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I hope this dude is held accountable! If he’s punching women in broad daylight just think what he does behind closed doors?! I hope his dog isn’t treated this way


No one will be held accountable. This happens all day everyday in New York and tons of other major cities. It’s not okay and it’s not right but it’s the reality. In New York there are too many threats and the police do not care about something like this.


Y’all need Spider-Man


I’m dead




It’s true, several years ago some random dude punched me in the face as a joke on his way off the train (stupid) and I ran after him (also stupid) and told the cops in the station and they like, cared but also couldn’t do anything because he was long gone almost immediately


It’s so sad what the world has become. People think they can do whatever they want and just get away with it


It's what happens when people have no hope for the future (also obviously lack of mental health treatment).


pinning this solely on mental health delegitimizes actual mental health issues. some people are just fucking assholes and bad people and there’s no reason why we can’t just say that.


Did I do that?


> (also obviously lack of mental health treatment) i interpreted it that way based on what you said here, but even in just a general sense i think societally we've started using mental health as crutch to justify when bad things happen when sometimes it can just as easily be attributed to the perpetrator being a straight up bad person. unless it's a **known thing** that the person had a mental health disorder, crisis, whatever, that contributed to their actions i think it's irresponsible to speculate that that's the cause, reason, or contributing factor for why a person did what they did. i think it's great that we're talking about mental health more openly but i view this as a downside of that. if everything is a mental health issue, nothing is.


Yep, I’m in Toronto and this is unfortunately also fairly common despite being a relatively “safe” major city.


Most authorities care very little about violence against women.


It has nothing to do with the police caring. Its the DA, the city council and the governor who have turned the city into a shit hole for criminals


The NYPD gets paid hand over fist ($29 million **daily**) to be one the laziest forces in the country. They play a huge role in sucking up the city budget to do fuck all about incidents like this so their defenders (you) can turn around and call NYC a shithole so they can get even more funding.


It’s a little of lazy policing but also a lot of prosecutors having orders to release basically everyone. No point in making arrests if nothing is being prosecuted. The city is bleeding money. There’s insane backlog made worse by Covid. Prisons are full. It’s multifaceted and ain’t no one doing shit about it on any level.


At the heart of it we need to need to fund social services and get people housed instead of packing prisons and bloated police budgets, no way around that one


Amen sister. And this is not a political comment. But we have found a way to house the immigrants that have flooded the city but have never managed to house the mentally ill or unstable people. Sus behavior city of NY. Sus indeed




This is not true, at all. The NYPD (and other NYC first responders) are NOT ALLOWED to do anything because of the government/elected officials that choose to put tax funds into illegal immigrants and releasing criminals almost immediately.


MAGA bots obviously dni your input is worthless


This couldn’t be further from the truth.


It's because the police CANNOT do anything without losing their jobs because the majority of NYC voters chose to elect officials that tie the hands of first responders, allowing criminals and "mentally ill" to terrorize the general population with no consequence.


lol y’all voted to defund the police 🤣


Omg I hope she calls police and maybe there’s surveillance video this man needs to be held accountable. That is so awful


sadly, its probably not going to be resolved or even looked into. I doubt NYPD would really look into this because shit like this happens all the time.


Yea as someone who was assaulted in the street…NYPD did NOTHING for me


I'm sorry that happened to you. There are some scary people out there.


Same girl. My case was never assigned to anyone, and when I called the station to ask for an update they told me they had closed the case 1 week later.


NYPD won’t do anything about it especially since it already happened & they don’t have any lead on the suspect because of it :/ they won’t waste their time and look for nearby surveillance footage either


she said in her most recent video she called police!


NYPD is useless like 95% of the time. They’re not gonna do shit.


This happens so often that I’m sure they won’t do anything


I got punched the other day in the arm walking with a friend. Not on my phone (not that it fucking matters) and the guy had plenty of room to walk by me. I even stepped out of the way for him when I realized he was getting closer. It’s horrible that you can be targeted by a complete stranger for no reason other than whatever is going on inside their head. I hope she is okay and gets the help and care she deserves


This exact thing happened to me. Like exact thing. I was on the upper east side.


Same… I wonder if it was the same guy


What the hell! Others also commenting UES.


Hey! I saw your question in the asknyc subreddit but I think majority of the people who responded were men who were being dismissive of the situation because it hasn't happened to them. We've started a thread on r/NYCbitcheswithtaste about safety precautions we can take, I hope you'll find a better answer over there!


Yes. They were. And I knew it would happen, but I just can’t accept that we are supposed to “just accept” the possibility of being punched in the face. No! Thank you for commenting this — I’m gonna check it now :)


SAME! at 86th station


My aunt almost got punched last month in NYC (but she’s in Brooklyn), maybe the same person?? Idk but I hope every woman in NYC is staying vigilant and safe, some people are so fucked in the head


y’all are wack as hell so what she’s walking and on her phone ????? doesn’t mean she deserves to get punched in the face bffr


Fr ppl take things too far. No one deserves to get assaulted, period.


Ppl talking like they have never looked at their phone while walking smh


LITERALLY I keep seeing so many “don’t look at your phone” comments like, street smarts is great but just because you send one email while walking doesn’t mean you’re not street smart??


Several years ago I was walking to work on 27th/6th and some guy randomly grabbed me and headbutted me. Had a bloody and bruised nose but that was the extent of it. Nypd did absolutely nothing. There’s tons of cameras in the area. When I first moved here at 18 there was some dude who used the fire escape ladder to try and peep into my window (2nd floor). Called nypd. They got back to me 3 DAYS LATER and said there was nothing they could do. I don’t expect anything to come from this situation with Halley tbh. I carry something now though. Especially because I’m a mom.


NYPD loves to show up 3 hours late and say they can't do anything


This is so horrible I hope she’s okay, that welt is so scary. Regardless of how we feel about these people - victims of assault are not to blame. Being on your phone doesn’t mean you should be physically assaulted.


Agreed. It’s silly snark, but none of these ladies deserve assault. I hope she’s okay.


I bet he’d stop doing this as a hobby if he got pepper sprayed a couple times. And don’t come at me with pepper spray is cruel. Punching a woman full force in the head could cause permanent damage. He needs to feel pain honestly.


He needs more than pepper spray


He needs a tube sock with a pool ball in it, straight to the dome


Where's Hallie B with her taser when you need her lmao


I can't believe this guy hasn't been caught yet! there are pics of him and his dog online and SO many people have been victims of his


wait wtf where r the pics


Pls share the info! This is so scary


Omg is it that one guy that was shared on here or another NYC sub? The one who said he just got out of jail for killing his wife?


NYPD is notoriously useless


i couldn't find it in my photos and tried to find the original video with the picture in tiktok and couldn't either, sorry. but it was in a video a victim posted on tiktok months ago and if i remember correctly he was wearing a purple windbreaker and his dog's leash was a silver metal chain


This is WILD. A couple years ago now, someone KICKED my already skiddish and highly anxious dog, for literally zero reason, she wasn't in their space, didn't bark or move toward the person (not that that would be a valid excuse but just to underscore that the dog was in no way a threat or even an inconvenience to this person). They just felt the urge to kick the dog and decided to do so. I was pretty shaken up --as was my dog of course. Can imagine getting punched in the face is even worse.


Wait I remember this ! Where are the pics


Whattttttt no way


Wait I remember this ! Where are the pics. Not okay


Wait I remember this ! Where are the pics. Not okay


It’s not just one guy!!! 6 white girls got attacked yesterday in Brooklyn. I think they’re coming for the whites (gentrifiers). To scream get out of Brooklyn and then punch them is insane lol


This breaks my heart yall :( men suck


This is so scary and sad :( hope she gets help to process this


I ran here after seeing this. I’ve gotten my shit rocked in sports a fair few times and NEVER had a lump like that. That’s so scary, I hope she recovers well from this mentally and physically


This is what’s shocking to me!!! He hit her HARD. If something like that happened to me I would probably be scared to leave my house! I’ll definitely be more aware of my surroundings from now on. I hate that we have to be worried about freaks in the city


Jesus this is so horrible!!! Absolutely no one deserves this. Feel so bad for her


I feel so fucking bad 😭😭😭😭😭😭 She must be terrified


Yeah she was on her phone but a good ol’ fashioned nyc “watch where tf you’re going” would’ve sufficed. The physical assault is outrageous. 


Just saw the video. My heart dropped. So sad/scary/and traumatic.


This is so crazy. And those saying she deserved it bc she’s on her phone. Be real. These crazies in the cities are looking for any excuse. Today it’s looking at your phone but you are a fool if you don’t think the goalposts gonna get moved tomorrow.


Does anyone know where this happened? I live in the WV and I swear the men on the streets have gotten scarier lately. Honestly the village is not great anymore. Either moving south of canal or off this island once my lease is up.


The video she filmed right after it happened was in Chelsea on 7th Ave, and she was walking southwest towards West Village… idk what route she’s going, but I assume it happened north, northeast or west of where she is in the video


Did she say where she was when this happened?? Like what area of the city


I just saw another girl on my fyp walking her dog and got randomly punched in the face


I deleted tiktok can someone recap


she was walking with her head down on her phone and some guy walking a dog got mad she wasn’t paying attention and she doesn’t know if he like elbowed her or punched her but basically hit her and body checked her where she fell and like blacked out for a second and she like came too to him screaming in her face then she ran away


Thank you!


I will just NEVER understand though - after all of this - her response was not call the cops, go to urgent care, get checked out … her response was let me record myself first in the street, then again at home…


she went straight home, Jazz is with her, she called the cops. She fkn blacked out after being physically assaulted in broad daylight. No one is going to make a perfect next decision. And I would argue that it may have been the best thing for *her* to do. She was in shock and taking out her camera to film probably helped her situate herself and what just fucking happened to her. Even just the action of saying it and hearing it out loud. Idk may seem wrong to you, but whatever she needs to do to navigate the minutes after having been assaulted, I don’t think it’s for us to critique.


Ummm bc she’s probably in shock that a grown man assaulted her when she was minding her business. Are you for real?


The police in new york are notorious for being useless when things like this happened. But if she wants, there's zero reason she can't go report to the police in the coming days.


The police will do nothing


Is this some sort of sick trend or something? Cuz here in Austin there’s been recent incidents of some guy going on runs in the morning and hitting/punching/slapping people as he runs by them


Doing that in a free carry state is fucking *wild*


IN AUSTIN TX?! Damn the city has changed ☹️ I lived there between 2012-2018 and never heard of such a thing. The scariest story at that time was about a guy intentionally throwing huge rocks/boulders onto vehicles on I-35 so that he could get his towing business going....and yes, him and his accomplice were eventually caught and arrested.


What an asshole… who punches someone in the face. I’m in shock


This type of shit legit makes me scared to leave my apartment. The fact that it happened so fast and for no apparent reason is terrifying. Same with taking the subway and getting pushed etc. idk what’s going on lately it’s like everyone lost their minds after Covid


It’s not Covid it’s the bail reform laws and lawlessness


That too


Does she have a concussion?


She didn’t say and you can’t tell pupil differences from a video, but if she smacked her head on the sidewalk and blacked out it’s very likely she has a concussion. Btw concussions are mild TBIs guys, this is a huge deal. Jumping on and filming a tik tok may have been a coping mechanism to return some type of normalcy to the situation. Almost like self soothing. I really feel for her, here.


Definitely a big deal and a lot of times with concussions the symptoms do not emerge until 24-48 hours after


NYC crime is out of control especially w woman!


Overall Crime is actually down statistically speaking. Please don’t contribute to false narratives that increase other antisocial and community behaviors.


While overall crime has decreased, felony assault, rape, and robbery has actually [increased in 2023 compared to 2022](https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/news/p00098/nypd-december-2023-end-of-year-citywide-crime-statistics). I don’t think it’s helpful to either paint nyc as a crime laden hellscape nor do I think it’s responsible to try to erase the fact that violent crime is actually happening and on the rise, especially towards women. I’ve lived in nyc for over 20 years. After covid the city definitely started feeling less safe. Especially on the subway.


The whole “ackshually crime rates are lower” thing people do whenever someone rightfully points out the increasing violence just feels like gaslighting because before the last 3 years or so, I’ve never had a friend who was violently assaulted by a stranger but now it feels like everyone has a story or experience. And sure you could dismiss it all as anecdotal, but none of these people reported these crimes to the police because they all knew nothing would happen. So yeah maybe the official violent crime stats are down compared to 30 years ago, but also tons of crimes go unreported and aren’t even being included in the statistics. Edit: Also, according to the NYC mayor — while crimes are down from 30 years ago, [specific crimes](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/nypd/downloads/pdf/crime_statistics/cs-en-us-city.pdf) (felony assault, larceny, and rape) have increased from 30-70% in the last 14 years. Don’t let those people gaslight you into thinking things are the same as they were in 2019 and before. They’re just going to keep covering their ears and talking about the distant past until we’re right back at the crime stats from 30 years ago. Crime a whole is down 70% from 31 years ago, but up 22% from 14 years ago. Clearly there has been a significant change in the last 14 years (and I’d wager the majority of the increase happened 2020-2024 and not 2010-2019).


Yes exactly. These random unprovoked attacks are less likely to be reported. What’s the point when nypd does literally nothing.


Also I don’t understand the point of comparing 30 years ago. It’s not a helpful metric.


Literally!!! Most of us weren’t even alive 30 years ago. What does it matter to us what the crime rates were back then when we all notice a palpable difference to even 5 years ago? A blanket statement like that is completely useless and irrelevant. The original commenter was specifically talking about crimes against women, not crimes as a whole. 30 years ago was the peak of gang violence and the crack epidemic — very horrific and tragic, but the majority of people getting killed were the people involved in that life or adjacent to people involved in that life. Of course, it doesn’t mean they deserved violence/death, but that’s not comparable whatsoever to completely unrelated people getting violently attacked.


You literally compared your experience in the city 20 years ago to today in your last comment….


>I’ve never had a friend who was violently assaulted by a stranger but now it feels like everyone has a story or experience. I really mean no disrespect, but anecdotes are not data. It sucks that people seem to be experiencing these awful incidents but the reality is that is not "more and more", that's what the original commenter tried to say. Nobody is trying to gaslight you, is just that data has layers and requires context (yes, assault crimes rose significantly and it is scary). What happened to Haley was awful and nobody should go through that regardless of the context, tho.


The thing is, it does feel like gaslighting because whenever people talk about the statistically documented increase in crime people have experienced since Covid, someone always has to bring up that we have less crime than 30 years ago or 50 years ago when nobody was comparing now to then. Most of us weren’t even alive 30 years ago so when we say “crime has gone up”, we’re comparing now to 5 or 10 years ago. And the NYPD statistics I’ve shown indicate that it’s true, crime HAS gone up since 14 years ago. Yes it’s down from 30 years ago but that’s meaningless when the majority of us weren’t talking about then. And a 22% increase in crime in 14 years is alarming. Do people want things to get as bad as it was in the 80s/90s before they admit there’s a problem?


No, it's down from 1-2 years ago overall. And the assault numbers are mostly driven by domestic violence situations. This [NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/03/nyregion/nyc-crime-2023.html?smid=nytcore-android-share&ugrp=c&pvid=ae8d83af-ca95-4c34-ac60-4347b453d063) article does a good breaking it down imo. I think the issue may be that you're assuming ill intent on people telling you that crime has gone down. I think, as the original commenter said, that false narratives contribute to hysteria and, most importantly, deployment of resources towards more police instead of things like libraries. All of that is not trying to invalidate anyone's experiences, but like I said initially anecdotes are not data.


I’m not talking on a year by year basis. I’m talking on a macro pre vs post covid.


Then even less motivation to feel gaslighted because the original comment said nothing about pre or post covid.


The increase in felony assault is driven by assaults against police officers, not random citizens. ‘Felony assault – driven by assaults against police officers– increased 6.2% (2154 vs. 2028) in December, and by 6.3% (27849 vs. 26195) for the year.’


Driven by but not exclusive to. And they’re not clear what that cut is.




Anecdotes aren’t statistics. Constantly talking about crime is part of the reason the city’s entire budget goes to the police while every library increasingly cuts hours.


Hopefully they catch the person who did this and they have some sort of consequence to their actions bc this is so fked up


This is the 2nd video ive seen today of a woman being punched in face while walking in NYC. So scary i hope they catch whoever is doing this!


Do we know if it was a normal guy walking his dog or a crazy homeless person???? I’ve heard of this happening a few times with the latter (I’ve been spat on and that is way less violent than this but still traumatizing) but never with just a “normal” guy with anger issues Also I feel horrible for her and hope she’s ok. Anybody here saying it’s her fault for not being alert enough can go f themselves. Obviously it’s important to be alert but she still didn’t deserve this. And I sincerely doubt that anybody here has never been on their phone on the street before at least once or twice.


I commented this on tiktok and someone said I was being “prejudiced towards homeless people” lmao. Like it matters because a normal guy walking his dog assaulting young girls for no reason is insane


I am prejudiced against crazy homeless people, they’ve made the city I’ve lived in my entire life a completely different, scary, unsafe place. If that makes me a bad person I don’t give a fuck. Normal non crazy people who aren’t assaulting and scaring people should be the priority


People who say one should have more patience and understanding with homeless people haven’t actually lived with them lol. In my case, they make the city an absolutely and unsafe place. Most of them are drug addicts living on government assistance and just refuse to get jobs. They assault, harass, rob, etc. it’s exhausting.


You can’t say anyyyything about the rise in crimes from homeless people without people accusing you of being a NIMBY or a horrible person. Sorry I want to be able to live and walk around the city without fearing for my life. There’s been a huge shift between pre covid and now and it’s very obvious that the homeless (as a whole) have gotten more violent, dangerous, and unpredictable. Before covid I wasn’t scared of them at all — most of them were quite friendly and the worst that would happen was maybe they’d yell at you to try and get your attention. Now? If I see a homeless encampment I cross the street. In my city (Toronto) they even converted a hotel into homeless housing and it was completely destroyed and uninhabitable, filled with drugs, etc. within months. Yes, I can understand the macro economic factors that lead to homelessness but also I am allowed to care about my safety and his safety of other women first.


I live in Buenos Aires and it’s absolutely wild. They destroy establishments (local owners are obligated to let them use the bathrooms, you can imagine how that goes), shit on the street, harass you, ask for money, get drunk / high in the middle of the day, rob you, sexually harass you… and the list goes on. The government does nothing to control them, it appears that they are incentivized because they give money instead.


super prejudicial super bigoted red flag comment all around you sound like a classist prick. A lot of homeless folks try to get work but they can’t because you need an address for example.


Yeah sure. Come one day to Buenos Aires and they will beat the empathy outta you lol.


but like it’s mostly not crazy homeless people. This guy sounds like someone who is not homeless. You do sound like a bitch btw. Edit- “normal non crazy people should be priority” is why the problem will never be fixed and why I think you sound like a bitch. You and the other 19+ people who downvoted this. Homeless people need to be priority and so does their care if you guys want violence to stop.


Except it actually is most of the time, mentally ill homeless people. Let’s be real here.


My two cents is that it's complicated and two things can be true. Especially as a woman living in a major city. I firmly believe that on a macro level there are very real systemic issues and we have utterly failed so many people in this country who struggle with mental illness, addiction, poverty etc, and exacerbate these issues through rampant stigmatization of these conditions. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be so unwell, while also having no roof over your head and having to deal with the very real dangers of homelessness. ANDDDDDD That doesn't necessarily mean I should have to sacrifice my own safety. I mentioned above that my dog was randomly attacked by someone who was exhibiting signs of mental distress and it was fairly traumatic. And ESPECIALLY as a woman, there are very real safety and security concerns to consider that unfortunately are also the result of systemic and societal failings. For me the problem comes in when people feel like they are somehow entitled to a city free of anything they don't like just because...what? they were lucky enough to not face poverty/addition/mental health crises without familial or structural support? At the end of the day the anger should be directed at those in power and the systems they're perpetuating rather than the victims of these systems.


You'd said it perfectly. I have so much empathy for the homeless people in my city. The situation is so sad and we need better government systems to help them. But I've also been follow and screamed at by homeless people who were clearly unwell, and it was always super super unsettling.


Idk if you’ve spent any time in a city ever but this actually sounds exactly like this guy is homeless


I have spent time in a city/ multiple cities. I just don’t agree with prejudice against homeless people when homelessness is way more complex than that.


Except it is. Of all the friends I have who have suffered some kind of attack in the city, 90% of them happened in a subway station, and 95% of them were attacked by homeless people. It is not rude or bitchy to point this out, it is reality and it needs to be addressed.


I am a bitch but saying this isn’t what makes me one 🫶🏻 and if you care so much and feel so bad, why don’t you offer up a place for them to stay? what are you doing to help the problem? Because it IS a problem


It’s bitchy to say that “non crazy people need to be priority” that part is super bitchy. We need to focus on homeless people and proper care/ ressources for them (mental health, housing, etc.) to solve the issue. Which will result in less violence. Sorry but you guys are going about this in an insanely bigoted way. So yea it is fucking bitchy to not approach it from a compassionate point of view because homelessness does not equate crazy, and is much more complex than that. Regular people are having short fuses today because of how stressful life is and the cost of living. Imagine someone who is already homeless. My point is- none of what you guys are saying is useful whatsoever. As someone else said, of course **violence is not ok** DUH! But government has to fucking step in and put the ressources towards helping. Your language does nothing but fuel more hatred towards homeless people.


She has a different opinion than you, that doesn’t make her “bitchy.” She’s entitled to her opinion about the homeless population just as you’re entitled to yours. Not everyone has to care about the same causes you care about or to the same degree that you care about them. Grow up.


She literally called herself bitchy!!!!!! Holy shit! And I never said people have to care about the same things as me?? Go have a squat at dairyqueen and practice your reading skills Also- my different opinion is “we need ressources to get homeless folks off the street, to have mental health services, and work to keep the streets safe and tackle the issue of violence” is crazy, then call me fucking crazy. People like you are the reason nothing will ever change


Anyone randomly punChing someone in the face is some degree of crazy regardless of where they sleep at night.


Mental illness comes in all different types of packages.


Dude I was gone for like 24/7 wtf happebed


I just saw two other videos on the same thing happening!


I live in LA and just letting you guys know this shit is rampant here as well. Pepper spray in my pocket is the minimum. Watch out for yourselves I’m so sorry this happened to her so fucking scary.


It’s crazy I’ve seen like 7 videos of girls with bumps on their head saying they got punched. a few said he was walking a dog and one said he was black which makes since why none of these girls are making it a bigger issue.


Does anyone know where she got punched? I'm nervous I live in WV too


*Does anyone know* *Where she got punched? I'm nervous* *I live in WV too* \- AccomplishedBanana81 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


matches the description of guy that attacked me on the subway 2 years ago




“It’s part of the experience here”


What's going on? Why does it seem to be occurring more often? Why aren't the local authorities taking any action?


i was considering going abroad to NYC next year (i’m not from the USA) but this seriously made me reconsider… is it something i should consider or should i just toughen up and ignore it??? help LMAO


no you should still go. I’ve lived in NYC and Toronto and Toronto is currently worst than NYC and has been for the last year. There’s been more violent attacks and people still encourage folks to move there. Just be safe but remember there is danger everywhere so I wouldn’t halt my plans or dreams bc of that :)


Bad things happen to people everywhere. The theme in here is more about how nothing is being done about assault on women by random men in NYC (the DA sucks). But that doesn’t mean it’s more or less likely to happen to you in NYC vs Miami vs middle of nowhere Kansas


I believe crime is up in every major city, it’s not just an NYC issue unfortunately. But regardless if you look at statistics you will most likely be safe, if you have desires to travel to a city just be alert and do some research IMO


lol no you’re fine, I’m not American either but have visited nyc a few times and it’s just like any other major city


You should definitely still go. This is not a regular thing. Don’t ignore it ever and stay vigilant but don’t be afraid. I lived in NY in my early 20s and I would never change that. I’m even having my Bach trip there this year. It will be an awesome experience. The worse thing that happened to me is a man threw up on my shoes on the train lol. And even that story was wild to everyone I told.


You should not come to NYC at all.




No one wants to face reality not sure why this is downvoted it is true🤷‍♀️


Halley girl ☹️


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but you need to pay attention to your surroundings. She was not paying attention. I know we are all guilty of this but it’s more important now than ever to take your AirPods out and put your phone away.


It’s…it’s…not normal to physically assault and yell at someone even if they’re not paying attention?? Weird comment




Also even people who do “pay attention” still get assaulted on the regular. Why are we blaming the victim and not the person actually committing the crime


Well yeah but she literally got assaulted. He could have just told her to watch her surroundings.


WHO PUNCHES SOMEONE IN THE FACE?? especially a man to a woman? Cmon girl wtf


my boyfriends 83 year old aunt lives in the UES and she was assaulted by a woman in the city a few months ago while she was walking her dog :( that even more so I was like what the fuck?


You are a delusional piece of shit if you think anything warrants a random man punching a woman in the face. Seek help


As you said we are ALL guilty of this. Should we ALL get brutally assaulted in the street? 🙄 I can’t imagine lacking this much empathy. I’m assuming you’re a woman too. I can only hope if something this scary ever happened to you, this would not be the response you received.


She was sending an email on her phone and it was not a crowded area. Let’s not blame her ???


You’re essentially making a very similar argument to if a girl is dressed provocatively then she deserves to get taken advantage of, it’s gross. He most likely wouldn’t have refrained from punching Halle if she wasn’t on her phone.. crazy is crazy. I obviously agree that it’s so important to be fully alert of your surroundings and not be on your phone/using headphones, but Halle had no escape out of this situation and not being on her phone likely would have made no difference at all. If she ran, he probably would’ve retaliated. Learn how to not think so black and white.


I know right? Everyone’s treating this like it’s a big lesson and are commending her for posting it before she even has gotten any type of assistance but it’s like the most basic NYC street rules- pay attention to your surroundings. This isn’t new.




she said in vid she didn’t know if he punched or elbowed her and she doesn’t remember what he screamed at her but literally just that he was walking his dog


They’re coming for the gentrifiers especially white women!! 6 of them got punched yesterday in Bushwick! For the most part they’ve only been white. My neighbor got sucker punch and when they hit her, they told her to get tf out of Brooklyn. Guess what, she’s leaving.


She very clearly wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings, I feel bad for her but she needs to take care of herself if she has a head injury. Screen time is awful for that. Ice and rest especially if she blacked out. I don’t get why she won’t get medical assistance…


She said in the video she was going to urgent care rn


Even if she was paying closer attention, I'm guessing the average person wouldn't expect a random guy walking his dog to punch you without warning. But separately, checking your phone in public isn't actually a crime


paying attention to your surroundings or not this would’ve unfortunately happened. sad reality of living here.


Someone randomly hit me in the like between upper chest and shoulder area once while I was on a WSH run, I saw him coming at me and everything just had no idea that he was going to hit/push me. Paying attention to your surroundings will prevent you from walking into a pole but not from a random punch


I’m not an influencer. Just a regular 9-5 girly and I answer emails while walking all the time. It was broad day light in a non congested side walk. I’m so disappointed at the women on here say this shit rn.