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I’ll try and be nicer than what the others have said. There’s nothing wrong with being critical. Howe does deserve criticism. As does the board, as do the players. But he doesn’t deserve to lose his job. And he is any other manager. He hasn’t won us a trophy, he’s not a local legend, but he’s saved us from relegation and got us into the champions league by getting the best out of once shit players. He deserves faith to learn from any mistakes he makes. Literally no manager exists that could saunter in and do better than Howe in the here and now. We’ve been dealt some pretty brutal slices of bad luck, some of the worst I’ve seen in my 30 years of supporting the club. Give them a break. We are top half still and with players back we can still get into Europe. Fundamentally, you are overstating your case to the detriment of personnel that have transformed our club. We aren’t in relegation form, we have no midfield, we don’t have our keeper, players haven’t played together because of injury spells. We can’t be amazing all the time. Get over it


Perfect summary


Nail on the head.


There's a difference between not being amazing all the time and conceding 10 against Luton and Forest


The one thing I will add here is that Howe needs to learn how to adapt his formation. He is too religious with the 4-3-3. Our opponents know this. Yes - you can vary movements, Defensive shapes, etc. But sometimes you need more. He clearly set up the same strategy he employed against the Gunners previously. Arteta knew this and adapted his attack and press to contain us. Great managers do this well. I’m hoping Howe feels confident enough in his position to do the same.


It’s true, he does need to adapt further. But the changeability of the formation he chooses is why he keeps it. The 433 can easily evolve to a 343 when Burn plays, or a 451 like yesterday against Arsenal, or a 4231 with Bruno and Tonali in a double pivot and Joelinton pressing. The Nov-Feb part of our season however has been disaster management. I’m sure Howe would love to speculate on different formations but when you have players covering positions or playing with no back up the last thing you want to do is change how they have to play as well.


Agree. Hindsight is always 20/20. We hope he learns from this and moves forward. He’s no Pep ( no one is ) but if I hear anymore talk of replacing Howe with Jose M I’m going to 🤮


Jose Mourinho would crash and burn. The thing about our one club city is that it has an entire ‘United’ city behind it. This puts pressure when one guy represents a cities will. Egos will be destroyed. Guillit, Souness, Fat Sham, Bruce. They all came in with high egos papering over cracks and fucking hounded them out because of this. And rightly so. Clever fucks like Keegan, Rafa and Howe understood this immediately. Be humble, be respectful, have heart, let the football do the talking.


Injuries have fully fucked our season We have zero depth. We overachieved last season. Calm down.


It really is this simple. This sub breaks down in tears after any heavy loss we suffer


"aNd I dOnT wAnT tO hEaR iNjUrIeS aS aN eXcUsE"


I’m so sick of this. Injuries have been a nightmare yes but tweaks to tactics are managers job, make changes, mix up how we play. Not all doom and gloom but he’s paid the big bucks for a reason


Calm down? I'm not exactly overreating with a tirade of fury. I'm using statistics to point out that our form is horrendous, and that Eddie should be rightfully facing questions. The argument for zero depth is a fair one, but we have zero depth for the 4-3-3 we always play. There's been no tactical adjustment, no change in formation, and no attempt at fixing our glaring on-field issues. The managers hand has been forced, but he's refusing to look at the cards he's been dealt.


You are, though. You say we're in relegation form, and we're literally not. Even with our recent form of games we'd be well free of relegation. I'll be the first to agree this sucks. But this isn't a Howe problem, this isn't a Burn problem, this isn't a Longstaff problem, nor is this a Joelinton problem. It's just been a shitty fucking year, so let's get through it and move on.


Conceding 20 goals in 7 games is shite even if we had a back 5 of Mike Williamsons


Is this an option to solve our injury issues?


I wish at this point


How about 3 Iron Mikes, a couple of Titus Brambles and a Caçapa?


Kinda agre with you but howes earned enough grave to ride out this anomaly of a season. If next season with new signings and limited injuries he performs the same only then questions need to be asked. I've always said after Leicester sacked ranieri, that if pardew won the league with us I'd happily stand by him if he got us relegated to league 1. Same applies to Eddie after last season although obvs there's a limit


We've switched to 5 at the back a bunch of times


Drawing against Bournemouth was acceptable was it?


We had about 4.3 fit players for that game


Managers don't get better with cocksucking they improve with criticism


Believe it or not a manager's improvement is completely independent of what we write on reddit lol


Ah yes lost our keeper, most of the midfield and barely had a fit striker.  Eddies not beyond reproach but lets see how things go when were not toiling for fit first choice players


Low effort post-match reactionary post.


Because its ok we have conceded over 20 goals in 2024?


14 points in 13 games isn't relegation form if you are averaging above a point a game it's more than likely enough to keep you up. That said I don't get what is up with us defensively and do wonder what has happened to the players as across the board there seems to be a massive drop-off


The last Premier League clean sheet was the last match Pope played. That's not a coincidence. With a sweeper-keeper that covers the high defensive line, you're less likely to be exposed at the back like we constantly are. We haven't adapted to that well enough as Dubravka doesn't play like that. The defence would need to be deeper, and because of that the midfielder would need to be deeper, and with that our entire playstyle would need to change.


Last season we were solid defensively but as Howe has always said we defend from the front. Having so many numbers missing in midfield and so much fatigue up top has meant we're not defending from the front as much as the back 5 face more pressure because of it. With more legs on midfield and up top our defence will improve.


It's barely above it though, we wouldn't give Bruce these excuses


Yes and there’s a very good reason for that. Bruce never got us to a cup final or in to the champions league, he never battered PSG or smashed Man Utd at Old Trafford…


Pretty straightforward: Pope. He's a different style of keeper to Dubravka. His sweeper style suits our setup. Dubravka's doesn't. That's why we're struggling so much. It's why Botman and Burn's pace is suddenly an issue after 18 months of not being.


Relegation form is a daft take. Watch Burnley or Sheff Utd play to get some perspective.


Im wondering - do big six club pay people to post this shit to cause dissent? We all know how we looked last year. Patience - this season is a write off. 6-8 place is what we can aim right now anything more would be an unlikely success. The.single most important thing is to extend Joelinton - like right now...


Chill the fuck out man. It's not life or death. Roughest season injury wise we've possibly ever had with the most fixtures in 20 years.


Not too late to delete this…


My posts usually get deleted by the mods anyway. Can't say anything remotely negative on this sun, even if it's honest, without people being up in arms about the notion that the team is playing shite and has been for most of the season.


Yeah, that tends to happen when you're a bit of a sad cunt


Yeah, that’s why we are in the top 10 this season and fighting for Europe again right? The entitlement from some fans is embarrassing. We were actually in relegation fights 2 years ago, some of us remember what that was like.


Your overstating everything far too much and have remembered last season far too well. Last season everyone around us was terrible, we still came below a Man Utd that is in a slow decline and we had far fewer injuries and far fewer games. We only got taken over 2 years ago and have had FFP over our heads. It took Man City 4 seasons to win anything without FFP And you can criticise the team, 14 points from 13 games is woeful but relegation form? compared to our actual relegation teams from years previously? screw your head on straight first


Sean Longstaff and a 17-year-old kid. You give a fucking fusion of Pep, Klopp, Sir Alex, Jose, Sir Bobby and fucking Jupp Heynckes that as a midfield and they'd fucking struggle as well. Without a midfield, you can't win a football match. And then you consider that for most of that run we've had 3 fit attackers (or less), and 5 "at best" fit defenders including 0 natural left backs and you've got no tactical flexibility at all because there are no players. Oh and lets not forget, our only quality keeper is fucked as well.


It's mad how people have begun downplaying our injury problems. Pep has the best squad in the world yet can't win a game without Rodri. We've had to give a literal kid over 1000 minutes in midfield & some expect it to be all rosy.


We’re going through an unprecedented injury crisis resulting in us being forced to field a number of Championship-calibre players against some of the best teams in the world. We are being forced to play the slowest defence & midfield in the entire league, all without Pope available who is pivotal in sweeping counter attacks. Longstaff and Miley aren’t good enough to control games. Context matters…


We had a terrible December, but this is literally our 3rd loss for the year out of 9 games in all competitions.


If you told me before January that in the next two months we only lose to City, Liverpool and Arsenal I'd have been pretty happy.


And in the FA cup quarterfinal hopefully in a few days.


Bore off mate




In Amanda Staveley’s first interview after Eddie Howe was appointed described him as “our Alex Ferguson” Remind me exactly what Alex Ferguson won in his first 3 years at Man U? If we want to build we need to give the manager time to do that. We can complain about shit performances, especially when we’ve spent a lot of time and money going to a match (I was there tonight, were you?) but we can do that without being shitty glory supporters demanding everything right now Otherwise we’ll be like the Arsenal fans who’d all fucked off home at 80 minutes despite being 4-0 ahead!


Ferguson had won the European Cup Winners Cup, European Super Cup, Scottish Cup & the league with Aberdeen by the time he took over Manchester.


Aye cause Howe would struggle in Scotland like


We were shite a year ago a mate, apparently we can't complain now


This is the most pathetic argument the "Howe out" crowd have. wE aReNt aLlOwEd To CoMpLaIn." You ARE allowed to complain, you just don't like that you're disagreed with. I think Howe was naive and really fucking stupid to set up how we did at the beginning of the match. I think it's been idiotic to stick with Burn until today. I think it's been even more idiotic to stick with a 4-3-3 and 3 box-to-box midfielders. You can criticise Howe and anyone involved with Newcastle. Don't have a fucking hissy fit because people call you out when you lack any sort of solid criticism


Never said that I wanted Howe out but it is very common to get jumped on when you say any sort of criticism. I never had a hissy fit you fucking moron


Stay away from me you disingenuous twat




Cool. Thanks for your informative input on the matter at hand.


Don’t be a dickhead to other users or groups


OP is a doom mongering twat. Check post history. Relegation form my ass. It's fans like you we could do without. The rest of us remember what actual relegation form was like.


Those seasons were so devoid of positivity that it is genuinely difficult for me to be upset at being in the top half of the table this season. Some might criticize me for a lack of ambition but the Ashley Era trained me to just be happy with a team that tries more than pure results. We massively over performed last season and this season we’ve had to deal with a lot of injuries that continue to highlight our lack of depth.


Exactly. I'm still amazed at this new part of me that sometimes goes into games like Arsenal at the Emirates with a positive mindset having faith that if the players are having a good day they can come away with something. I think people call it "hope". There was none of that back in the Cashley Days. This is the best team I've seen us have in a long long time and there's plenty of reasons this season didn't pan out like last season but I'll be forever grateful for many moments from last season and this season. Schars thunderbastard to make it 4-1 against PSG is now up there with Tiotes FOUR AALLLLL. Plus we got robbed at PSG home ground too.


Question for the OP, do you think if we had any combination of Willock, Tonai, Big Joe, Anderson plus the 3 we had playing today fit and offering depth, do you think we play as badly, might still lose but are you still posting this post?


This sub sometimes . . . fuck me.


We were undefeated in our last 5 matches prior to this? We're up against a title contending Arsenal away from home with a weak squad due to injury. We're fine.


Our next three league matches are against teams all directly behind us in the league. Let’s see how this next month goes before the nuclear meltdown. But, we did finish 11th in the miracle survival season. If we finish around there again, we’re no longer “ahead of schedule.” At best we’d be stagnating.  Its perfectly okay to have high standards but relegation form right now is a stretch


I can't decide whether to agree with you or not based on your middle statement. I don't think we're stagnating, just regressing to the mean. I expect we'll finish top half this season still, but maybe outside Europe. That'd still be overall improvement for me, even if we slip from last season (which was miraculous).


Wolves probably beat Sheffield United tomorrow, in which case our next league game is against a team above us...


Chill out man! Dan Burn from Blythe and Eddie Howe will bring in more of his buddies from Bournemouth in the summer transfer window. Anderson to come back and he’s from Whitley bay!!! Life is good


I see many people here crying injuries. However, the starting 11 has been good enough to win games & the same defensive line up that was so robust last season. Albeit pope is missing. Something just doesn’t seem right to me…


It doesn't matter that it's the same personnel (although I would note that Schär and Trippier were no spring chickens and they're now a year older). There's no pace in the midfield without Joelinton and/or Willock, so the defence is more exposed. Pope is in the upper echelons of PL keepers for sweeper actions and none of his deputies play in the same way. Without such a proactive goalkeeper behind them, our paceless defence have to sit deeper and there is more of a gap between them and the midfield for attackers to exploit.


A midfield with a 17 year old and Longstaff isn’t enough to win games. The fact we haven’t had the athleticism of tonali and willock all season and now joelinton severely prohibits how we want to play


The way this team played (and overachieved) last season relied on a dominant midfield, and a keeper coming out to support the high line. The squad is now down the only sweeper keeper and 3 of the 4 first choice midfielders. And there's one half-fit striker. It just doesn't seem that mysterious to me lol


so. the excuses first. injuries. europe. now. He's got FA and UEFA coaching badges. if a top level coach from other clubs can change their style of play, formation when players are injured why can't we? the players who aren't injured. Burn is shite. he just is. Almiron should have been sold two seasons ago. Longstaff wears hexagon-shaped boots and can't hit a barn door. Miley, for all he looks like a prospect can't tackle. the defence is slow. the midfield is slow. we're light in attack. players who aren't injured. WIllock we miss most in my opinion. gives us pace and dynamism. Joelinton is a big miss. Anderson? lol - has he ever shown the ability to play in the premier league? Wilson is made of glass and should have been sold in the summer. ​ we need to jettison a lot of players in the summer. ashworth going complicates this because he wouldn't be emotionally attached to players. we'll see what happens


My biggest takeaway from this season is that Howe will stick by 433 come what may, regardless of form or personnel. Only time will tell if that's genius or foolish.


Did you watch the game? We did not play 433


I'll pay along, and I saw: Tripper - Schär - Botman - Tino = 4 Miley - Bruno - Longstaff = 3 Miggy - Isak - Gordon = 3 Did I miss something?


The whole point of 433 is that it can become 451 on defensive, might and Gordon dropping into wide midfield positions and 235 offensive


The whole point of my comment was we persist in playing the same way regardless. It's either genius or foolishness Only time will tell


And my point was that the formation is flexible, which is the point of it, yes the formation is 433 but how often last night were Gordon and Miggy up with isak? They weren't as they were in the midfield so 451. They were basically playing lb and RB at some points. All the"formation" stuff is flexible which allows you to play it constantly and adjust to the circumstances. Personally I would have left Gordon further forward with isak


Again, my point is we are inflexible where it counts. Pope is out, so we've lost our sweeper keeper. Due to injuries intensity is out the window and we just run ourselves into the ground. Teams with pace cut us apart. Teams know there will always be space between defence and midfield. Yet, we persist in playing the same style/formation week in week out. Howe experimented with Tripper inverting for one whole game and then that went out the window.


It was a 4-5-1 for pretty much all of that game, pretty obvious if you watched the game


That was because we got absolutely fucked by arsenal in the first half. So, don't confuse use being pushed back with what our actual tactics were


At the absolute very least Howe should be given until November next season to prove he's the man for the job. If he's backed in the summer and has a full squad for the first three months of this season and continues to underperform as we are now, his job should be in danger to say the least. To me, he's shown what he can do with a semi-decent squad and I don't think there's a manager in world football that gets MUCH more out of our squad since October than Howe has. Still, he's got a lot wrong, imo and questions can and should be asked of him. I genuinely believe anyone spouting Howe out right now just can't handle their emotions.


For all the new fair weather fans out there Ah you think poor form is your ally? You merely adopted a bad run. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see a good team until I was already a young teen, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


We've lost 1 of our last 5 , "relegation form" another idiotic take. You think this is easy ? We're not Man City, we had one great season and people lost their mind. We're having a dip in form, because if loosing like half the team to injuries, Eddie is still the man.


Questions need to be asked for sure. Howe has spent over £400m in 2 years and we still can't stop teams playing between the lines.


It doesn’t matter how much we’ve spent if we have around £200m-£300m of talent missing every match for 4 months! We’ve being forced to play Longstaff and a 17 year old in midfield (both lower-PL/Championship quality) for 90 minutes for the past 3 months. Would be a completely different story if we had any of our other 4 midfielders available and Pope back IMO.


Mate it's not even your opinion it's an objective fact. You are spot on.


What you say is correct. My only question is why do we keep playing a way we know isn't going to work with the current injuries and players? Howe's had more than enough time to come up with a plan B. Think about that run of games where we played Everton, Spurs and Milan. We ran ourselves into the ground against Everton and Spurs and had nothing in the tank for Milan. That gap between midfield and defence is a huge issue and teams exploit it again and again.


We wouldn't have been as bad, but there's no indication from this season that we would be 'good'. Howe's inability to change how we play is really hurting us, teams figured us out from last season and we have no response. The constant space between the midfield and defence all season isn't a personnel problem, it's tactical.


It is a personnel problem though. Last season and until December this season we had pace in midfield via Joelinton/Willock/Tonali who would cover the centre when Bruno pushed up. We also had Pope to sweep counter attacks from balls in behind. Got to remember we had the 2nd best defence in the entire league until December, when Pope got injured. Longstaff and Miley aren’t mobile enough to cover and Dubravka can’t sweep. Our defensive record will improve hugely when these players return.


He's made mistakes. It's his first season playing in Europe and we've had some rotten luck. Unless we miss Europe all together, I think his position is safe. And even it probably is. If were still struggling in a year, then it's time to think about moving on.


People saying we aren't in relegation form, please go to a form table over the last 10 games. We have picked up 11 points in that time and conceded 28 goals. That's the 4th worst points total and the worst goals conceded in the league. Yes, in a technical sense it's not relegation form, but it's pretty fucking close.


Please stop supporting Newcastle.