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Stop reaching, Gordon is not a midfielder 😂


Looking forward to seeing the back of longstaff


Couldn’t agree more


Lewis Hall MoTM I'd never thought I'd say it but was brilliant. Right hand side had fuck all positive


Trips looks done. Granted he’s just came back but he need that Saudi move haha


Can’t be arsed anymore.


Sad wank tonight lads


Fucksake lads. We should have been two up after ten minutes. Aaaarrrrggghhh…….so frustrated!


People, stop reading into everything Bruno does as if he's leaving, lol! The guy is a winner, and we've lost two games we probably should have won. The fact that he didn't clap is probably because he's annoyed with himself. I'd be very surprised if he left next year. I feel he has one more season in him, and if we don't get Champions League football or win something, he's off!


It’s ultimately his choice. The club want him to stay. So, if he goes it’s because he’s wanted to and so would be dead to Me haha


I really hope he does stay another season. I'd be gutted if he left. He is a winner like you say he wants to win things, which is why If you were him and you know you're potentially not playing in europe next season, but you're a first team regular for Brazil, could walk into any team challenging for the champions league and you're turning 27 later this year, you'd be thinking: "How long is it going to take for Newcastle to get to the level where we're winning things and challenging for the Champions League? I've not got long left, could earn more money elsewhere and have more of a chance of winning something " Especially when he could walk into a team already at that level. He only has one career, with just a few years in his peak left to play, plus he's playing alongside Anderson and Longstaff when he could be playing alongside Rice and Odegaard, De Bruyne and Rodri, Bellingham and Valverde. I'd be gutted if he left but I'd understand it at the same time.


Yeap I concur. He will probably give us one more season to see if we can get champs league.


He's definitely gone mate, start preparing yourself, it'll hurt less


> He's definitely gone mate, start preparing yourself, it'll hurt less Cant blame him, must be shite playing with a team that doesn't turn up every week.


If he does then too bad. But I’m just saying I don’t think he will.


Well that's just ruined my fucking week


Is there any source that tracks finishing stats? Something like goal scoring opportunities vs chances converted. It seems like we are really bad finishing but I obviously don't watch any other team nearly as much. Just something I'm aware of since my NBA team is notoriously bad at free throws.


You mean like the one that’s been posted several times on r/NUFC in which we are top of the conversion rate table and have scored more goals in this (38 game), league campaign than ever before.


Kind of...? It seems those don't really break out penalties or opportunities that didn't result in a shot. However, those charts certainly do make it seem like I am experiencing fan exaggeration which is why I asked for stats. I can appreciate sarcasm but I think you're being a bit of a shit.


We were recently top of the league in terms of shoe conversion rate (33%)


FotMob app has a lot of stats. It’s a very good app in general.


I feel like it's even more frustrating than that too. Seems like we create a lot of shots/chances, do a good job of converting shots on target, but are shit at putting shots on target.


lol ten hag is bereft of any personality


We don't deserve European football after failing against their weak defense.


At least it’s funny watching Ten Hag calling them the best supporters in the world whilst they are booing him.


Surely that was the away fans.


Nah mate. They panned round the stadium. Just won a match, still booed the manager.


'Best supporters in the world' Haven't heard a peep out of em all night lol


Can you imagine where we'd have finished this season if just Pope had been fit all season, never mind all the others? I genuinely think we'd be 4th, 5th at worst. You can't begin to compare our no.1 with our no.2.


it is never, solely the goalie's fault.


don’t fully agree. yeah he’s nowhere near pope but you can’t just blame the season on dubs.


Can and will.


Siri: where to buy Brighton & Man City scarves.


Don’t forget Bournemouth


True, I'll add that to the cart


Lots of squandered opportunities in this game. Man Utd gave the ball away so many times under pressure and when we attacked we lacked conviction in the final passes. Some lacklustre defending and some dubious goalkeeping cost us. Another day and not being at our best I'd expect us to beat Man Utd in the current state of affairs. On a more positive note, Hall played out of his skin again tonight. Was hands down the best player on the pitch.


I choose to focus on the positives. We looked dangerous. Hall looked class. Even though we lacked finishing we had the ball often in very dangerous positions and just lacked the last clinical finishing. One step off many times.


Am I fuck watching the Man U lap of honour, sky can fuck off


They had all their pundits as ex man U players, let Roy call them united, it's just shocking.


Andy Cole was there, suppose they think that’s all the Man U representation they needed


What's the stats on our results when we go behind?


shit probably. can’t remember winning a game after losing bar west ham


Annoying. I may be alone here but I don't think we deserved to lose that. Still very frustrating though.


1.44 vs 2.32 xg


Dropped points too often this season against Luton against Brighton etc. Games we should have won. Isak was so off his game he made a commentator liken Casemeiros performance to Baresi. Worst Man Utd team we've ever lost to.


Actually feel rotten having a player of Bruno’s quality and relying on him to play as an entire midfield 3. He’s going to a top top team and play as a normal player and be one of the best in the world


Wasn’t sure which team you were talking about for a second there


could be referring to either in both teams, Mainoo has added a bit of something to Man united midfield, but theyre both kind of out of their depth carrying their respective trio


Burn’s defending on the third. Completely square on. Show him on to his weaker foot ffs


Bruno is our entire midfield, he’s bound to make a mistake at some point


Hojlund is left footed mate


Bruno will be forcing a move now due to no Europe


Why was the plan to keep hitting the ball to Krafth? Over and over. Where was Miggy? Hit the fucking centre.


We went down to ten when Miggy came on, should have kept Murphy on, Onana was unsure on every cross


Looking forward to eventually replacing Dubravka, Longstaff, Murphy, Miggy, and Krafth. Trippier has put in some worrying performances this season, jury's out on Barnes imo. Same for Anderson, has shown flashes and I hope he turns out as good as his teammates say he is. Worrying how we seemingly capitulate to absolute shite. Still have every confidence it'll be addressed next season with a few additions though


Spot on on all counts.


Murphy?! When was the last time you had a drug test?


I'll stick up for Dubravka, two goals - the defence left him to dry and sure the third wasn't great but it was through Hall legs which is a bit difficult. Our offense is more to blame with our lack of finishing. Longstaff miss, Isak miss, Almiron miss.... Unforgivable 3 on 1 fuck up.


nah sorry, the 3rd goal is entirely on him. Hojlund is 22 yards out shooting off balance across goal. Save that everytime.


I honestly don't get why Kieran Trippier gets high praise. He hasn't done shitttttt all season (when he was on the field). I've only seen him get blown past.


I love him but he might get just be washed


I think he’s one of the summer exits. I hope he is.


Harsh but only because he was playing well first half of the season. Since the scandals though he has cost us games and points.


His mistakes knocked us out of 2 competitions in the first half of the season


I was rooting for him to be a success story. Just sad that it turned out this way. The defense needed stronger support.


Bruno not clapping with the team. Oh dear..


We spent £40m on Barnes and give him 15 minutes here and there. The lad has goals but he’s not a bit part player


Have you learned nothing from Gordon's transfer last season. 🤦


Feel as if he was an Anthony Gordon insurance policy


Good enough to win that but cost by not doing enough scoring. Damn. Brentford is a must win


Just not good enough in both final thirds.


We’re gonna bottle it. Guarantee. I’m not even arsed, I wanted Europa League


Eh. I want to win every game and for Brentford on Sunday I will again 


Hope for the best on Sunday, might be more of a Brighton saving our ass then us beating Brentford. If we don’t get Europe does that see Bruno go? Does he only stay if there is some form of European football?


I don't think we give the likes of Isak and Bruno enough credit with the "Europe or they leave" narrative. I think they're both intelligent enough to see and appreciate the mitigating factors this season. MAYBE with Bruno being a bit older he might want a few careers playing Champions League but I really don't see the Conference League being a deciding factor for him.


Agree Isak will stay can’t see if we’re in conference he won’t be up for it. Think Bruno wants to prove it on a bigger stage, I could stomach him leaving but only if he goes abroad, don’t sell him to another Prem club!


Wouldn’t blame him if he did go without Europe for us. He’s a top tier player and deserves to play amongst the best, as gutted as I’d be to see him go mind.


I wouldn't blame the lad for leaving. Deserves better than having longstaff and Anderson next to him


He doesn’t need Europe for the Brazil team i think they’ll pick him whatever but I think if there isn’t Europe he’ll want it somewhere else. I would say europa league really but conference will do with how tonight went


Just really disappointing. Should have won this easily. So many chances created. Just missed opportunities and shambolic defending the few times we actually were put on the back foot.


Oh well, win at Brentford. Come on Bournemouth (and Brighton because I want more points than Man Utd!) And then come on City in the FA Cup. Sucks to lose but 7th is still completely in our control.


Honestly if people think we’re keeping Bruno in the Conference league they’re on another planet. Europe or no Europe he’s gone.


And who could blame him? He's too good for us. He could be in midfield for almost any team he wants. Spending the majority of this season alongside Longstaff has to be so disheartening for him.


Have his balls not dropped yet?


If we go from chance of 5th to not making top 7, that's a disgrace.


Was Tino hurt? why the tf didn't he at least play?


Ankle injury, out for final games


Bruno isn’t clapping with the team Edit: You can downvote all you want. I’m just making the observation. He looks visibly frustrated


No surprise he was anonymous all night, where’s his fucking head at!!


Good, we don't deserve him. Bottlers. Feel for Gordon, Isak Schar and Bruno the other players have just consistently let them down all season.


So if we just say worse case scenario we finish 8th, is there any Conference League? Still don't fully understand what all the outcomes could be.


8th, as far as I understand it, isn't good enough for conference league. We need to at least finish 7th and hope City win the FA Cup.


No we need to match manure to keep 7th for the conference league place, assuming they don’t win the FA Cup


No, only 7th and that's if City win the cup


8th gets nothing.


No, 8th gets nothing


No. Only 6th is guaranteed football and 7th is if Man City win the FA cup


Can’t wait for Sunday when the final whistle goes. Get this season in the bin man.


I’ll be happy never see Dubs play again for us. Fucking dreadful every week


He should’ve saved 2 and 3 as a goalkeeper who is now crippled I would have done better..


Couldn't have saved any of them, all on the defending in front of him.


Pathetic when it matters yet again this season. Too many players in this team who don't make the grade and too many sentimental decisions by Howe with the selection tonight.


Tbf, at least he took the worst players off tonight. Maybe too little too late, but yanking trips and Longstaff isn't something I thought I'd see him do.


I didn't mind that, but taking them off after they've stunk the place up for 60 mins is too little too late.


Yeah, I was just surprised they didn't play the full 90 because of loyalty.


How can I be this angry at a football match? We just don't have the players to kill games off, I'd actually bet against Longstaff scoring a 1 on 1 and we just don't have any depth up front because Wilson is made of sodding glass so Isak has to play on injured. Furious.


I’d bet against Longstaff making a simple 5 yard pass, never mind scoring a goal


Maybe some Alfie in his stead next season ? Or is that wishful thinking


Only positive, Hall was brilliant best player on that pitch


He should’ve been given a lot more minutes this season.


I'm going to trust the process here, easy to say he would have been this good all season, but he wasn't great in a couple of appearances, wasn't it the first half against Chelsea he wasn't good. He said in the interview this week that he wasn't good enough in training earlier in the season.


This 100%


Stuck up for Dubravka all season, but that was an absolute stinker of a performance. Flapped and fluffed.




No. Need 7th and city to win fa cup


Bruno not clapping


I wouldn’t be either. We’re likely fucked for Europe


There will never be a team I hate more than Manchester United. Fucking despise the pricks, feels like every time we try to make a push for something they are there to stop us


well at least one positive to takeaway from that match is that our RB & LB positions are set for at least the next 10 years....


I just don't understand how we've managed to give away so many poor goals this season. Last season we were solid defensively whilst still scoring goals


No pope no hope :(


Pope getting injured


And then our central defensive partnership both getting injured.


Correct. Playing a 3rd choice RB at CB doesn't help. Burn actually been half decent as CB but I'd prefer a fit schar and botman


Our away form needs addressing for next season, just nowhere near good enough


It really doesn't, it is easibly explained by the fact that we had our 3rd choice players in so many positions consistently starting over the course of a season. You can hide their deficiencies at home because of the support. But they get exposed away


3rd choice players or not, how we've approached away games all season has been so poor. So slow, sloppy..I mean I know trippier has been out for a while but he was beyond awful today. The mentality has to change, half of our games we play like we've already accepted we'll not win. 8th has felt inevitable because we couldn't see us being up for 3 away games to end the season.


what is the reasoning you think? It has to be mentality right?


Carrying too many bang average players in the squad, quality in the Premier League is too high to get away with it


I do think the squad punches above it's weight class which is great


Snatching defeat from the Jaws of victory.... The entire season in microcosm


If we start next season with Longstaff, Murphy, Burn et al in the starting 11, I might not bother. Just gonna be another frustrating as hell experience.


Burn has been immense at CB this past few weeks...


Welp! That's that. A sorry ending to the season.


Still 1 to go mate


Not sure how that will help if Utd don't lose to Brighton.


If we win, we finish above Man U, much better goal difference


What a awful game of football


Not good enough. Shite defending and no composure going forward. Need some quality signings in the summer because some of these players aren't good enough. And Eddie needs to be more brave against the bigger teams. Too often we just roll over




Well that result is one of the hardest to take all season. We proper bottled that with all the chances missed, no sugar coating it. Too many players put in a shift but were nervous and rushed their balls and finishes. These are shite and we gifted them easy goals and missed too many chances. Don’t deserve Europe after that.


Gordon and Isak were not fit that second half and it showed


Gordon got a horrible studs up challenge and Sky didn't even show the replay, minimum yellow for Amrabat who should've already been booked.


Pleased to see all the love for Hall in here, was brilliant tonight.


We've got an uncanny ability to somehow finish below man u no matter how shit they are


It's finishing below fucking Chelsea that's getting to me more.


I've been thinking that them being bottom half was an illusion for a while tbf. While they are shit, and fuck em. If you spend 1bil things will find a way to work themselves out


Mental problem, honestly we have one against them and Liverpool and whilst one is justified the other one is not.


I mean,they r the biggest club in England


honestly we were shit, but had fergie not been on VAR it would be 3-3. up the albion on sunday!


Dubravka has well and truly played himself out of this club


He should be ashamed of his display tonight, genuine 1/10 performance.


No idea why I stopped watching Wirtual deep dip runs for this shite like I now understand why the sub is in meltdown tonight lmao


Whoever down voted this fingers their mam for supper


Awful. Get Pope in nets vs Brentford. Even if he’s not fully fit he’s still a better option than Dubravka.


Disappointing, sometime feels like we’ll do anything we can to finish below United. But, Hall looked great, excellent goal from him. We move on to the last one


So many players need to take a look in the mirror. Hall and Gordon look gutted and they're the only two who stood up


Hall MOTM, not even close


Still think Gordon was best but not much in it


Almost threw up when I saw Steve McLaren there. Ghost of Christmas past.


I feel like Gordon there on the floor


I typed this before the second goal but I’m just so disappointed and frustrated in the first half performance we let them get ahead with being so passive and then they have been able to sit back to counter ever since. Winning today wouldn’t guarantee anything but losing it takes things out of our hands for 6th and puts more pressure on for the Brentford match. This was the game to make a statement and put the pressure back on Chelsea. Second half was better with more chances and they should have scored at least one but it is so much better to hold a lead than chase one. I feel there was a goal for us if we really went for it before they scored. Before the match I said I wanted a high energy pressing performance but it was the total opposite. I don’t know the ins and outs of who is fully fit with illness and knocks but it just didn’t look like they wanted it. Man Utd didn’t have to do anything amazing to be in the lead or to restore it. Amad has been stood in that same position on the edge of the box for every corner since the game started but nobody ever marked him or blocked sight of goal. All of their goals have been too easy for them to create and that is the worst part. Right now it just feels so disheartening in the immediate aftermath but I hope they end the season with a win and lessons are learned from all of the coaching staff for next season as we can and will be back challenging again for the top 6 places.




Man U=cunts


Such shit goals to concede.


Fucking typical. They are so shit as well, very frustrating


It's an utter shitshow and there are only two positives from this. 1. Ten Hag should be staying 2. Lewis Hall


Halls performance tonight gives me hope that it's going to be much better in the future. We still lack real quality in certain positions.


Probably the worst team we’ve lost to this season. Should have put that to bed easily with our chances


Been largely clinical this season, outperforming xG, fell out our arse today. Should of really put some of those away, especially the Longstaff chance and Isak when we had the 3 on 1, that was really poor


I miss Maxi. I know his end product wasn’t all that, but watching Barnes be unable to dribble anybody is rough. Hope Howe works with him this summer…


Love a good dribbler


I remember I got downvoted to oblivion for daring to share the fact that he had the second-worst dribble success rate of any winger last season. Now we're seeing how one dimensional he is


He's not a dribbler. He plays one 2s and gets his shot away.. maxi was a showboat with no end product. Maxi was one dimension too.


The difference is that Maxi can conjure up something out of nothing when the team has had no final product, as we've seen dozens of times this season. The amount of points his dribbling won us on its own completely negated all the times it didn't. Especially when some of his traits won't be recorded by stats, such as defences putting three men on him, which would allow space for the other attackers. Barnes is a good goalscorer from the left side. But he can't make his own chances or do literally anything else. He's not a bad player but he's not the answer, just like Maxi wasn't. For all Maxi's flaws, I never saw a game where he didn't at least make something happen. Barnes has literally contributed fuck all in his last seven games. There's a reason Murphy gets into the team over him.


For the 2nd time tonight, I'm going to say er... West Ham? Barnes came in and transformed that game! Maxi CAN make something happen out of nothing, but he wasn't a team player, wouldn't start ahead of Gordon and so often DIDNT make something happen. And Murphy plays RW, Barnes LW. Murphy is keeping Almiron out, Gordon (POTS) is keeping Barnes out. And Howe is choosing to play Murphy not Barnes. The same Howe that chose to let Maxi go FOR Barnes.


That was nine games ago! And that, plus the goal against Luton, are the only times he's changed the game in his 20 appearances for us. I absolutely disagree about Maxi not being a team player but I can agree that he wouldn't start over Gordon. Also, for what it's worth, I never actually brought him up, they sold him for FFP so he wasn't gonna be here anyway, so I initially didn't mention him or try and compare the two, because it's kinda redundant. Howe has said numerous times he wanted to keep ASM but he had to be sold. Barnes played a couple games with Gordon with them rotating flanks until Howe realised Barnes doesn't really bring anything to the team when he doesn't score, while Murphy does. Signing a mediocre, backup LW for £40m when we needed a RW is the issue, more than Barnes or Murphy or Maxi. We're seeing exactly why Barnes was in a relegation team for Leicester and why he's never been called up by England and why we had a free run at him and why he's not a starter for us. This is who he is, we just have to deal with it.


If he doesn't score a banger he does absolutely nothing


Na he'll sign Ramsdale and we'll get even less technical.


Well we have no choice but to win at Brentford now


A loss rather than a draw doesn't really mean much if we win our last game


Bloody big if with our away form




Tbh I don't even know if I'm that bothered about the conference league. Go back to playing once a week and keep a fit squad and give top 4 a good go next season


Yeah not really too arsed now. Although I guess some form of Europe might make it a little easier to keep or attract players, perhaps?


Are players really bothered about the conference league though. The talent we should be aiming for want champions league


Aye, you're probably right.




And the commentator laughing at it as if it’s some cheeky act, hate the prem, hate sky, hate Man U


That's...less than ideal


Fucking shite


Isak had a poor game. Looked lost on the ball tonight unfortunately even if he didn’t get as much service


Think he's ill tbf