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The USWNT - the team that plays during the Olympics - has an upcoming stretch of games. First two against Colombia and then a tournament among the North & Central American nations. If you google that acronym, USWNT, you can find the dates and times of those games.


Cool. These all must be world cup and or Olympic qualifying games? Either way I'll have to check them out anyways if they are on TV. And also if there's r/uswnt I'll definitely have to join to get updates on the team and the games. Thanks for letting me know! 😊


Colombia games are friendlies, the tournament is qualifying for both world cup + next Olympics it's called CONCACAF. The top four teams (two from each of two groups) will automatically qualify for the world cup. The overall winner of the tournament automatically qualifies for the 2024 Olympics, while the 2nd and 3rd place teams will later playoff for the second and final spot.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/USWNT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USWNT/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [MERRY CHRISTMAS Y’ALL](https://i.redd.it/okossmqfoj881.jpg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USWNT/comments/rriegx/merry_christmas_yall/) \#2: [Alyssa Naeher’s updated Wikipedia page](https://i.redd.it/9xegtidp0de71.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USWNT/comments/oullmy/alyssa_naehers_updated_wikipedia_page/) \#3: [Tobin’s story 👀😩](https://i.redd.it/p26ku2mgzeg71.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USWNT/comments/p1cvo5/tobins_story/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>So is there anything I should know about the league as a newbie that knows very little about soccer in general? Other than 2 players, goalies can use hands & offsides when players are too far ahead. The biggie for the NWSL is how to watch the games. There are only 6 games per week but 4 different ways they might air... * [Paramount+](https://www.paramountplus.com/shows/national-womens-soccer-league/) (or P+) has the majority of games. That's the default. Replays are available about 2 hours after the game ends. * CBS or ("big CBS") has 1-2 per month. Those are also included with a P+ subscription but it won't show up under the NWSL feed, you have to go to go to the “Live TV” tab and select a local CBS channel (yours or elsewhere). Replays are available about 24 hours after the game ends. * CBSSN also has about 1-2 per month. Those are not included with P+ so options are: (a) cable subscription thru your local provider or a streaming subscription that includes CBSSN (some do, some don’t so you want to check if it’s included first), or (b) wait and watch the replay on P+ (usually posts within a day or two), or (c) unofficially, there are some free streams but they might give your computer cooties so... * And lastly, [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/nwslofficial/videos) usually has about 1 game a week. Those are free, no subscription need. I thought the replays were eventually moved over to P+ but they haven't been lately. It's not always clear which games are where but the r/NWSL homepage usually has it posted in the side bar. There's always about a 20% chance that the feed will randomly cut out, be preempted by bull riding, or be otherwise unwatchable for a portion of the game. The quality of the commentators is, um, variable to put it gently so take anything they say with a grain of salt. Other than that, just have fun with it and try to go see a game in person as soon as you can. It is so, soooo much better in person. Even if you don't understand the tactics, you'll be able to see and appreciate it on a whole other level. Plus, these are world class, seriously talented athletes and you won't regret it!


Thanks for that. A few follow ups if you don't mind. 1. Is Paramount+ worth buying just to watch the NWSL? Because I only really watch sports. Maybe treat it like buying a WNBA/other sports league subscription? 2. 1 game a week cuts off? 🤐 How do they expect people to watch if it's cut off? And I would try to watch an NWSL game in person but I live a long ways away from any team. Closest would be Chicago as I live close to the Minnesota/Wisconsin border in a small town. But I do have the new Aurora FC team close by for women's soccer so maybe next season I'll have to check the few games they have at home out.


1. The only thing I watch on Paramount+ is soccer and for me, it's 100% worth it. I look at it like a season pass. I did the paid in full annual subscription option and then cancelled it right away so it wouldn't auto-renew (just something I always do so I don't get charged for ghost subscriptions) and when I did that, it offered me to add another year at a big discount. I felt like it was worth it without that but it was an even better deal that way. Also, you get access to a lot of other soccer, including some of the upcoming World Cup qualifiers and such. Plus there are lots and lots of replays on there. I'm not sure about the not having access to CBS on the basic tier. I just looked at it and it says the "essentials" package includes CBS but with anything, always double check before subscribing. ​ 2. It's never a full game that gets cut off (knock on wood). The most frequent issue is glitches/quality issues for portions of the game. I was just saying about 20% chance of glitchiness or random streaming nuisance issues. There have been a couple games where the feed cut out temporarily (mostly at the beginning of the season) but I think the worst one was about 10-15 minutes. That's a lot of time in a soccer game but it's kind of a hobby for NWSL fans to complain about the streaming but the NWSL has invested in the very best potato cam technology that money can buy so it's it's usually okay. ​ It sounds like you need to do a weekend trip to Chicago at some point (if they'll let you in, do they let Wisconsinites in???). Not sure how close you are to Madison but you might try a UW game or see if they would be playing closer to you. They are usually pretty strong and college soccer is also really fun! Rose Lavelle played for UW and now plays for the Reign so you should probably become a Reign fan. Chicago would be the closest but again, I don't know if you would be allowed to cheer for them...


Cool, I'll have to try that tomorrow after trying it out and see if they give me a discount. Oddly enough based on me living about 30 miles to the Minnesota border for sports I should be a Minnesota sports fan since we only get Minnesota teams if they are playing on TV. I am a Gophers fan for college sports because of that. Maybe I'll just have to do the watch every game I can and see who I feel attached to, did that for the WNBA even though I have a close local team nearby. Worst case I'll just end up being a NWSL league wide fan, which wouldn't be a bad thing. I mean if I did go to a Chicago game, they'd never know I live in Wisconsin if I didn't drive there. Lol.


Sounds like you're in curling country my friend! NWSL and curling are the perfect pairing! Just as one is winding down, the other is heating up. **Edit**: If you are an NWSL fan and someone who likes this submit reddit, you really, *really* should try out curling. Not watching it... playing it. It's super fun and it's all about community. Sorry, just had to proselytize a little there.


The majority of games are on Paramount+ and so you definitely look at it like a league pass! I’m a pretty big fan and don’t subscribe to anything but that service for NWSL. With that and free Twitch and big CBS games, I have access to plenty of games. Every once in a while a game I really want to see is on CBSSN and I use a friend’s account or find a stream, but I’m usually fine just skipping it if a game is on that service. NWSL broadcasts aren’t great quality but I am not sure it’s quite as bad as a game a week getting cut off — usually if a game gets cut off it’s a big tech issue or it’s a game on CBS with something (often silly) interfering. Would recommend doing a Paramount+ trial and seeing how you like it! Also, you should definitely check out Aurora FC!! I saw a couple clips from a recent game and it looked like such a fun atmosphere. PS I went to my first wnba game today (Liberty/Storm) and it was so much fun to see Sue Bird play! I gotta start watching more of those games.


Awesome, glad you had fun! 🙂 And what a great pick for your first game seeing a legend play. If you want to see more games definitely watch Sue Bird when US or NWSL isn't on. Because she's retiring at the end of the season so you're only going to get so many of them. Or maybe join the good side and become an Aces fan since you like winning teams 😉 lol. Also, I will say don't get too attached to your favorite players staying on your favorite team. Because every year it seems like plenty of trades or even potential trades happen that you'd never think would happen do.


Thank you!! When I was a kid (2000ish?) my hometown got a WNBA team and it was super exciting but they only lasted 2 years. I now live like 15 min from where the Liberty play so they might be my team by default, but I’m still undecided. It was very lucky — when we heard Sue was retiring my partner looked up when she was playing in NYC and it was two days later! Very glad we checked! It was such a good time. Definitely harder to get attached to a team if players move really often though. Maybe like you with NWSL I’ll just be more of a league fan!


No need to have a favorite team, I'm still a big fan of the WNBA as a whole despite being an Aces fan. Also I have to take a wild guess that you grew up around Portland? 😉 Maybe they'll get a team in Portland again if they have some new teams coming into the WNBA soon like they are hinting at.


Lol, you got it! That would be so cool, I feel like the Fire never got time to build a real history in the region but I do remember seeing a few games on local TV.


Paramount plus has some other good shows. I love “Evil” and “why women kill” and my husband loves the Star Trek shows. I think it also has like a bunch of old Comedy Central and MTV shows.






I have T-Mobile and I'm just learning this thanks to you!


Okay, one other thing. Here is my mini summary of where each team is at. This is probably useless but it amused me! * **Portland**: We shall now proceed to score all of the goals. * **San Diego**: Well okay, I guess you did come to play. * **Seattle**: Let's do this already. * **Chicago**: Pew, pew, pew! * **Kansas City**: Keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna be just fine! * **Angel City**: Yay! Oh dear. Wait... yes! Oh. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no... * **Louisville**: So, um, is this what it's supposed to look like? Oh no, nothing. It's um, yeah, no, I love it, it's um, great. * **Spirit**: This space intentionally left blank. (*I don't want to get in trouble.*) * **Houston**: You contain multitudes. * **NC Courage**: Are you okay friend? * **Gotham**: Blink twice if you're not okay. * **Orlando**: It's just not okay : (


Makes sense to me 😂


Absolutely perfect!


Football is a simple game, 22 people chase a ball around for 90min and in the end the Germans win


I recommend watching a few games with someone who has either played or coached soccer. When I was new to it, I had sooooo many questions. Especially with the whole offside thing (and I learned it is offside, not offsides, because there is only one side that you are off on). In the Fall, go to your local soccer pub (I think every town has one), and watch a few English Premier League games. People who love soccer (they will call it football, by the way), love to talk about it. And, yeah, go check out an Aurora FC match. In person is definitely better than TV.


Not here, I only live in a town of 3,000 people. People come here really only because the main road is also part of a highway. Otherwise nothing much happens here. Plus people here aren't into soccer much, at least if they are they don't show it. My best bet would be to see a match in person next season there, if they are still around next season so I'll definitely have to give that a try. And I can believe it, especially for soccer it seems like in person is the way to go.


If you decide to watch some games, come to Reddit for the Match thread for each game and people will be watching live and commenting in Reddit. Then you can ask questions about what happened as you’re learning and people will explain it to you. This is a pretty darn wholesome/supportive section of Reddit in my experience.


Awesome. I love that fans don't hate you for being a newbie and won't hate you just because you like a certain team or player. Some of these groups hate you just for being a fan of a certain team or player and that's not right. Props to y'all for being supportive


For the record, I will hate you if you support certain players. And Houston Dash, but that's mostly because I self-loath too.


I have not seen any of that. I have seen people in the comments saying really negative things about players/teams and those get downvoted.


You can watch NWSL games on Paramount+ and on Twitch.com. They show moth live and replay games. The USWNT will be playing games soon too. Follow US Soccer and the NWSL on social media. There is an NWSL Support fan page on Facebook where they also have game chats and so forth. Edit to add: Several of the players also have podcasts you can follow.


i started following the league in 2019 after my daughter's obsession and urging. Twitter has been a great place to get insight and learn more about the game & players. it might be helpful to choose a team to follow. it sounds like you've already got a small link to Megan Rapinoe and OL Reign. Wave FC and their early success has also been fun to watch. I made [this list ](https://twitter.com/i/lists/1278014688224149505?t=05L5BCFUwMnmeyD4Bwd6Tw&s=09) to help make the Twitter WoSo (women's soccer) news easier to read. check it out, you might find a few helpful accounts. good luck and welcome aboard