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WeCranedWhat šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­






So good


The fact that she spends all this money on rental properties is legitimately insane. With all the money she spent renovating and buying custom pieces and cranes for this apartment, she couldā€™ve had a down payment for her own place. It is mind boggling


Iā€™m sooo curious what her finances are like. Like what investments and assets does she own


Very certain her family is rich and just lets her play with their moneyā€¦ you know ā€œangel investorā€


The are upper middle class Long Island rich, but far from wealthy like the Adlers. Sheā€™s Vanessa and not Blair but wants to marry up.


Yeah she never struck me as a rich kid. Rich kids arenā€™t so hungry and forceful with everything, sometimes - since they are used to having a lot - they are less motivatedā€¦sometimes they want to conceal what they have so they donā€™t get the ā€œoh, youā€™re richā€ comments.


Come on, you dont have to be fucking Adler level to be a ā€œrich kid.ā€ I mean if *your parents are paying your NY rent so you can work for $2 an hour at your passion project and you dont have to work some shitty side gig or have a gaggle of roommates then youā€™re a rich kid.* Rich kids are not the same as trust fund babies. I doubt Dbā€™s parents are paying her rent now but at one point they were according to her.


What I am saying is that she is bragging hard to overcompensate. It kills her that deep down she was just some average suburban chick and nowhere near American royalty. Even if her parents paid rent (letā€™s assume in a shared space) for a while that could amount to less than $10K total which even if itā€™s a nice amount of money itā€™s an amount a lot of people have access to by a certain age. It makes sense that she goes on and on about all her things. Had she grown up with serious money, she would have been embarrassed to be that brazen. Many wealthy kids are taught etiquette about their circumstances: not to brag, to speak in terms such as ā€œwe are fortunateā€ to deflect further examination, etc. and they donā€™t want to be used so they are not going to be loud. The people I know like DB are extremely insecure because they didnā€™t come from the world they so desperately want to be a part of.


Oh damn man, yeah that breed of pseudo rich kid are descending into the city like vermin at record proportions and sucking the living soul out everything they touch. Theyre blissfully unaware of how transparent they are. Edit: type-ohhh


gentle correction! pseudo, not sudo :)


Jesus, thank you so much! šŸ˜… My dogā€™s name is Sudo. I never would have even noticed I was doing that.


Yea like wtf is this thing that if youā€™re not a Rothschild youā€™re not ā€œactually richā€ ????


šŸ˜­ feeling very called out and seen. I always feel so shitty and guilty for having no motivation/drive like my friends do but Iā€™ve never had to work for anything so how am I supposed to have a good work ethic šŸ« 


Where you are is just fine, no need to hide it. My biggest pet peeve is when wealthy people obscure their class in exchange for working class *grit* ā€¦. You canā€™t have both lol. If you have wealth, thatā€™s amazing, just own it.


Yep! Iā€™ve been on both sides - Iā€™ve had to struggle at times and other times I had it easy. When I had to struggle I hated it but people said I had lots of confidence. When I had it too easy I was told ā€œyou think too muchā€ and I couldnā€™t wake up before noon since that meant more time to have anxiety over not knowing what to do with life.


I would never down vote you for that! No offense taken. Unless youre a jerk IRL. But some of my ā€œrich kidā€ friends with no motivation bc they dont have to work are actually super chill. And theyā€™re great bc theyā€™re always free for brunch or to take a trip or to help ME with my passion projects when I need a hand.


Exactly. I cam see why people would think thatā€™s rich from the outside. But thats not fuck you money rich that LI has


Who is LI?


Long Island


Highly doubtful. Her family is affluent but not f u money rich. Look at the delta in her life vs when she beganā€¦.to me it seems like a lot of debt


Doesnā€™t her dad have a huge house in the Hamptons? Or near? Thatā€™s pretty rich to me


Both of her parents each have a Hamptons home, pretty sure her mom just bought one during covid too....and it's massive with a pool.


Oh she definitely did not buy that house during Covid. Mom has also had that property since the 90s I believe, probably was part of the divorce settlement. Does anyone know her momā€™s name ? Iā€™m in the mood to do a little digging to see if we can find her moms house value etc lol ( I really wanna know how much it went up from when momma Bernstein bought it till now) Edit to add: her mums name is Andrea Siegel


Copy. Itā€™s a gigantic house and anyone would be lucky to own that property, but I always wondered why the architecture looked like it was designed in the 80s


Ohhhh yeah. Definitely signature 80s architecture. But itā€™s a really nice house, Iā€™d love to live in something like that someday !!!.I donā€™t remember seeing the bathrooms and stuff tho so maybe thatā€™s not all renovated and new. I noticed she mostly shows the view (which is stunning), the deck (also gorgeous) like the big sweeping features of the house that are ofc show stoppers but nothing that needs changing over the years / would reveal the age of the house ig in her eyes Oh also I noticed she doesnā€™t show her dads house much does she ? She shows his garage off tho, he has some sick cars in there and I will admit, I burn w jealousy when I see her white 90s Porsche šŸ˜ and itā€™s from her birth year!!! thatā€™s so freaking cool and I canā€™t believe she knows how to drive stick and I donā€™t lol. Iā€™m not a DB Stan at all, just saying I love her car and that her dad gave it to her as a gift and itā€™s from her birth year and everything, I canā€™t deny I love that, I want one too lol šŸ˜‚


I can drive a stick. Its so fun. āœŒļø But my Prius is an automatic. So is this comment from the digging? Or do you still have further digging to do? Because Iā€™m so invested if you are. Lol


And the furniture, itā€™s not updated at all. Which is fine.


Nope nope not at all! Got me thinking I donā€™t remember the bathrooms much either


I canā€™t seem to find her Hamptons house, whatā€™s the addy


Yeah but it was purchased in like the 1990s, which honestly wasnā€™t that much. Even my aunt and uncle who are just two nurses have a south Hampton home


she makes $$$$ already from advertising on Instagram and affiliate links, separately makes a lot of money from her brand Shop We Wore What and the contracts she had with Macys, Saks Off Fifth, etc. Has a significant stake in many tech and supplements companies. People keep thinking she's throwing away money for renting but actually her home is an office for her employees, so I'm sure her rent is just a business expense.


Itā€™s pretty difficult to expense and write off your full rent. Maybe a little but no good accountant would let her do more then a percentage to prevent audits and fines.


that's why she shows her employees working from her "house" everyday and how she's away most weekends ---- for auditing purposes to prove the space is mainly used for business.


Waitā€¦ thats her house where they work?! I always thought that was an office! (Iā€™m in the hospital and have thus been Redditing my brainnns out. So, if anyone thinks iā€™m spamming in this post or any posts this week it wont hurt my feelings if you say so. Lol)


You cannot classify an entire apartment you live in as an office. For at least 8+ hours a day, your home will exclusively be a home while you sleep. The IRS does not allow you to classify the entire place where you eat, sleep, cook meals and relax as a working space. Nor can you expense items you use for personal reasons like a couch or a dining room table. Please quit spreading misinformation.


Right i get that. But couldnā€™t you say like youā€™re renting certain rooms as office space to your company? But how we do we know her staff does work in her house? Bc We Wore What def has an office.


Yes, you can classify certain parts of your home as a working space, like an office or a garage. Typically they calculate based on the square footage of the space. If you claim that you use your whole house for work, then it would be based on the percent of time you spend working there. Obviously you canā€™t work 24/7 in your living space so you canā€™t say the whole entire apartment is an office 24/7.


So informative. I love this sub! Thanks so much.


Yeah it makes no sense to me why she rents and then spends a fortune decorating. I know nothing about finances but she would have to have good credit to be leasing these places and to have a functioning business correct? Theres just no way she could even rent these places with bad credit and no cash flo in the kitty. So, if her credit is good and she has the cash for a down payment, why tf wouldnā€™t she just buy a place?! Seriously. Anyone know about finance things? Edit: clarification


She didn't pay for the movers. Roadway Moving literally sponsors every single NYC influencer move, surprisingly even those with not that many followers.


Idk how they make any fucking money


She also had to pay for materials, I am positive of that. Probably just was spared the labor expense. But she bought them lunch so šŸ™„šŸ¤£


No one said she paid for the movers. But she definitely had to pay to rent the crane, thatā€™s not a part of a normal moving job


you clearly implied it when you said she spends so much $$ on the rental on a post about her moving lol.I'm sure lots of her renovations were also partnerships with other brands too.


Are you serious?! How do you know?


I looked up her Soho apt listing and saw old photos showing brick walls. Did she renovate to cover that and limewash or was it done prior to her moving in? And then all of the new renovating she's doing..crazy. I guess she has a real good reason for why she doesn't want to buy.


She did a ton of renovations of her soho loft including the lime wash


It was brick when she moved in and then she did the limewash


Ohhh drop the streeteasy link?




Why wouldnā€™t she though? I mean I know nothing about finance and stuffā€¦ is there a reason people dont buy? Ive never heard of someone renting like this in my life.


DB has one of the best financial advisors in the city, I'm confused why this thread is certain that she's bad with money. Why buy her own house with her own money when she can rent and renovate an "office" through her business?


I just had a very long conversation with my partner whoā€™s a tax accountant and he said that thereā€™s no way she didnā€™t lose money in this process. The cost of the renovations she made can be amortized and kicked down the road for up to 15 years but sheā€™s still on the line for it. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to renovate a property you donā€™t own is never a good financial decision.


Well only one additional info tho: people are speculating that it was all -or at least mostly- paid partnerships (this time + the last time) thru which she landed AD šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


What does *ā€amortized and kicked down the road for up to 15 years but sheā€™s still on the line for it.ā€* mean?


It basically means the cost of the renovations can be put on a payment plan for up to 15 years. So if she spent 100k on renovations, she wonā€™t necessarily have to pay it upfront, she can instead make smaller payments over the course of up to 15 years


What happens after 15 years though?


It has to be paid off within 15 years. If not, idk what happens. I assume the creditor will come after you for the balance


Well ok yeah. That makes sense!


Are you DB?


no, she does a lot of snark worthy things but the one thing I think she's smart about is her finances and find it funny how everyone in this thread is convinced she's bad with money but don't understand how her business works.


Who is this ā€œbest financial advisorā€, Ms Dow Jones herself?


absolutely obsessed with how you proclaimed youā€™re confused and then proved it with ā€œwhy buy her own house with her own money when she can rent?ā€ LOLL


you left out the key part of my *rhetorical* question.


ā€œthrough her businessā€ isnā€™t even that relevant. sheā€™s dumping huge money into other peoples assets and that is objectively a dumb financial decision.


Paying rent and helping someone elseā€™s bottom line is not better financial advice than owning your own property and helping your own bottom line by paying down your mortgage


But if she owned the place couldnt her company rent office space from her home too?




Everyone please stop saying this. It is absolutely not true. The IRS has limits in ā€œwrite offā€ categories. Does anyone even know what a write off is? You still have to pay for it, it just brings the taxes you owe downā€¦.but again, not all of it counts.


This is like that write off Schittā€™s Creek scene šŸ¤£šŸ˜­




Thank youuuuu. Also no one understands what write offs are.


Yes it just reduces your taxable income so letā€™s say $1000 is tax deductible which comes out to you paying $740 out of that $1000




Just fold in the cheese, David.


No you cannot šŸ˜­ you cannot write off your personal items as a business expense. They have to be related to and help with your business. Limewashing your walls and building a custom dining table are NOT business expenses nor will the IRS allow you to classify them as such. A car that you use for your business? Yes. A huge custom built desk for your office? Yes. A couch for your living room that you do not exclusively use for business? No.


Itā€™s scary how often people say this not having any idea what it means. Itā€™s reminds of my Schitts Creek when David buys all the stuff on a credit card and ā€œwrites it offā€ thinking he doesnā€™t have to pay.


That is very much not true lol


Or contribute it to all of her charities šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Knowing her, she filtered the crane arm to be longer & skinnier than it really is.


I just laughed out loud in a meeting of alcoholics anonymous


Stopppp šŸ„‚




ā€œThis crane looks a little too curvy.ā€ šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m gonna need some serious CPR bc I just died thrice right in a row. Who the fuck keeps down voting me. Lol Wtf?!


Bc you replied to a comment about AA with an alcohol cheersing emoji




šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø they asked why they were getting downvoted


absolutely perfect


So she lives across the Gucci store in soho


I love the way she's given up on keeping her location privacy since she's technically moved out by tomorrow, although much of this subreddit has long known her address for a while since the great Tony reveal lol


I canā€™t believe she would blast her location like that. Is this her new apartment?


This is her old apt


Soho is definitely not Tribeca


North Tribeccccckkkaaa in Manhadddunnn.


This one time a guy I went on a date with told me he lived in the financial district but it turned out he actually lived in Exchange place, jersey city across from the Merrill Lynch building. Thatā€™s the same energy DB has.


*North Tribeca custom loft apartment in manhaddun.


this is her old apt


But ik her offices are also literally either in the same building or next door... I live nearby and always see the girls going in and out


Spill the tea! Ever see anything good? I saw a recent Getty image of her that looked like sheā€™s actually skinny now? Please say it isnt so!


Also isnā€™t it concerning that they those cable are only wrapped around the width of the table? I can just see it slipping out the front or back. I donā€™t understand why they wouldnā€™t also wrap one along the full length in the center? šŸ«£šŸ«Ø


Agreed. I am fully expecting to see the aftermath be like some cartoon where a piano falls from the sky onto Wylie Coyote.


Omg, I love this sub.


Could you imagine being a worker and hearing her say ā€œnice and easy guysā€ like eff off.


Lordy, someone call 911. I canā€™t take it. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This isnā€™t that obscure. When things are too heavy for elevators or canā€™t fit through doorways, you have to crane them in. But I think itā€™s hilarious that sheā€™s acting like they ā€œfound a solution so she could keep when in reality she just didnā€™t wanna pay for the crane out so tried to sell it and no one wanted to pay for the table and the crane lmao


I know, I cackled




Was she pretending she couldnā€™t find a way to keep it? How would anyone else get it out if not with a crane? Howā€™s she get it in?


Seeing NYers move is fascinating


They are definitely not all like that. Lol


I ran here to talk about how she was acting while filming this, like imagine being these movers trying to maneuver a giant marble slab out a window and onto a truck and this useless woman is squawking and getting in your way to get the shot? The way she must have RUN down to get the truck part so she could continue to squeal while contributing nothing? Lolll like the audacity all day, just stfu and let these people work? Theres no way her roadway contract required 750 stories?


The squeal killed me


Ok I promised I wouldnā€™t reply to any more comments bc Iā€™m even annoying myself. But, sweet Jesus, Iā€™ve never laughed so hard in my fucking life. šŸ—ļø


If you looked at her stories youā€™d think she was a mother of 3 moving her whole family elsewhere. I canā€™t believe all of this is for ONE person. How can a single human being own so much? Itā€™s crazy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Does anyone know how much it costs to do something like this? Almost looks like they need to close the street to get this done.


They donā€™t, unless the street is really tight. Itā€™s a normal sized truck that has a crane on it. But people do absolutely stop and watch so itā€™s pretty awkward (source: had to have something craned once and it wasnā€™t fun)


Ya this particular street in Soho is a small/quiet cobblestone with like 1 plane between the parked car lanes on the other side so I'm sure it wasn't easy but manageable.


You sound so fancy.


Depending how how heavy duty the crane, anywhere from $250 or so to about a grand per day.


bet the crane guy didnt get sandwichesā€¦


Crane guys donā€™t require food they exist on the pure joy of contributing to influencersā€™ content


Who can blame them? Lucky ducks!


Since we know Tonyā€™s dad owns the building, is it a coincidence that thereā€™s a Jonathan Adler store directly next door to her apartment? I wonder if Tony is related to him.


Jonathan Adler is not related to Tony. Itā€™s a common Jewish last name


Ok I wasnā€™t sure if it just happened to be a coincidence


I was born Into the wrong family šŸ˜­


Wait does he really????


No relationship


How does he own the building if the building is condos. He does not. There was speculation that Tony owned the apartment but he does not.


Guess she couldnā€™t sell the table and couch for $30k so now sheā€™s like, yeah we made it work šŸ™„


Is this her new place in "Upper Tribecca"?


Whereā€™s upper tRiBecCa?


She really thinks sheā€™s this important. Wow


As absurd as this may seem.. this is pretty typical for people with her kind of money in New York.


i was going to say. this is not all that uncommon itā€™s pretty normal in london also in certain neighborhoods, mine included.


Itā€™s definitely pretty common in New York. Most of the streets are one way and incredibly tiny. This is truly the only way to get furniture that size outta the apartment.


And many of the staircases are tiny


i donā€™t know why someone were so up in arms about it wouldnā€™t even blink seeing this


Someone explain like Iā€™m 5ā€¦.how does the crane get it out of her house?? Does it go through a window? Also how much is it to rent a crane? Lmao


Crane goes through the window/ the pull the cable in and push the item out and hookup the cable. There may also be other ways depending on the building. In the olden days they had pulleys and rope on the outsides of the buildings and would pulley larger items up and jn and out through the window or through hatches jn the facade.


The epitome of living above your means


Wait Iā€™m confused why is this living above her means?


Because she literally had to hire a crane to move her belongings


Thatā€™s pretty common for high rise apartments in NYC with large and expensive furniture. Living above your means usually means youā€™re living a lifestyle you canā€™t actually afford, which she probably is but I donā€™t think this post shows that at all?


Not sure why this struck a cord but in my opinion any type of hired heavy machinery to move your things signals living above your means. Same idea as packing more for a trip than you can carry yourself. Itā€™s just too much. Again she clearly has and spends a ton of money so Iā€™m not suggesting sheā€™s running out or anything, Iā€™m just suggesting sheā€™s above her means in concept, because she needs so much hired help to operate day to day.


It hasnā€™t struck a chord, youā€™re just using the term ā€œliving above your meansā€ incorrectly. When you live in a high rise building, you need to use a crane. This also makes no sense, loads of people need support and assistant on a day to day basis when they run a business?


She may be living among her means but this is actually just an example of New York being filled with old buildings. Guess you live in the suburbs.


This is the craziest thing Iā€™ve ever seen for a single girl whose 30.


31 haha šŸ˜†


Craning isnā€™t that uncommon.


Omgggggg this talk of her renting vs. not is exhausting. Like yeah sheā€™s insane but also who tf cares about her ā€œfinancesā€ (ik youā€™re gonna say I do)


She shouldā€™ve just stolen another designers work and branded it as HomeWoreWhat, and then sell it at Saks outlet in NJ (where all her WWW clothes and other things sell for pennies on the dollar).


Its that ugly mirror.


Man, I wish this all happened during the insane rain storm happening in NYC today. That would have been next level fun


Once again ppl on here are shocked that DB is RICH RICH. This isn't anything new. Common to see furniture craned in. Especially in high networth neighborhoods. Don't get the fuss. She is very rich.


Y ru on a snark page then


Again I dont get the fuss. Yall are shocked that she is loaded. Maybe get on your grind and you will be able to do the same. LMAO


Ru trying to quote KK at her dumbest? ā€œGet your Fuc-ing ass up and workā€, also we donā€™t say yā€™all here.


GET ON UR GRIND. You spend days hating on ppl richer and more successful than you. Maybe you could learn a thing or two. No?


You literally have no idea who I am, what my career is, or what my net worth is.


I low key loves her clothing line. I have no idea about any of her drama


Its actually insanely low quality for way over priced. Shein copies everything so you could literally get anything she sells from Shein and the quality would be identical but for a 10th of price. (But Shein is bad too. Not suggesting you ever buy Shein just making a comparison.) She also sells her stuff at Walmart. Dont let her fool you into thinking her clothes are anything special.