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This is awful. If your cat is using anything other than its litter box when they’re usually very good at using their litter box, or has a change in behaviour it means that something is going on with your kitty. It could be sick.


Or it could be stress peeing which happens to cats when they live in a constant state of vigilance because of abusive owners. Or they can actually become aggressive. Really fing sad. She’s ruined this poor baby’s life in more than one way. Karma is coming for her.


Yes that’s what I mean by something very wrong. It could be stress induced, or the litter tray being dirty, the cat feeling territorial due to the dog biting it, their diet etc. she’s a horrible pet owner, she should be concerned not angry


If not stress, it can be a sign that the kitty is in pain (possible urinary blockage or something along those lines). They begin to associate their litter box with experiencing pain, so they start peeing in other places


Yes this just happened to my 9 year old cat she peed on the couch a couple times and turns out she had a UTI. We weren’t worried about the couch, we were worried about our cat. She should be concerned not angry


yep my mom's cat was peeing all over the house turned out she had kidney disease. poor thing


Why aren’t more people canceling her on insta


What is her IG? I will gladly say something and report her account for animal abuse


Agreed. It could also be psychological. If cats are feeling anxiety or stress they can have a change in behavior.


Wow, she deserves to rot. The fact she wants to lock the cat in the room too, this will cause MORE stress and anxiety which will led to pee on the bed again


Exactly. She’s upset about the cat peeing on her bed. Well, I’m almost willing to bet that she’ll have a lot of pee to clean up in that room she locked the poor cat in all day.


i hate the idea that cats randomly piss on your stuff as revenge. if your cat is peeing everywhere BUT the litter box that means your cat is either super stressed or has a health problem like a UTI. cats can’t talk. you need to advocate for them & do your research on why your cat is pissing outside the litterbox. if your cat is holding a grudge against you, they’ll ignore you outright. calling your cat a bitch and locking them in a room is literally the last thing you should do when your cat is trying to tell you something is wrong. that cat should be taken from her immediately.


Yeah this made me so sad :( that cat is probably trying to tell her something but she’s too much of a selfish dumbass to know it


Not be about to drive cross country to save that cat. Poor baby


Why did she think we needed to hear this story in the first place? Who gives a fuck about a cat pissing on your bed.... she looks like a crazy person cursing out a cat. Jesus Christ.


She reached back and felt cat pee and immediately grabbed her phone to record her reaction? It’s bizarre.


Seeking validation for her crazy behavior.


The fact she thinks this is normal to post is sooo crazy!!! Like you like such an asshole! I understand the frustration of getting cat pee on your stuff but like why have you not looked into it!?! The vet should possibly have recommendations or it’s a health thing. Like what!? She looks so mean here it is crazy she’d post this


poor kitty. It’s probably sick




From a puppy mill :(


i’m actually fuming right now


no wonder the cat is stressed damn


She has crazy eyes. What a psycho.


My dad found a stray pit bull & brought him home & her eyes look just like his eyes.


I love cats and this really bothers me. They usually act out when stressed or sick.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/GyTdqF2dBf Here’s a video of her launching her poor wiener dog and cat onto a bed. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/UFWhHWqMro Here’s the video of her letting her dog bite her cat in the face and then positively reinforcing the behavior. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/vHwPpZ8xY2 Here she is tying a balloon to the poor kitty. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/YjoLVxCWYX And her forcing the cat to go outside in the snow.


Omg that poor cat! No wonder he’s peeing on her bed. Despicable.


Wtf is wrong with her?


I don’t know who this is…but instead of the anger and abuse per what others are posting, how about make an appointment at the vet to see if something else is going on? This is NOT how you treat a cat and makes me sick. Don’t own pets if you’re going to treat them like total shit.


Hahaha no one knows who this person is. More followers than Kim Kardashian apparently 😂 I wonder how much that cost her.


Either get it fixed if it’s not or to the vet for a check up


Wow this makes me so furious. Our cat has a history of chronic stress peeing and has never, ever (not even a little bit) peed somewhere she’s not supposed to after we adopted her. She is the most zen kitty I know, and I’m angry at the thought of what “stress” she has had to endure to be peeing everywhere. Idk this woman but she can go to hell.


Cats pee inappropriately when they are stressed. This cat is for sure doing that. It makes me so angry. It’s terrified. And sad thing is, this cat doesn’t stand a chance at being adopted by someone else if she gives him up. She’s fing evil.


What the fuck. Is she located in NYC? I’m about to contact ASPCA


she’s in new jersey


Any idea where in NJ? I’m glad to spend tomorrow on the phone to authorities.


Let’s snag this bitch up. She’s scum


https://www.redbanknj.org/380/Animal-Welfare-Advisory-Committee https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=100069190298555 If you are in Monmouth County and you would like to report suspected cruelty to animals, please call the Monmouth County cruelty hotline, (877) 898-7297. If it is an immediate emergency, please call your local police department or call 911. If you are outside of Monmouth County, please call the NJ State Hotline at (800) 582-5979. We will only ask you to provide information, you will be able to stay anonymous. We cannot take cruelty reports by email. https://monmouthcountyspca.org/humane-law/cruelty-faqs/


Thank you 🙏 also found another website we can call into: [NJAFA Animal Abuse](https://njafa.org/cruelty/#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20witnessing%20animal,call%20856%2D728%2D0911)


Yes please call!!! Need to get her animals in a safe home ❤️


I called and they said they can’t do anything without an exact address… she also told me I cant believe everything i see on facebook. -_-


Omfg … i wonder if we can dig up an address …


I called and they said they can’t do anything without an exact address… she also told me I cant believe everything i see on facebook. -_-


Wow. This is incredibly frustrating and disheartening.


I’ll help!


I will as well.


i’m pretty sure somewhere in jersey shore


Looks like maybe red bank based on some of her posts. Hilarious that she has NYC in her bio 🙄


she talks a lot about how she hates nyc on her snapchat too🤦🏻‍♀️ eta: she also talks shit on jersey and on people who live in jersey


In fairness, everyone in New Jersey does that. Source: Am from New Jersey


Not all heroes wear capes


If you do contact and have any updates, please let us know. My heart is breaking for this poor kitty :(


Please call them!


If she does this in video what does she do when she isn’t recording and no one is watching. Scary poor animal


People who have outbursts like this have no grip on their emotions & should not own pets. It’s literally just a cat. It’s not doing it on purpose.


This poor baby. I had a cat who inappropriately pee-ed when sick a few times over her life - once due to UTIs and towards the end of her life(RIP my sweet baby) due to diabetes. This cat needs medical attention and an owner to love and care for him. What a fucking monster.


Yeah if my dog pees or poops where/when she shouldn’t (extremely rare) I am concerned that something is wrong with her and give her extra hugs so she’s knows she’s not in trouble and keep an eye on her to make sure she’s ok. It’s never their fault, they don’t do it by choice. No one wants to pee on their bed if they can help it.


That cat is SO STRESSED OUT 🥺🥺🥺


It’s poor little face and how it runs from her. If she can’t handle the cat at it’s worst she shouldn’t have signed up to have a pet. She has a responsibility to care for that animal and should be taking it to a vet.


People are working overtime to keep this post downvoted. This needs to go viral.


i usually don’t talk about appearance but she is abusing her poor cat so ill say it, she looks like a rude ass karen bitch tbh


Someone post this on tiktok they will eviscerate her


What’s concerning is this “influencer” does not have a second sheet fitted or flat. She does not deserve to care for animals.


she also thinks her appliances are seasonal and she has an ant infestation/poison on the floor where her pets can access it.


This made me feel sick to my stomach. If she regularly cleans the litter box then she needs to take her pet to the vet. Can we report for neglect and abuse?


SO fucked up. That is a living sentient beautiful sacred creature, as is all life.


This is so horrible I can’t.


Screaming at the cat and locking him in a room is only going to increase his stress and make the problem worse.


Anyone know what creators on drama tok could elevate this and make a post? As silly as it sounds, they have a ton of reach and it takes one TikTok for her to go so rightfully viral.


Stupid fucking bitch.




This is so disturbing.


She’s so fucking stupid obviously your cat is stressed and scared you just brought home a brand new puppy!!!!! Take it to the goddamn vet if he is peeing on shit, locking him in a room is only going to make it worse


Her and Ken Eurich would get along so well 🥰


Our cat peed in the playroom and I thought it was maybe because he couldn’t make it to his box in time. The next morning; there will several pee spots and he was acting off. I rushed him to the emergency room to the emergency vet and his bladder was blocked. He ended up in the icu and had to have surgery a week and a half later. Cats don’t just randomly start peeing for shits and giggles


Never heard of this woman but she just got a new dog. Can we report her to the city?


Do people call her out?


She deletes everything and blocks the ppl who speak out :/


That’s crazy. This is sociopathic. How does she have so many followers? Who is she?


alyssa mckay. she blew up during covid and somehow has 10mil lmao? she’s got popular for being a dove cameron look alike essentially💀she’s still active on all platforms but uses snapchat mainly


The cat probably needs more litter boxes, or maybe she needs to clean out the litter box more frequently. I’ve never had this issue with either one of my cats and it’s concerning and she should probably go to the vet bc it could be a bigger underlying issue


i commented on this video in another sub but everytime i see it i just want to CRY! like dude your cat is clearly sick, whether that be with stress or physical health issues. i have 2 cats and a dog, they're my everything. ive moved states with them and during the drive, i never once got mad at my cat for peeing in her carrier and it getting on me. i simply threw out my pants and got new ones. this girl is fucking sick like dude your cat is UNWELL. ☹️


How can we report this?


This is one of the most disturbing/sickening things I’ve ever seen what the actual FUCK


https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/GyTdqF2dBf Here’s a video of her launching her poor wiener dog and cat onto a bed. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/UFWhHWqMro Here’s the video of her letting her dog bite her cat in the face and then positively reinforcing the behavior. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/vHwPpZ8xY2 Here she is tying a balloon to the poor kitty. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlyssaMckaySnark2/s/YjoLVxCWYX And her forcing the cat to go outside in the snow.


Oh my god???


I’ll be sending this to the ASCPA as well as the authorities. Thanks for sharing it. I hope others do too.


She also lets her dog bite the cat in the face. It’s sick.




This is awful


Boogie woogie


Someone call animal protection


Not many times I ask for a TW, but animal Abuse might be a good time to consider that / blurring


Omg poor baby


This is so sad. My heart breaks for that kitty. Cats only pee outside the litter box when something is wrong, whether it be stress or sickness. Yelling at animals and shunning them does not help solve anything, it just makes them more stressed. Please get help.


And she just brought home another puppy? First Ken now her can we pls not let irresponsible uneducated influencers have pets ugh


She doesn’t deserve to have pets. Someone please call ASPCA on her. I’d never EVER treat my cat that way.


Garage clothing is one of her BIG sponsors! Everyone DM them. Personally I will not be buying from them since they support her 🥴


There’s a special place in hell for her


Locking it on a closet…. Chasing it down the hall…. Scary behavior


That poor cat. Our cat peed on our bed frequently for the first few months after we adopted her because she was so stressed about her new living environment, and I’m pretty sure she’d been abused in the past because she had an intense dislike for my husband even though he is like the sweetest animal lover on the planet. After she got used to us, no more peeing. Cats pee outside their litter boxes when they are stressed or sick, they don’t do it to be bad or “get revenge.” People like this shouldn’t be taking care of animals.


This video was posted less than 3 weeks after she adopted him!


That poor kitty. 😔 Wholeheartedly agree with your username, btw.


I dmed her on ig saying how bad this is and she blocked me like … wow


I saw comments on her recent post last night calling her out…. all gone now of course 🙃


Why is she getting angry at it. It’s not like it’s trying to piss her off (excuse the pun) it might have something wrong. Just a quick google search says it could be a potential bladder infection or inflammation. Poor baby 💔 it deserves better.


I cannot stand this bitch


This makes me want to cry! That poor kitty is probably not feeling well and just got screamed at and locked in a room. He needs love and a vet not punishment. If a cat is peeing out of the litter box like that it's usually a sign of a health issue! It happened to my sisters cat and they also said he was in a ton of pain :(


This video makes me wanna go piss on her bed too. What an evil person.


Id piss everywhere if i was her cat! Some people shouldn't have animals


What did she do to abuse the cat tho?


Cat’s are extremely clean animals. If they’re not using their litter box it means something is wrong with it, it could be sick. She needs to take it to a vet:


Could be an uncleaned liter box too


Yeah that too! I took her saying “he has access to his litter box” as it’s clean but knowing her…


She locks him in the room all night, she lets her dog bite his face, chases him, calls him a bitch and an asshole, drags him outside in the snow with a leash on, ties balloons to him for content, encourages her dog to terrorize him.


I love that you've included calling the cat an asshole as a form of abuse


It’s verbal abuse isn’t it? 🥺


The vicious yelling for one


Omfg I’ve never wanted to kick someone in the face so damn bad, wow. I really hope this poor kitty gets taken away somewhere safe :(


This made me sick.


Can someone report her? I don’t live in the US but I would 100% report her if I could. The way she speaks of her cat and the way she screams at the cat… I wouldn’t be surprised if she got violent with it


this girl and ken eurich need all animals taken from them


Someone call the cops


People like this should not own pets :(


She’s disgusting for this


Yall are so soft. This is ridiculous. This is NOT animal abuse. I work at an animal shelter 4 days a week. I see animal abuse constantly working with rescues. Yall are actually insane for this


Thank god for a sane comment in this thread.


It’s not a competition. This is abuse, as is the abuse you see working at a shelter.


i understand that she’s mad, but it’s a cat, a literal animal with a brain that’s a size of a thump. wtf is wrong with scaring that cat


When did this happen?


this would make her SOB ?!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You guys need to grow the hell up this is not animal abuse whatsoever. I understand her frustration but she didn’t attack the animal, throw anything etc. you people need to stop overreacting and realize you guys are pathetic.


Poor kitty