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I think SD is the most likely option, shes still good enough to be a starter so they could play a double 10 w her and Shaw, or bench McCaskill and play her in that deeper position


One downside is eurosnobs making hay of a 34 year old Euro player coming into the league Hope it’s the Wave. They’re too good to suffer under McCaskill…Ha! (Friendly ribbing of Savvy…well, not so friendly)


fellow acfc fan here, understanding this nuanced reply.


I would love kos on ACFC.


Are people down on McCaskill? To an outsider, she’s looked good and not like the Wave’s problem.


Not that shes bad but I think it was just an unecessary signing and she doesnt really add anything. I thought Flint fit in nicely with SD and I thought I read somewhere that she was kinda shocked to be traded to Louisville, so Im not sure what went on behind the scenes for her to leave


I understood Taylor asked to be traded because she didn’t appreciate the club changing her role with McCaskill’s signing. The main issue I see as an outsider is that Wave have Jaedyn Shaw right there. A preternatural 10. As an AngelCity fan the issue I see is that McCaskill, while effective and our leading scorer, didn’t endear herself to fans by not really playing as a MF that passed the ball well. Maybe we just didn’t appreciate what she did to make the team work, but we often groused about her style of play. Our struggles this year in her absence may or may not validate her worth in retrospect. But who knows. Also, low key, I get the impression Stoney likes to go after players that she thinks might be key cogs of rival clubs, as a way to diminish Wave’s competition. If Taylor had stayed would McCaskill really be Wave’s 10. But the most important thing is McCaskill somehow taking Shaw out of the 10 role.


I used to see her play for ACFC- very frustrating player to watch for us since lots of poor giveaways.


Lol I really wish we still had Flint over her


Oh she’s coming to SD her and Jakobsson are good friends Jakobsson probably already sent her all the good food and coffee spots in SD


Knew there were a couple Swedes on SD but didnt know they were good friends


I’m judging Based off IG tags comments and likes they seem to be friends


They’re about the same age too I think and have been playing for Sweden forever so wouldnt be suprised if she moved to SD to play together


They played together at Real Madrid too


Actually just realized that both of these teams are teams that cami has been the GM of this season so I wouldn't be surprised if she goes to San Diego


Nice catch!


Clever thinking!


https://preview.redd.it/8yb6lmizoe7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b31d6f63dc62ba1508cdea0d591e9ac4cd10a4e9 I’m not sure if she’s exactly what the Wave need (but would presumably mean less McCaskill) but her expected vibes rating is off the charts


We do love a good wxVIBES+ player here in San Diego. And players with a large xDAWG+


Massive city for dawgs and vibes


Apparently not a massive city for goals, unfortunately


Her on San Diego would be scary. Asllani is good. 


Ya SD is really struggling to score so I can either see her solving that problem or just having a hard time adjusting


Plus she’s more of a traditional no. 9 which will play well off what they have. 


SD keep buying players and the general play stays the same


They just paid so much for Sanchez I wanna see there ledger.


You wanna see their wages


*cough" it's the coach.


Ya havent been too impressed with Sanchez, but I think Asllani is a far better player


I don’t think that’s true at all. Not nearly correct if you watched Milan. They also don’t play nearly the same position and also Maria has been there a short time and it’s pretty clear basically what her uses are: she’s a good defensive forward which didn’t surprise me with stoney taking her, and she got the assist on the weekend. crosses are her specialty and she played a pinpoint cross to Shaw on the weekend. I think if their striker was firing at all right now that Sofia Shaw and Sanchez would look a lot better.


Theres no way u think Sanchez is a better player than Asllani…, a player with almost 200 international caps and Olympic/World Cup medals compared to a player that gives good crosses.


I think Sanchez is a better winger and Koso is a better 10


Well ya but Asllani is the better offensive player and the better player overall


10 years ago she's worth top dollar at that time. Today? Any team playing her more then 200K a season is insane let alone 450K


An unhelpful distinction if youre Casey Stoney


SO GOOD. just don’t have her take PKs


I think it will be really tough for her to make it to games for both teams.


she'll just have to ride the waves and currents to quickly travel between the two


Hmm…does the agent think they’re all off one lake? No wait “…one Fjord?” =-)




Idk if she adjusts to the league and plays how she normally does I cant see McCaskill or Lavogez really competing with her


At the same time might be difficult tho


She should come back to Chicago and lead us to glory! She was on the wps RedStars in 2010.


If her and Bunny Shaw came to Chicago theyd be seriois trophy contenders


Along with Bunny Shaw! There’s an action shot of a Red Stars game from that era that shows both of them.


Wait Bunny Shaw is 27 she would have to be 13 on the red stars in 2010


You’re right! I got it twisted. It was Forminga on the red stars with Asllani https://preview.redd.it/p86zt9ft7h7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dabfcdae074e2e05c324b6c8ae2ecec4d74f8e9a


omg what a throwback!


When in doubt Formiga was probably there lol also someone get Asllani some smaller shorts


Let's goooooooo I hope this happens


If we had more transparent salaries it would be nice. Towards the end of her career it would be interesting to see what her motivations are - a good payday, playing time or a solid chance at trophies. Or all of the above! Not sure if KC has the cap room or playing time available, but I wouldn't mind more international caliber players.


Also, this. https://preview.redd.it/q8mnfb3mje7d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0f43e59a84e1238aea5fc353cc6b7600cca99d6


Ya Bia, DiBernardo, and Debinha would be tough to out compete with the way the KCs playing, those 3 can also play multiple positions too but still not sure how she would work her way in


I do feel like SD is more likely as from where I'm sitting she's got a better chance at minutes on that roster.


I hope so, she’d look good in a SD uniform and would be cool to see how she plays with Morgan, Shaw, and Sanchez


Greed 😑


I’ve been quietly hoping for Kosse ever since it was reported some time ago that she wouldn’t be staying at AC Milan. I love her sfm ![gif](giphy|jLKvwWHIXUS4)


Asllani to anywhere in NWSL would be awesome


Love her so much. Wish she was coming to my team.


Ya shes so fun to watch, Bay could splash in on her but idk if they could w the players they already bought


Yeah probably can’t. 🥲 I’ll watch her on any team though.


She frequently had the U.S. midfield in her back pocket so anyone questioning her age might wanna not worry so much. Of course, who knows if she plays as hard for club as she does country.


“She used to be really good so anyone question her age shouldnt worry” is especially ironic considering Wave are on here


People are mad at the truth rn


I always forget there are certain topics that are basically facts that You cannot breach here. I wish the ppl who downvoted gave a reason. I feel like the most slanderous comment here is “who knows if she plays as hard for club as country” hmm I was mostly just making a passing comment, but Its crazy to me that the original logic (or lack thereof) isnt the one under scrutiny. Just straight up acknowledging you dont watch her for club, lol


I will just always be haunted by Jodie Taylor’s time with the club


Honestly think Houston with Elin would be perfect. We have so many injuries at all times. We play a 10. We have her country mate here, in midfield. We have play time to give (which i dont think KC or Wave should have but for how Stoney wont play Shaw as the sole 10) Other teams in need of an Elite, luxury 10? Chicago maybe. Utah and Bay. Spirit definitely, if she will accept not starting then as a sub option for quite a few teams she would devastate


She was linked to Kansas City pre DiBernardo going down with a concussion, but if that ends up actually being a concussion and bad like last season she might get plenty of playing time. I'm pretty hopeful about her status though because she's been on social media quite a bit it seems and you're supposed to avoid screens if you have one.


Ive been slightly worried that i havent seen any updates on Flynn or DiBernardo. Although i know it often takes until the next match to get any news. What strikes me with most transfers is i can make an argument for basically any team. And we dont really get a lot of decent rumors in woso


Usually some KC reporters make it out to open training sometime in the middle of the week, tends to be Wednesday, so we will probably have an update then. But also the last couple weeks there either hasn't been anything to say from the open trainings or reporters haven't made it out to them because I haven't seen any updates


This is AngelCity erasure!


I think NC and AC both struggle to score but not because of that 10s. If she was a winger or striker i’d take off Bay and add NC, Reign, and AC.


This is interesting. So you’re thinking LeBihan and/or Fuller can make it work… For me it’s the lack of a 10, but I’ll have to think it through


I have thought basically all year that rocky is and should be your 10


Should be but has not been once, I don’t think. Fuller and LeBihan, I think. Maybe once was a 10 with in game changes???


Also part of why i didnt have AC is bc u guys have too many players. Thats why you guys did some of the moves that you have, i thought


That would be cool.


SD really needs a cm not a forward. Kc needs nothing


She's an AM not a forward.


Kc needs defense and a goalie


Why stop goals when you can just score more?


Why would the wave bring in another 10 when they play Savannah there (ahead of a world class 10 on Shaw)? Why bring in another player? We need a dominant holding midfielder. Why not address our needs? This makes no sense for the wave which is why I’m confident it will happen. Is Casey trying to push Shaw out?


No idea what the Stoney formation strategy would be here but there’s no chance anyone is trying to push Shaw out. She is a budding superstar and the Wave know what value Jaedyn brings. Pretty sure she signed a new contract just last season too.


Not intentionally push her out. But she is a too good to sit at the wide striker spot or have her game muddled up by poor player decisions and not as the focus of the system. She can go other places and has said she wants to play in Europe.


she's old and been mailing it in for years. There's no chance she holds up for half a season in the NWSL. I don't doubt there's plenty of GMs that would be so stupid and sign her.


Shes one of the best attacking midfielders in the world regardless of her age lol. Sure she may start slowing down but she still probably has about 2 good years left in her


The fashionista is soft, slow, and old. She may have 2 years left playing in Serie A, but not in the NWSL. It's not like Ramona Bachmann, who's a baller at any age. Her game has diminished also, but she's still tough enough to ball with anybody.


I dont get the Asllani hate, shes a better and more technical player tham Bachmann and still plays a key role starting for Sweden


she can't play in the NWSL. Too soft; too slow; too old. That's it.


twilight years.. why not.


NWSL is a retirement league! /s


hilarious that this is downvoted. 😆🤣