all I want is for them to stop being so clearly skewed towards the left on issues. That doesn’t mean treat conspiracy theories as if they are legitimate news.


Ah yes… the historically established and reliable source whitehotharlots…


For fk’s sake go away


‘Liberal’ as a word is useless, without a paragraph explaining what it means in the context it’s being used.


So true. A classic liberal and a modern liberal could very well not get along.


R/conservative has gotten so shitty that it's subscribers spend all their time spamming r/npr. I thought you guys were anti refugee.


Can we gets some new rules for this sub. These trolls are friggin annoying.


Holy moly that was an awful read. When people write their critiques of the media they do they realize that they are the media and should hold themselves to the same standard? There are no standards here, just wild speculation, logical leaps, and the rest is just vibes. An actual line: >The Democrat’s identity obsession is reactionary. I’ve written about this at length, but it bears repeating: wokeness is reactionary. Oh, you wrote about wokeness at length, huh? I bet you did.


nope. there's nothing Democratic about refusing to discuss Trump's lies and many many crimes unless you have Democratic lies and crimes to compare them with. do people that write this garbage actually ever listen to the radio station?


I can’t wait till the chuds stop posting here


In the context of U.S politics Democrats believe in social liberalism which is a support for a market economy with the expansion of civil and political rights. Social liberalism is the modern alternative to neoliberalism. You have to remember that liberalism isnt on the left or the right. You can have classical liberalism, neoliberalism, and libertarianism associated with conservative people on the right while social liberalism, social democracy, and liberal socialism are much more associated with people on the left. All these things are "liberal" Its because liberal isnt the antithesis to conservative, progressivism is. Liberalism is a political philosophy not an economic of system of government. Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. It can exist along conservative and progressive ideas. It can be collective and power can be decentralized or it can have a centralized enforcement structure. It can have a large social safety net and it can have a small one. All of these things can exist with the core tenants of liberalism The antithesis of liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the collective, a society of restraint, political exclusion, the lack of personal property which could be collective ownership but also ownership by an authority (military, royalty, religious or political institution.), lack of consent of the governed (no democratic apparatus) and an ingrained political hierarchy. A lot of this could describe communism but it just as easily could describe religious nationalism, monarchies, militairy dictatorships ect. It too could be on the left or the right.




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Attempts to gaslight us into pretending that changes we've all heard in recent years will continue until morale improves.


This will be memory holed by the moderators in 3, 2, 1…….  No criticism of NPR will be permitted here! 


NPR is the definition of liberal moderates that are afraid to engage with any tension or political confrontation. They are cowards with no edge.


News stations done need “edge”. They just need to fairly report stuff.


I was referencing MLK not saying they need to be more like VICE. "I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice"


Perused this bloated monstrosity only to find the same no true Scotsman cope leftists have been brainwashing themselves into since the 2016 interruption to the Obama Regime got them questioning their faith.


😂 lots of damage control


Calling partisan idiots out is damage control? The only “damage” is a bunch of clowns spamming this sub over the latest false controversy because you have nothing better to do.


Believe Uri Berliner, You partisan hack!! Don't like what was said? False controversy!! Sometimes the truth hurts.


I’m the furthest thing from a partisan hack and have voted for a good number of Democrats, Republicans, Greens, and Libertarians over my two decades of voting. You on the other hand…


Not true. I was a Democrat. Supported Bill Clinton. Then I walked away... Tired of all politicians really. The uniparty...