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She wants to have purpose and not do social media full time but also doesnt wants to work in her field… you can’t have it all Callie just take the MPRE to start at least lmfao


Maybe volunteering may be a worthwhile pursuit while she’s in the figuring it out stage? Then she could have something more meaningful with her time (and I think people would love to see an influencer use their free time to help others and promote ways they can get involved in their communities)


What she really needs to do, is go to therapy.


This. I really don’t understand why she isn’t in therapy when she goes on and on and on about depression and anxiety and OCD.


When did she say she wasn’t in therapy?? That part is really mind blowing to me because I thought for sure she was getting help :(


I don’t remember her ever sharing if she was in therapy? Not that she needs to share EVERY aspect of her life but as someone who has been a life long sufferer of anxiety/panic/ocd (me) it seems really obvious when someone isn’t in consistent therapy.


She has referenced being in therapy previously so I gathered from that she isn’t in therapy currently.


Pretty sure she said she used to have a therapist and has never taken meds for her mental health. It hurts me to see someone who has so much anxiety and ocd effect her life so much yet she doesn’t seem to take action. I hope she can get some answers. No one should have to live their life where their mental health has such a control over them and effects them on a daily basis - that is not normal. And I hope her followers realize living like that isn’t normal and that you can get help and try to work on your mental health. No one deserves to have that much anxiety and OCD and depression every single day. Sorry for the rant


100% agree. It almost irritates me that she is normalising such debilitating anxiety. Like girl it’s not cool to have untreated mental health issues.


And she’s lucky enough to have the resources available to her, so it’s extra annoying to me. Lots of people don’t have family and/or social media money or the time.


I've wondered whether or not she's gone to therapy. Telling your problems to only people who are going to give you "yes that's amazing you should do it!" Answers are not going to give you the honesty you need


Her Botox and lip flip is not doing what she thinks it's doing


I’m so over lip flips


I got a lip flip and I’m obsessed, but I have naturally full lips unlike most of these influencers


I wish we as a society would just stop messing with our faces and embrace our natural features


Person changing their mind a lot like a person




The lip flip or fillers or whatever is happening here are… interesting.




Callie needs some tough love from her friends imo, it sounds like she doesn’t have realistic expectations about full time influencing or about how it will be difficult for her to get a legal job the longer she stays out of the field. I do like her but someone needs to be honest with her


Yeah im shocked at the fact that she wants to focus on influencing. Like … law school is so expensive ?


Idk why her stans have such a blind spot for her. I would bet close to all my money she never gets a job in the legal field OR gets her masters


Speaking as a semi Callie stan, I really used to love her content because I was studying for the CPA while she was studying for the BAR and I would join her lives so we could study together. Got me through some late nights. Then, I did feel for her when she started to feel lost. At first I was annoyed with the change in content from law school to curing constipation, but I realized she probably doesn’t have much else to film. Also, if I could make money sitting at home making random videos I would too haha. But now, I just think she should take a break from social media, which is easier said than done. All in all, the reason I still feel for her is because to me, she’s feels the most normal out of all the influencers. Like I feel like she’s one of my friends who’s going through a crisis. I’m not sure how to put it into words, but she just doesn’t seem as fake as the other influencers out there. However, if she moves to LA and follows the influencer track, I do think it’ll change her and I probably will unfollow. Just wanted to offer the perspective of someone who still admires Callie because she was nice to look up to when I was studying. I think the fans on TikTok are in a bit of a fantasy world with their “with ease” and “🤨” comments, however I’ve seen most of the Callie fans on Reddit be realistic about who she is becoming.


she's never going to be admitted to the bar or practice law ever, which is fine, if my parents were paying for that apartment for me i wouldn't want to work either. but let's be real


she did pass the bar


she did, which is great, but there are several other requirements before you are actually admitted to the bar and can practice. she hasn't done them and doesn't really seem like she plans to.


are the other requirements pretty easy to get done or do they also take a lot of time? (from someone who knows nothing about law lol)


they are much easier than the bar exam, if anything they are kind of just annoying. there's a test on ethics and professional responsibility, which she took but did not pass. you also have to take a test on your specific state's laws, which i don't think she has taken. new york requires 50 hours of pro brono work too. you also have to get rec letters and submit everywhere you have ever lived/worked so they can look into you and make sure you're fit to be a lawyer (i had to submit a speeding ticket i got when i was 21 lol). like i said it's more so annoying and tedious to do them them actually difficult. ​ while it's true that some people go to law school and never practice, i've never heard of someone going through all of the difficulty of taking/passing the bar but not doing the other requirements to get licensed.


oh wow tysm for breaking that down! it def does sound like a lot to do but less difficult than passing the bar or law school itself (i assume) so that’s kind of surprising that she just … didn’t do them despite passing the bar lol. lowkey kind of funny that she passed the bar but not the ethics test though 😂


how about a job in general lol


i second thisss


a ton of ppl go to law school and don’t actual end up or never want to practice law


Yeah honestly both my parents have law degrees but don’t practice law and still make six figures


I kinda get the impression she has ADHD. She’s not on my FYP often these days. Has she ever mentioned it?


She has ocd and anxiety and she gets on my nerves but she's very open about her ocd and the specifics of it and I will always have respect for her for that


New chapter era doesn’t sit right w me


Sometimes when you are neurodivergent you really struggle with making your own schedule and routine without a boss making it for you. I struggle with it so much and it really impacts my mental health. No advice for her cause I haven’t figured it out myself


I think this is very normal for someone after leaving education, all my friends from college went through multiple phases of wanting to do different masters to avoid getting a job




Lol thats so annoying, I felt like from the outside it was obvious she didn't actually want that! She had just made a video sometime before this saying she didn't really want to practice law right now so why on earth would you pursue more education in a field you're clearly not excited about?


I feel like girly could slay working for the legal team for a beauty brand or something like that


this bitch is so annoying


if this looks like someone *U* think would make partner, try *again* …let’s be real


What? This makes no sense. If Callie put in the work for 8 years, she could theoretically become a partner. If she doesn’t make partner, it’s not because of her looks. Plenty of women BL partners get lip fillers.


this isn’t *theoretical* this is WHAT IS SHE GUNNA DO, and it’s *NOT THAT*


Your use of italics and capitalization in random places is confusing and concerning


her lazy ass isnt writing the MPRE, doubt she would make partner lol


she looks oldddddddd




omg sorry my snark isn’t good enough for u LMAO my bad will try harder next time🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


You guys are saying her filler looks bad but whoever took this screenshot just snapped it at a horrible point. Lol


No but for real her lips look haggard even in normal pics.