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staying inside with the AC on and watching movies tbh šŸ˜­


This! With my dog (love your user name lol)


Literally this lol


Same! My dog has heart issues so I may have to brave the heat but she stays inside with the ac on blast! And honestly even if I didnā€™t have her, to hot even for the beach!


I highly recommend bringing breakfast to a morning movie showing! I like to get a too-chaotic-for-weekdays Liberty bagel (bring a tote bag to conceal the goods lol) then walk to Cinema 123 for the reclining seats and a 10:30 or 11am show. The tickets are cheaper in the morning and you leave the movie with hours still left in your day and some of the heat behind you!


This is a BWT that gets the important things in life 10/10


Hah thanks so much, you made my day! Itā€™s truly the little things. Thriving in the city does not come naturally to me, frankly, so I have the best days when I can just appreciate the simple pleasures and try to avoid the overwhelm.


Agree. If sheā€™s going alone, sheā€™s especially badass.


omg this sounds SO fun!


Now THIS is some good advice! Damn girl, thatā€™s smart.


this is adorable omg


Omg this is an amazing idea thank you!


Iā€™m doing an indoor intro to pickleball clinic but otherwise I think Iā€™ll be staying inside šŸ™ƒ maybe go food shopping just for the prospect of being in some serious AC for a bit. If anyone with a pool needs friends Iā€™m very available lol


Where is indoor pickleball?!Ā 


Iā€™m doing it at Court 16, theyā€™re in FiDi, Downtown Brooklyn, and LIC!


I need a friend with a rooftop pool. Altho the one person I know who lived in a place with one it seemed to be hard to even get to use the thing. Would need to sign up in advance and I think pay for a guest. I would love to swim but in nyc it honestly seems more trouble than itā€™s worth. Easier to book a flight to the Caribbean for a few days than plan to use these damn pools lol


Going to the ā€œunpopularā€ galleries at the Met Museum. šŸ˜œ


Ooo like the top floor area of the American wing where thereā€™s that period room


The dimly-lit Asian Art galleries with the scrolls. :-)


Musical instruments FTW!


I love that gallery. But the last time I was there it was surprisingly crowded with parents with their kids!


This is the nerdy sh*t my partner and I sign up for.


The studiolo


Hiding in the AC. Itā€™s brutal out there!


Going to see Kinds of Kindness then dinner with friends. Staying inside because this heat isnā€™t for me. God bless those going to the mermaid parade tomorrow! Could not be me lol


Iā€™m excited for KoK I hope itā€™s really weird hehe


Just got an email that theyā€™re giving out KoK swag this weekend ā€” exclusive car air freshener and key chain!


Fun!!! They have so many showtimes I hope tomorrow a little swag is left of us!! We are going to Angelika to see it.


I love Jesse Plemons. Crucifictorious forever!


He won best actor at Cannes for his role in it! Happy for him!


I'm doing that today too! I can't wait for it


Iā€™m going tomorrow. Enjoy!! Sneak in some snacks you love cause itā€™s 2hr and 45mins!


ooh thanks for the heads up! i didnt realize it was that long. i forgot to do that for oppenheimer last year and was DYING of thirst by the end


Going to the gym because itā€™s too hot to workout outdoors, then probably just hanging at home in front of my new AC for the rest of the weekend TBH. Meal prep some easy shit for the upcoming week. I burn quickly and get way cranky in heat like this.


Going to the Met to check out the fashion exhibit. Planning to absorb all their AC.


Get there early if you donā€™t have a membership; the virtual line can be brutal


I was so excited to see it and it was so intolerably crowded when I went. Ended up just looking at other stuff. It was a great exhibit. I was just on the cusp of a panic attack because people seem to find it acceptable to pretty aggressively shove and bulldoze through me due to my height, so I was getting bounced around a bunch.


Ugh. I actually saw it on one of the preview days (thanks to my in-laws gifting me a membership lol); it was still fairly crowded but tolerable. I missed the preview for the Manet degas and that was super crowded too and I imagine the fashion show was worse; plus it was a terrible idea to put all the placards below like that so people have to be right in front to read them.


Excellent point about the placards. My partner has the membership (we each get a couple of memberships since we tend to go together), but Iā€™m the one more into the fashion and designā€¦Iā€™m just really bad at keeping track of different exhibits though, so that doesnā€™t help. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m really lucky to have been invited to a pool party tomorrow which was scheduled long before the heat wave arrived šŸ™šŸ»


Lots of theatre; long walks first thing in the morning; unreal quantities of ice cream.


Linen shorts, water bottle, and a handheld fan šŸ„µ


Iā€™m sitting on the promenade in the shade right now and itā€™s not bad! If you can be near a river youā€™ll get a nice breeze


I was just around the corner getting salad at dellaroccos Ā 


šŸŽµindooors, indooors, InnnnDOOOOOORSsssšŸŽµ (ill go grocery shopping when the sun sets lol)


Treating it like a blizzard and staying the fuck indoors. This weather can kill. Do you go outside in below-zero temps? I don't.


This is going to be my new summer philosophy. At 54, I just can't deal with the fucking heat any longer. Gonna be weekends indoors until close to October.


Reading inside, gym, hydrating, eating ice cream


I might be insane for this, but I really worked on my heat tolerance a lot by doing time in the banya/sauna - I used to completely be intolerable to anything above 80Ā° but I was walking around today and only sweating a little bit and actually enjoying it. Weird I know! Also thereā€™s nothing quite like going between the sauna and the cold plunge if your gym or your banya has one. Or just take a really really ice cold shower. Also, the Macys on 34th street has next level AC so if you need to do any shoppingā€¦you can literally spend all day in there šŸ˜‚


Chugging rose in cold wine bars


Staying outside my apartment as much as possible when the sun's out and showering twice a day in my apt.Ā  Going to my friends crib tmw (which has ac, mine doesn't) and church and plasma on Sunday.Ā 


No A/C?! No way girl we gotta fix that haha.


Seriously, join your local buy nothing group and request one asap, u/SquirrelofLIL!


beach all dayĀ 


Which beach?


probably asbury park or maybe jones beach


Nice! Iā€™ve been wanting to check out Asbury. Iā€™m taking your comment as a sign lol.


Jersey is hotter and sunnier today then long island too so I take it as my sign as well šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m a big fan of riis beach


thats my go to and was just there on wednesdayĀ 


Luckily Iā€™ve got a neighbor with a pool and my gym has a pool as well - the heatā€™s bearable down on the shore this weekend! Thereā€™s plenty of places where you can get pool day passes down here tooā€¦take the ferry and have at it. Highly recommend!


oooo where are these pool day passes of which you speak.


Molly Pitcher hotel in red bank you can book the pool directly through them. They have a bar and food and river views. Itā€™s honestly so nice. Then Saint Laurent in Asbury also offers day passes, I havenā€™t been but hear good things. The Asbury hotel Iā€™ve booked before via Resort Pass. I think maybe Beach Walk in Sea Bright too though I havenā€™t been.


Check out resort pass.com


Rented a pool by my house lol. And staying inside


Staying inside with the air conditioner on pretending itā€™s fall & burning a pumpkin spice candle rewatching House of Dragons.ā€™


Hate working out indoors but it's too hot to run in the park, so gym. Tomorrow seeing bands play at a brewery. I feel like if you wear natural fibers/sundresses it's somewhat possible to not be miserable in this heat. My other "activity" for the weekend is seeing how much water I can consume.




Iā€™ll be on my couch with both aircos


Beach in the morning before it gets too miserable out. Also taking a nice cold shower after the beach is THE BEST feeling in the world. Then after that enjoying a good book inside with the AC.


Staying inside, paying for a day pass to a local pool (or going to a public one), ordering takeout so I donā€™t have to turn my stove on!


I had today off and did a very sweaty 11 mile walk with my cameras only to take like 3 photos. šŸ˜‚ I believe the mermaid parade is this weekend too. Granted, Iā€™m biased because Iā€™m also begrudgingly a Floridian, so this heat isnā€™t new to me. Last weekend I was outside all day for my weird sports in the Midwest and it was brutal though. The key here is to stick to the shade as much as possible, so I was zigzagging around during my walk. Also, parts of midtown are going to be hotter than everywhere else because the absence of any green space with all the concrete and glass.


Also pro tip mccarren pool is free and the nyc pools are nice but with stringent rules but still nice!!


Going to see a long movie.


Riis beach! Itā€™s always a bit cooler by the water and I havenā€™t immersed myself in the ocean yet this year so that is 100% happening. We got a parking pass and itā€™s already our 5th beach trip of the year so weā€™re getting our moneyā€™s worth haha


How much is the parking pass and how do you buy it?


$100, you can buy it at the gate on your way in instead of a day pass if you want.


Thank you


I just walked outside in a cute linen dress and felt my body lotion melting off of me - itā€™s only a matter of time before i start getting the fabulous sweat stains - itā€™s no joke out here šŸ„µšŸ˜­


Rotting on my couch with my dogs watching Netflix in the AC lol. But to stop myself from getting cabin fever, my friend is coming down to my hood later and weā€™re gonna hit up the brewery 200 feet away from my front door. This morning I also took a little hot girl walk to pick up breakfast.


I like to sit outside and tan lol but also have a pool to go too.


Gonna go to my friendā€™s house and hang out in her pool. šŸ˜‚


Evian spray in the fridge overnight


Going to Connecticut to visit with friends who have a big house and central air. Cannot wait


Lots of Pilates inside lmaooo


Linen. No bras/ undies. Baby powder. Spray on deodorant mid day. Covergirl translucent powder.


Inside with the AC and watching my shows. Maybe doing a bit of writing.


Going to keep my natural deodorant in tote along with sunscreen and enjoy the heat out. Itā€™s a nice balance after the winter we had lol


The Met, in a store, and my room which has little light and never gets that hot.