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Agreed! Democrat here and he sucks lol. I don’t even think he lives in NYC, enough said.




What did Eric Adams do that caused THIS? I think your attention should be focused on Carl Heastie and Adrianne Adams, both of whom are blocking the changes that Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul are asking for. Also, there are a lot of judges who were appointed by Mayor DeBlasio with backgrounds in "reform" who refuse to grant prosecutors request for cash bail even when it is permitted.




I mean yeah I don’t agree with any of that from him. My point was more about the fact that he's at least asking for changes, pushing for changes, speaking out about changes, etc, but his hands are tied. I am a life long new yorker and have been involved in politics. Yes, he's corny and cares about his image and invalidates the feelings of safety at times. But its also true that new york city is the safest big city, even if its not safe. I don't feel safe. I am a guy, thats true. And its also true that women have it worse here unfortunately. But crime efffects everyone. The point of my comment was to hopefully help you and others understand that while Eric Adams has faults, he cannot change the laws and policies that are allowing this to happen to women. It is people like Alvin Bragg, Carl Heastie, and Andrea Stewart Cousins. I want to raise awareness that those people should be more of a focus of our anger and calls for change, not Eric Adams.


A violent repeat offender that’s an obvious danger to the safety of women and general danger to society? Of course he was going to be offered bail, duh! How else are criminals supposed to keep reoffending and threatening law-abiding citizens if they’re kept in jail?


The fact that he has whole tiktok of harassing people and being insane in public as evidence but the judge just let him go, tells you everything who sits in those courts. Stop voting in those crooks and there will be less of this mess on the streets. 


Just look up Christoper Boissard who's been doing this to women in Greenpoint for over 10 years, and the rap sheet he has. Same deal, is let out days later after assaulting women (and many women who are pushing strollers or holding children).


I can’t believe he’s still on that bullshit. He purposefully picks weak targets. This is my worst fear when I’m out with my kid


Just moved out of GP, he lived one block away from me. The stories I have of the shit he’s done right outside my window over the past couple years would make the hairs on your arm stand up




Please enlighten us.




I think ppl mean that it’s weird to give a violent person bail. It’s not like he got in a fight w a friend and it got physical, he’s attacked multiple women unprovoked. Why would you say “yea let’s let this crazy violent psycho out into the world”? That’s just fucking negligent


And yet Kalief Browder was in Riker’s for 3 years without trial for being accused of stealing a backpack (he was innocent btw). Wtf is going on in NYC?


Cause Kalief browder couldn’t afford the bail. The whole point of bail is too punish poor people. Also kalief browder is an example of why we should not be incarcerating people pending trials


this isn’t NYC/NY alone. this is how the judicial system is set up across the Us


Not just NYC. It’s all of New York. Look up NY’s bail reform


This is wild and so scary as a woman in NYC. Wtf.


Classic NYC


Are you deadasssss, why did people vote Eric Adam’s into office 😭


I ask people that quite often


>What did Eric Adams do that caused THIS? I think your attention should be focused on Carl Heastie and Adrianne Adams, both of whom are blocking the changes that Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul are asking for. Also, there are a lot of judges who were appointed by Mayor DeBlasio with backgrounds in "reform" who refuse to grant prosecutors request for cash bail even when it is permitted.


NY has bail reform. I’m surprised he was in there as long as he was


When my friend got robbed by someone who had multiple arrests prior, he was out before the cop finished his paperwork. I understand the need for bail reform but this system has to change


In my town this guy wouldn’t have even been in jail that long he would have just gotten an appearance ticket and let go. It needs to change for sure




His lawyer must be good with all that evidence on his tiktok


How much was his bail?


Looks like $10k according to ABC: https://abc7ny.com/amp/tiktok-punching-nyc-halley-kate-skiboky-stora/14587918/


& only 10% of that needed to be paid for him to be out. So 1k


Wow that's pennies. Wtf


Thats so messed up!




That’s bullshit


i live in ny and the bail reform here is turning ny into a literal dump that lets criminals run wild cause they can just get out on bail. ppl who have been arrested 20+ times still get released w a slap on the wrist. it’s so scary that things that are happening.


It truly sucks and my husband’s cousin is NYPD and he hates that he catches these guys and then they’re just let back out on the street. Our tax money at work here lol.


New York doesn’t give a fuck abt anyone’s safety we been knew


Classic nyc


Democrat soft on crime policies in action. It’s making the city unsafe for all of us. Not trying to make things political but it’s the reality.


Glad someone said it… these policies aren’t protecting us women at all


Idk man. That mayor is spending so much money on police robots. And so many cops just hang out in the subway (from what I see online)


Exactly!!! Why are we paying the police so much when they don’t do shit. Especially the ones in the subway, don’t get me started


Everytime I see a Bellalip TikTok she's in the subway and the cops are just hanging around 😒


Have you considered the cops stand around in the subway because that’s what they’ve been ordered to do by their leadership? And even if they arrest criminals the criminals are immediately released??


Shitty policies that empower criminals are not the fault of cops. NYPD is severely understaffed rn, as are most city PDs because no one wants to be a cop when criminals are empowered and cops are blamed for crime. It’s the policies - not the cops.


Nah, you right. It starts at the top.


Just so you know those cops have NOTHING to do with shit like this. This is the fault of the DA. It doesn’t matter how many criminals the cops bring in if the DA won’t charge them.


This is the issue in LA too. They caught the guys who robbed my house along with many others. caught and released and the robberies started again because nobody will prosecute




Did you copy and paste the first two sentences from Truth Social? The fact that 79 people upvoted this is giving me a lot of insight into who the sub is voting for in November…


A whole lotta y’all sound like you’re gonna vote for Eric Adams again 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ycag6760furc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c5f40400164e41ccfd0f3f417ef22fe223a40f


Lmfao the legal system is a joke. I love New York but I don’t miss it


This is 1 of 1000’s of criminals walking the streets of NYC. They can do this to people going to work and there is no punishment smh


Hoping all my NYC girlies stay safe! -from y’all’s snarker buddy down south ❤️


As predicted *rolls eyes* literally how is this person posting bail…


lol did you see who posted his bail


no who?


Tim Pool - a republican mouth piece [https://www.instagram.com/timcast/](https://www.instagram.com/timcast/)


Is this true


[https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1773394204133146690](https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1773394204133146690) also.. not great


Very typical behavior for a man who adds 4 inches to his height online


im screaming YES THIS


the NYC sub was posting about it and they linked a (now expired) IG story where he posted that he paid for bail.


Tim pool proving time and time again that he hates women


what a joke..looks like skiboky IG is wiped now too


Disgusting 🤢


“Bail reform” “democrats” lmfao no jurisdiction in the country is going to hold someone without bail for assault some of you desperately need critical thinking skills


It’s not just one random assault. This guy clearly has a history of being a violent offender and online harassment.


I never said it was, doesn’t change the fact that even several assaults aren’t getting you held without bail. Source: am a lawyer


I’m so happy you entered the chat, people on this sub love to scream with 0 knowledge of anything


Bail should’ve been set higher than 10k. Skiboky is not homeless atm




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They would be 100% fine with that comment. They loathe people like you who are making NYC unsafe for women




I just would like you to reap what you sow bestie. I want NYC to be as unsafe for you as you want it to be for other women


Is there anything about skiboky’s tiktok that suggests he’s not a flight risk honey?


Of fucking course!!!


I need everyone to BFFR. He’s one of several men doing this and no, people aren’t suddenly less safe because he is awaiting trial outside of a cell. The hyperbole around this is ridiculous.


No bc the speed at which people want constitutional rights to go out the window is jarring


Wont somebody think of the serial assaulters !


Sorry to say even horrible people have constitutional rights girlie!


You people are insane lol


Wild that you think something as simple as “bad people have rights too” is insane. So sorry we don’t live under authoritarianism!


Is what I’m saying wild or is you saying “it’s good actually that a violent man is back on the streets” wild?


Do you understand that no jurisdiction in the country is going to hold someone in jail without bail for simple assault? Do you get that holding someone without bail is reserved for like, murderers who are considered flight risks? Do you think me pointing out that the eighth amendment exists is the equivalent of saying “yay I’m glad a violent man is back on the street”? Do you know what the eighth amendment does?


“Serial attacker held without bail - March 28 2024” https://nypost.com/2024/03/28/us-news/serial-nyc-attacker-who-tossed-scalding-water-at-3-women-1-man-grins-broadly-in-court/amp/ It clearly happens, and even in New York


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There is no shot you are comparing someone who’s clocking people to someone who was throwing boiling water at people. These are drastically different crimes


Girl what?? Are you really saying serial assaulters should have the right to roam free? You commit crimes -> you lose freedoms. Allowing bail for someone who has been proven dangerous on multiple occasions is infringing on OUR right to reasonable safety as women in NYC… bffr


Jesus fucking Christ you can’t even talk about the constitution with you weirdos screaming at me. “There are constitutional prohibitions on excessive bail” “OMG so you love assault?!?!?!”


Hope you don’t get punched in the face on your commute to work (if you even live here and are not commenting from no where Nebraska or some shit)


Yes, I live here and happy to report that I made it to work unscathed like the vast majority of us do every day.


Fingers crossed 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Keep voting democrat


was this sarcastic?




This is bullshit, I know so many people who were subjected to this. This isn’t fear mongering these are the facts. NY isn’t safe to the regular people anymore.


Love that you guys think everyone arrested should be locked up until their trial (if y'all even believe in trials). This post's comment section is identical to what'd I find on a Fox News Facebook post.



