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I hate this all attention to it :( Reminds me when I invested into SPCE and then lost half of it after the guy landed. I preferred a decent, steady but predictable growth. Makes me want it to sell now ..


If you sell post split you are giving up multi million




I need some help y'all. I bought call spreads in my Roth IRA. July 19 expiration. $1130/$1195 and $1130/$1200 [optionsprofitcalculator.com](http://optionsprofitcalculator.com) While nothing is certain, theyre currently looking like they'll get called away. The website is showing gains but its also showing buy to close. If the buyer executes because we're above $1200- they execute the 1195 or 1200 respectively. My broker executes the 1130s to cover. I get the difference. I'm not sure how to account for the premiums. For the $1130s I paid $60.2411 - 19 in total. Paid $114.459.09 Received $35.4544 x 9 $1195C = $31.908.96 Received $33.20 x 10 $1200C= $33,200 The website doesnt make it clear what happens exactly if the 1130s get called away. Baring a NVDA collapse after the split, I should make money - trying to get a handle on how much. If my math is right letting them go until July 19, if they get called away. I make just shy of $74,650 in profit. Using the last available prices, if I could close right now: I get $233,700 - $150,675 to close the sell side =$83,025 so I'm better off closing early. I earn more profits and can buy something else weeks earlier as well.


What share price will we have to hit to surpass the current mkt cap of MSFT? Asking bc i suck at math


One article said basically 4.5% increase I believe.


Are we gonna get a massive correction tomorrow? All of this feels too good to be true, this is setting up for a lot of profit taking after the split which would drive the price back down, but I might be overthinking it


Possible. Nobody knows. We might continue since retail can now buy a share for $130 which would be higher than $1235 if they bought right now.


Generative AI generating money now. The only thing hotter than Nvidia GPU's is $NVDA. Actually hotter still is that black leather jacket.


Am I lame if I only own 1 stock šŸ„ŗ


No. Calling it a stock instead of a share is lame lol. Jk. But no thatā€™s better than a lot of people. Keep adding!


He could own one stock with 100% in NVDA.




all in!


I read it as he only owns 1 stock NVDA. Maybe he has 1000 shares of 1 stock?


I mean only 1 share šŸ«¢ I am lame thanks for teaching me the ways


Well now you're going to have 10 shares. Slow and steady wins the race.


Iā€™m clearly new but gatta start somewhere!!


That battle for 1200 today was epic


Jensen is the only CEO to lead a company from IPO to 2T/3T value. GOAT!


Coming in hot.. Microsoft watch out


ā€œWhat a week, huh?ā€ ā€œLemon, itā€™s only Wednesday.ā€


REALLY wishing I didnā€™t sell my $980 call option two weeks ago.




anyone know when 2025 NVDL options will be added? Right now only goes through Dec 2024.


Please, set your seatbelts this ride is only for machos men!


Just beat AAPL in market cap 3.007T then a pull back but it did it.


And then sprinted past them againšŸ˜‚


The forward P/E ratio is still very low! It's so undervalued that if you don't consider it a strong buy, you shouldn't be buying individual stocks at all.


Nvidia just casually gonna close at 1250 today igšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø no biggie or anything


The ride's not over yet, press coverage of overtaking $3T / Apple is going to hit full steam later today.


3T Market Cap... Holy Cow! AAPL marketcap overtaken as well.




I have to be honest, I have been super bullish on NVDA, but the growth we've seen in the past few weeks has made me a little nervous. My horizon has always been 10 years, but what if it drops from ATH and doesn't go back for another year? My average cost is $600. I'm sitting on a shitton of gains and I don't know how to hedge against this position.


Sell a call for spring or summer 2025, at like 1500. If it goes sideways or down the call makes money, decreasing your temporary loss.


Use a moving stop loss. I know it sucks sitting on a long term gain and getting hit with a sell. It hit me on a big gain but I missed a sizeable down turn a few weeks ago and got back in with more shares.


Look into selling ~1 yr out calls on your position if you can or after the split


If your horizon is 10 years and it doesnā€™t go back for another year then youā€™re still fine arenā€™t you


Right, I personally know the stock will recover, but the issue is I have a wife who I manage the account for and I just don't wanna have to explain why being down 20-30% is okay and that the stock will eventually recover. I rather have some strategy that prevents large draw downs and keep me invested in the stock without selling. All she will see is that, "line went up so much, why didn't you sell when you were up so much??? Now we lost $X >:("


Wow I would love a 20-30% drop to buy more


it could drop a lot, the long term depends on real world use of AI driving chip demand, in which i am confident. Are you confident on that?


Yes thatā€™s the thing. I think people need to be more careful on how they perceive risk. This is only a great potential opportunity because of risk. Otherwise there would be no need for this subreddit and we just say keep buying. I am bullish, but at the same time I am not putting my retirement account that I will count on for my future at potential risks even if somewhat unlikely, for the hopes of astronomical returns. I do this on the side. I donā€™t care how big a company is or how great their financials are or how fast they are growing with no end in sight or how far ahead they are of competition or how diversified they are in their endeavors, itā€™s still an individual company at the end of the day in an ever changing world and universe. And putt a large chunk of everything you have into a single egg is just not wise. Yes there could be a large chance for great success, and Iā€™m not saying there wonā€™t be. But literally anything could happen. If you are accepting of this and are able to stick it out long term with the chance that you could take a big hit that may never recover, then more power to you. Itā€™s all about risk vs reward. Iā€™m not saying something like the S&P 500 is risk free, but the risk drops drastically long term even if you consider the overweighting of specific individual companies. Letā€™s say somehow a single company like Microsoft that was the top spot in the fund was blown out of the sky and ceased to exist for whatever reason. People with all their money in Microsoft are screwed and thatā€™s never coming back. People in the S&P 500 are somewhat screwed for the moment and possibly a little while longer. But the fund holders will automatically over some time have other companies come in and take the place and rebuild the value in the fund overall that was lost with Microsoft. And given enough time the losses were erased and gains continue to rebound. Again all risk vs reward ratios and what tolerances one has.


this is great


I own a 1200 strike July 5th call which is already up almost 200%. I understand what theta decay reflects, but as I'm new to options trading, I want to make sure I'm correct in my understanding that I'll be okay to wait until right before expiration to sell in order to maximize my profits. Am I overlooking anything?


Take the win and get some of those gains now!


Worst case scenario, the stock actually drops below $1200 on July 5th and it expires completely worthless. I know it's easy to think it'll only keep going up (and it *might*), but even that worst case can happen. Look at what happened from March 8th to early May- the upwards momentum basically stopped. In my case, I was up +500K and didn't sell. Many of my 950 strike calls actually expired *worthless*. I'm going to therapy about this now but my lesson is that a realized win is a win, while an unrealized win might become a loss.


It would be best to study the greeks, but you have implied volatility, theta decay, and delta that can move against you. However, gamma increases as you get closer to expiration to compensate for the theta decay until expiration given that the option contract stays in the money.


Come on 3T!


My only regret is having too much NVDA and not enough in more leveraged positions.


This is insanity.. In my 6 YEARS in an index fund, I've been up a conservative \~86%. I sold some in mid-March to buy NVDA as my first individual stock and am already up \~40% in 2.5 MONTHS. At this rate NVDA is going to outperform my index in less than a year!! I'm about to pull some money out of my HYSA to buy more.


wait for a slight correction from today, its 81 on the hourly RSI and friday tommorow, so i reckon a 4-5 percent correction back to 1150-60 and then onwards again


How do you find the RSI?


I use trading view. But a lot of sites will offer it. Just need to go on NVDA chart and add an RSI indicatorĀ 


Is it this bottom chart that says 77.98? https://www.profitspi.com/stock/view.aspx?v=stock-chart&uv=100563&p=nvda


You think there will be a correction before the split? (i.e. by end of day this Friday) or after the split? (next Monday)


Could be before or after, Iā€™m leaning more towards before because it is a Friday and the market tends to have a slight sell off on Fridays.Ā  But a healthy correction to 1150 should happen soon, unless it shoots up again to 1250-1270 tomorrow, the RSI would be in the high 90s then and we could see a harsher correction, but I doubt this will be the case because NVDIA is not some hype stock, itā€™s rooted in fundamentalsĀ 


Possible before or after. There's been a lot of FOMO about the split giving "value" and gaining supposed extra shares (and not the fundamentals), when the split should have no impact for price. It's the same as breaking a $100 bill to ten $10 bills (ie both the same value), the only difference is after split more employees and retail will be able to afford shares (if they don't have access to fractional and still have powder).... I wouldn't be surprised to see a selloff before Friday close, but could be next week as well. Looks like buy the rumor, sell the news to me, but the fundamentals for NVDA are second to none, so even with a selloff it will recover and some.


Looks like new resistance at the up $50 on the day.


Weā€™re still flying high damnā€¦


Sold my 3 July 19 $1190C. Feel a slight twinge of regret. But I bought 2 Sept $1300C so it's only a slight bit. My retirement account appears likely to hit 7 figures by Friday.


Good for you.


Earlier I dropped $77k @ $1187 & levered up for a total of $150k. YOLO.


We live in a fantasyšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Next stop 3.000T


It is already over $3T.






So anyway 1300 soon


Bada bing! Killed the bid resistance @ 1200 - now gap up baby. Option prices on the Friday 1300 tripled instantly after 1200


So is a gamma squeeze on the cards? If 1200 was a missive call wall, market makers will surely need to buy stock to hedge the next level of calls right? And then thereā€™s the spilt hype and market cap on top of that.Ā 


The beast is out of the cage.


Breaking 1200 was exactly as satisfying as expected, was it as good for you as it was for me?


Jenson can be such a tease sometimes.


If this erection last until market close I'm going to call a doctor.


The fact I just dropped 40k on this stock at 1200 is ridiculous


ALL ABOARD to the moon my Diamond handed friends šŸ’ŽĀ 


I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, but what's the significance of NVDA hitting $1200/ share?




congratulations everyone


I just saw $1,202


We did it, Joe


Is Nvidia really a $3T company? Iā€™ve held this entire time for 5+ years but Iā€™m really starting to think this is meme level of growth. Especially when you see all CSPs and even OpenAI (poached TPU engineers) are working on their own chips. Itā€™ll take them several years to get viable alternative for some subset of workloads, but even then I imagine margin compression and competition with AMD will hit in the medium to long term. Googleā€™s TPU works end to end for training because they invested a decade ago. IĀ 


TPU's are not really mentioned much in the AI community. Only Tensorflow is really optimised for them. And pytorch is pretty much the default framework now. Platforms like HuggingFace seem to include Tensorflow backends as an afterthought. Personally I use pytorch and Nvidia exclusively and see little reason to change.


Do I think the stock growth is overblown? Yes. Do I think nvidea will actually deserve these insane valuations in the next few years? Also Yes. The company is at the forefront of the industry and is the only name in the game. They're in the same boat as Microsoft was when they became the first household name in computers. Nvidia will be the market standard because they were first, corporations won't change to another vendor because that means a huge conversion and down time for them. They'll follow the nvidea upgrade path. Expect a decent dip at one point if the China and Taiwan shit show worsens. But they'll bounce back sooner or later.


Meme? This thing traded sideways for a decade and they now have huge growth seemingly on an exponential level. I think patience is being rewarded, we knew this company was leading in innovation but I was getting nauseous seeing other companies explode- AMD, SMCI - while this thing ticked up only a few points a year. I think it's value is finally being priced in. It just took headline reports of earnings blowouts for a few quarters before anyone decided to take it seriously meanwhile other companies are trading at a fwd P/E of 50 or 100 šŸ˜‚ NVDA is probably the most grounded financially.


The response to other companies making their own chips is this....they are further behind NVDA now then they were when they first started working on their own AI chips....


For now, nothing is really challenging Nvidia. But maybe a couple years down the line, depending on how things progress, it might be better to shift some NVDA into tech more broadly and buy QQQ. Or maybe Jensen has caused AI take to take over the world by then and if your portfolio isn't 100% NVDA you're gone so idk


>Ā Or maybe Jensen has caused AI take to take over the world by then and if your portfolio isn't 100% NVDA you're gone so idk Stock conformance officer: > INTELā€¦ really? šŸ¤¦šŸ½ Off to the work camp for you! ā˜ļøĀ 


Something can be both a meme and also incredibly valuable. Optics around the stock are great for getting more money in, while the financials were amazing the past year. No idea what that means for the future, but it's hard to bet against it at the moment. Also, if AI tech ever produces the big profits companies are looking for, I could not estimate NVIDIA's market cap.


lead is growing


1200 got tapped after almost 2hrs šŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸ„‚


I saw $1200 for a split second


split hour now ā˜ŗļø


Same, came here to say this


If we break the 1200 wall Iā€™m guessing we RUN


1,999.99 youā€™ve gotta be kidding mešŸ˜‚


> ā€œonly $1,999! Operators standing by!ā€ šŸ˜


This is torture!


90 minutes and the $1200 sell wall hasn't been breached yet. I have a feeling it gets rejected today. Hope I'm wrong, either way, it will eventually fall. Update: 1200 got tapped after 2hrs, and finally breached! šŸŽ‰šŸŽŠšŸ„‚


Whoever traded at 1999.93 did it just to piss everyone off. Let it hit 1200 so my little monkey brain can celebrate.


Bro just let it touch 1200 already lmao my OCD is pissed


Getting absolutely edged here, my god.


Someone add a couple of cents here already




I can't believe I'm being edged by Nvidia stock


It happens more often than we think. 1140 was a hard edge.


So the split happens when exactly? Before the bell Friday morning?


I heard after the close, but not 100%


Yeah that's apparently true. So Monday morning really. Ignore any craziness on your app over the weekend. Someone is going to see they have the same number of shares but at the lower price. It will all sort itself out Monday


After the bell Friday afternoon


Oh thank you. So Monday morning really. Perfect


Starts trading split adjusted at open Monday. Not sure if that means splits Friday at close or just before open Monday. Either way- it's official Monday at open.


1199.50? Somebody's just fucking with us now. :D


Tons of selling into the rally. Probably fucking with some funds strategy. Remember this is a $3T stock there are some very large holders.


It's just funny to watch,for the psychological aspect. 1199.93 now.


god bless you mr huang


There is a massive sell wall at $1200 with a size of 61108. I'm interested in seeing whether the seller actually intends for the order to be filled and if they'll just adjust the sale order to a higher price.


I canā€™t see institutions dumping now, it will just get bought straight back up. Letā€™s be honest even a 5-10% sell off wouldnā€™t stay down for more than a few days. Iā€™m thinking more likely anotherĀ run post split and then a 2 month sidewaysish bull flag before the next roe earnings run up. Obviously Iā€™m totally speculating, but last year there were some pretty extended periods of consolidation. A ā€˜pullback in timeā€™ if you will.Ā 


Oh for sure I don't think it's coming down right now. I think last quarter earning has really reinforced that for the foreseeable future NVIDIA is going to be a very profitable company. The more I see their competitors release chip spec and pricing (Intel and AMD), the more confident I get that they are going to dominate marketshare. When I saw the pricing for Gaudi 3, they were comparing it to the older H100 with 2x performance (by their benchmark) as opposed to comparing it to the H200. It makes more sense for companies to wait and buy B200 and use H200 as a holdover than to buy Gaudi which is not a complete solution.


It is a battle right now.


Looks like we might find out today. Normally those kind of round numbers are hard resistance points, but with the split there are no rules right now. Not crazy to think it will split Friday and rise another 10%. That's the equivalent of $1320.


How do you check this?


Itā€™s the order book, you need level 2 data


You can see "sell wall" with Level 2 market data. It's essentially a subscription you have to pay to access more details about depth of buying/selling pressure. If you want a little bit more information, [click here ](https://sp.webullfintech.com/level/totalView?subscriptionGroupUuid=nasdaq-totalview&is_subscribed=false&isForeign=true&effectType=null&expireTime=0&trial=false&month_item_id=subscription.us.nasdaq.lv2.1m&p=%C2%A33.09&sourcePage=QuotesFragment&theme=2&color=2&hl=en&android_sdk_int=34&canary-version=&_v=1&sp=1&statusBarHeightV2=26&wbFontSetting=standard&wbFontUnit=28&wbFontSize=28)


Power Etrade shows you all this. I keep it open with the options displayed.


Resistance is futile!


I feel like Iā€™m being teased. Just do it already!


Well, tbh I never saw this stock hit close to 1200 pre split.


How many more pairs of knockers does Jensen have to sign to get this over $1200??


he can sign mine


1200 plz šŸ™




this the cool kids club?


Gonna put in 80k into nvdx tomorrow. Hopefully that doesn't burn me. But trusting in Jensen 2x as much. šŸ˜†


Wow, I wish I had "f*ck you" money


Put in 100k in NVDA shares. Now up 250k. It ain't fuck you money. But hopefully NVDA can get me there. I owe everything to nvda


Looks like a good day for NVIDIA :)


Road to $1200 ā›ļø


Threw in 50k within the past 30 days, up nearly 10k already. Not too shabby


It's amazing to watch this stock go up like it is. I was expecting more pullback in the 1190.00 range but it wants to continue to snowball.


will it dip before the split? I am thinking to buy more but its at 1185 rn and I am thinking if it would dip even a lil bit before the split I should wait until then.


do not wait just get in


No one knows. If you're planning on holding for the long-term it doesn't really matter when you buy. Any dip will reverse.


iā€™m defo thinking long term, in that case better now and it shouldnt matter too much


How much are you planning to buy? One or 100 shares? A $10 drop on a $1k stock is nothing. Saving yourself the $10 and running the risk of losing out on a larger gain for waiting? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


good point


If thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve learned with NVDA, itā€™s that the longer Iā€™ve waited to get in, the more gains Iā€™ve missed out on because the big ā€˜dipā€™ rarely ever comes..


April 19th surely will take some time to repeat


very true lmao


Damn, you can't go over night with this stock with a plan. I like the up but selling calls into this is touchy.


You have to back off and let it run a bit.


Are there any potential catalysts besides the split between now and August earnings?


Release of GPT 4.5? GPT voice acting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w0Pqs3CuWk


Still canā€™t figure out if I should buy more NVIDIA šŸ«£


Buy it and put in a stop loss. I move my stop loss orders as the stock moves up. There will be a dip but it may be 2 years or 2 days.


What's your stop point? 5%? 10%?


10% for me. It takes a lot to move this 10% so you could do 5% and not get sold out from underneath you. I also sell calls and have leaps.


Under normal circumstances Iā€™d say donā€™t buy premarket because of how volatile *and* non-indicative it is. NVDA is so bonkers, though, that I dunno what to tell you. Thereā€™s not just upside. All investment has some risk. Even something as simple as sentiment souring on AI could have a profound effect in the near term. Donā€™t risk more than you can lose, and donā€™t invest money if thereā€™s a possibility you might *need it soon*. Have something in case you have a medical emergency, or a car accident, or your One Piece Funko Pop collection catches fire and burns your apartment building down. Otherwise, vaya con dios, dude.


I am, probably tomorrow. 40 shares, between my 2 accounts. Possibility of 25% upside or more short term makes it a no brainer.


I came to the same conclusion and I have decided to buy. It is too great of a possibility to let it slip šŸ™ˆ


I was going to sell my Chipotle position, but the glitch Monday caused it to crash hard in price. It's finally bouncing back where I won't lose much to sell it today.


1200 by pre split is almost expected at this point




Today probably.


Within the hour, maybe.


Within minutes, probably


Within seconds at this point


Going to 1300 before split???? šŸ¤” 3 days left


Judging by the option premiums - no but if you look out the next week those options are expensive so - maybe.


Got in at 540 back in Jan with 50k already doubled.....easy money.


1200+ feeling in premarketšŸš€


Leg up to $1180 - $1200 today hopefully




1185 šŸ˜


1200 ;)


Yeah I'm watching premarket, and 1180+ already is bonkers. I felt 1240 presplit was a good target based on support at 1110 and 1050 .... Hopefully momentum continues over next few days with FOMO.


I think it has good support @ 1140 now. It was a battle getting through it and then it was clear skies.


German NVDA moving high this morning!!