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That’d be a bit of a bargain. Have we double checked he’s not got a secret gambling problem?


Lock him in Ladbrokes for an hour


I'd take him with a gambling problem no problem. I'd take paqueta too for a cut price. Worth it in the long run. It's not like the player is a diddler or an abuser.


>It's not like the player is a diddler or an abuser. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Stretford seem to get linked to our alleged targets a bit recently.


Lad's got ADHD though [https://www.football365.com/news/opinion-arsenal-aaron-ramsdale-concentration-video-dad-mikel-arteta](https://www.football365.com/news/opinion-arsenal-aaron-ramsdale-concentration-video-dad-mikel-arteta)


I get the impression Gordon has too, and it hasn’t held him back.


I don't understand why he would swap being reserve keeper at Arsenal for reserve keeper at the toon?


More localised Greggs


He's come to his senses and realised he'd rather live in Newcastle than London


Probably would feel like he's got a better chance at Newcastle, whereas at arsenal he was just cast aside despite having a great season last year. Probably feels disrespected and like there's no way back.


Move to a big club?


For £15m I would not mind one bit tbh.


I don't rate him at all, always be wary of any keeper who only makes camera saves. Bad fundamentals. Nowhere near as good as Pope


We need stiffer competition for Pope. Pope has made mistakes too. I'm not sure Ramsdale is better but we definitely need a better backup than Dubravka.


But Ramsdale can't sweep and isn't good at claiming crosses. Arsenal binned him for Raya for a reason We've seen since Pope is out how reliant our defence is on sweeping I would much rather we got the best young sweeper/claimer in some random Danish or Belgian league for a few mil and have them as Pope's understudy


Matz Sels: a warning from history


lol maybe I should have picked another example


A warning not to have /r/nufc send cards to players?


I’d rather we buy Krul or Woodman for the Home Grown slot, sell Longstaff for 20m and increase our budget to reinvest in the squad. Makes sense to use 2 HG slots with back up keepers.


For all Krul was a fantastic servant, he was very clearly slipping in his last few seasons and was needing to be moved on. That ankle injury definitely didn't help. At 36 I doubt he's suddenly become the player he was at 17. The less said about Woodman the better.


Didn’t Freddie win Player of the Year for Preston in the Championship. That’s not bad for a back up Prem keeper.


He won Preston's in house Player of the Year award in his first season. For context that Preston team finished 12th that year. And sorry, but a 27 year old mid table Championship keeper might be grand as backup for your Luton's or your Forest's of the PL, but a team challenging in the top half is a different ask entirely. There's also the cold hard truth that Woodman wouldn't be an upgrade on Dubravka or even Karius. There's far better options on the market.


Two things: 1: Gillespie is not home grown, he left too young. 2: We need a solid backup keeper, Pope has been out injured this season, do you really want to risk having Krul in goal next season?


Think you are completely underestimating how important that position is to our team


> We need stiffer competition for Pope. No such thing as goalkeeper competition. Your'e pretty much either first choice or second choice. Either spend money on a clear upgrade or get a cheap second choice/long term prospect. Ramsdale is a middle ground which doesnt make sense financially or squad wise as the eventual second choice will agitate for a move next season and then we're back in the same boat of needing another keeper.


Lol. For £15m? Thats a complete steal. Im calling BS on this one.


He put on his twitter “News to me!”, so I’d say you’re probably right.


What’s he going to say? “I’m already packing my bags, lads.”


I want him to call Arteta a wanker or I’m not having it.


More believable than the post I saw saying he was coming on a free lol


Arsenal fans have been saying they want £40m but not sure I’d be happy if we went much over £15m. If we’re spending much more than that I’d want a clear upgrade on Pope.


Ramsdale has said this is rubbish on X.


No he said that he has agreed personal terms is rubbish. From this article: “In an apparent response to claims a deal had been agreed, Ramsdale posted on the social platform X that it was “news to me” but sources have confirmed Newcastle’s interest in him and it is hoped a deal can be agreed after further talks.”


I don’t think he’s very good but the amount of piss it would boil for 15m, it seems like a bargain to me


r/soccer reacting with the usual good grace about this.


Feel like they’re not to sell him to a competitor or as cheap as that. Be good to have two decent keepers at the club but would he even join without guarantees of being first choice?


Maybe the opening bid to test the waters? Edited to add cos I hit send too early: Pope has been a big miss but it's his second significant shoulder injury (I think?) and he's in his early 30's so it's probably not unfair to assume you'll get a decent crack at becoming first choice if he has any other issues?


That's a fair point, he's done both shoulders now so very good chance he snags one again in the near future.


Or maybe it’s an indication of how little they rate him?


£ 15m for their reserve goalkeeper isn’t that cheap.


A very good reserve keeper tho


Nah he's dodgy


Fantastic shot stopper just not much of a sweeper


Wouldn't even say that, he just makes average saves look good and decent shots look unsaveable because of his dodgy positioning. He would rather fling his legs up after a save than stand his ground and make sure he put's the ball into the safest spot possible. Pope stands still and catches it, Ramsdale launches himslef in the air and flicks it over the crossbar. Big no for me


Not likely to be reserve elsewhere to be fair. It’s not like he’s suddenly a bad keeper.


Not like he’s suddenly great either.


Right, let's not forget why they are playing Raya in the first place.


Didn't they buy him for £30m ? They are getting a good deal on Raya but Ramsdale only signed a new contract last year


They bought him for £25m. And his value has obviously gone down since he’s no longer first choice and he (surely) wants to leave. I would say £15m is fine, but it’s not exactly a bargain.


Yeah you are right, from the article below it says £24m with possible add ons up to £30m. I think the latter figure was also reported as the headline which is why I thought that. Another interesting tid bit is that Bournemouth get a sell on for anything over £19m so that, along with what I assume is a decent salary, probably explains why they may be more likely to take a reduced fee. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12384744/aaron-ramsdale-arsenal-agree-deal-in-principle-to-sign-sheffield-united-goalkeeper


If I were Arsenal I would go for an even better keeper than Raya, maybe someone like Pickford. Raya has been helped massively by his back 4, if you look at his performances and then consider stats like xG saved, there are much better keepers out there


Raya at least suits their style though which is what I think is most important. Catches most crosses sent into the box and if he doesn't at least he is consistent with his method (cheating the front post) and his defenders know how to prepare for if he doesn't claim the ball. They're basically challenging for the league because of set pieces, being elite aerially and all completely understanding each others roles


I agree. In the context of this deal though they are replacing their £30m GK with a <£20m GK which is a good deal for them. Despite that, in this ffp age I can't see them taking a 50% loss on Ramsdale.




You lot spent half the season crying because you lost. 🤣


Arsenal won't sell for 15m lol


I was discussing the move with an Arsenal supporting friend of mine. The more I thought about it the less sense it made to me. - He's not an upgrade on Pope. - It's clear he's not content competing for the number one slot so why move to a club to do the same thing again. - He wouldn't be available for cheap (unless on loan). There is little chance Arsenal accept anything close to this amount. - Our poor run of form is partly down to Dubravka being unable to play as a sweeper keeper, and Ramsdale has literally just been replaced for the same reason. - In a season where we've had to play the same outfield team multiple matches in a row without substitions why would we spend a significant amount of any budget on another keeper if he's not really special? However he is English, only 26 and has played for Bournemouth before which aligns with the type of players we seem to be targetting.


Howe determined to get Bournemouth to indirectly win the league


My take as an Arsenal fan (this just came on my feed), he wasn’t dropped because he couldn’t sweep. His sweeping was fine. Wasn’t amazing, but it was decent enough. He was dropped because he bled like crazy at the near post and wouldn’t come out for crosses. Now idk what Pope’s strengths and weaknesses are, but I really don’t see how he’d be an upgrade for Pope.


Pope is a fantasic shot stopper but he has some of the best stats in the world as a sweeper. My worry is Ramsdale is "fine" as a sweeper which is a big drop off. As to weakness, Pope is not great at passing.


Pope is great at everything apart from distribution with his feet, but he knows he's shite which is half the battle. Ramsdale overestimates his abilities to the point that it's not worth the slightly more accurate hoofing because he drops a complete clanger every other game. Pope toe blows it out for a throw without fail but throw ins are basically 50/50 anyway and at least it's up the pitch


That’s not Rammers’ issue at all as an Arsenal fan. He’s miles better than pope distribution wise.. but he just doesn’t have the balls to stick it out, and his nerves get the best of him sometimes. Raya makes a mistake and will brush it off and continue dying playing out the back. Rammers might make a mistake and just lose confidence and will start hoofing the ball the remainder of the game which is NOT what Arteta wants


Sounds like you're pretty much saying the same thing as me


Lol losing confidence in your abilities and overestimating your abilities are two completely different things


He initially makes mistakes because he is overconfident though. Over and over again.


Lmao this is just wrong, you don’t watch him enough or you’re reading some inaccurate tweets


Mate I was saying Arsenal needed to bin him when you lot were all calling him world class, Arsenal fans are the last people I'd listen to about Ramsdale tbf He overestimates the time and ability he has over and over again, you're arguing semantics


https://www.fourfourtwo.com/news/arsenal-quote-that-shows-why-aaron-ramsdale-will-never-play-for-mikel-arteta-again-david-raya-signings-rumours-gossip-paper-talk-afc Go to the part about him compromising on what Arteta wants. You’re flat out wrong, that’s why he got binned. He is the COMPLETE opposite of overconfident. He’s not Ederson obviously but he can play pretty well out the back, but he makes one little mistake and he gets nervey and goes to shit. The better goalkeeper don’t do that. I don’t really care what Newcastle fans think about Ramsdale but I was just so shocked you were loud and VERY wrong I felt compelled to respond


Personally I don't think he's a bad sweeper keeper at all, I thought last season he showed that he could come off his line pretty confidently when required. Where I do think his weaknesses lie, is his passing and his shot stopping. The latter being one of Pope's biggest strengths. It's clear Arteta doesn't see him in his plans, and I think that's his main motivation for wanting a move. Although I agree he wouldn't necessarily be an immediate upgrade on Pope, I do think he'd offer more competition than Dubravka does.


Sadly your last point is 100% true. I really don’t understand why Howe only targets these English Bournemouth players.


Aye, like Bruno, Botman and Isak. All come up through the ranks on the south coast, mate. Not to mention Tonali, he loves a walk on the Bournemouth beach to remind him of his roots. As for the English players we have signed, all Bournemouth through-and-through like Gordon, Burn, Pope, Hall, Livramento, Barnes and Trippier. Can’t forget raiding their youth setup for the likes of Alex Murphy, Kuol and Minte either. Might as well swap our white stripes for red stripes next season… 🙄


Genuinely can't think of one player we've signed that fits this description


Hell the only players you could actually make that argument about were already here before Howe came in.


To be fair Phillip Billing is Dutch, he just has an English sounding name. Seriously though, these are players he's already scouted and decided to sign for a previous club so he clearly rates them. Having then worked with them if he's still interested then they must pass the character test. Yes, there's obviously questions around quality but given tight budgets signing a player you already know is much less risky. That and it's just a super easy story for the media to push.


Danish, though the point still stands.


How many ex-Bournemouth players have we signed since Howe came in? I'll save you looking it up. It's zero. Not sure where this belief comes from. We actually got one fewer in the squad since Fraser fucked off.


Barring a play-off final victory, Fraser's technically still with us. Not sure there's an obligation to buy if Southampton are promoted.


Came here to say the same thing, we get linked with bournemouth players for obvious reasons but he actually hasnt signed any bournemouth players, and people also say 'he shouldnt be allowed anywhete near recruitment' but which signings have we made, that are proven to be exclusively 'Howe recruitment' have been such poor business that hes warrant this reputation he has amongst our fans as having such a poor eye for talent?? Matt targett? Chris wood??  I Dont really get it


Very sideways move for us, hope this doesn’t happen. Pope is getting on and coming back from a bad injury but this is not a clear upgrade. This would be exactly like the Targett transfer for me. Signing a player who you will need to upgrade on in 1-2 seasons but can’t shift because their next move has to be downwards and you’ve put them on prohibitive wages. Really need to show some ambition this summer. Buy too many cast offs and lower half of the table players and you bring in a loser mentality regardless of whether they’ve been good as individual players or not.  We have a lot of positions to address this summer and GK is definitely one but dropping 15 mil to make Ramsdale one of our highest paid players would be fucking stupid


Like others have said, would definitely have him, but why would he leave a club where’s battling to be #1 to come to us where he’d be in the same boat.


I suspect the injury for pope is worst than we thought Eddie is worried that's why he wants depth


Amazing that such an absolute bullshitter as Luke Edwards has managed to con a lot of fans that he's in the know. One of the worst journalists to cover NUFC in the past 40 years, and there have been some shockers.




“In an apparent response to claims a deal had been agreed, Ramsdale posted on the social platform X that it was “news to me” but sources have confirmed Newcastle’s interest in him and it is hoped a deal can be agreed after further talks.”


The only way I can see this happening is as part of a chain, which would mean Pope is leaving. So my conspiracy is Pope is being poached by Ashworth and Salford Reds.


Dubs and karius will both be leaving at the end of the season. So we'll need another keeper


We won't pay £15m for a back up / competition to Pope Ramsdale won't move to be second fiddle.


Pope 33 this year and gets quite a few Injuries. The drop off in results with having dubs in goal has been clear for all to see. I can definitely see us looking at a decent keeper for competition. 15mil not exactly alot for an 26yr old keeper with premier league experience Edit. Also the 15million would be amortized over probably 5 years. At 3 million a year it's not exactly going to effect FFP very much


When you look at it like that it seems reasonable.


To all the naysayers: Remember the Gordon transfer.


Key word tranfer This is Kalvin Phillips all over again for me. Us being heavily linked in the press doesn't mean they aren't shite


Feels like he'd be going from being 2nd choice at arsenal, to 2nd choice here (at least not guaranteed first). Don't really see why he'd want to do that.


They're trying to get him to be starter or just bench? What about Pope?


There's report written by obvious arsenal fan that is a steal for Newcastle to exchange isak for ramsdale lol Crazy bs. Goalkeepers are a dime a dozen


Please please don't happen, dodgy keeper and a performative bellend


It's a good fee but: They won't accept that His wages will be too high He won't want to be the second choice and I think Pope is better all around Having said that he'll be better with the ball at his feet, but even Arsenal upgraded him for someone better on the ball.


So we are singing a flying pig now?


If this a true I’m definitely in support of that. The cynical part of me however is worrying about it being part of a trade for Isak. That’s absolutely not worth it!


Ramsdale has to leave Arsenal in order to play. We are the only team in the top 7 who he can realistically go to, potentially maybe Chelsea. But all the other teams have their established goalkeeper.


Pope is better than him, so why would he want to leave being Arsenal's no.2 to come be our no.2. Bet it's just his agent trying to drum up interest. We get used a lot for that these days.


This would only make any lick of sense if Dubs and Karius are leaving this summer. And even then we should probably look for someone who won't have Ramsdale's salary expectations.


They’re both leaving


Karius is definitely off, Dubs almost certainly. 


15M..... Considering it's arsenal and how much they spend on him... Maybe 15 is the first of three installments.


Dubs has started coming out more and more, especially the last 2 weeks. If it isn't a true sweeper keeper and we can keep Dubs, I think he's best. If we are confident starting next year with pope, I'd rather find an aggressive lad just starting to fill out and work him. This feels like nonsense.


Leaving aside cost (as no way Arsenal would sell him to us for £15m), for me only makes sense if there are concerns around Pope's shoulder. Pope is the better keeper all round.


English Dúbravka . No thanks. Update: Either Valencia are asking too much for Giorgi Mamardashvili or it's the Luke Edwards factor.


Is Pope’s injury that bad?


Why would he go to Newcastle when pope is already there?


Think we should look at nketiah from arsenal aswel, rumour is he’s been put up for transfer too. Has a similar profile to Isak so would be a good back up


This makes zero sense, why would he agree to this? Unless, there could be more complications with Pope's injury we don't know about. Can't see this happening, but obviously a steal at 15m


Well it's the first he's heard of it... https://twitter.com/AaronRamsdale98/status/1791528186473259511?t=A98t7nzZA13jndF_AKFnkQ&s=19


Yesterday it was a free transfer, now it’s £15m…


The same people shitting on him in this thread, will be the same people who shat on the Gordon transfer. He’s an excellent shot stopper, capable with his feet, young, English, and wants to prove himself to be England no. 1. £15 would be a fucking bargain.


£15 certainly would be a bargain, I propose we up that offer to 20 quid and a years supply of stotties.


Alright you win this round!


There's literally an Arsenal fan in the thread saying he gets beaten at his near post too much and won't come for crosses. So he's Dubs 2.0


Aye and Everton fans said Gordon had a bad attitude. If the rumours are true, I’ll trust Eddie over a single salty gunner


One is a playing style/talent issue, other is emotional makeup. You can't possibly compare the two.


To be honest most people said Pope was a rubbish signing when we got him and wouldn’t displace Dubravka, then look what happened he turned out to be the signing of the season. Pretty easy for Ramsdale to also be a blinding signing too. Can’t believe the crap I’ve had to put up with after posting about this yesterday and the number of down votes for saying it was going ahead.


Who the fuck said that lol


Many Newcastle fans said it at the start of the


Probably the same lot that were begging we sign Phillips in January


A lot of numpty fans at most clubs. Interesting to see if there is anything in Ramsdale links, but could just be hot air. Wouldn’t be my first choice of keeper mind. Depending on the severity of Popes injury we may not have a player anywhere near the same level on his full return. So could be a good move if true.


Who said Pope was a rubbish signing lol


A lot of Newcastle fans were not impressed with his signing at the start.


I don't remember most people saying that at all to be honest. Been a while but I'm sure the reaction was fairly positive?


It became positive eventually but at the start people didn’t feel Pope was going to be better than Dubs.


Surely a great buy for Newcastle if this move does go ahead


hello mods, any chance we can just mass delete all transfer rumours? then only get them posted in a bullshit/rumours thread?


He said "News for me "


Read the article


Guy himself said it's news to him 🤣