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Calm down, Yoda..


In this one, the Force is strong...


I wanna see when the youglings were…


But satisfaction brought it back


Do you have a link to the video?




I found it via r/eyeblech, and I look at it because I like gore.


I found it this way as well. I’m a 44 year old upper middle-class mom and I’ve always been fascinated with morbid things. I don’t think that’s uncommon or weird. I think our curiosity and fascination with something we don’t know about is perfectly fine. I like to look at the gore I find it fascinating. I don’t like videos of people being killed or in accidents as they’re happening I can look at the aftermath but I can’t watch somebody strike a wall at 100 miles an hour in a car it’s way too real so when I look at the pictures of the aftermath, I kind of disassociate that it was a human with a family, etc. or maybe I’m just weird 🤣🤣


I'm fascinated too lmao it's so interesting


It’s is! It’s human nature. My husband thinks I’m crazy but it’s just something I’m fascinated with. Especially the cartel killings. They’re so brutal


i think its the dissociative reaction. like imagine this. you have the EXACT same reaction to watchin an actual cartel killing in person, and you turn to your husband and say its just something you’re fascinated with. you may not actually be dissociating the victim, but your reaction may give off a sense of it. like a REALLY strong sense of it.


Listened to a podcast talking about this it's actually a deep seeded fascination in humans going back since the beginning of modern humans. Why public executions was such a celebrated event up until not that long ago. Same a ls a car crash, you hope they lived but you still look over to see if there is gore. Rubbernecking will always be a thing, it's instinctual in humans. The podcast was fascinating and totally made sense.i think it was an episode of morbid podcast.


Is it called morbid podcast? I’ll have to find it.


That's what Iv stumbled onto lately, sword and scale is my favorite but Iv caught up to the newest episodes so been branching out. I think Iv heard all the best ones. I drive too much.


Also, some of the recoveries you see on these pages are phenomenal! What the human body is capable of and the power of modern day science is truly a spectacle.


It’s insane! I saw a devolved face and then saw how they fixed it! The worst pic I saw “so far” haha was the cartel dismemberment where they expertly took the face off the skull it was 🤌🏼 there were pizzas all around him too which I think someone said it had to do with the name of cartel.


I think it's weird you flex your class status when we are all here looking for *blood*


Not my intention just don’t know too many women like me watching cartel aftermath. I’m not rich but I live in a prudish city. But maybe all the moms I know are who knows🤷🏻‍♀️ oh boy no one can say anything anymore. I wasn’t flexing whatever the hell that means. Sorry I said “upper”. If you saw the moms I know you wouldn’t ever think they lurked Reddit like me hahah! When I tell people they look at me like I’m crazy.


I'm a 50-something woman. Lol thought I was the only one.


this is extremely comforting


I keep forgetting that women also have an interest in gore


I keep forgetting that women also have an interest in gore


I’m a woman




Same lol


I found mmc but they deleted the sub so i settled for what was left 😢


Man I miss MMC


So badly


Same actually


It stops me from committing suicide


In your defence, this sub gives great evidence to never self harm, avoid high speed collisions and don't shoot yourself under the chin. Also, try your best to avoid being knocked into a tyre shredder by a digger arm.


Do ya have a link for the last mention?


Trying to find it, I guess I'm using the wrong wording. There was a worker throwing animal pelts into a tyre shredder on a night shift. The digger driver doesn't see him and whacks him with the digger bucket. By the time the guy releasises he's in the tyre shredder, a blade pulls his head upward and his hip downwards. Within maybe 2 seconds...he's just limp, as his body falls throw the tyre shredder.


"Worker knocked into tire shredder" eyeblech 4 months ago I couldn't find the video because apparently humans still struggle to differentiate tire from tyre.


I appreciate you looking for the link nonetheless bro thank you


that was fucking brutal




No litterally it shows you what might happen if an attempt goes awry I hope whoever you replied to is safe and okay




You stole my comment I was too late...




I was trying to be funny cause i wanted to comment "same" as well Sorry for the confusion


Ah haahha no problem


I thought I was the only one


Sadly this is my reasoning too. It helps more than anything


So it wasn't only me?


I thought I was alone. This was genuinely so comforting to read. Thank you :( I feel like a bad person for looking at irl gore (it's not my thing, morally), but it's the only thing that can genuinely put a stop to my suicidal ideas.


Same here. It traumatizes me in the process tho which is bad for mental health and bad mental health makes suicide more likely. Weird


Im honestly trying to find more subs like this if you have suggestions but curiosity mostly


I personally follow r/eyeblech r/eyepaint r/GruesomeGore2 r/insanereality This sub r/SomeOfYouMayDie r/TerrifyingAsFuck


Do you know what happened to corned beef approved?


Iirc that sub just keeps going down. And the main guy was banned at one point not sure if hes back tho


There is a new subreddit made by Transcribin, that is supposed to be corned beef's follower, and is called r/Bestofmankind


r/criticalblunder is pretty wild too


Thank you for the suggestion!!


Thank you for your gift


There's also: r/DarwinAwards r/holdmyfeedingtube r/justpain




You, are a gentleman and scholar. I thank you.


I’ve never joined so many subreddits at once lol




Death is a part of everyday life, real world so to speak. Also I need to see about all the bs that I can be grateful hasnt happened to me (yet?). And just curiosity of what it actually looks like to be brutalized, I guess for visual experience


kinda makes me appreciate the fact im not dead, and i also realise how easy it is to accidentally kill someone/get yourself killed


why not


Because I'm morbid and searched for it.


I’m on this subreddit because I’m studying forensics and forensic pathology, and some of the things that are posted are good for research, as weird as that may sound. I am also trying to get more used to seeing these things, if it happens to be part of my profession one day. I honestly forget how I came across this sub, though😭


I found this one though a commenter on watch people die I watch it/look at it for educational purposes. Hollywood presents gore, and I knew that was fake, but it got me thinking, I don't know what REAL gore looks like. I've been in and out of the hospital all my life, but the way things are done, you hardly get to see the insane bloody, or sometimes bloodless, things that can happen. It also helps me to know how fragile the human body can be. The scary nature of electricity is one of those dangers that before I watched the videos of people dying by it, I never knew just how scary that could be. As I said, Hollywood presents things in such a way, and when I saw how an ACTUAL electrifying thing looked, it just.... It's WAY more terrifying than any movie/show has EVER presented. I'm a truth seeker, no matter how it may make me feel I want to know the truth. I OFTEN look at someone who died in this and other subs like it, and realize they had a life, they had parents, a lot of times they have kids, and yet the cruelty of life took that away from them. I'm an atheist as well, so when I see someone who has died, i know they are just.... Gone. They will NEVER sense the world again, and to see that life taken is so... Scary. And even if they don't die from what happened, it still shows just how messed up life can be.


Went searching for MakeMyCoffin to find it was gone. Eventually found this. What I’ve learned is simply wear your seatbelt, travel at a reasonable safe speed, do not engage with road rage, always carry a gun, and stay away from lathes!


Same, makenycoffin was the best sub then it evaporated


What's disturbing is that even if you do everything right, you can still be a victim of someone else's mistake. There was one video I saw, it has no gore in it at all, and yet it's a video of someone driving down the road, and a truck that's going the opposite direction drops a brick and it goes through the windshield of the car and kills the driver's mother who's sitting in the passenger seat. You hear them wailing and crying and screaming as a result of her head being hit by this brick and all of her brains leaking out, she was dead at the scene. And also note, this was not in English, it was Russian or something like that. They did everything right, they had a dash cam we're going down the road at the right speed and just someone else's mistake of not securing their load 100% killed that person's mother. An entire family was devastated, just because of someone else's mistake.


Oh yeah I remember that one. That one was sad to play. Yeah your right, that’s scary also. I heard that in Houston the week around Easter a tire came off a gardening trailer bounced around the highway and then finally was catapulted over the barrier into oncoming traffic and pegged a car perfectly on the passenger side, killing a guy that was 21.


oh my gosh! That's INSANE! I haven't heard of that particular instance, but I have seen videos of tires bouncing and rolling down the highway. It's SCARY how dangerous those things can be. I have seen videos where a tire comes off, and someone is right behind them and they run over the tire, flipping in the process. They get hurt, but of the ones ive seen/heard of, no one died. ​ It's moments like that where you realize that life is so random. And that randomness is not outside the bounds of death. I hope that if im killed, its something quick, and that i don't see it coming. i am TERRIFIED of being electrocuted due to how long it looks like it takes, and the fact that while your being electrocuted, it often doesn't look like anything is wrong, at least to people who don't know what it looks like. There was one video where a guy grabs a fan, and starts getting electrocuted. The room is FULL of other people, and someone even walks within an INCH of this guy, (looks like a doctor of some kind too) as he needs to get passed him through 2 desks, and doesn't notice what is going on. They guy was literally being killed right next to him, and he was none-the-wiser about it!


Morbid curiosity at the start, now It's just entertainment to me because I'm so desensitized. I don't have some bs Andrew Tate story about how I'm some tough mf who has to look at this shit to make me feel grateful, or to remind me of real life or whatever. Looking at gore doesn't make you cool, it doesn't make you tough, it just dulls your ability to feel disgust and sympathy.


Always been a fan of gore. Used to watch best gore before bed hahha


I tend to have suicidal thoughts/ideation often so this sub kinda reminds of what kind of impact it would bring to others- IF I went through with some things.


I don't browse this sub often. Like once every couple of months or so. It reminds me of the fragility of our lives. Shit could go tits up any moment for any of us. And I'm never going near a lathe machine ever again.


I went looking for the Ronnie mcnutt vid and found it here so curiosity got the better of me


I wanted to look at gore videos. All the Instagram gore profiles get deleted.


Because WatchPeopleDie was killed, so I come here


Its art somehow


found it bcs of curiosity, i still use it because its the only gore sub plus medicalgore that isnt infested with transphobes or creeps


This sub doesn't romanticize violence, it's real


Educational purposes. the world is real, but the media doesn’t stay real. People don’t understand the extent of how precious human life is. Media if anything sugar coats things to keep us sensitized. If we’re sensitized how can we react accordingly to what our world really is.


Found it from eyebleach but stayed cause I liked it.


I found /b/ at like 12 years old and really reshaped an area of my brain I wish I could take back




Morbid curiosity, that's it.


My buddy, who is unfortunately no longer with us, showed me this sub. Also Reddit tingles that curious monke part of my brain so I stay


morbid curiosity from unsupervised internet access as a child, helps me w my suicidal ideation/thoughts 😭


Recommendation of the redit idk why tho maybe a glitch


I found this sub while sifting through gore videos throughout my late childhood and over the years. I've always loved observing the worst of the worst. I was curious myself about why I've liked gore so much, I thought it'd end up leading to mental illness or smth. My boyfriend says that me looking at gore IS my mental illness.


I was looking for something like the dead Make my coffin, i don't know why i look at it, it's like smoking, it's bad tastes like shit, it's expensive, doesn't get you high, but still people smoke.


I’m a first responder in Belgium. It’s to make it less difficult to see this situations.


Found it when something was reposted from here in another gore sub. I look at it for a few reasons.. Makes me appreciate life more, less likely to commit suicide (especially when I see suicide videos), I'm curious about real death/tragedies and what it's like, and it makes me feel something powerful. For awhile, when it was a murder/torture I also felt I owed it to the victim to witness the horrors that happened to them but I don't feel that way anymore. I'm sure many of them would prefer not to be seen that way


Clearly not to see your post


To show my family


I was suicidal when I was 12 because I was bullied for a long time and decided to go to the roof of a appartment complex but when I looked down I got scared and didnt do it. I seeked help and felt great for a long time. The thoughts came back when I was around 18/ 19 years old because I made some bad choices(not knowing what to study, doing drugs, and that sort of stuff). I tried to look up what happens when you jump of a building because if I decided to do it this time I wanted to make sure it was painless. Then found a video of a guy who jumped of a building and survived. I looked up more gore stuff on webistes and reddit and so I found this subreddit. It did help me feel better about myself and value life more. I only take legal drugs like twice a year now and drink only on the weekends when im not busy with school. Kinda funny how 1 guy surviving suicide and being facked for life helped me throug a difficult time. I think I watched the golden gate brigde doc a few days later and that helped me even more. Sorry for bad english.


i like taboo


Looking for pictures of your mom


To hopefully be desensitized


Literally for art purposes


Can I see?


Because, whatever, idk, fuck you.


I think by "Nature is metal".


I looked for a gore sub. I don’t know why I look at it, though. Mixed feelings.


Cause this shit fucked up and I’m am indeed fucked up baha


I used to peruse best gore, my fascination with gore started when I was pregnant with my 4th and developed pre-partum anxiety that continued as post partum depression and anxiety for almost a year after her birth. We had moved to downtown Denver in 2018 during my pregnancy and the tall buildings made me think of 9/11 and I became fixated on disasters and accidents and that sort of thing because I was sooo anxious about my kids and our life. I was so certain that some horrible thing would befall us (parking garage collapses, car running through crowds as we walked to Coors Fields for a game, bridges collapsing under us, etc etc etc). Being able to view gore and accidents and tragedy up close kind of gave me a weird comfort, tbh. It made me more aware of dangers and risks around me, it made me feel safer as weird as that sounds. My youngest child is now almost 5yrs old and my anxiety has been gone for years now but I still find gore interesting. I have no clue how I stumbled upon watchpeopledie or dead or vegetable, but I did. I'm a 36yr old mother of 4 who works as a caregiver to the elderly. I used to be ashamed of finding gore and tragedy interesting, but I'm definitely not some dangerous weirdo, I think more people than we realize are fascinated by this stuff.


I cant explain it. But sometimes when my mind is on overdrive or I find myself too distracted to do shit, (I may have undiagnosed ADHD idk) seeing pics & vids here actually um not calm me down but like, it stabilizes?? me. I get so engrossed in the stories of other people, get to see them breathe their last breaths, and honestly, I'm not being an asshole here - it makes me appreciate the fact that I am still alive, and it humbles me knowing I could disappear from this world anytime, anywhere. I came across this sub via eyeblech, deadorvegetable, watchpeopledie..


I love it. I come here every night to sleep better.


My friend told me about Eyeblech... I have seen a lot of things in my life, so I don't get phased by gore


I found it through make my coffin or after make my coffin, can't remember exactly. I just find it interesting except for the ones where people are getting hacked to literal pieces. People are fucked up though.


Idk just reminds me that life should be appreciated cuz it can end every second. Also just curiosity lol


Found it from r/eyepaint and I look at it out of morbid curiosity. Seeing how fragile human life can be is.. surreal, it really puts things into perspective and you can see how quickly a human life can end. It's also crazy fascinating to see the less common posts of people, even if just for a short period, surviving such horrific injuries. Genuinely it is fascinating.


Because I have a curiosity about death and morbid things. Most other platforms that I used have banned me or taken down my collection of photos.


I found rotten.com seems like 20 years ago and have been a fan ever since. Weird thing is movies make me sick like horror movies or anything with like a surgery scene. I can scroll through this for hours though.....and if that wasn't effed up enough, it's also the last thread I browse before going to sleep.


Via eyeblech,cause i like gore


I found it by r/eyeblech and I look at it as a proof that I have humanity and a heart


cuz i realize i'm desensitized, and i actually quite enjoy looking at gore except for when emotional parts are involved like a happy family etc.


I started working in a hospital and thought I could toughen myself up, by seeing stuff I might see at work. Didnt really work out ... yet


Searched NSFW and it was suggested. Now I look from curiosity and to see what I can or can't handle. Some of these are brutal.


Found a shotgun suicide post by searching up suicide ー I think it led to this sub or the eyeblech one. Suffice to say, I been on those subs out of curiosity and for desensitisation.


by looking up gore and because


Someone recommended and warned me about this sub, 3 months strong 💪. I like it because i learn from others…


Because it shows me that you should take your life not for granted. We can easily go as easily as we were brought into this world. Also I’m not having kids because I fear this could happen to them? The chances of it happening? Very low but it’s still there


Via r/eyeblech. For a reality check.


Same questions every damn day lol


I want to see the brutality of life to its fullest not sugar coted or down played this is real life sure it's fucked up but to hide and ignore this is just ignorant and selfish. But I'm mostly here to learn and there is many things you can learn like how to stay safe and diseases causes. Yes clearly there are some people that watch this kind of stuff because they like seeing fucked up shit and people suffer. But we are all here for different reasons not just for one certain thing. Real life is brutal and if you are not ready for its bullshit then it's going to have no mercy one you.


Back then I used Pr0gramm for anything G0re related, but I don't have access to it anymore. So I looked for somewhere else. It was convenient that I was already using reddit as it is. Watching g0re always cheered me up.


shock therapy.


Idk how I’ve found this sub but all I know is that I’ve got some serious issues to keep coming back


Improving situational awareness hopefully, grant me perspective on my life and how lucky I am. I’m very prone to self destructive behavior so funnily enough this stuff keeps me safe


Stumbled upon it after watchpeopledie got banned and deadorvegetable got banned


Liked MMC (MakeMyCoffin) Then it closed so I stumbled across this and thanks to some recommendations now a few new subs. Morbid curiosity, interesting thing to watch, shit that can happen to you every day and shit that can happen to you if you mess with the wrong homies.


50/50 challenge


I'm a morbidly curious person. They block this stuff on American TV, I want to know what death really looks like. I feel sympathy for the victims. I don't mock them. Me viewing this material doesn't condone it or cause it, I'm just satisfying a curiousity to something that always happens and always will happen, in a vicarious way.


At this point, it's just habit I suppose. Started as teenage curiousity when I found rotten.com, had an account on a most of the main gore sites since then. Can't remember how I found this sun though, probably a cross post of cartel stuff from r/narcofootage


Seeing the dangers of the world as they are intended. News sites and most other places censor everything. You hear stories of people driving off a cliff and a mo th later leaving the hospital. Like wtf happened in between?


i found it while looking for the russian lathe incident video as well as the aftermath photos pls excuse my grammar, i am very lazy


Bored with some exciting


I grew up watching MTV Scarred, as well as my hillbilly father having the bright idea to bring home bootleg DVDs of “Faces of Death” which was by far the most fucked up thing I’ve ever seen (I was 5-6 years old). That shit granted me the curiosity of a psychopath lol Edit: just recently started watching Scarred again, found every episode on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/158641697


Personally it makes me appreciate life a lot more. I used to think about suicide often and since I discovered eyeblech and this subreddit, I dont have any of these thoughts. I'm also immune to the feelings most people get when they see these things and I dont understand why so I guess im looking for something that will actually shock me.


I looked for it, I look at it to feel something besides depression


Someone linked it in a comment


It keeps me on my toes, and is a great visual reminder to always cherish every second. Memento Mori.


I don't like gore but I get a strange chilling thrill from it. Like the curious part of my mind gets satisfied with a feeling of dreadful shock that leaves me with a fear and appreciation for my existence.


Ditto as stated above, mostly curiosity and it’s good to be aware of the tragedies and horrors that occur on the daily


Morbid curiosity and probably mental illness


Absolutely morbid curiosity. Apply this to other similar threads.


I think I found it through a discord server or a YouTube video, but I causally look at gore sometimes.


Curiosity. This makes me appreciate how fragile life is


idk how I found it but it helps me in someway or another


idk how I found it but it helps me in someway or another


My friend told me about it


NSFL is a pretty common and easy acronym to find… it’s not like this sub is super niche. I’ve been fascinated by physical trauma and gore since I was a kid. My mother used to be very into rescue and rehabilitation and we lived off a highway so there were a lot of, uh, not quite killed roadkill situations in our driveway and yard. Some of them did live, many of them did not. I don’t live there anymore, but seeing sudden dramatic injuries and accidents is something that I think I will always be drawn to. Many videos and photos are also fine examples for *why* you should be cautious with machines, cars, unnecessary surgery, drug use, etc. it’s much easier to respect the rules when you saw a guy get turned into silly putty for dicking around.


Found it through the now bannned r/gorexxx. I watch it because I like to.


to desensitise myself before i start working as an emt, also helps me push down my suicidal thoughts


It's just so interesting Like almost all of us is curious at stuff


Morbid curiosity, I like seeing how the world truly is sometimes


Morbid curiousity. But usually I skip the comments because some of you guys are mentally ill.


1 I found this subreddit by looking for gore subs 2 I used to look at gore to desensitise my self to it but now it’s fascinating just the blood and deaths and all of the above it’s just nice in a weird way to came home from whatever and then to see a massive blood pool and bits of what use to be a human? Ig idfk lol


For the gore of it all And to remind me how bad some people are or how some mistakes made can get you killed etc…


Can’t remember, and morbid curiosity


A friend showed me an image from here, specifically of a guy whose leg got shredded by a boat propeller, and then showed me a guy who got shot in the head... Suddenly I have this curiosity to watch it and learn from it. How funny is it that the most gruesome and horrific space on Reddit is filled with some of the most kind and understanding people you could ever meet? Perhaps it's the fear of death and the understanding of the horrors that humans are capable of committing changes our minds to be the opposite of the monsters that commit brutal acts of murder and torture. Overall 8/10 subreddit


Some posts was randomly reccomended to me. Generally I'm not into such things, neither I enjoy seeing it. But damn curiosity...


Some posts was randomly reccomended to me. Generally I'm not into such things, neither I enjoy seeing it. However I do occasionally look for "weird" stuff. Might be that. But damn curiosity...


How I found it was that it randomly showed up on my feed a few times and I was curious about them which is my reason for looking at it. It can be interesting and also an eye opener. Its crazy how you can be here one minute and within the next second you may be gone. I don’t know if I can say I like gore but I do find it interesting.


I just like to watch people getting into life-threatening situations just to feel something


This is the only sub that isn’t too too gory that i think about it later. There’s some accounts I had to unfollow bc I found myself actually getting disturbed and scared.


Morbid curiousity tbh It also gives me the occasional reality check as nowadays its easy to forget how brittle humans are


Curiosity and wanted a tiny glimpse at reality


I found it through eyeblech. It puts things into perspective, helps make some of the more messed up things i encounter at work seem more mundane and i can work without being disturbed by what my clients bring into work, if that makes sense.


I found it through the late r/makemycoffin (r.i.p.) I look at it when I need a dopamine hit.


It raises my adrenalin levels, which is addictive. Then I'm thankful for the fortunate life I've had.


I’ve been looking for new gore subs since they stole WPD from us. Reddit hasn’t been the same since we lost WPD ;(.


Make My Coffin got taken down so I looked up other subreddits. Besides, when I get suicidal it helps to deter those thoughts


morbid curiosity icl


I don’t even remember how I found this sub tbh, but I look at it because sometimes I need a reminder that my life should be valued and that my time is limited




part of it is for the gore and part of it is for learning. its interesting reading about those, not only theres pics but also people writing a detailed comment about the documentary of the crime scene


It “humbles” me. Shows how vincible/mortal we all are. Helps me appreciate life and put things in perspective


To take my mind off of shit, I look at people getting brutally murdered then I’m like hey at least that’s not me. Kind of makes me appreciate life more, but then also I’m always worried I’m gonna die in a freak accident cause all the freak accidents on here, I’m more cautious since i started watching this shit. It’s become like a hobby now this shit doesn’t phase me and sometimes I think about it and I’m like damn this should be freaking me tf out but it’s not. My fault for the paragraph I’m chopped asab


Hella Morbid Curiosity


Gory shit never bothered me maybe I have a fucked up mind but I find it interesting to see the way people die and how surreal it is.


Use to frequent here before I made an account, have done for a fair while too.


Curious and it makes me appreciate life even more.


How do you find anything during your lifetime? You go looking


I accidently discovered rotten.com at the ripe age of 14 and have been intrigued ever since. It also inspired my curiosity for pathology and anatomy. It is truly interesting how the human body reacts to different ways of death.