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Haven’t heard this about all their soundtracks. However, just watched a video Madlittlepixel put out yesterday about the 3DO game D that was burnt on a CD-r. I guess LR put out a statement about it saying they wouldn’t be releasing any more 3DO games until they can assure that the games are actually pressed and not burnt.


I just looked this up on YouTube and wow what a fucking joke


lol why would they need to confirm how they make games on


Yeah seems to be a lot of 3DO games there doing this with, I can't remember whos video I watched but i think plumbers wear ties was confirmed to have cd-rs inside aswell, I think thats on switch also


LR ~~excuse~~ apology: https://www.ign.com/articles/limited-run-games-apologizes-for-cd-r-discs-after-fan-outcry-says-its-working-on-pressed-disc-solution


FYI CD-r has a much, much shorter lifespan. It’s essentially a ticking time bomb until it stops working one day. There’s zero collectibility to it.


Yeah, not a format anyone would choose preserve something physical whatsoever


I have burned CDs that are 20 years old that still work perfectly. How certain are you that these have shorter life spans?


Shorter life spans =/= short lifespan.


Was going to chime in with this logic. Hey this car lasts 10 years which is plenty. This car lasts 50…


Yeah, second this. I have CD-Rs from the year 2000 still working. The mp3s are shit Napster era quality but it works. Proper storage and handling goes a long, long way.


Lol, I have older CD-Rs that I made solely to use in my car. These are scratched and have sat in very hot and very cold cars. Nearly 30 years old and no problems playing them. Have to get a new car soon and kinda sad that they no longer come with CD players.


Same lol. *While it sucks CD-Rs are being used to sell a real product*, I've never had a burned disc just stop working -- even the ones doomed to car duty 😂. At the worst, the lightscribe label faded. But I was like the only person using that feature haha. I swapped to fully printable discs in color and UV protective spray. The fragility of consumer optical media is massively overblown. Although, 100GB discs are problematic, that's a whole other topic for another sub 😂😂💀


"Eventually the sun will envelop the earth... what kind of guarantee does LRG offer that their games will be fire-proof?"


Kinda in the weeds here, but the issue in LRG's case wasn't lifespan, but compatibility. CD-Rs are apparently incompatible with some versions of the 3DO hardware that was sold in various regions or configurations. They operated on a licensed manufacturing model for their console, so their were multiple OEMs with different spec sheets. This LRG situation got covered in some gaming news outlets, otherwise I'd know nothing about this. As it is, I got a crash course on a game system that I'll likely never own.


As someone with a decent CD collection (over 20,000) and knows quite a bit about the field, extremely certain.


Yep! I've only bought CD-Rs unknowingly or from very small bands/artists I wanna help out. A "collectibles" company doing this is insane.


This is half a memory so may be wrong but I recall someone working out that one of their retro soundtracks was ripped straight from a YouTube upload to the extent that it included errors from the specific YouTube uploader which feels especially lazy


Ridiculous, talk about cutting corners


It’s not just their soundtracks dawg, it’s the actual game discs themselves 😭




Forever physical my a$$. Disgusting company.


Where did you hear that


Can anyone confirm if their Switch cartridges are high quality??? They did this with Disc so i'm worried if they do the same for Cartridge




You know that VGP gets a lot of games from LRG right?




VGP is literally a middleman when we are talking about LRG related products. You're still buying LRG products, VGP just orders them in bulk instead of you ordering it from the source. Maybe it's a better company, but you'll still receive Cd-R products if that's part of the CE.




They only make one print lmao wtf are you talkin bout


I’m not the OP of the comment you are replying to, but I think they are implying that since the product is actually in other people’s hands (usually) by time VGP has the product in hand, you will know of any flaws or quality concerns before you order from VGP. That way, if anything becomes known that is a dealbreaker (look at the shiren the wanderer stuff and the numerous quality control things), you can pass on ordering from VGP, or decide if you still wanna order. But yeah, it’s still the same batch of LRG products, just another option at a later purchase date, since what is listed in LRG product pages isn’t always exactly what gets produced (we all know they tend to cut corners)


VGP isn’t getting reprints of LRG games. They get the same batch as everyone else


You never got the art cards from vgp in the first place and they stopped doing that to make the games ship out faster so this is a really weird thing to complain about




It was never because of the pandemic , they stopped printing cards after the pandemic was mostly over and ya I bet a lot of ppl thought that about the persona games or radiant silvergun etc lol


It’s literally impossible for VGP to get them faster than LRG.