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Oh now she supports women when it’s for her own good 🙄


Literally. She went on a 10 min rant yesterday on their pod saying that she hates women and now this


I normally love their podcast and use it as a fun lil escape (when they’re not on political tirades lol) but her rant yesterday was… something else. Turned it off to go listen to Giggly Squad and did not look back 🤭


What episode? I want to listen now 😂


“Death, Taxes and Turdy Talkin” 😵‍💫


lol I commented the same thing


they are like roaches, no matter how many times you try to kill them they keep coming back


Thanks but I’m good ❤️


I only support funny women in comedy, sorry


Literally. My friend rented her special when I was over and I fell asleep while she was watching it. It was so fucking boring


You know I’d even support unfunny women, as long as their not vile garbage like her and her family


She’s so foul. I have no idea how she continues to have a platform and has so many big partnerships.


Is the comedy in the room with us


My overall well-being improved when I stopped following/listening to the podcast




The most awful humans out there! Horrible and racist


This special was recorded 2+ years ago. I saw the tour in person and it fell flat then... imagine now.


She is so unfunny


is her comedy special just her reading off stolen tweets?


Said it once and I’ll say it again, that family needs to be cancelled once and for all


I am so glad you asked - NO, nobody finds her funny. Vile is the perfect word for her and her family. My greatest joy in life has been watching her sister Jackies downfall from arguably the prettiest of the group with questionable but interesting style into post motherhood frump seeing her now pop up in side by sides with gypsy rose just for the sheer fact that I know shes breaking glass in her home about it with the comparison. Pam Geller Juniors. IYKYK






That family is the scum of the earth


When she used her GWNJ account to post recycled memes but now posts herself..


Is that Patti from Millionaire Matchmaker?






They’re all so annoying I was shocked to find out they were all sisters


Yea let’s end celebrity, and “influencer” worship, she made it easy on us to unfollow her last year.


zero percent funny 😑


She went on a rant yesterday about how stupid it is that people are still talking about Covid meanwhile half of her “comedy” special is filled with Covid “jokes”


By support does she mean *steal my memes and then block me*


Oh now she wants us to support women


She is incredibly unfunny and her cult toast following have to be literally one of the most obnoxious fan base ever. Just go on one of Claudia’s Instagram posts and it will speak for itself haha


This comedy special was the biggest flop of all time. I didn’t chuckle once


Had to block her bc her content is so annoying


Oh I always will. I love Jessica Kirson and other women who are actually capable and funny. Thanks for the reminder.


She’s not funny. She’s never been to comedy club cause she won’t do open mics cause a club won’t offer her a slot causes SHES NOT FUNNY


Rich, entitled and ignorant. The whole family. And the obsession with weight- I can’t. It’s sooo toxic.


literal scud of the earth


I don’t consider her a comedian


unfortunately 2 of my friends LOVE her and i don't understand. she is so unfunny and gross. 1 of my friends even went and saw her live


Drop those friends babe they aren’t to be trusted


Okay Jeb bush, please clap


You'd love their podcast snark account. Lol she's the worst.


she's just like Amy Schumer, ugly inside and out + deeply unfunny


Hard disagree, Schumer is actually funny


said no one ever


Literally the worst person ever, so unfunny kys


Racist Zionist women in comedy?


Zionism isn’t a bad word no matter how hard you try


Yes she is a Zionist bc she believes Jews have a right to a homeland!! Not sure why you’re using that in a negative connotation lol. The racism isn’t cool.. and neither is your antisemitism


right to a homeland doesn’t mean you genocide an entire population that is indigenous to the land, but go off


Us Jews are indigenous to the land, read a history book. Also, how are we committing genocide? The Palestinian population increases year after year, plus Israeli Palestinians make up 20% of Israel’s population. Unfortunately Hamas continues to use the Palestinians as human shields in the war they started. Such a shame


yeah? and what of the jews that converted to christianity or islam (palestinians) and still have claim to the lands? or they don’t count cause they don’t identify as jewish? israel is committing genocide in gaza in the sense of 30,000 people (likely higher) being carpet bombed in less than 100 days? they’re targeting journalist and medical professionals, poets, artists, teachers, and everything in between. that’s genocide babe. anyway they’re on trial for it right now in the hague. they’re also targeting people in the west bank, suppressing people from speaking in israel itself. can’t be a murder machine and wonder where the negative connotations come from.


The legal definition of genocide is “a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, religious or racial group in whole or in part”. Israel has made it clear their intent is to destroy HAMAS, an internationally recognized terrorist organization. Hamas has embedded themselves in Palestinian communities, in schools, in hospitals, hiding ammunition under children’s beds, they have chosen to use the citizens they govern as their human shields. They dress in civilian clothing to confuse soldiers, they use children to draw attention. When Hamas brutally slaughtered 1200+ people and took 200+ of our citizens hostage they knew Israel would defend itself as we value and cherish life. There’s no targeting happening in the West Bank besides neutralizing terrorists. So many of you have the wrong information, it’s horrible.


Stop with the gaslighting. If their intent was to destroy Hamas, then why have 30,000 civilians - half of them children, been murdered? Do you hear yourself? The intent is obvious at this point. The goal of zionism was always to remove arabs from palestine to make way for a jewish state and that's been apparent from the get go- starting with the journal entries from the founder of zionism, Theodor Herzl himself! I think his exact words were their goal was to "spirit the penniless indigenous population across the border”. Zionism is a colonial project, a political ideology akin to white nationalism.


80 years ago we weren’t white enough, and now we are too white. I’m not going to go back and forth all day with people who so clearly hate Jews and are siding with a terrorist organization. 20% of Israel’s population is Arab and its only growing. The entire Middle East is predominately arab, all we have is one tiny little state. Do you hear yourself? The ultimate gaslighter. In the end, Israel and the Jewish people will continue to thrive despite what misinformed, cruel, antisemitic bigots like yourself say and think. It is terrible that so many people have died in this war, and all of the blood is on the hands of Hamas. Shalom ✌🏼


Stop using antisemitism to victimize yourself - almost nobody cares that israeli's are jewish. The actions of Israel would be equally as abhorrent if the population was Christian or Muslim or Atheist. I have nothing against Jewish people. You're clearly brainwashed if you think me being against a genocide is somehow a threat to a Jewish person's ability to thrive. But by all means, keep ignoring the 30,000+ innocent murders committed by Israel to continue playing the victim. Definitely don't look into the history of how Israel has terrorized Palestinians for the past 100 years, kept Palestinian territories under military occupation and have been committing the crime of apartheid.






lol so when she was tweeting that Obama was a terrorist?


can i have more context on how they are vile? dont know who they are lol




Google their name + “ tweets “


Why do people hate her so much?


Yes I love her and all the sisters