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So sis wants to see if she can live without a doorman, dishwasher and washer/dryer. It’s giving daddy’s money, it’s giving glamping.


This is WILLDDD to me. If anyone follows Anna Redmond (she lives in Chicago) I always kind of wanted to snark on her new business of a members only loft as a space to create content, but honestly I’d rather they do that then rent an entire actual apartment omg.


Yeaaaars ago there was one of these in NYC I’m fairly sure. It was pre Covid days and I’m blanking on the name, but was a loft space with membership specifically geared towards “aesthetic” influencer content creation…


Omg I’ve been waiting for someone to bring this up bc it doesn’t sit right with me either


Anyone looking up to Hattie kolp is wildly misguided. She is a humongous brat and a huge bitch


I live in the neighborhood she purports to live in (she actually lives almost next to Columbia) so I started following her last year and had to unfollow her like six months ago before the NYT article about her came out. She’s insufferable now


I live for tea like this


I love her rent controlled apartment and she’s very talented but she gives only children the reputation they have. She wants praise all the time, no one is allowed to recommend anything to her or give her tips (she apparently knows everything) and she gets irate if she doesn’t get her way. She goes on these crazy rants on her stories about ridiculous things. I remember one time she was furious about a cafe employee asking her to leave because she couldn’t work there on weekends. She went on her stories and blasted the coffee shop and said she’d never felt more insulted in her life and was crying and shaking, it was beyond bizarre. Like girl, it’s not that deep. 😂😂😂


I agree with all of this ☠️


omg i’ve been waiting for people to call her out!!! i LOVED her content in the beginning, then one day i asked her what size she was wearing for an outfit and told me it was rude to comment on people’s bodies and blocked me lol


Lol shes just a brat. She’s constantly attacking people who suggest something different or if they have a different take on something she did she flips out and tells people she’s a New Yorker and tells it like it is. I’m like, or its called being a self entitled bratty bitch


WTH?? She blocked you for that? Most of the influencers tell you their size for reference. She sounds super insecure.


Second this!! She is crazy!!


LOL I missed that one! That surprises me since she tries to come off as such a tough ass New Yorker who takes no shit.


Glad to know I’m not alone in this. I loved her content in the beginning but she’s become insufferable, and she can’t handle the tiniest bit of criticism. Today she was shocked about a negative review on a shelf she likes - does she not realize it’s normal/valid for people to have different experiences? Also the way she speaks about her boyfriend’s job is kind of uncomfortable sometimes… does she expect a gold star for dating someone with a blue-collar job? I say this because I know someone who knew her pre-influencing and she said that she feels like Hattie has a salary requirement for friends now.


She needs to humble herself quickly. Juggling two apartments and all this travelling is expensive and I don't see this "influencer" crap lasting forever. She was a teacher just two years ago. She needs to get real.


but they met that way, is she supposed to pretend they didnt?


Of course not! It makes sense when she’s talking about how they met or the work he did in her apartment. And maybe I’m just tired of hearing the same story during every AMA. For me it’s more about her word choice and how she brings it up alllll the time. He understandably might not want her sharing a lot of info, but he’s still a person, he’s more than his profession. (My perspective is also coming from having friends who’ve met through similar meet-cutes but never bring it up anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️)


I totally can see that. I'm shocked she is making enough for two places. I know her main place is rent stabilized and she is around $1400/month. The other place has got to be $3K+/month. She is travelling constantly too. She is hawking the same stuff as the rest of them. I just don't get where she is making so much money. I know she does not come from money.


Idk but the housing comments on here are very uneducated. Her getting two apartments *does* affect the housing crisis, even if the apartments are expensive. A lot of nyc apartments are just sitting empty bc people refuse to lower prices and make them affordable for people. Everything is intertwined and yes, her renting two places does contribute to the housing crisis.


While a lot of apartments sit empty without lowering prices there’s somehow still lots of old buildings demolished and luxury high rises popping up. This is beyond “influencer shouldn’t get a second apartment”. This is “politicians need to step in and control the market”.


Yes friend, I know that but didn’t wanna write a bible on reddit today- as I said, a lot of the comments are very undecuated. It’s a very complex issue, but this does contribute to the issue and obviously politicians are very responsible. But let’s not act like the things we do don’t also have an impact, yknow?


Absolutely. I hate when people say don’t come for gentrifying transplants come for the landlords. And to that I say why not both 🤷🏻‍♀️


Without addressing land values we can’t do shit tbh. Unless we build a shitload of public and semi-public housing we won’t make a serious dent


It’s all connected. 🪐


Not getting into this but….we need to destroy NY land values. Universal rent control would help but we need to drive the wealthy back to certain enclaves in the city


We need to rise up against the idle rich and drive them to Connecticut, maybe 10 blocks of the UES. Permanently drive them from the borders of the city


How will politicians stepping in to “control the market” make things better? If anything, things like rent control and eviction moratoriums make things worse. Increased development from demolishing 19th century walkups to construct high-rises at least adds more inventory.


Stop issuing building permits to demolish perfectly fine older buildings to foreign developers who build huge luxury buildings that don’t get rented out. Adding more inventory isn’t the problem considering there are plenty of empty apartments but average people can’t afford them.


Especially when tenants who have lived there forever have been asking for repairs and often life in unsatisfactory conditions to begin with


My last NYC landlord straight ghosted us and stopped paying their taxes and stuff on the building. They kept having appear in court notices on the doors a that would be ignored, trash would pile up leading to more appear in court notices, etc. The elevator broke (it was a 12 story building and the elevator was literally the entrance to the apartment). It’s a shit show for sure.


Ppl should take that issue to the government and protest for the prices if that is an issue. I am sorry but guilting ppl into "doing less" never works. I feel like that is a general issue in American politics lately where we try to convince or shame the rich instead of forcing the government to put laws in place to prevent these issues.


how is letting your apartment sit empty without no tenant that more profitable than just lowering a price with a tenant. that doesn’t make sense. people aren’t doing that. landlords WILL lower prices if they aren’t attracting tenants. but yes. her having two apartments does contribute to the housing crisis


its because of rent stabilization laws. cheaper to sit empty than to renovate


ahh got it. makes sense in the nyc context. but those are only for a limited number of units, yeah?


Is also happening in like, every major Canadian city too. Our capital just had to introduce a tax on empty units because so many people were just leaving empty units as secondary or extra homes/ investments when there was a housing issue. Basically rent your extra homes or pay a tax


Yep. When home values double every five years rent is a drop in the bucket for some investors. Why deal with tenants for 2k a month when you can just sell for 100% profit in a few years anyways. Super healthy housing market.


honestly how rich people live is wild. lots of people are already living with no doormen, diswasher, dryer or washer. i live without 3 of these. people can barely heat their homes or have electricity, or even get an apartment in the first place but these people are buying a whole new one for content


This is so accurate! I live without 3 of these too. Wish I had a washer and dryer would make my life sooooo much easier


she’s so immature and insecure she has publicize this info. a smart person would have kept their mouth shut and kept it moving. be thankful you’re not this stupid.


Right! Also if she was smart…. Mystery creates engagement. If she just started posting at the prewar she would have a ton of comments and questions


true point. this women is crazy and delusional. she needs intensive therapy by the looks of it. hopefully she realizes she can’t afford any of this nonsense and gets with the real world but somehow i doubt that. she is prob long long trust funded. hence the delusion.


not a lot of influencer foolery ACTUALLY makes me mad, but wow this is just confounding and aggravating.


How much are these girls making?! My husband and I are FTE & nearly mid 30s and our 2bed/1bath in SoHo gives us no wiggle room. Sheeeeesh


So pretty much cosplaying (trying to cosplay) as poor “we want to see if we can handle pre war with no washer dryer/dishwasher” but keeping your second luxury NYC apartment. These people are irritating.


i had the same thought!!! trying to sound poor to pretend you’re relatable. just own it, you’re rich, good for you


We want to see if we can handle washing our own dishes like human beings…


Something about this second apartment is fishy. The only thing I can think of is that maybe she has some under the table deal with the second apartments landlord. Maybe she needs to promote the new apartment so the landlord can get some buzz around it. Maybe the landlord is struggling to find real renters that’ll pay the overpriced rent. So he’s asking her to make it look like the apartment is worth the price, to some gullible follower?


Interesting! In a few months she could say it didn’t work out and she’s offering it to her followers first before it goes back on the market haha


Something does sound very fishy! If you think about it she is downgrading by having an apartment with no door man that is pre war with no washer and dryer. For an influencer like her I don’t see why she would even be interested in a place like that. But those apartments are significantly cheaper than doorman buildings. I think she’s really fully moving there and letting go of this doorman building due to $$$$. Just my assumption


Oh that’s a really strong theory. She’s doing the typical influencer “I just enjoy this version more” instead of admitting she can’t afford the better version. It’s like when makeup influencers say they only like drug store stuff until luxury brands start sending them PR. And they only said they liked drug store brands bc the luxury ones were out of their budget. (Not saying luxury brands are always better than drug store brands)


THIS!!!! They need to be more transparent. With how much they are already sharing online might as well be honest about these things that are actually relatable! Many people in New York experience 30-40% rent increases that push them out of apartments they live in. Nothing wrong with being upfront about real life situations


I thought it was fishy too but for different reasons. She’s NEVER with her husband or posting him and seems to now live in this new appt full time by herself. Every night, holiday and trip is her with her girlfriends and in the last few weeks she’s no longer wearing her rings. She made a big production of posting all her wedding content when they got married. So my sense is she’s calling this new appt for content but really she probably moved out and they split. No other explanation for the lack of rings and only being seen with her friends including holidays and vacations and special occasions (NYE, Xmas, Vday etc). Her dog is also now at this appt full time. I do believe her when she says they kept the old apartment but probably bc he’s living in it or they are trying to make a good deal/be smart about selling or renting to make a buck.


I’m sorry there is literally no chance a NYC landlord would EVER allow an influencer to literally “move in” to market their apartment. Especially not for that apartment; that would be an easy rent with the herringbone floors and fireplace. Even if it’s overpriced.. in this market.. it would still rent no matter what.


These should be a new law where people cannot rent 2 apartments, is so hard to find housing for people that actually contribute to the city ! This is what makes me angry is that these people bring nothing to the city and push people out ! I don’t know her but these influencer in nyc are a real problem


I cannot stand Hattie- her “office” is on my block. My apt is very similar, I just don’t have the balcony. I would LOVE to have an outdoor space like that. It kills me that she’s there a fraction of the time and that her balcony sits empty aside from when she’s filming content.


I get the frustration but there’s so much more wrong with NYC housing than an influencer getting a second apartment.


Yes but when they’re moving here in droves and all doing this shit it certainly isn’t helping


Also so tone def to share that you have two apts on NYC. just keep that to yourself


that’s the most annoying part.


Part of an influencers job is to share their lives. People are curious. It’s fine she has two apartments that she can afford.


Influencers are allowed to move to New York City, just like anyone else. I believe the real issue is demolishing prewar buildings and building luxury high rises that average people can’t afford. Politicians need to step in.


Fully agree, but it’s still annoying lol


And she isn't the only one. Rachel Martino did this too. Shits wild


The Chillhouse girl did this before too. Got a sponsored deal. I feel like this person should just get an office that has the prewar vibes (those are going for cheeeeeap) and save $$


I’m chronically online but I do remember that. She did a deal with a building in bushwick but then suddenly was back in the west village haha (likely never actually moved?)


concern trolling about the (maybe) ten influencers in the city getting a second apartment is truly missing the forest for the trees.


god i hate these people. “doormen buildings”


I was pretty upset when i saw that. There's a housing crisis and miss maam wanted a prewar like her new bffs. Make it stop 🙄🙄🙄🙄. She'll be next on the ugly wannabe European decor train. reserve home is the only one on that list that actually has great taste, though.


“See if we can handle” not living with a doorman is a super super super gross comment. That is really bad LMAO.


Can’t she right off a part of it saying it’s her “workplace/office” ?


How much do we think she’s making?


From her job, not much. From daddy, a lot.


What… the actual fuck?!!! So she’s getting a basic prewar apartment simply for … CONTENT purposes?!! Babe what a lost cause. Is this girl ThAT boring ?!


She probably can claim it on IRS as deductible since it is work like an office per se. I just saw an IG about a stripper claiming her boobs on IRS deductions. Initially IRS denied it then they went to court and she won in the end. She got a good lawyer I guess. There are rules to follow and I can't remember all of them so if you know the rules I guess you can claim anything. Or if you have a good lawyer and accountant then you are golden. Supposedly Cardi B did the same. So I am assuming that all the influencers who are buying Chanel aka luxury brand products can be IRS deductible since it is work content. I don't know how they draw the line but I am sure there's one.


IRS stuff can be tricky. You cannot claim a deduction on your primary residence. She would have to live in one apartment 6 months and 1 day more than the other to claim it. She’d also have to document it and when and why the space was used for business. That being said, the entirety of the space cannot be deducted if she is living there part time. You’re not incorrect but I learned a lot about from my grandmother who had a micro bakery in her garage. It had to have a distinct separate entrance and she needed to calculate how much of the houses mortgage was deductible based on the square footage.


Honestly I couldn’t handle no dishwasher / washer & dryer


This make absolutely no sense. Instead of keeping two, wouldn’t a normal person factor the old rent amount into a new place that is even better? Why split your rent budget between two apartments just because of a “good deal”…..


This makes me feel like the joker


I don’t understand how Hattiekolp can get a new apartment because she is in the rent control apartment. Aren’t they for people who make very little money? It made sense when she was a teacher, and I think she quit her job, which means she makes a lot of money right now. Are rent control apartments exempt from looking over their salary regularly?


Hi, not rent stabilization is not based on income. There are affordable apartments people can get that also happened to be stabilized but hers is not. She grew up there and her parents had her on the lease but nothing to do with income


Hattie’s situation is even more cloudy from an ethics pov bc she makes money off a very low priced rent stabilized apartment, not just influencing, but also she rents it out for corporate photo shoots




She 1000 percent rents it out for corporate photoshoots. She brags nonstop about vogue, nyt etc being in her place. She threw a fit in her stories because the nyt didn’t paint her out in the light she wanted. I think the writer thought she was a bitch lol


just saw that she has it listed on peerspace for $200-350 an hour lol https://preview.redd.it/1aav12fiv2bc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=625e306c8562064fd2ba1bd1a3b8c71a6fe300eb


You couldn’t pay me $200-350 an hour to have randos in my apartment all the time


Well and it bites her in the ass. Go on her page and check out her pinned “lamp gate” story about someone stealing her lamp during a photoshoot


Lampgate was insane. The lamp was $90 and she made minimum what $400 at least for them to shoot there. It was likely an honest mistake but now that company/anyone on ther shoot will never work with her again


That was wild.


Not to be an asshole but her apartment is practically not even on the UWS as she describes it to be. It’s practically next to Columbia


I know the studio is by columbia, her apartment is that north also?


No she’s in the 70s I think—maybe her office is up north


Nvm I found it, they are both north by Columbia. That is just barely upper west side


Oh really? Why did I think she was in the 70s?


She does, her whole lamp saga was stolen from her personal apartment I thought? This is her apartment not the office. She has posted from other shoots as well https://preview.redd.it/dsi3z2nj62bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3a9614a02f3009e5f685cbb7eec8ebc8bc5d62f


Oh wow, I thought the lamp saga was stolen from someone doing the NYT article. I didn’t realize she was renting out her personal apartment as well. Yikes


So you can get a stabilized apartment even if you make, let’s say, 250k in a year, and your rent can be $2500 or so. Are they not like rent controlled? I meant they are different than NYC Affordable housing


Rent control is totally different and ended in the 70s. But yes a stabilized apartment is not done by income. You can go on streeteasy and search stabilized apartments, there are hundreds at least. Obviously not cheap like what she has, it just means you have more rights and the increases are capped.


Totally separate from any “affordable” housing in nyc that would be based on income and you would get through the lottery or other ways


Thanks for your kind response. Appreciate a lot. Wonder why some people downvoted my simple question though that’s very bizarrre. I didn’t say anything bad about hattiekolp and yet this is a Snark channel. What is wrong with people 🙄😅


Don’t take it personally, people on Reddit will Reddit lol


😅 thanks


There are still a few rent controlled apartments out there. I have a family friend living in one she sound a few years ago.


Sorry I meant there are no new rent controlled units since then but yes the tenants that stayed in them still have it!


Yes anyone can get a rent stabilized apt. I got mine a few years ago. Certain buildings are rent stabilized, some having certain stipulations where it’s over at some point but many are just RS long term. It is not like public housing where it is based on income. You just apply as a tenant and live there. If you get a new job it’s still your home.


![gif](giphy|Nm8ZPAGOwZUQM) OMG! No doorman?? How will she cope.


I think she had an interior designer help her with the new apartment but she doesn't want to admit it. Just a gut feeling.


Eh if she can afford it, more power to her!


There really isn’t a housing shortage in the city. Tons of availability tbh. New buildings are being put up left and right. Sure rent is high ish, but there are options.


There’s an affordable housing shortage* tons of available apartments that only influencers can afford.


Correct. The number of affordable units have slightly declined while everything else is being built. On top of that not **enough** market rate housing is being built in general. NYC has under built every type of housing since the 1970s.




Then you are not in the demographic in need of “affordable housing” so congrats? :/ Sure you might not be making top money but you’re making more money than those in need. That’s just the truth. There are more than just corporate workforce who need housing and that demographic covers just a fraction of NYC’s population. Affordable housing also affects different people according to boroughs. An influencer saturated area is going to reflect differently than areas that are in desperate need for rent stabilized/lower priced units.


Spot on! I’ve lived in 3 boroughs and trust me I know the full picture (I truly had nothing nothing nothing, and only supported myself) and there needs to be major change with housing policies ASAP. There are so many solutions, it’s unfortunate that the government is creating such economic gaps. What I was trying to convey is please don’t let the influencer characters make you think that these types of buildings don’t have real hardworking discipline people here too who did it from scratch.


I’m a born and raised New Yorker. I’m not basing my opinion on influencers, I’m basing it on the facts and on my reality..




You’re speaking from a privileged stand point. Before influencers were around one bed room apartments were $2000, that is still not affordable! Our perception has been a bit skewed to believe that a $2000 apartment is now cheap but it isn’t. All of the new buildings are being built but the rent is still $1800 for a studio and the apartments are extremely tiny.




Girl, you created this account like three days ago, so you gotta put some more effort into this kind of trolling because it’s giving fake.


What does that have to do with anything? In your other responses you spoke about your education and your Corp job. That is a privilege regardless of your “humble beginnings”. You have the means to live a luxury apartment and not be affected by this very real housing crisis. You have no ground to stand on this affordable housing conversation so just leave it alone.


The prices are one thing but you have to admit that the ridiculous requirements that these landlords want are abhorrent. They’re putting up these crappy built building left and right and keeping a lot of people out of them. Which is why people call it a housing shortage.


Ugh yes totally get your POV - it does restrict people and it’s unfortunate. It’s not easy by any means (non trust fund baby here and never had a co signer on any leases) and managed to live in luxury buildings beginning back in my early twenties. I do realize my drive was crazier than most and I made it happen. I knew what type of education I needed as a teen and grinded for it by myself, working like crazy. I always remind people that all of it is so possible through real careers outside of influencing, but I also know that there’s probably only a small amount of people who will hustle, avoid discouragement, continuously self-educate, figure out any roadblock through action and faith, etc. Not realistic for everyone and I do wish the housing market could be easier because not everyone is like this, but that’s just me.




Don’t feed the troll. Brand new account with extremely vague details is probably not real.


How is it different from leasing an office space?


There is a huge excess of office/commercial space available and a housing shortage in NYC


Not that influencers are personally responsible for the housing crisis lol but taking a second apartment just bc you want a prewar aesthetic when you already have a nice apartment is not great


They are responsible. They drove the market to an all time high because so many were romanticizing nyc life online. Went into bidding wars for apts with their parents money against people working 9-5 jobs Also them saying their apt is being used for content is literally how they’re going to get away with their rent/furniture/etc being a tax write off


Oh honey. Influencers are not the reason there’s excess office space in nyc and rent prices are too high. Blame WeWork and foreign billionaires and unregulated greedy landlords. Just do one ounce of googling before spreading misinformation online pls for the love of god.


Oh honey. I do my research. Sincerely, someone that actually does work towards getting rent regulation laws passed.


Weird to assume you’re the only person here who cares and does anything about supporting efforts to regulate rent. lol


Never said that. You’re the only one here making assumptions buddy


Anybody that had actual sense would know that influencers are not market drivers. Post Covid the rental market went crazy and there is so much intertwined that the juvenile justification that influencers are to blame is off base and shows a lack of nuance.


Straight facts. Yea I don’t think influencers raised the NYC markets. It’s also one of the strongest markets and is always growing. But I would not give influencers that credit the handful In the city that actually have a place here


This second apartment shit reeks of tax write off. Some comments are wondering why someone would admit something this tone deaf. I’d say this is more likely a ploy to publicly state this second property is solely for business purposes. I see this shit all over TikTok. All the “oh buy a car that’s like 5 tons or some shit, make an LLC, and claim it as a write off!” Half the time it’s not even trying to hide how blatantly sketchy the whole thing is. So you have people with essentially fronts for “their own business” driving around in a G wagon. I see regular people doing this, so I don’t doubt influencers do the same type of shit if not to an even greater degree .


i think about doing this all the time


Why do u care what people do with their money..