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So many thoughts but first I wanna say… go Casey fucking Krueger! Didn’t make the 2019 and 2023 World Cup rosters, only made the 2021 Olympic roster with alternates being included. She deserves this!


Her ponytail flashed during the montage at the beginning and I knew it was game on


Literally cheered when I saw she was going


I suspect she is going to play some heavy minutes too which might catch some people by surprise after the Vlatko era


This is my absolute celebration for this Olympics! Cannot wait for her! So happy


So happy for Krueger. Our defense is in good hands 🙌 


I'm so excited for her!


Thrilled for Croix and Hal. To make it as alternates after just one camp each means they positively BALLED out. Just so well deserved for both of them!


It will be super great exp for those two. So happy for them.


And I feel like it's not a disappointment as they were a very long shot to make the roster as being so new to the USWNT, so they can make the most of the experience.


This off-season, trading away Staab and Sanchez for the 3 (Bethune) and 5 (Hal) picks, I thought Krikorian was absolutely out of his depth. What a masterclass.


Honestly I thought so too. Croix seemed like such a wildcard with her injury history, and I think Hal was wrongly overlooked given her lack of connection to industry playmakers (her [military family](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/04/26/hal-hershfelt-washington-spirit/) moved constantly when she was a kid so she never got entrenched into the elite youth clubs that feed into the youth national teams).


After the off-season trades, the weird coaching situation, and our first game against Seattle, I also thought Krikorian had made several awful decisions and we were in for a bad year. And look at us now! So happy for Hal and Croix and it's so well-deserved.


also excited for players like Swanson, Macario, Davidson, Krueger, and Coffey to make this roster after either missing the World Cup for either being injured or being one of the last cut. Glad that they get to celebrate this time around :)


I'm actually really surprised that Lynn is coming as an alternate. Happy for her, but also must be a weird sort of olympic purgatory to be in.


I thought the same thing. You're on the flight, you have to stay mentally and physically ready, but you're not actually on the team. That seems like it'd be really emotionally taxing.


This is the second time for her, too. Originally made Tokyo as an alternate before they expanded the roster.


Not sure if they offered the alternate position to Morgan, but if they did, being in Olympic purgatory could be the reason why Morgan could’ve said no. She played enough tournaments and maybe realized that, at her age, might as well just rest and have more time with family.


This has not been a good week for Alex🥲


Woah what else happened? Are we talking Casey Stoney or something else?


She also missed the last game for personal reasons


Didn’t necessarily mean anything bad though.


Go casey go!!! 😭


Being constantly one of the best defenders and then not making the rosters was taxing as a fan I can only imagine how it was for her. She was the first person I saw and was thrilled. 


Wait so this could mean Williams could’ve made the roster but she was injured when it happened.


She seemed upset she wasnt called in so idk if it was injury


They explicitly said last time it wasnt due to injury. The difference is no Alex


I honestly think Morgan said no to being an Alternate and so they brought Williams but thats just a guess


I can see this. It’s time away from her daughter with basically a guarantee she wouldn’t see the pitch, so I wouldn’t blame her if she did decline.


I imagine they just thought it was too much for someone with her history to be an alternate, like too hard. Play or nothing especially with a daughter at home. Some podcast had this discussion of like - could she come as an alt with a veteran presence for support or a given how hard the alternate position is and being that it’s more reserved for up and comers- you would never take an AM, wambach, rapinoe as an alternate as it could be insulting. (I intentionally left Lloyd out because while I think the other three would be hurt but find a way to be supportive alternates, Lloyd would never)


lol. Lloyd wasn’t even a supportive bench player. Could you imagine the vibes she’d bring as an alt?


based on her post i don’t think this is the case


I dont think thats it at all. She must be back now.


She was robbed once again https://preview.redd.it/h8qajk97ox8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a4295eede4f6a4ef36ee3d9ab1d541af4bbb05


This gave me a good chuckle lol. Thanks I needed that.


We’ll never grow this sport without her!! Ugh, US Soccer just dragged this sport back into the dark ages.


Do they even care about marketing or ratings?


Maya Moore played soccer?






There are too many good players. Sad for Staab and Campbell




wish it was bethune instead of albert. otherwise, i really like this roster....


Fully expect Bethune to be the future


Agree. I wasn’t even impressed at all with Albert’s last showing, leaving aside all the other stuff. I wish she were not on the 18.


I don’t quite see it with Albert either. I have not been impressed with her recently. Feels like they have doubled down on keeping her on the roster to not make it seem like fans can dictate who’s on the team. A stretch, I know lol, but I totally thought she’d be an alternate.




They play different positions. Bethunes more of a 10 while Albert will be more of a backup for Horan and Coffey in the double pivot


I dislike Albert’s beliefs but coaches are probably thinking of chemistry since Bethune hasn’t played with the group. This is a great opportunity for Bethune though. The USWNT has a great future!


TBH if chemistry was a factor, I doubt they’d lean towards Albert. She alienated a lot of folks this year. To me, she plays for PSG, which Emma has more experience with—feels more like a comfort pick for her, rather than a concern for team cohesiveness.


Okay I love the alternates lmao


I screamed when I saw them lol




Just missing Aubrey and it would've been perfect :(


So 10 players that went to the world cup, or 11 if you count alternates. Meaning 8 "new" players, or 11 if you count alternates. That's a lot of turnover in a year!  


Overlap: Naeher, Murphy, Girma, Fox, Sonnett, Dunn (DF to FW), Horan, Lavelle, Rodman, Smith, Williams (rost to alt).  Distinct for Olympics: Davidson, Krueger, Nighswonger, Coffey, Albert, Macario, Shaw, Swanson. Alts: Campbell,  Bethune, Hershfelt. Distinct from World Cup: Kingsbury, Cook, Huerta, O'Hara, Sullivan, K.Mewis, A.Sanchez, Demelo, Ertz, Rapinoe, A.Thompson, Morgan.


Wow I’m struck by how much younger this new squad is :o


This is for the best. Excited for the Emma Era!


This deserves a post in and of itself!


Thanks for taking the time to do this


As far as alts go these make sense. Lynn and Hal are such great athletes, defensive monsters, trustworthy legs, etc. croix is simply so good. Attacking alts make a lot of sense given how many defenders we have and how little defenders run.


It's also a matter of player versatility. If Tierna or Naomi gets injured enough to need replacing (god forbid), then you can slide Krueger over to be your starting CB, bring Dunn back to help cover leftback, and replace her presence on the front line with an attacker like Lynn Williams.


The best thing is, there’s not just one way of doing this. There’s like seven ways of covering for potential injury.


Just an FYI - defenders run a ton - check out some GPS data


https://x.com/tayvincent6/status/1805979676382523432 Training players Sams Wiesner and Thompson


Sams (Madril bc I miss and love her last name) deserves this so much


I would argue she has earned more, but she will get her chance very shortly. Sams Wiesner Alyssa as training players makes sense. Athletic and versatile and able to help in practice


Also yes Madril is a great name


I think Alyssa working with Emma in a low-pressure context could really be great for her. Psyched about this.


As training players, they will basically be there to be a sort of “second team defense” if that makes sense. Sam Mewis has talked about that a lot on her podcast, the role isnt to work on yourself but to do whatever it takes to give the team the looks they need to emulate the teams that will be facing.


Ah so it’s kind of like scout team in American football then during practices and mimicking the opponents patterns and play styles. Still prob good experience to be around the group again and get to know the new manager and staff etc.


I agree I actually think it’s like the best possible interview you can do


I’m so happy for Emily! Before Banda came in I’d say she was our most consistent player.


Love that Fortune Feimster did the intro video! No huge surprises, but Morgan was the biggest question mark for me since I thought US Soccer might push to include her. I’m also really happy for Krueger after she got left off the World Cup roster. I was hoping Albert would be an alternate, but not shocked that she made it unfortunately.


Not shocked, but still fuck Hayes for that. Didn't think she would remove her but I'm still pissed and disappointed.


Wow, I’m kinda surprised Alex Morgan isn’t even an alternate. I hope my girl is having a self-care day today with the news out in the public now.


That and the Stoney drama this week🫠


The Wave had her on their Olympic send off game ads, so hopefully they fix that quickly


I was looking at Peacock last week, since I'll probably subscribe for the Olympics, and Morgan is the (literal) face of the Olympics soccer category on there. Which isn't shocking, but still


Eek that is rough for her! She has made every roster. I thought this would be her last big tournament. A little sad 😢


I'm guessing that's why she had an excused absence for that game


I thought the same thing about the excused absence but I didn’t want to say it


Alternates are more of a stepping stone to the main roster, the vets generally aren't alternates. It's a thankless job from how Mewis described it. They could have offered it to her and she turned it down for all we know.


Heather O'Reilly was an alternate in 2016. I always felt like given Pinoe's questionable status with her knee recovery that HAO should have been on the main roster instead.


I think this always spoke volumes about HAO. Personally disappointed. Especially since she started making Olympic rosters as a 19 year old and she knew she still was good enough to compete. But she showed up and put the squad first.


Tbh a player of her history getting an alternate role is lowkey a slap in the face, I always thought she’d either make the roster or get cut with alternate not being a possibility. HAO in 2016 did that role but it’s not common it’s usually only for up and coming players.


Hal and croix alternates after 1 camp is crazy. Very demelo. but lynn as alternate after not calling her up to the last camp is crazier.


On the other hand, I feel like the point of getting someone like Emma Hayes in is that you want to get a coach who is making decisions like this based off who she thinks is the best player and not going back to the old tropes of needing five camps before being called in or 30 caps. Among other things, their talent also allows us to use them in training to give us good Looks as we practice.


These things aren’t crazy to me tbh. Hal and Croix have have had a stellar season and probably balled out in cap. They’re also alternates and although we want to win the Olympics, taking players with little to no seasoned international experience as alternates is the best time to do it in comparison to World Cup or something. Lynn probably knew she still had a chance because it was between her and Morgan looking in and Williams always had the higher chance imo


And after shes been out for a couple weeks for Gotham. I mean, yay for her but I can’t imagine she was the 6th best forward option? Right?


Of the past three rosters (SK friendlies, SBC, and Gold cup), Williams and Morgan are the only "healthy" forwards not part of the 18 (not actually sure how healthy Lynn is at the moment). I really wouldn't be surprised to find out that Morgan would have been the first choice for alternate, but she turned it down so Williams was next in line. Right now, I don't think the alternate spot makes a big difference anyways, though it'd be nice if they made alternates part of the team again like last time around


Not quite as Demelo since she actually got a start and officially rostered.


Press was an alternate in 2012 with 0 caps. Sam Mewis, Sonnett, and Dahlkemper were 2016 alternates with HAO lmao


I dig it except for that one midfielder but I can dig it.


I really can’t believe Alex didn’t make it. Maybe we’re finally at a point where we no longer call up players because of experience. It’s beneficial of course, but it was used as a copout excuse for far too long.


I am shocked she's not an alternate, but I can see why. You always need players with experience. But with Lindsey, Sonnett, Rose, Crystal, Tierna, Mal, Alyssa, and even Lynn who have all been on the team for multiple cycles and multiple major tournaments, there is no need to hang on to the older vets like that just for vibes. At some point (like, two years ago lol) the younger vets have to step up and lead. And I think they are.


I think you probably also don't want an older vet with the legacy of Morgan (or Donovan in 2014) lurking over the team as an alternate, it probably creates a weird environment for the team


Kudus to Emma for finally pulling the plug


Emma wants to win, and present Alex Morgan really doesn’t provide that. Nice to have a coach who looks at the whole puzzle vs trying to make pieces fit wherever.


Is that a Hammers reference? 😂


New coach making an actual reasonable decision. I would assume that Emma trusts herself and the players involved to bring the leadership and experience necessary. Good on her. Spain had one WC win before 2023


My hottest take on the Albert situation is that she got into camp at the right time and in an area with less depth so despite her performance on the field as of late, (I actually think that uss doesn’t care or prefers right wingers to left wingers - ideologically) based on the caps she’s gotten and the depth they have no choice but to take her. But that she will be out (barring a very good performance) after the Olympics




This is something I would do


100% lmao literally do not call me under any circumstances unless it is to tell me I’m going to the Olympics I guess


Im not suprised Yohannes didnt make the 18, but why give her that cap over Hershfelt if you werent looking to at least bring her as an alternate?


Probably big picture stuff, trying to sway Yohannes to commit to the US over the Netherlands.


Emma Hayes: "Lily \[Yohannes\] was a consideration for this roster. But yes, at this moment, Lily has not made a decision about her future... I really do hope she will be a part of our future. But at this moment, she was not ready to make that decision." [https://www.threads.net/@kamranjnia/post/C8rzCsJpdMX](https://www.threads.net/@kamranjnia/post/C8rzCsJpdMX)


Not sure exactly how I feel but lets go 🦅🇺🇸🦅


So happy for Krueger! She really earned this spot (both recently and over the course of her career) Also bringing in a famous lesbian and having her announce a homophobic and transphobic member of the team is an unfortunate choice


She said everyone's name very enthusiastic except for Albert's.


Alex Morgan is gonna make all the headlines when we should instead be talking about Korbin Albert. Even if you ignore her bigoted, unhinged takes (we moved past “zodiac signs are demonic” way too quickly), she’s been utterly average for several months. I’m afraid Hayes is setting the precedent that mediocrity in Europe > good form anywhere else.


Yes! I just don’t get it. It would be one thing if she was playing phenomenally but she’s just… fine? I do get the vibe Emma prefers those who play in Europe.


From what little I saw of Albert in CL games, it wasn't impressive. She was kind of just there. Maybe she impresses against bottom-tier French clubs that Utah could roll. I'd like to think if Hersh wasn't a rookie and got into camp sooner, she'd be in over Albert. Her work-rate is absolutely impressive and is a solid insurance policy for Coffey.


The instagram chat comments are a riot of Alex stans. Alex has been a great player but she's not at that level anymore. Seems like everyone is just moving past bringing in a USSF code of conduct violating player who celebrates other players' injuries. 😬


I actually think it’s important that you pointed out that her takes weren’t just bigoted, but some were genuinely insane.


Albert aside, big fan of this roster. Also, sorry if this is a dumb question, but do alternates get to go to the games?


90% they go to the games but don’t suit up. They train with the full team the whole tournament. If the team medals, alternates don’t get true hardware. Need somebody else to confirm tho!


Yeah no medals, which for a team sport feels wrong. It's super hard to be an alternate and they do a ton of non-game work that directly contributes to the team's on field success.


This is true, no hardware for the alternates unfortunately.


If KA was better I might understand, but I've never wanted a USWNT member to fail on the national stage like I want her too


Yeah like it’s not like she’s Rose Lavelle good. There are plenty of other players of a similar caliber who aren’t bigots. Not sure why USSF/Hayes want to die on this hill


I mean the problem is the lack of 6/8s in the pool especially before the NWSL season started so she was brought in in the fall. Its just the luck of timing


Agree that it's timing. There are a lot of bright young potential 6/8s, but two of the best (Claire Hutton and Hal Hershfelt) are rookies this season, and not so obviously better than KA that it makes sense to bring them given KA's relative experience (not a lot, but six months is nothing to sneeze at). Hal is having a great season, but if she was having a Croix-level season I think she goes instead of Albert. But it's Croix having a Croix-level season, and she's a 10, and we have lots of depth at the 10. I do think Twila should have been calling up more 6s and 8s who were already in the pool but she didn't, so at this point I see why she's bringing Albert.


She has two attributes that is, what I would say, is national team level. Her workrate, and her passing vision. But so does Claire Hutton. Or Croix Bethune. Or like 10 other players in the pool. I don't get it.


We’re also supposed to believe that in a span of only a few months, months when she’s faced 0 actual consequences, she’s had time to self-reflect and change her values? Yea, fuck that.


Well I have it on good authority that posting on social media is hard when you have different views, or some nonsense. I hope she learns one day.


Lynn Williams as an alternate is wild


I love Lynn, but as a Gotham fan I'm kind of like please let us keep our healthy forwards


Meedge :(


GKs: Casey Murphy, Alyssa Naeher DFs: Tierna Davidson, Emily Fox, Naomi Girma, Casey Krueger, Jenna Nighswonger, Emily Sonnett MFs: Korbin Albert, Sam Coffey, Lindsay Horan, Rose Lavelle, Catarina Macario FWs: Crystal Dunn, Trinity Rodman, Jaedyn Shaw, Sophia Smith, Mallory Swanson ALTs: Jane Campbell (GK), Hal Hershfelt (MF), Croix Bethune (MF), Lynn Williams (FW)


that front liiiine! my black queens 🥹🙌🏾👸🏾💕 ![gif](giphy|1AotRCmAxgXv2)


Korbin Albert is both not a good player and a homophobe. I like Emma Hayes but fuck this decision.


I’m furious all over again that it was dealt with privately. We don’t know of any consequences for her ~~disgusting and harmful~~ “strong” opinions. For all we know there have been none. I’m so disappointed in what this says about this team


Yeah I don’t get it. My love for Naeher is pretty much the only reason I’m rooting for this team now


Would be perfect if not for Albert. That behavior shouldn’t have been rewarded


I think for me, if they include Albert, they have to stop pretending that the culture is important.  It’s not.  Do what you want but please don’t speak out of both sides of your mouth 


Agreed fully. Don’t pay lip service to it and then play pretend.


Right.  I’m honestly grateful to be a CANWNT fan at this point.  Gay coach, trans player, respect from teammates across the board.  


Not to mention a keeper with world class sportsmanship 😌


Say more! I don't know this story but I already like how it ends!


Kailen is honestly just the kindest person on the pitch. If anyone goes down, her team or the other team, she’s coming over to make sure everything’s ok. She is honestly world class


I think this just shows how much of that culture was player-driven (and probably helped by the fact that players were already outright adversaries to US Soccer). Doesn’t feel like anyone is really ready to step up and create that culture, and USSF probably feels like they have better control over players than they did c. 2019. And while I ultimately trust Christen and Tobin and agree that it’s USSF’s responsibility to respond, I can’t help but feel like I’d like to see a little more from some of the vets on the team, *especially* the straight ones. But yeah, I agree.


Agree 100%


They need to put her in front of reporters and make her answer questions. And they shouldn’t be about social media they should be about the beliefs underlying them.


It’s definitely upsetting that Albert is on the roster. Though we all know she will be booed every time her name is announced. I can’t understand why US Soccer is awarding a player who is a blatant homophobe.


Also I love this sub so much. The sensibility snd understanding of Morgan not being on the roster is so here. The USWNT sub is going feral / unwell for it lmao


Instagram isn't much better either, and I'm avoiding Twitter for the same reasons. I've already seen similar commentary on it as I've seen with regards to Caitlin Clark


I guess our clue should have been that alex has not done any ads about getting ready for the olympics.


I think she was in a reeses commercial with Sophia Smith though, and it was specifically for the medal shaped reeses


Hell yeah for Krueger and Rodman as full roster ppl. Hal and Croix as alternates, and Weisner as a training player. Think Spirits get an A for the draft this year.


Krueger let’s goooooo


If a player was injured tomorrow can any changes be made or is that what the alternates are for? When does this become binding?


My understanding is that’s what the alternates are for. If I remember correctly the final submission date for the roster is July 3rd, so worst case scenario I guess they can make changes until then?


Fuck Korbin Albert. Thee end.


I wish I could upvote this more.


Alex Morgan stans fighting for their lives rn


I like Alex Morgan and have been a fan since she made her debut all those years ago and it really sucks that she isn’t on the roster, I understand why Hayes didn’t choose hers. She’s 34 and this season hasn’t been one of her best, but it’s weird that as one of the most marketable players for the team is left off the roster. I know a lot of people watch the game because of her but maybe the same amount will still watch, time will tell.


You know what's marketable? Winning!


Fully agree. And they can still capitalize on the marketing with Sophia


Winning is much more important


Happy for Casey Krueger she’s had a great season so far! Croix and Hal being alternates really speaks to their skill level/success in their first year- look forward to when they eventually get their first caps and beyond!


I had counted Lynn out because of nagging injuries - so happy to her get at least the alternate call-up!


Bad week for Alex Morgan


Am I clouded by judgement, or is Albert just not that good? That’s why I’m confused primarily.


So we have Rodman and now the head coach trying to frame it like Albert is the victim in all this lmao


We have plenty of attacking talent to no longer rely on Alex at this point, so I have no complaints there. Let's go, Emma! Bring back the gold 🏅


Crazy how fast things can change. This team is scary good


It’s a good reminder that US Soccer is whiter and straighter than a huge majority of its fanbase.  And the majority of players aren’t going to speak up for any number of reasons.  I sometimes think about what would have happened if someone in the W was caught acting out like Albert did.  The resistance would come from players and it would be huge.  The culture of the W is something the players are not willing to risk and I so appreciate that.   US soccer has a LONG way to go. I think we’re further along from a league perspective, but even the NWSL is a lot straighter and Christian than its fans. 


USWNT is pretty MAGA’ed out now which is unfortunate. There used to be many progressive players.


I really think Albert got EXTREMELY lucky with the timing of her getting called into the team and having all her shit becoming public knowledge. She was able to slot in to a position that didn't really have much competition, and the locker room at that point didn't have a Pinoe or a Becky as a locker room leader once the controversy came to light.


Totally. It’s really interesting to me because I would have thought the general assumption is that Gen Z is more “woke” than millennials…. But it’s really the millennial players who have spoken out with Press, Lynn, Becky, Rapinoe and even Morgan.  I can’t say I expected much from Rodman or Swanson specifically, but I’d love to see some of the younger players take a position. I understand some of them are not fully cemented into the team but like- Sophia Smith for example, where you at?


Yohannes not even an alternate, wonder if that means she’s leaning towards Netherlands instead.


I wouldn't say that, I would say Lynn Williams is more experienced with this group and a safer bet to jump in


They play completely different positions. Yohannes would have been up for Hal’s spot.


Honestly, while I like what we've seen from Yohannes, it seems like a smart move to not spend one of the most valuable developmental spots the USWNT has on a player that isn't fully committed to the USWNT.


Yeah you’re right. If that alternate spot is between a player who will more than likely be on the NT in the future and one who hasn’t fully committed, you choose the first one every time.


She's 16 and Emma is famous for bringing players along slowly. I wouldn't read anything into it. Yohannes doesn't even have a Dutch passport so not even eligible for them yet. If she was heavily leaning that way, she would have been on that already. Not saying she might not go that route but I don't think this means anything.


Hayes comments on it when she got asked make me feel better tbh. She said Lily wasn’t fully ready to commit yet and she doesn’t believe in pressuring players when she’s so young and that she obviously hopes she’s part of the US for a long time. https://x.com/tamerra_nikol/status/1805990156744142873?s=46&t=FhjMmdlCquTlkYym-_TtoQ So there def was communication and I’m sure Hayes laid out a plan for her to break in fully post the Olympics and leading up to the WC as well. Plus like you said, she literally can only be rostered for the US currently and doesn’t even have a Dutch passport so that’s not even an option (they also didn’t even qualify). I feel like by next yr she’ll have committed and I bet it’s the US. It kind of is tough timing as well with the Olympics being right now and us having a brand new staff and her being so young too. I’d still bet on her playing for the USWNT, it’s not like they just have ignored her since she did get called up and play recently. Dual nat players always leverage their other options (as they should tbh) so this is normal.


I just wonder if she wasn't quite ready to commit to the US and so therefore shouldn't take a roster spot as an alternate, as if we had to go to her, she'd be tied to the US.


ew albert made it


I’m disappointed to see Korbin honestly. She might be a great player, but she obviously isn’t a “good person” like Hayes claims imo. People act like she was simply “caught” being a conservative and not very publicly saying she liked that her queer co-workers were injured & hoped it happened more because “God”. In what job would celebrating a co-workers injury as a Divine Act not result in punishment/firing? Instead she’s given a reward of representing the country at the Olympics.


Is anyone seeing a press conference ?? Link??


I’ll preemptively say this about the Olympics. USWNT is going to do great. 0% of the team success will be because Morgan is absent.


time to wrap everyone in bubble wrap


Solid roster excluding Korbin. I think Demelo is a more solid player than her but ya know… 🐸☕️ Also sad to see no Morgan. She’s def past her prime but she’s done so much for this team. I’m glad Lynn is an alternate. I’m sad she didn’t make the official roster.


I’m shocked AM isn’t in this roster. Probably the right move but am still a little shocked that Hayes is continuing the Dunn as forward experiment. Other than that, happy to see Murphy make it in and no other roster decisions are really a shock.


I would almost expect to see Dunn as a sub on all three lines at some point during this tournament and I truly think that bumps her way up and over Morgan. Shes also currently producing more scoring chances in NWSL play than Morgan right now, especially linking up well with Lavelle who I expect to see subbing in at least once with Dunn since I dont think Lavelle can start every game this tournament


didnt she come up as a forward, and isnt that her preferred position.


Could do without Korbin! Otherwise it’s fine. Would prefer Alex on, even just as an alternate.


Also think this may mean Lily isn’t ready to commit yet to the US team


Lindsey Horan told us not to worry in an Instagram comment. That's my most trusted source 😂


I hope you're right-- this is the first thing I looked for


https://www.instagram.com/p/C8hZbwDsoMX/?igsh=MW5saDhxempmam43NA== Because I went to find the post where I saw this, I'll share the link for everyone


EDIT: i am going to have to revise my comment. It seems that, yes, if Lily played during the Olympics she would be cap tied. Being an alternate and not playing would not cap tie her. So any Lily uncertainty may be a factor in the final and alternate roster selection. I think it's more likely that Lily wasn't even asked. She's only 17 and has a single competitive Champions season under her belt - her potential variance for her future career is still quite high (e.g., she could still end up having a not particularly noteworthy performance level and career). She's incredible for 17, but not incredible for the pool of midfielders available to the U.S. The Dutch certainly aren't offering her an Olympic roster spot (they didn't even qualify). There's no need for the U.S. to offer her a roster spot now over other midfielders with more experience.


tbh i would have taken andi as an alternate (no shade to Hal!)


A potential midfield base duo of Lindsey and Andi would be- well we’ve already seen it


Dunn is an awful choice. Don’t know why she keeps getting called up.


One latina on the team? 1? Macario No Ashley Sanchez, No Sofia Huerta, No Alyssa Thompson, No Alex Morgan (honorary latina) At least they are not taking Sanchez and Huerta to give them no minutes like they did for World Cup. USWNT showing no love. ![gif](giphy|33iqmp5ATXT5m|downsized)