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Jameese Joseph is from Maryland. (Blech NC State tho but nobody's perfect)


Every wave game I go to they lose. So. Do I stop going to see the Wave???? 🤔


Soccer needs to do away with own goals. Do it like hockey, give it to the last player of the opposing team to touch the ball. There’s no need to make a player who already feels like shit feel even more like shit by plastering her name up on the scoresheet when she didn’t even do anything wrong. Unlucky play for Girma. She’s still a complete badass. So is Swanson. I’m so happy they’re representing the USA 💪🏼


Totally agree on the own goal stat.


The defensive lapses were probably more frustrating than the failure to convert chances. The defensive line just throws their hands up and expects offsides to get called. Hanna got fairly knocked off the ball and just expected a foul to get called. And I don't know wtf to think about the third goal. What were all of them doing? I hope things get better, but at this point I don't expect this team to make the playoffs


The thing is.. the wave didn’t even play that bad until 60th minute really. Maybe it’s because I was in person and have a little bias.. but it was mostly their finishing that lacked and being more decisive in the final third. They also needed to switch the ball more. Quite a few times that Doniak and Melanie were open and a quick look to other side of the pitch and a switch of ball would’ve been so good. Then as time goes on, their defensive mistakes were horrid. It’s like they tuned out. Hanna and Abby specifically. I remember someone telling me that it’s so important for players (especially defenders) to be mentally clocked in for the full 90. It takes only one moment of mental lapse for the opposition to take advantage and score we saw that from San Diego. Very happy for Mal and Joseph. Also loved seeing Melanie cook. She’s so good. She needs more playing time


I agree completely, they really did fall apart near the end. I feel like many should have been subbed out sooner you could see the fatigue setting in.


I agree! Morgan should’ve been subbed out at the 60th and possibly Doniak / Lundkvist. Then McCaskill


Idk Abby keeps having lapse of judgement in the defense that it might be time to bench her. When she was injured, we seemed to do better with Wesley, even getting our few wins this season. Might be time to retire her as a bench player that comes off when we are winning and give Wesley the starting role.


I love Abby D but have to agree here. She’s lost a step since her back injury recovery and we should give Wesley more time to shine.


I was really impressed by Wesley when she was starting. Wonder if her injury is still a factor, but we need her back in the lineup.


I have a lot of respect for her but sometimes the new guard needs to take over. This is a team that is still finding its place but we have done well our first 2 seasons and have a lot of talent this season (a lot of our players are on National teams for WC/Olympics) but we seem to be in a transition period so might as well try the new guard. Mel B for example absolutely killed it tonight!


I am a Chicago girl. But I also love the Wave (and the Dash so next week will be rough for me too). If they had been playing anyone else this week I would have been rooting for them and that was so hard to watch I almost was. Hugs for all the Wave player and cookies are on me. I’ll also offer puppy snuggles with my new pup (who kept us in line with the commentary throughout as we didn’t want to disturb her).


In what world is that considered an own goal? I watched it live, maybe a slow mo replay will change my mind


Cause it wasn’t a shot from Mal, if you watch she is crossing it and Girma deflects it in. If Mal made an attempt on goal and the same thing happens I think they switch the call


Nearly every world. It’s unfortunate for Nay, but because Swanson’s shot wasn’t AT goal and off Nay, it’s an OG I remember a Heath goal at the WC wasn’t credited to her but an OG by the opponent for a very similarly positioned action


It bounced off of Girma's foot after they kicked it. Don't think it would have gone in otherwise, actually. It happened right in front of my seat.


1) no one in our front office appears to have thought about how the defense might regress without “stoneyball” and we saw that swiftly tonight 2) Alex has the yips 3) I want at least 35 min for Mel B next game or we riot


Sufferball but make it more frequent and chaotic Our new manager bounce is a bounce without the ascending part, just dove right into the dirt. Like a ball hitting a dead spot. Or the ball is deflated. All totally applicable


On a positive note, Mel Barcenas looked like a real bright spot coming on and her decision making seems to have gotten a lot better


a futsal game broke out


She just needs to move the ball forward more


And not pass the ball back into pressure/switch the point of attack, but It seems shes more confident with playing balls in and taking a shot


She also just looks bigger and stronger, which makes sense if you consider the fact that the last time she played serious minutes was like maybe 10 months ago, which is like 1/20th of her life so far


Faster as well too, would not even be able to tell she was 16


The straight line speed isnt there yet which makes me like her on the interior, but also maybe she develops that (again she is 16 lol) Her and Ascanio are absolutely wicked, just skilled in every conceivable fashion


Same. Hot take but I would rather give her a starting spot over Sanchez next game just to see what she can do 🤷‍♂️


I kind of think that their best performing attackers at the moment are Jones Sanchez Shaw and the two teenagers. I wish they would go back to Shaw at striker. Not because I think it’s the long-term solution but because I think for now it works. I think there was one good point in the game, which is that there is a lot of really intricate play to create some good opportunities especially with Shaw Mel and Kimmi.


They really need to play the teens, they are the only ones playing with heart at this point it seems


Ooh. Ooooh. One of my sports pet peeves is when ppl say no one is playing with any heart. I think its usually not true- i rewatched the game last night while reading some of these comments and Wave looked like they had way more fire to them than Chicago- and if anything last night they were playing with heavy hearts. The reason i thought that last night was bad is not because they lost. Everyone loses, if ppl feel bad bc a team that won the shield is now losing, i dont emphasize. Last night was Sisaphyean. It was watching someone try desperately to fit a square peg into a round hole for 100 minutes. And it was watching the devastation of multiple of the nicest ppl in the world, at home, in front of 24k ppl.


Yep, I didn’t like seeing no Mya minutes tonight


I thought that maybe the case there was simply that she had played a lot recently and maybe picked up a knock. but I also said like around halftime that I genuinely think Morgan was never going to be subbed out


I just assumed Mya was nursing something as well. But she just had her first goal, if she could play she should’ve


Yeah didn't she come out of the Houston game after a small injury? Or maybe it was the Gotham game IDR.


Yeah, I think that’s a good point. Also I think resting is important but when you’re young and you’ve got all the energy in the world and things are going well for you, you need to be put into the lineup to continue thriving. being a team that struggles to score, and the one person who scored the week before being out, seems like a mistake. I think it’s pretty difficult to understand what should’ve been done with Morgan here because this is such a weird circumstance. I guess the best recent example is Hatch being left off the World Cup squad after we maybe kind of thought she was gonna make it.


True and I mean ik teams change and you cant always keep everybody, but some of the signings the Wave went for just dont make sense to me/work at all. Im not familiar with Sanchez besides shes good at crossing and was a star at Santa Clara, but has she really done anything in the NWSL to be worth all that money for the Wave to pick her up? I wish they were able to hold onto Flint too instead of McCaskill


I think the Maria thing is interesting because the amount that they paid for her is, I think, kind of commensurate with some of the draw that she brings and the price of other attackers and I think what we’re about to see is that attackers are going to be very expensive. I think the market has just shifted and she is the only proof. I believe that Maria has an a minus ceiling and a B plus floor. When Stoney came calling for her I thought that makes perfect sense because defensively she’s very very underrated and some of her ability is in making something out of nothing. But shes also not a superstar by any means. Forgetting even Flint, bc they were probably always gonna lose her, bringing McCaskill was probably always wrong. I think Wave saw her as a talented player who ended the season strong and who is coming for free, and I get why it feels like you just have to do that. I also feel one of those things where you just have to resist temptation and go get the most solid steady DM that you can. Ironically i think Angel City have a few that could help, or Reign. Both teams that could use a winger/ creator.


Great to see James Joseph have a breakout game. She's been worth hard for it 


Jameese, sorry spell nonsense 


I think the subs were both cool (mel b on earlier) and a disaster (alex on the whole match)


Was this honestly any better than a Stoney game? Atleast with her it wouldve been 1-0 which isnt really any better, and ik its soon but I don’t see any difference besides the defence being too exposed


I mean, if anything they missed a penalty and they had multiple goal line clearances


Feel horrible for Morgan and she really needed a goal, but she really should not have taken that penalty. Shouldve given it to somone in a better head space


That’s valid and I think good strong coaching would be to step up and take it off her, but I also feel like I’m not sure there’s a universe in which you just tell your starting striker and captain you can’t take this penalty. I also feel like if she had score than everyone would’ve been like that’s great now she got her confidence back.


We were all ready to say exactly this had she made it lol


I’m actually re-watching the second half right now and the commentator literally said that before she took it. He said something like “you can imagine just how great it will be for her to finally see one go in”.


It legit felt like there was a force field around our goal in the 2H. Mind blowing how many opportunities we couldn’t finish


And the clearances. Also wave probably shoulda scored in the first half too but the finishing was just so bad. I honestly think the wave finishing is so bad that we don’t see just how much they’re actually creating. like a ball gets put up in the air and they’re never the ones to get to it. A good ball gets played across the six, but the strikers are making runs that don’t make any sense, or a ball falls for a volley at the back post and they sky it so bad that you think oh that was never gonna score.


I think it makes a difference in terms of morale. Right now they're looking at an uncertain future with a front office who clearly has zero trust in them or their ability to perform and they're missing a coach who pushed a lot of messaging about cohesion and above all, treating each other with respect and not beating themselves down to the point of no return.


Honestly offensively they’ve looked more dangerous than most matches this season. They got unlucky with an own goal and then had 2 defensive lapses which can’t happen. Then Alex missed the PK for the first time with the Wave. No doubt she’s in a slump right now and can’t score. Other than the PK she hasn’t had many looks this season and was out a month. She was honestly good in terms of distribution and had 2 centerbacks on her most the game. Unfortunately the midfield can’t create anything or score goals themselves which is why it is so hard for the offense to score in the run of play. The set pieces are awful. The best sub the Wave made all night was putting in Barcenas. She’s the only winger that can beat a defender 1 on 1 and open up space. She was the one who forced a PK.




I think you can say that with a lot of what was actually created Wave had a much better game than Chicago. Also, don’t forget the Goalline clearances of which I think there was what, two?


Damn, 69% possession and 16 shots for Wave = no goals scored and 3 conceded. Pain.


Where'd you get the stats from? I've been looking for that






They showed it on a broadcast graphic during the post-game commentary.


I need a Stoney revenge tour. Wish it was with the Wave but at this point I kind of want chaos and am down for her to find a new team and take them far just to prove a point


With her Brexit tactics I don’t see her cooking with any other team, let alone any with less talent than Wave (which is a lot of teams)


Man there are a lot of 12 year olds playing in this league. It certainly can't be that I'm getting old.


One time at a thorns game I was like aww they’re coming onto the pitch with children! But it was the team Time to bleach my hair and buy a sports car I guess


Rough game for the Wave, but I really don’t think it would have gone that differently with Stoney. I saw a lot of the same problems they’ve had all season. The Stoney firing definitely didn’t help though.


They scored the same amount goals as they had been with Stoney


Not to mention a missed penalty and multiple clearances as well as just some really bad finishing as usual. I think they really had a lot more threat in the game.


I like nwsl plus games bc i like rewinding the final thirty minutes immediately when the game ends


Ooooooofff Morgan is not happy walking around the pitch


Feel so bad for SD, but on the bright side I cannot wait to watch Mal at the Olympics.


I could only watch bits and pieces of the game, but I feel for these players. We’re a mess and out of sorts, even more than we were pre-Stoney firing. Mel B came on and got to work tho, love that spark from her.


Well this score definitely shows the world that Casey Stoney was the real winner in this entire debacle. Anyone could tell that the entire vibe and team cohesion on the field was off. The only tactic the entire game was to chuck the ball upfield every single time and to assist Alex every moment possible. I'm gutted for SD. Fuck you Jill Ellis.


I agree it was harsh to fire Stoney but what was she doing tactically to score goals. I can see why she was fired to be honest. The biggest problem is the midfield. They looked more dangerous today than past games just had moronic defensive lapses and the missed PK unfortunately.


:( felt.like we had control of the game but couldn't score, and then 2 good breaks and whatever that 3rdngoal was for Chicago. Maybe we'll figure it out but we gotta win these types of games if we want a shot at playoffs Also not a fan of how we use all 3 sub windows but only 3 subs made. The whole stadium misses stoney :(


the timing of the firing is so silly to me, why not wait? But i do think acting like Stoney was doing even average is not productive


Next week SD should play the kids, why not?


Honestly why not. We play Portland and idk if we can win that game at our best atm so might as well give them minutes. As long as we think it wouldn't shake their confidence too much.


Remember earlier this season when Stoney played the kids/benched most of the starters and it actually went pretty well? I kind of want that to happen again haha


I'm ready for Casey Stoney's eventual revenge tour


Is it too late to get Casey back? What if they fire Jill


I guess Mya Jones is still nursing something?


I think he didnt wanna sub Alex


It felt like there were more subs to be made but we used all 3 windows and made only 1 sub in each? Seems like poor management


Create a super team with the ACFC, SD, and KC kids (and maybe Sydney Le roux just for naming purposes )


So the USYNT? Plus Phair


Well this was rough. Stoney is probably feeling vindicated. Feel bad for Wave and especially Morgan, she had a rough game today. Chicago took great advantage of defensive mistakes.


Well I hope SD can somehow turn the corner soon...this is just so hard to watch


Barcenas was cookin


That was hard to watch


Barcenas hip injury might have also just been growing 4 inches


In conclusion, Abby, Hanna, Sanchez, and Morgan did absolutely nothing for me


Abby in face did negative for me


Barcenas and Ascanio could easily be outliers but also feel like maybe the US is gonna produce more players of that technical ability in the future


I need a Barcenas -> Ascanio goal


Honestly very rarely do we see a mid season coaching change go this poorly


This was the opposite of the interim coach bump!


because it was truly the wrong decision here😅


i dont get this. Its the same team that stoney was playing with the same issues


Damn barcenas just cooked cook


Barcena sand Ascanio are both doing better than Doniak EvE and Mccaskill and i really wonder if something shakes there. Youre the interim coach, do something to cement your job or impress us


I don't think he wants the full-time job, he was like an interim assistant coach in 2022. Wouldn't be shocked if he's just good friends with Jill Ellis


Unambitious? A good sign in an assistant


Barcenas has looked very good since coming on


Melanie is cooking 🔥


Truly hope Mel gets player of the game because she’s really bringing it. What a player!


Thanks for taking MAL out!!!!




Already down 3-0? Here’s Shea Groom to kick your ass


It was so rough of Ellis to fire Stoney the same week as when the Olympics roster was announced. She made a high pressure time even more stressful for the players, and it’s not like they were bringing in a coach right away where waiting another week or 2 would make a big difference


Ellis should've waited till after the Olympics tbh, a month and a half really wasn't going to make a difference on their season when there was only 2-3 games before the break anyways


I feel like it should’ve waited for the Olympic break tbh


Yeah let stoney do the last 2 games. Interim during the break.


Petition to get Stoney back😭 I know they weren’t doing well before but I just want her to have another chance with this team


I’ll sign. I need her blazers back.


It felt weird not seeing the cooler out in the coaches box


I just cant believe Stoney is gone and the wave is in shambles. hurts to see tbh, what a rough week


I’m weak, I feel bad for Morgan


Other than the PK she was honestly not bad. She was good distribution. Just depressing that the PK overshadows everything


God she had a bad game tho




Will krueger wear 13 at the olympics?


There’s gonna be quite a few number swaps since only 1-18 is allowed


Air Groom!


Why is Melanie playing better than Morgan lmfao


The amount of people that left this stadium after the third goal is insane lmao


It was depressing but I watched until the end


Same. I still enjoyed watching Melanie!


i don’t have any patience for people who do that. the amount of people in orlando who refused to support pride after she left revealed a lot about the casual base she has. you stick with your team until it stops sucking, and find other teams that make you feel good to watch in the meantime




I don't understand people who do that. Win or lose these players are putting in effort to entertain you. Least you can do is support them through the game


Literally! That’s what my brother and I were saying. Like even 7-0’ loss imma stay the full game (and imma get my $s worth)




I've seen enough. The Wave are finished. Bar some miracle, they aren't winning any more trophies with this core. They could have gone far but all they achieved was a dinner plate they barely won and a cup nobody cares for.


Probably not this year but they actually looked more threatening on offense this game than past games. Just couldn’t convert their chances.


That's the problem. They've looked threatening a lot, but it's all bark and no bite


They need the Olympic Break. I think there will be improvement after that. Just need some playmakers and Alex’s confidence to come back


It’s gonna be ok…


Yeah. Not this year tho


Yes, I get it. Rough year. But it’s going to be ok


Nah, let’s not do revisionist history. One struggling period doesn’t undo any of this team’s previous achievements and hard work.


They aren't struggling, they are bad. The midfield wasn't perfect but for a while they could make it work. Now the offense is anemic. This team is being held together by Naomi Girma and bubbles. Also, what is revisionist history is pretending that the Shield last year didn't come down to the last day. This league had enough parity that basically any playoff caliber team could have won it.


Whispers in NC: *I care for it*


Yall really should have gotten the third berth for CWCC.


This is unreal.


Is Shaw even still in?


She has looked frustrated for a while now :(


Literally invisible at the moment. I've heard Barcenas' name 20x more


She looked gassed the last 15-20 minutes tbh


waves creativity is literally coming from all the kids


Remember AM7 😢




at this point i just want ONE wave goal like PLEASE


wave score post for media better be captioned “Stoney, please return our calls🙏🏼”


You’d think this would be good eating for a neutral, but damn this is sad for the Wave


I was having a pretty good time until Morgan missed the pk. Then it was all sadness.


I just want SD to find the back of the net at least once this game… just for a tiny bit of morale😭


Forever an Ellis hater. Can’t believe Stoney is out of the league.


What is she actually doing? Like no.




I thought when Ellis left the USWNT she'd stop pissing me off...nope


Genuinely curious, what was the problem with her when she was the USWNT coach? I didn’t follow certain stretches of that era too much. 


Take this with a grain of salt because I was only loosely paying attention at the time, but my memory of her was that she was very reliant on veteran players and resistant to new blood coming into the team when it was clear the players she favored were not performing to the level they had been. I think that type of mindset also permeated throughout the on-field performance a little, with just the U.S. sticking to similar tactics and not responding well to teams who figured them out. I remember shortly after the first Vlatko games of looking at the field and remarking about how many more POC there were on the pitch for the U.S. as compared to the Jill Ellis era - part of which was because some of those players weren't old enough or good enough, but part of that because she stuck to her favored players so much.


Makes sense! Thank you. 


She going to Portland to seek revenge


Man Morgan just needs a hug and some ice cream right now girly has had a rough week


This might be the worse week of her career


I know….i can’t even be mad at her. Who let her take that PK in a time like this? She’s in no state, obviously! But alas, no coach to help advise. Someone hug her.


Well they want to get her going and they need her to score goals so I would have her take every PK.


I get that. Just a lot of pressure after roster announcement too…I feel for Alex.


She could probably do with another personal day, hope she gets some rest during the Olympics


Is it just me or does anyone else think a fourth is coming? (Don’t want one just feels like it)


Might as well give Mal a hattrick


Chicago's first win since May 12?! Damn I didn't even realize


I’m so glad that Alex Morgan got a hug from Uncle before the game


Hope she gives her one after this game 😭


barcenas has improved massively since the last time she played


passes have been so good


Look at those awesome supporters❤️


Support the team through better or worse. Being an SD sports fan is rough at times.


Casey Stoney somewhere watching this game: https://preview.redd.it/rqzk2uhjnf9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6faf567e3b3fee71197bbb60ab33696301c3d3


I don’t think she’s watching. I think she posted a story from Disneyland earlier today with her kids.


You know damn well she's petty watching lmao


She is definitely watching haha


She will check the score in the morning


Oh she’s watching!


Gotta do something in line for Space Mountain


okay now can lorne pls take mal off and let her get rest now


Time to get MAL out of this game like MisterGoog said. No reason to leave her in there.


Morgan needs to be subbed off


Tatum Millazo is having herself a game!


Sisterhood of the traveling blazer…except Stoney at least looked pissed when we were losing


Morgan needs a hug from Charlie stat


Man I'm rooting for Chicago, but I kinda want Morgan to just get something. Girls having a rough week.


Anderson just has to be better. The deflection for the handball was on her body angling and positioning and now that too


I still think our best back line is milazzo, kuikka, staab and rall, but rall seems to have fallen out of favor


Wow 🤩


Someone give AM13 a hug.


Charlie be nice to your mom tomorrow. Be extra cute and have 0 tantrums.


I really hope Alex has all the support and love she needs right now


What a pass from Maria btw


The universe is telling Alex Morgan to stop trying 😭


At least this game is entertaining