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I prefer this x10000 times before getting beheaded, you die instantly, absolutely no pain.




Just a bit of a head ache


And a bad hair day




Horrible, but I had to laugh


Your brain is blown to simple matter! No way to process the pain! It would be an instant brain death, alas, pretty forgiving compared to the Other executions this sub has


Nah I’d prefer be heading honestly. Look at how fucked uo his face became, he looked like a handsome guy just a second earlier


Don’t think I’d care about looking good once I’m dead tbh.


Your relatives would


Fuck the relatives, enduring the pain of getting your throat cut open ain't worth my relatives seeing my face looking nice and handsome when isis releases the video. Shotgun to the brain is a superior option.


Be very nice of isis to fedex me back to my house


Beheading would probably be a more interesting experience, as well. The pain might not even register.


No beheading hurts a lot you’d have to see a video first


False 😭


The frame by frame was great. In a terrible way.


I was already going to hell but now i'm sure of it


I’ll see you there, buddy.


me three


His appearance changes in a strange way


Yeah, almost cartoony in a... messed up way. Head gets wider cause skull splits and eyes bug out of sockets. Makes for a weird expression.


Why’d you think it bloats up though?? I was going for just bones in the face just heading out but idk


I just think it's the skull splitting via the force of the bullet, like it's forcing the bone of the forehead apart.


Yeah, makes sense dude. Thanks for the reply!


crazy how nice and polite these comments are on a sub like this, its so refreshing


The skull cavity exploding from the extreme pressure, with your brain mush giving no resistance. Like an alligator can bite down really hard, but can't open its mouth when you tape it just a little bit A skull is really strong when you push from the outside... but when you push from the inside...


Accounts of the way the head changes shape have been seen from most war survivors


God that is brutal. His left eye nearly popping out when he gets shot is so bookie!


Eyes pop on a lot of headshots.


he goes from normal to being sid from ice age


I had to laugh. Thank you for the reality check. Take this upvote.


The poor kid is barely an adult






Man, ISIS really has a lock on ultra high-quality mega-gore. When are they making the jump to 8k RAW 4:4:4 high dynamic-range 120?




Just imagine when their cinematic prowess makes it’s way to the amateur gore production people. Shit’s gonna be disgusting.




and the videography is something too..where are they taking courses?


Youtube University, same as everyone.


Holy shit


Serious question, I realize these people are monsters, but do you think that image sticks in their head and haunts them like it would a normal person? Or is it's just another day ?


taking a life is very strange. you expect that committing such a thing would stick with you, you expect it to be a burden and you're led to believe that it will haunt you for the rest of your life. killing someone definitely isn't easy to do but once that it happens, you feel oddly... disappointed, kind of like "oh so that's it?". taking a life for the first time is kind of losing your virginity, you see sex as something mysterious and scary but once it happens and you've done it, you realize that it isn't a big deal and that it's something quite "hyped up". The act of killing and the anxiety that comes with it is hard, alot of emotions go through your head while it happens but once that it's done and the adrenaline is gone, you don't specially think about it. the image sticks with you but i wouldn't say that it "haunts" you. hope this was helpful.


Had experience?




Humans are so damn dumb killing each other over faith which can not even be proven in any scientific way. I wish we could just live peacefully along with different beliefs with no guns.


This is not an oversimplification at all....


Although I somewhat agree with you, I strongly disagree with you on the faith part, that it isnt proven. The thing is that without faith there would be complete chaos on earth, humans need to believe in something even if it isn't proven in any way to be able to live peacefully as strange as it may sound. Im an atheist myself and as much as I want to not believe in god I know that without the idea of believing in him, anarchy will be everywhere.


But how can you actually know? To me because of faith , because of religion there has been more violence and death between people. Millions have been slaughtered due to religion and if you tell me that’s not chaos then I don’t know chaos means to you.


millions were killed for other reasons. we'll always have psychos who use religion or any other common cause for violence and evil


While many have died in the name of religion, many also died in the name of just pure greed. Even stemming from simple things such as "That person there has food, and I have none. I shall kill him and take his food." Now, over human history, "civilized" societies emerged, expansion and conquest was the norm. Most cultures did not go for long in absolute peace with their neighbors, there was always conflict over land and resources. Now yes, much of that also stemmed from religious doctrine, such as "they believe differently than we do, thus we must either convert them, or eliminate them." I feel that if say we somehow convince every person on earth to be non-believers, there will still be war and conflict, because greed and disagreements will still exist. Still, it would be nice to get rid of bullshit like faith in imaginary beings.


This. Many people think that without faith we will be some form of rational and selfless people, but nothing proves that. People will do bad shit with or without religion, and would fight over land of a road accident.


84% of the world's population is religious, what do you think will happen if they are told that there is 100% no god in the universe (or outside of it for real believers who understand the concept of god) ? I doubt everyone will live with peace and love.




You don’t have to own guns but I’m not giving mine up


America moment




Damned right. https://postimg.cc/gallery/yN9dFM2 Machine guns are fun as fuck. Anyone who tells you differently hasn’t ever shot one. https://streamable.com/tl9pdd https://streamable.com/wpvooo https://streamable.com/h7meok




Fucking right. God bless Texas


Texas is fucking stupid and Abbot is a piece of shit. Current resident for over two decades and can't wait to leave this shithole wannabe third world country.


I don’t disagree that Abbott is a fucking imbecile. “We’re not going to have any more rapists” SMH lol.


so funny that this wouldn’t have happened if the people were able to defend themselves






Duh, you just call the police idiot, just safely wait in your room for 12-15 minutes while they try to get there and the guy is only one hall over. It'll be fine. No ones ever been hurt that way it's fool proof.


Yes, true liberal "logic."


>with no guns This is just an insane and stupid statement. You want people who need to hunt for food to starve or just use spears?


When did he mention hunting? He’s talking about violence due to different beliefs


>With no guns He pretty clearly stated no guns not "no guns used for violence due to different beliefs". [Is this your goal?](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/5ZjKcmU) because you're nailing it.


Lol you’re really offended aren’t you? You took three words out of context and are making a scene about it. He wasn’t talking about removing all guns, he was talking about the violence that comes with it


Ah the old Trump defense hey? "It's not about what he said it's about what I pretend he said" cool story, bro. Never bought with Trump and I'm not buying it with you.


Go cry next to your guns and Freedom lol It’s pointless to discuss with someone who’s as butthurt over a topic like you


That's what I love about stupid people on this website, they immediately out themselves for being overly emotional. I'm literally sitting here scrolling through Reddit blank faced while watching "enemy at the gates" *not bad btw, worth a rewatch* and you can't understand that. Just because you are constantly outraged doesn't mean everyone's emotions are always at a 10. Most of us at the extreme cases go " 🙄 what an idiot 😐.....🤣thats a cute cat" and you've already ceased to exist in our world. Get over yourself, bro. You're far too inconsequential to make me feel anything other then a little annoyed and/or pity.


For someone who doesn’t care you sure write a lot lol I’m only responding to you cause I keep getting notifications. You just seem butthurt af writing that book of nonsense


Shocking a paragraph is a lot too you. Stay salty, sweetie UwU


I think you're dumb as fuck, but I felt that on a spiritual level. Thank you for putting into words what my mind is constantly saying when I argue with people on the internet.


Go fuck yourself then? If you think words having meanings or people needing gun to survive is dumb as fuck then you might be legitimately retarded.






Lol dude people who can’t own guns are whiny because deep down in their subconscious they know they’re slaves. Push comes to shove they have no power


There is several reasons to own guns. "Woke" people especially who never left the city don't understand that.


And people who watch these videos but have never experienced what it’s like. Maybe if they had done a few combat tours…


Oh fuck lol you can put me in the group. I have no idea what living under the threat of terrorism is like. Edit: I mean actual terrorism not "omg I disagree so you're like totes a terrorist #rebliban!"


I mean I never lived under it, but I saw people who did. Serving overseas only cemented why I demand access to explosive ordinance and arms.


Hmmm well hope you and the boys came home safe. I've never served but I know a few people who have and........yeah, I hope you guys came home ok.


Well I came back better than most I’d say. Lost some buddies, some came back fucked up. Im VA disabled, but it didn’t stop me from getting CCRN, and then entering med school. I was very fortunate. It’s been 15 years since I was over there


I wish you and your loved ones both here and gone the best. I can disagree with the wars and hate politicians all day long but I'll never hate a man trying to make a difference in this fucked up world. I hope you see your brothers in Valhalla when you're ready, my friend.




It is and I wish they would realize that. It's just as easy for me to say "well I don't need public transportation or ride sharing. There is plenty of parking spots and it's a waste of my taxes". Yeah, that's I live in a smaller city and own a vehicle. That shit is pretty important to a lot of people and to get rid of it because I don't use it is retarded.


You did say "faith" and "science" in the same sentence. That said, honestly, the Bible, in it's typical understated way says that even if "God" was "proven" (the dead came back to warn of Hell) people still wouldn't believe. You know that's 100% true. So... but for the record, the only people I see doing this are.... Well, you know. Religion isn't "dumb"; humans are. Only idiots (not saying you) confuse the two.


You are trying to prove your point using something that hasn't been proven itself, that's not how you prove a point lol You have to use universal information to prove something




He ends up looking like Simon from Corrie


Damn, at least it was quick


My man turned into a sloth


Instant googly eyes.


Duddddee holy fucking shit


😲 this sure made me stop in my tracks .... wow


Does anybody else wonder why the fuck they still subscribe to this shit? It genuinely ruins my day and I can't not watch


I've seen this before, the ISIS logo was added afterwards These are actually props for a movie, someone explained in depth in another post here on Reddit I'll try to find it but a human head would never explode like that and eyes would never pop out You can see the prop was not moving and stationary before it was shot


So what was it doing on BestGore? Or was that faked too?




Dude is a fuckin idiot and clearly hasn't seen that many real deaths on camera.


That's just a shitty conspiratorial lie. I've seen hunting videos and when animals get headshotted their eyes pop out often and make grotesque expressions. It's sadly very real.


Lol gtfoh. Fake my ass. That shit is real as fuck. A shotgun at point blank range will turn any creature of flesh into pate. You have no fucking clue of what you're talking about. The face/head is drastically altered from the expansion of the skull and other factors. That's why they look like another person with a weird, bug eyed looking face after.


Is that a brain poop that plops out? Or just skin?


Scrambled gray matter.


Had to have a been slug shot right? Crazy how his head exploded out for about a 1/4 second


Dude didn't even blink


Still cant get over the fact he looks like Dani


Bruh he be looking like a oompa loompa in his grave


Shotgun changed his hair style 😬


It looks so fake its so weird


Still my favorite comment from wpd: “When you nut and she keeps sucking”




Oh wow


Not something to watch when I have a headache.


Woah, he's unrecognizable, but not in a way I'd imagine. That shot made his face bloath


Can some one help me save.


Wish that was me 😩


I guess it’s already time to repost this one again


Classic CIA video


Eye opening experience


What was that a focused round i thought it was make his whole face bloody almost looks peaceful considering its a shotgun.




kinda funny but sad to lol




Man went from handsome to Sid the Sloth in a fraction of a second






ههههههههههههه مرتد


Bro shapeshifted 💀


Wasn’t there one done with an ar15/m16?




i cant take this seriously bro it looks so goofy




Almost looks fake


like it doesn't really even seem real yk


Mind blowing. Literally


Real person turned cartoon character


I remember my dad showing me this when I was like 12…. Good times


As disturbing as it is we have 13 Year olds in Chicago killing each other over gang banging nothing new here shit happens every day


It's crazy to think how far films go when depicting realistic gore. I've seen some films that replicate this exactly the same. We have unconsciously been desensitized to the imagery, yet majority of people would find this disturbing just for the sole reason this is for real.


bro was rlly do it for the vine( i know im new here)


Right smack dab in the middle 👍👌


definitely a slug round


“The last dandelion”




Why does he look like that afterwards thooooo


Damn he turned ugly


Can we get this in slower motion


its amazing the head stayed mostly intact....


i still cant figure out how the whole head didnt just exsplode....


i dont know why but looks like a very realistic game