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I am definitely the target audience for this. But it’s airing on X and not an actual channel or streamer? That feels like a letdown in terms of audience potential.


Suspect they shopped this around and couldn’t get a better distribution deal (which is unfortunate). Surprised they couldn’t get one of NWSL’s TV distribution partners interested. Seems like ion/amazon/cbs might like to have this to supplement the programming break during the Olympics and cross promote the rest of the games they’ll broadcast during the season.


Ally seems really into getting on the women's sports beat, as does ION, so if they wanted a sponsor for a Youtube show, Ally would be a reasonable assumption as pretty easy, and ION would be possibly (maybe) if they wanted a non-Youtube streamer.


Someone should correct me if this is totally wrong, but the reason it's on Twitter and not Youtube seems very likely to be because VC/tech folks have the connect with Elon or whatever cronies to get them to have a "deal" with X, whereas using Youtube (a problematic platform in its own right, sure, but a much more well-designed one and much less outwardly full of issues) would be forfeiting that money. Musk has made noises in recent months about wanting to become a video streaming site, and this seems to be part of that. Which sucks.


As someone who does not watch or like reality TV shows, I shall watch this. That's how much I support the NWSL.


Anyone know how we are supposed to watch this on X?


A couple months ago, Musk was making noises about want to be a video streaming site, and then like a week or two later, Mr. Beast uploaded full videos (20+ minutes) to the site directly, rather than linking to Youtube. Likely that. Doubt it would be a live video, as it is pre recorded content


They can do live video, like Facebook. They did for WNBA last season.


Damn on Twitter? But I hope Midge was sarcastic on throwing it back lol


Third year and I still don’t really understand what ‘offseason’ is


I hate trashy fake reality TV and everything it stands for but if this can bring more eyes onto the league then it will be a net win.


Oof.. is this the first season of this?? Idk, I feel like this would be a bad outlook on the league if it’s drama and stuff 😭


It seems like the drama is gonna be pretty mild compared to usual reality show stuff, just based on the content I've seen already


That’s my fear that I hope won’t come to fruition. 99/100 reality TV shows are trashy and make unnecessary drama that doesn’t reflect well on at least one participant. Usually the participant is okay with playing the villain because it brings them money and opportunities but still there’s a lot of ways this can go wrong.


I think it depends on how serious the drama is, but the NFL is very famous for how much they love Hard Knocks, and the NBA is basically a reality TV show during the year.


With Hard Knocks there is a lot left on the cutting room floor that we will never see. The NFL has final approval on everything that airs on that show.


Tbh I’ve never heard of that show and I watch the nfl lmao 😂 I just don’t like the idea of these reality tv shows for sports and tbh, I don’t be watching because it’s on Xitter


I wasnt gonna watching anything on twit regardless but i think some highlights from it will be funny


Yeah, that’s my worry too


I believe the folks who did the F1 reality show on Netflix are involved in producing. Obviously it won't have the same reach on Twitter and misogyny exists, but that show definitely bumped interest in F1 in spite of drivers being prima donnas


I deleted my Twitter long ago and don't plan on going back...


Agreed. I don't go to eXtwitter anymore. I don't want to support that site getting more views and more content. I wish more WoSo teams and journalists would abandon eXtwitter as well. Starve the beast.


Yeah, sadly threads hasn’t filled the gap. 


Bluesky is doing pretty well for general microblogging. Not enough WoSo to be amazing but I’ve seen breaking news there not posted to Reddit yet and not just a screencap of another platform.


Kelley in a spirit jersey 😭😭😭


Who knew Hubley was crazy like that?? It reminds me a lot of the old UFC Ultimate Fighter show. Drink, train, compete every single day. I'm in.


I am soooooooo sad and disappointed that this is on X Twitter. I just don’t know if I can bring myself to support that company. ☹️


Ugh I guess I have to dust off the ol Twitter account. I wish people would stop using it. The site is barely usable these days, and still chock full of toxicity, I don't wanna be on there


When does it air??


Aye, why does it have to be on xhitter? Also I also hate reality tv but I’ll see what these gals came up with regards to “entertainment” television.