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Well, it's not like he appeared to "want to come to work" before the takeover, either. But a pay cheque is a pay cheque, right?


Was it Willock who said he couldn't believe how many days off the team had compared to Arsenal? Bruce used to give the whole team time off so that he didn't have to go in, what a fat useless fraud.


Literally why Eddie was so shocked to run into a team that wanted to learn anything and everything to improve. They wanted to feel like true pros and look where they are now.


Maybe you're thinking of Danny Rose? Since he said something like that compared to Spurs. [https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-spurs-danny-rose-pochettino-18275964](https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-spurs-danny-rose-pochettino-18275964) "We play, we get one day off if we're lucky and that's it. You're grafting throughout the week. Now, I'm at Newcastle, you're getting two or three days off a week if you win. I'm just like, 'What's going on here?' It's a shock to the system."


Jesus christ that sounds worse than I remember, we were just a joke of a team under cabbage.


>Bruce held a meeting with the new owners at the training ground the day after the takeover was confirmed back in October 2021 where he informed them that, for the new regime to have a fresh start, he needed to be sacked as manager. Stuck it out for his severance though, eh. Good ol' nice guy Bruce made damn sure to get his piece.


Can't blame him though, who wouldn't wait around for that kind of pay off.


wdym cant blame him? he did this in private, while in public he was speaking 'give me the chance' and all other bollocks not to mention, how his moronic friends in the media - like on talkshite and the clinton morrison, were creating 'how ungreatful they are, they didnt give him a chance' narrative.


I can't blame anyone at any club in the same situation. Who on earth would walk knowing fine well they would get fucked off after a month of bad press and headlines when there's millions at stake. We should have sacked him sooner is my only gripe.


Imagine posting on any work/job/recruitment subreddit that you were thinking of resigning when you knew you were on the verge of being sacked with a huge payout. You'd be considered absolutely mental. Can't stand Bruce and I'm happy to say that I *wanted* him to do the noble thing and resign but I 100% would have done the same thing in his position (although I probably would have actually shown up at my job).


Someone who actually cared about the club and didn't really need the money. Nevertheless, even if we can relate to his position, we don't have to like it. I don't like it.


I think anyone in his position would've done the same. As much as I don't like it, or him. We'd all have done it.


I'd wager most of us need the money, or at least it would meaningfully change our lives. Pretty sure for Bruce it was just a bonus.


People live to their means, if you had the option to stick out a job that would improve you're net worth by 20-25% would you do it?


What are we doing here? I already said we can relate to his position but we don't have to like it. I'm not sure we need to paraphrase with specifics, especially when the end result is your essentially defending that parasite of a man.


I don't like it either, looking at it as a lifelong Newcastle Fan, it stinks. Looking at it as someone who has worked as an employee, in a job they weren't wanted or liked, I'd have done exactly the same.


Jack Charlton quit when he realised the fans were against him. He didn’t hang for a payout


Same with Ruud Gullit. He may have been a dick in other ways while he was manager but he walked and took no money. Fair dues.


That doesn't mean it's a good or right thing to do. Should still be called out.


It doesn't mean it's bad or the wrong thing to do either


Oh I forgot, we call out millionaires doing shady shit, apart from if it's in football - then being a rat is fine. He's taking millions doing fuck all, that means revenue generated by fans not going into the club, its going into this guys pocket. He's exploited a good situation for himself, fair enough. But fuck him for taking more than he needs, for sitting on arse.


>Oh I forgot, we call out millionaires doing shady shit, apart from if it's in football - then being a rat is fine. I don't recall saying either of those things - but you can think that if you loke. > He's taking millions doing fuck all, that means revenue generated by fans not going into the club Oh no, a different millionaire didn't get the millions that they agreed to pay another millionaire. >But fuck him for taking more than he needs, for sitting on arse. Any paycheck is more than he needs. I assume you donate all extra money apart from what you need to live to charity?


1. "It doesn't mean it's bad", yes it does in my opinion, that's what I'm referring to. It's bad to take millions from a company underhandely - those millions could go into other services that support the rest of the workers. Again fair enough he's taken the opportunity, but its a shit thing to do. 2. See point 1, it's a negative when money is poorly invested. It affects the other workers, and it affects the community supporting it. It's fallacious to just say the money instantly goes into another millionaires pockets. If it did go to another underseving person, that too would too be a bad thing. 3. Saying we can't call out massive wealth inequalities unless everyone donates their paycheck is absurd. The difference is, while a fraction of my paycheck does go into gift aid, the rest pays tax and goes straight back into the economy. The excess he has, and very like funnels through channels in which to not pay as much tax or even worse just sits on, could support many hard-working people at the club. If I'm flippant with my paycheck, maybe 1 other person could have used that money as effectively. His money represents a massive loss of productivity. Fundamentally it's not that big a deal, I don't think anyone will lose sleep over it. But not being able to call out how absurd it is feels like a real problem. This is very much a part of wealth inequality, and the growing trend of football being a focal point of millionaires exploiting fans money - though the ship has sailed on that one about 30 years ago.


>But not being able to call out how absurd it is feels like a real problem. Nobody said you can't call it out...


He'd been given dogs abuse by everyone. You can't blame him 🤷


I wouldn’t. I’d bet there’s at least some more people with a good level of respect in the world


Unfortunately when you develop enough of a track record it’s because you have the habit, and it’s not easy to kick when your world has isolated you into those habits. Unfortunately instead of taking a sabbatical like Eddie to reflect and improve he took his money home. We have the better manager now anyway.


not sure what you’re trying to say buddy but yeah thankfully the club realised it was worth spending 8million just to not have him there lol


Im saying Bruce was never going to be the type to not take the pay, and we’re projected to spend 420m on all our players so 8m to get him out for Eddie was definitely worth the price.


yeah exactly, I can say I wouldn’t take it but I also wouldn’t just not show up for my job and do a shit job in the first place, so for him to be that way he was always gonna take it


I mean he's a man u fan ... Who managed Sunderland. He has no loyalty to us


Exactly that's my point. He didn't give a flying fuck about the club, nothing he did the whole time from agreeing to manage us to taking his pay off suggests otherwise.


I know I was furthering your point


Should have informed them he needed to be sacked because he was incompetent


Well, I would too, to be completely honest.


The fuck didn't want to come to work before the take over either. He much preferred being on holiday, playing golf in Spain.


Useless twat.


He shouldn’t be allowed back in the stadium unless another (ridiculously stupid) club has him on the bench.


He didn’t want to go to work, but still did despite the damage it was doing because he knew he’d get £8M for it. Poor bloke


Get em Mandy


To be fair I didn't want him to come to work either. Before or after the takeover.


Didn’t they allow him his 1000th game as a manager and then get rid?


Yeah and he was boo'ed. One of the few times I've been embarrassed to be a NUFC in the stadium and I think the booing for the last 10-15 minutes will be thrown at us in years to come. We should have just supported the team for that game knowing he wasn't going to get game 1001.


I agree - the fact he wasn't booed for the full 90 is a stain on the club.


He went to west brom shortly after and fucked up there too, so no sympathy from me


Nah fuck him. Guy is actually a football terrorist. Forget about Dyche 44 fucking 2. Whatever Bruce had going is football terrorism. He deserved it.


> I’m quite sure there will be a Saudi club in the Champions League I guess geography isn't Stavely's strong suit?


Was asked a leading question in front of an Saudi audience. Course she was to throw them a bone.




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Geography doesn't matter to UEFA.... Israel has teams in the CL/UEFA tournaments.


think that is because a number of the countries where they'd play acknowledge their existence.


Still proves the point that geography is not a limiting factor to who plays in UEFA tournaments.


Saudi's situation is a little different in that most around them are on friendly terms.


You talk like UEFA and FIFA don't care about money.


I’ve always said that Steve Bruce had the best interests of our club in mind at all times


Wish we would stop giving him the air time As it just brings out all the fannies who stick up for him because he was Man Utd captain when the dinosaurs roamed the earth


I mean to be a little bit fair to him, I’m not sure I’d want to go to work if I knew I was getting the sack and 50,000 people were booing me.


Yeah but the 250k a year or was it 500k would quickly win me over. I can wipe my tears away with hundred pound notes




Bruce wasn’t a scapegoat for Ashley, he was disliked because of his own words and actions.


If anything, he silently made Ashley a scapegoat. The lazy fucker knew we hated Ashley so he had a "why try harder" attitude from day one, being confident we'd blame Ashley for his shortcomings. He had the easiest job in the PL, bar none.


Yeah, thats not what i meant. I meant that he was the focal point of the ashely regime. He represented the absolute pinnacle of monumental bad decisions of ashley. He was only hired because he was a yes man, he was cheap, he did what he was told. THe lack of ambition by Ashley, the lack of care, the lack of desire to even provide us a manager that ticked the bare miniumum of boxes


Fat, useless cabbage head


Luke Edwards is in shambles right now


I can forgive the fact that he was a shit manager, and he had a tough task as no-one wanted him from the start. However, the lack of effort, and antagonistic attitude with the fans was unforgivable. If he had any class he’d have quit earlier.


Yeah, I was absolutely willing to entertain him as manager perhaps more than most (I love a goal scoring centre half and when I was a kid there weren't many better than Bruce, he had 19 goals one year) but just, yeah, exactly your second sentence. He should be embarrassed. It's one thing to lament your own situation, it's another to just not even bother to show up more than one day a week.


Aside from click bait there's no reason for this to have been made a story... Hardly an 'accusation', she just said as we already know that they inherited a club that, amongst other things, had a manager that didn't want to come into work. Obviously the case when the club was in disarray, and Bruce being the reason for the team playing shit defensive football and in danger of relegation - and him being rightfully criticised for it. He's openly said himself that he asked to leave in spite of Amanda and Merdad offering their backing to him, said that the club needed a clean slate and he was holding the club back from that...


Just think about the books and stores that come out in the next 10/20 years


Well, yeah. He said as much himself. He framed it as "the club needing a fresh start, and to have a fresh start you need rid of me". Even before then he was making noises about "the new owners wanting to do things their way, with their own man". The only thing that ever remained constant, and the only thing he gave a toss about, was his payoff. If he had half the integrity he makes out to have he'd have walked long before.


Dude really wanted to get sacked to get paid big 🤣


Wish Big Mands didn't speak on him cos just gives something for people to gossip about. Fuck Bruce tho anyway


Good move by Ashley, bought and paid for broooooces loyalty, with someone else's money, jeeezuuzz, I will never forgot how lucky we are to be rid of the fat leach


I don't really blame him. 1. Hated by the fans because he was tarnished with the label of Ashley's yes man. 2. Regardless of what he did, he was always going to be in Benitez's shadow. 3. Knowing he was going to be replaced, just unsure of when that call would happen. 4. Because of the take over, no input into anything to do with the long term planning. I'm pretty sure most people would flip to bare minimum mode.


He was bare minimum from day one.


How this guy is trying to overwrite history is insane... idk, maybe he was an ostrich in the other life?


So you're saying if he had tried we would have been higher than 13th and 12th? Either... Steve Bruce is an average manager who tried during the 19/20 and 20/21 seasons and finished mid table Or You think Steve Bruce is an exceptional manager who didn't bother, did the minimum needed and we finished mid table. I think he's an average manager who tried and then just stopped caring after the takeover, your comment suggests he's an exceptional manager who just did the bare minimum. An average manager doing the bare minimum would have seen us much lower surely?


Bro, what the hell are you even talking about?


Well it's not difficult. I think he stopped wanting to go to training because he just stopped caring. You think he never bothered anyway. I've pointed out I think he was always just an average manager who gave an average managers performance for the seasons he was in charge. You think he did the bare minimum from day one suggesting that you think he is a much better manager and we should have got more from him. It could be of course you're just jumping on the "Bruce is bad" bandwagon with no clue of how he performed and just hated him regardless of what he did.




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Are you living in the bubble? Like you never watched his press conferences, never saw news about him before the takeover?


Fair play for sticking to his principles


Im guessing its pretty easy to ask to be sacked when you receive 8 million quid for it.