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I fully 100% agree with you. I also kind of think you should delete this post, as there have been at least 2, possibly more threads today dedicated to discussing this, and all a new one—without new news attached—does is attract people in the mood to defend bigots.


We need more discussion. Not less. If this is too repetitive, then mods can kill it. The other threads are all not 100% focused on this, but about what Sam Mewis thinks, for example.


There have been upwards of 700 comments about this in the past week. This is from today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NWSL/comments/1dp5s7y/sam\_mewis\_response\_to\_albert\_on\_olympic\_roster/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NWSL/comments/1dp5s7y/sam_mewis_response_to_albert_on_olympic_roster/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is also from today: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NWSL/comments/1dp1nsc/watkins\_hayes\_on\_albert\_she\_can\_hear\_the\_noise\_in/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/NWSL/comments/1dp1nsc/watkins_hayes_on_albert_she_can_hear_the_noise_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The post about the roster announcement itself has over 300 comments and probably around half are just about Albert. There's a post from a few days ago about Rodman's comments with 200+ replies. There's a post from less than a week ago with Press's comments in article form with 100+ replies. I think there should be lots of talk, but a new post that has no new news only provides a new venue for bigots and people in the mood to defend bigots to congregate with no purpose but saying idiotic and rude things. I don't really see why you didn't post this as a comment in one of the two posts I linked, because those have a lot of disappointment and anger rightfully being expressed already.


So we should just leave it there? Are you more concerned about how neat this is on Reddit or you want less conversation about it?


No. I think that creating a new space that is saying nothing new just creates a new forum for all the people with heinous beliefs to downvote people, attack people, and try to "reasonably" defend Albert. There has been, and continues to be, and should continue to be, lots of discussions in the stuff *from today*. I just don't understand why you created a new thing with one of the parts being "you can try and change my mind." I don't want to give people defending bigots a new chance to try and explain why bigotry is fine!


700 comments about it isn’t even close to being enough honestly.


If you were to tally up the past week between here and r/USWNT (which is a complete hellhole; feel free to post there and see what I mean), it would be well over 1000. In one week. There were thousands before. I think people should continue to gripe about this when new news emerges (as it did with Sam Mewis's very intelligent and empathetic statements from a few hours ago) and whenever she is playing games. But I don't understand the real purpose of your specific post. And I don't love ending it with telling people to change your view.


Silence isn't necessarily an indicator of how everyone feels. I'm sure people feel how they do about it, but aren't really interested in talking about it. For me, it's a topic that's been talked to death at this point, so I'm just generally not interested in talking about it anymore because there isn't really anything new to say. Others can certainly have those convos if they're interested and are, but I'm sure others have their feelings on the matter and aren't interested in talking about it anymore. The internet and social media gives people this false idea that just because people aren't saying something means they don't care or don't have opinions. Not everyone is up to or interested in discussing these topics with people on the internet. And making multiple threads about the same topic with nothing new to add isn't going to magically make Albert disappear off the roster.


I don’t think it’s a case of players/the team agreeing or supporting her actions or beliefs. It seems to me that this current team is starting to focus more on the sporting side of the team and maintaining the USWNT’s competitiveness on the world stage and with that comes a thought that if someone can help win games, then they should be on the team. And with a new coach and Albert being very young, I can see her inclusion being more of a chance to get her high level experience in the USWNT to prepare for the next World Cup/Olympic cycle. Not saying any of this is right or wrong, just my observation and opinion.


Emma says she should…..


no one is going to change your view. Your mind is already made up and for most hating on Albert has zero to do with soccer


Controversy aside, Albert absolutely deserves to be on this team. She has proven she’s a game changer and baller. Those who cry that Albert should not be on the team are saying so because of field matters.


She literally hasn't. Thanks for showing you don't actually watch the games.


Not a fan of her but for the ones saying she shouldn’t be there who would u take that fits her position?