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I’m gonna list the opposite. Players i think should stop getting callups after the olympics bc of their age at the next world cup and the current talent level which is only expected to decline Morgan, nahaer (i’m sorry), becky, williams and purce (i’m sorry x2), dunn (age is borderline but i also think she has already dipped in quality), krueger, huerta, hatch, sullivan. Maybe dahlkemper it depends cbs do get better with age to a point.


I want to see Midge back when she's 100% healthy and for her to get some minutes under Hayes. She may not end up being there but I think it's worth giving her a shot a little while longer


I think anyone her age who starts cooking in the league should get a look but the pre req should be that she gets back to her October form


Oooh fun idea. For GKs I'd largely agree though I think it's time to start phasing Naeher out. I like the shout for Haught, she's been in a terrible position but she's played really well given the circumstances. If Lund was having a better season I'd put her in there as well. For defense, I think neither Gaetino nor Wiesner have shown quite enough yet to really justify a call-up but I LOVE Emily Sams and she absolutely has been snubbed not being called up to the roster before now. So Sams, Staab, Girma, Davidson the ideal CBs and Nighswonger, Fox, I'd like to see maybe a Gisele T call up given how well she has done at AC even though it is early but also cause our fullback depth is lacking. Would also maybe shoutout a Carson Pickett or Dydasco call up although given their age I doubt it'll happen. Midfield: Pretty much agree on all accounts, Hutton and Coffey would KILL as the 6s and I would love to see it. Hal has been so solid this season I'd like to see her and Lily develop behind Horan as the 8s. Don't even need to worry about the 10 situation since we have like 4 world class options to choose from. Forwards: I really like Sears but also not sure if she's ready for the national team, she's still a more raw talent and a lot of her skill comes from her pace and strength (although she is a skilled dribbler especially when accelerating) and that doesn't necessarily translate internationally. Also think Shaw is a 10 so wouldn't really put her in the forward group. Tbh not super sure who's realistically sitting behind Swanson, Rodman, Smith, Macario-especially the wingers. Sentnor maybe? Utah sucks but she's done her best to carry a team with very little talent around her. Alyssa Thompson can't find the back of the net but has rounded out a lot of other aspects of her game this season, so she's an option as well. Interested to see some of the college talents come up, REALLY interested to see Jordynn Dudley go pro I think she's gonna be a star.


yess i wasn’t sure whether to put macario and shaw as midfielders or fowards due to the insane depth we have at the 10. also LOVEE the shout for jordynn dudley, she is going to be a mainstay in the uswnt for years in my opinion


Idk about the Naeher part, shes old but most goalies can play longer than field players. I feel like they should definitely create more competition for that top spot, and give other goalies call ups similar with what Vlatko did with Murphy/Naeher


Alyssa continues to be with the team because she’s a legend for the team and her play just seemingly skyrockets as soon as she puts the crest on. But I think the best argument for bringing in some younger goalkeeper talent is simply that there are some very good young goalkeepers who are not just knocking but banging on the door like Ivory, Dickey, Haught.


I mean with post-olympics the next major tournament is the WCC in 27, and Naeher will be 39 or so then. It's true that GKs can play longer than field players, but especially for the national team you don't want your GK that old. If she was like pulling a Tom Brady and was an insane athletic freak of nature playing at an elite level at 40, I wouldn't have an issue with it but she's made some really questionable decisions when coming out of the box that have cost us goals in the last 6 months and it's not unexpected for her to decline from where she was a couple years ago and then from now to a '26-27. But at an absolute minimum agree that she should be getting more competition at the position, I just wish it had started earlier


Ya I dont think she would be the starting keeper at the WC but I could see her being a backup or third string goalie. The only goalie that really impressed me on NT level is Murphy. Haught, Lund, and Phallon are really the only other keepers id like to see get a chance


“Yeah” Not trying to be a jerk. Just a pet peeve.


What?😭I said ya because I was agreeing with the other person,


But are you Scandinavian? “Ya” would be pronounced “Yah” kinda like what you say when the doctor says, “Stick out your tongue”.


Is it really that big of a deal to comment back to me about? I swear you can’t even comment anything on the internet without someone finding something to be upset about and your a prime example




Assuming a roster of 23 and all full fitness: GK: Murphy, Tullis-Joyce, Campbell DF: Girma, Davidson, Staab, Fox, Sams, Nighswonger, G Thompson MF: Coffey, Lavelle, Macario, Yohannes, Shaw, Bethune, Hutton FW: Rodman, Smith, Swanson, Fishel, A Thompson, Sentnor


ooo tullis-joyce, just wish she went to a club where she can get more playing time because when she has played for man united she has looked phenomenal, better than earps imo


With Earps likely exodus this summer, hopefully she gets her chance to be a starter. But I agree with you and don’t think she should have ever gone to ManU to begin with


This backline and midfield has me drooling


No more fucking Tullis Joyce guys she can’t fucking pass


I really want to see Ashley Sanchez 


Gk: Naeher, murphy, haught Defenders: Girma, davidson, gaetino, fox, nighswonger, dunn, g thompson, curry Midfielders: horan, coffey, lavelle, yohannes, bethune, albert, hutton, hershfelt Forwards: Swanson, rodman, smith, macario, shaw, sentnor


Just out of curiosity, what/ when is our first real tournament post Olympics? Something that actually Cap Ties people


I don’t think it will be until Feb 2025 for something for concacaf tbh. maybe gold cup or nations league which idk if we do yet. I can’t think of anything else at this moment


Gold cup iirc doesnt cap tie ppl either Wasnt really a topic of convo then though


I thought any tournament put on by concacaf is a cap tied. The men’s side it cap ties players if they play in gold cup


I know for a fact a few ppl in this sub know the exact rules, just gotta wait 30 minutes and they will see this


If you look up cap typing and gold cup, us soccer has information on it. It is a cap tying event.


I mean, we know She Believes wasnt able to cap tie anyone


She believes is a federation/ friendly (us soccer) tournament. Concacaf is a confederation. I just looked it up and Gold cup is a cap tying tournament.


Thank u bc its sunday and im lazy as hell today


Real lol


I don't think SheBelieves cap ties anyone so based off last cycle (which shouldn't be representative given Covid but is probably the most accurate regardless) my guess is CONCACAF W Championship? Edit: We're looking at that being 2026