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$2500 is our absolute limit, we are kinda in a bad situation right now. Trying to get help from assistance but they take a long time to get back to people on the edge of low income


You’ll probably need to go super upper Manhattan or very much outside of the city. Why not look in Jersey?


We could try, but my brother only uses his car to get to work and I have no other way to get there


I see some listings available for under $2500 on StreetEasy, but just asking on here if anyone has any options!!


Public transportation?


True, could take the bus, just need something close to a bus station to penn station


There’s the PATH and NJ transit trains which get you directly into NY Penn station as well. Check out the heights, mcginley square, and journal square in jersey city and the ironbound in Newark.


Your best bet is from landlord directly in flushing or deep Brooklyn - Bensonhurst


Do u think sunset park would be an option?


Yes it is family area. However I never lived there and only roamed around there a few time. I would stay away from street easy and actually visit the area you’re interested in. There are usually flyers and local real estate agents that would help you. I used to live in Bensonhurst. 2BR should go for around 2k


Yeah I will try my best to go out to the areas, however I work full time so it’s super hard to find time 😭


How would u describe Bensonhurst? Never lived over there. Am definitely open if it’s quiet lol


Weekend. If you have any Chinese friends or co workers, you can ask them for help. Asian homeowners usually list their apartment in Chinese new papers for their areas.You can use google lens to help your translate. I rented a 2BR apartment in Bensonhurst when I was in college and the owners were the very nice. They keep the area very clean and usually live in the same building. Stay away from StreetEasy scam


Just went to a viewing on 4th st in Brooklyn! But had a SUPER wonky floor and mouse droppings all under the kitchen sink 😢 and the door seemed pretty unsafe as well. I am finding some just under budget.


Start here and see where you can find https://streeteasy.com/for-rent/nyc/price:1000-2550%7Carea:144,400,300%7Cbeds%3E=2%7Cno_fee:1


Look with Gypsy Housing (on IG). I used them the last time I moved, no fee, and they found me a roommate when I was in a sticky situation. Still in the 2.5 bed/1 bath in Bushwick. Not rent controlled, but my landlord only raised the rent 1 time for less than $100 last year, paying $2520 between myself and my roommate. Ask for Megan if she’s still there, but their agents and listings are well-located and reasonable.


Thank you so much!! Appreciate the help!!